"Uncle, uncle, calm down!"

As soon as Zhang Xingyi saw Zhuge Liang's appearance, he knew that he had misunderstood something, and quickly dissuaded him, "That's not Nanxiang soldiers, but Nanxiang government employees, and this is also Nanxiang's rules."

Unexpectedly, when Zhuge Liang heard it, he was even more furious, "Who made this rule, it is so ridiculous?"

"Cough, Master, I heard that this is a rule set by Feng Langjun. Just now, that person mainly patrols the street to see if anyone defecates indiscriminately and throws things randomly on the street."

Ma Su had been to Nanxiang a few times, and he knew the rules here roughly, so he explained it right away.

"Defeating freely? No littering?"

Zhuge Liang was taken aback, and then he realized that it was no wonder he felt so weird at first, but now that he was reminded, he realized that Nanxiang Street was much cleaner than other places.

"Yes, Nanxiang had this rule from the beginning. Later, more and more people came and went from other places, so the government ordered special inspections. I heard that this can reduce the breeding of mosquitoes and flies and prevent the occurrence of diseases."

Zhuge Liang naturally knew this statement, because he had seen the road of Fengzhuang, but Fengzhuang was a small village after all, so how could it be compared to a county like Nanxiang? That's why he didn't react for a while.

It's just that this dissuading method is too different, and it turned out to be a direct fine.

"For newcomers from other places, does everyone know this rule? In this way, isn't it suspected of intentional harm?"

Zhuge Liang asked.

"Master, I asked the student when he first came here, but according to Nanxiang County Magistrate, as long as he can pick it up in time or clean it up, there is actually no need to pay."

"But it's different if you defecate in the open. If you don't have money or don't want to pay, you have to clean the whole street, and you can only leave after it's cleaned."

"Then why didn't you just..." Zhuge Liang paused again when he said this, remembering that the guards had already pulled out half of their knives, so he coughed and glanced at the guards behind him, "Don't reveal your identity easily in the future. "

Then he asked again, "Then there is only one person in the employ. If there is a brave man who refuses to be disciplined, what should we do?"

"Look, Uncle, there are conscripts patrolling there. They are in groups of six and pass by from time to time every day, and there is also a fixed resting place. As long as the man whistled just now, the conscripts will come .”

Zhang Xingyi pointed to the conscripts who had just passed by not far away, and saw them lined up, each with weapons on their waists, walking through the noisy street.

Just now she directly yelled that she was willing to accept the punishment, but she saw that the servant had already put the whistle in her mouth. If the whistle sounded and the soldiers came with weapons, how could the prime minister's guards be willing to show weakness?

Then things will get serious.

It's only 30 yuan, and the little lady of the Zhang family doesn't pay attention to it.

"Soldiers crossing the street at will, isn't it suspected of disturbing the people?"

Zhuge Liang frowned.

"Uncle, don't worry, those conscripts have rules. Unless they see someone disturbing the order of Nanxiang, they will not disturb others. Even if they are resting, they have a fixed place to rest."

"Also, ordinary people can't disturb them even if they have nothing to do, otherwise they are suspected of causing trouble. The lightest thing is to send them to the kiln for reformation."

Zhang Xingyi said, pointing to the sky above the billowing black smoke, "It will take at least ten days of hard work to send it there." He pursed his lips and smiled again, "So, there is the name of the evil ghost coming to the world." , it’s not for nothing.”

Zhuge Liang looked at the conscripts who disappeared on the street, and then looked around, "It's just that there is no one to monitor the conscripts, and it's convenient to entrap outsiders. There will always be people who don't obey the rules, right?"

"Yes." Zhang Xingyi nodded, "but very few."


"Because the monthly salary of Nanxiang's servants is not low, one person is enough to support a family of five, and if there are children, you can choose one person to go to school. If you enter the school, you will have a future, so I don't know how much People want to be hired but can't get it."

"But if it is exposed because of unruly behavior, the light ones will be sent to the kiln, and the serious ones will be sent to the mines in the mountains, and the future of the children will be affected."

"Not only will the children have to withdraw from the school, but the family members will not be allowed to enter the workshop and other places. At the same time, they will also be included in the list of bad families in Nanxiang. At that time, all recruiters in Nanxiang will avoid them."

Zhuge Liang listened, pondered for a while, then shook his head again, a little confused, and said to himself, "Nurture it generously, and then restrain it with a cool method, this kind of practice..."

The situation in Nanxiang is very special. In other places, even if they are recruiting workers, they don't need people. As long as the family has some fields and a bad reputation, they can survive.

But Nanxiang has not divided the land from the very beginning. If he loses his source of income, it will almost be considered a dead end.

"Then don't they have no way out?"

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang felt a bit too much.

"No, they can still work in the brick kiln and coal kiln," Zhang Xingyi said here, frowning slightly, "Either it is said that there are evil spirits born there, they don't care where you come from, as long as you are willing to work, If you have food to eat, I’m afraid you won’t be able to continue.”

For more than a year, in order to thoroughly understand the property under her name and uncover the truth behind the legend of Nanxiang, she even went to visit the mines in the mountains.

After seeing the cruel truth, Zhang Xingyi almost vomited on the spot, and couldn't eat for several days.

Only then did she know how much ugliness in the world hide behind the prosperity of Nanxiang, and at the same time she also understood why a certain soil turtle chose Sister Guan.

After all, it is not easy to find a woman who can do such a thing with that cruel guy from the beginning.

According to Zhang Xingyi's estimate, if she had changed herself back then, she would definitely not be able to pass a knife by the side when someone is drinking blood and eating meat like Sister Guan.

Sister Guan has gone through life and death, if she really wants to harden her heart, she will definitely be no match for her.

Zhang Xingyi had other thoughts in his heart, and fell silent for a while.

Zhuge Liang walked with his hands behind his back, although he felt that Nanxiang's laws were harsh, but when he looked around, he could see a scene of prosperity everywhere, and the people showed a kind of satisfaction with life, but he couldn't see it anywhere else of.

This made Zhuge Liang both surprised and satisfied.

"Nanxiang Xinhua Bookstore, whose reputation has spread to Jincheng, where is it located?"

Zhuge Liang felt that he had seen the lives of the people in Nanxiang, so the next step was to see the place of enlightenment.

"This way please, uncle, you have to move forward."

"you're lying!"

"What did I lie to you?"

"Last time you said you bought it for me after I got 100 points in the exam..."

Before the group reached the entrance of Xinhua Bookstore, they saw a child crying not far from the entrance of Xinhua Bookstore.

I saw a baby whose wrist was pinched by an adult, and was thrashing non-stop, and his body was desperately dumped in the opposite direction of the adult. If it hadn't been pulled by his own adult, he might be dragged to the ground.

Looking at the baby's appearance, he wanted to pull the adult towards the Xinhua Bookstore, but his adult could carry him back with one hand.

Wa'er was in a hurry and shouted, "A gentleman doesn't keep his promise, is he not a gentleman?"

"If you don't keep your promise, I said I would buy it for you at that time, but I didn't say I would buy it for you at this time." The adult said angrily, "You don't say anything about your father's mistakes, so it shows that you didn't study hard at all, so you have the nerve to let me buy it? "

As he said that, as soon as he used his hands hard, he wanted to pick up the baby and hit someone.

When the child saw the adult like this, he knew that he was being serious, so he immediately tried his best to struggle, but the other person is weak, how could he break free?

Just turning around to see Zhang Xingyi and his party, his eyes lit up, and he quickly shouted, "Sister Zhang, help me!"

Luo Meng was about to slap Luo Xian on the ass, when he heard his son yelling, he sneered, "Don't say it's your Zhang family sister, even God can't save you!"

As he said that, he casually glanced over there, and immediately trembled with fright.

Luo Xian couldn't stand still, and there was a "beep", and a dog gnawed on the ground, but he had a strong desire to survive, so he rolled over and ran to hide behind Zhang Xingyi without hesitation.

Romon rubbed his eyes, and hurriedly followed with some trembling.

"My lord, if you don't buy it, don't buy it. I don't want it."

When Luo Xian saw his lord following him, he quickly yelled.

With Sister Zhang, wouldn't the books in Xinhua Bookstore be picked and read by me? Although you can't buy it, you can always borrow it. With this level of protection, how could Luo Xian be willing to be beaten by his father?

"you shut up!"

Luo Meng glared at Luo Xian and cursed in a low voice, and was about to salute when Ma Di coughed and said, "Long time no see, Prime Minister Luo, Master came to Nanxiang from Jincheng just to look around look."

Luo Meng is from Xiangyang, Jingzhou. The reason why he came to Nanxiang to be the county magistrate was because Zhuge Liang personally recommended it to Feng Yong. How could he not recognize the prime minister?

It's just that when Ma Di said this, he suddenly realized that the county government hadn't received the news that the prime minister was coming to Nanxiang. It seemed that the prime minister was visiting privately.

So he hurriedly saluted, "I have seen the elder."

Zhuge Liang nodded and said, "Why is the Prime Minister of Luo County here?"

Luo Meng quickly explained, "Returning to the elder, today is the end of the month, and it is the holiday, so Meng took the dog out to have a look. I never thought that the dog was naughty and crying on the street, making the elder laugh."

Hearing this, Zhang Xingyi lowered his head and glanced at Luo Xian, wondering why this kid is so obsessed with biographical novels, every time he came to Xinhua Bookstore, he would meet him.

On the contrary, Zhuge Liang looked down at Luo Xian, thinking of Huang Yueying's mother and son in Jincheng, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty, so he stroked Luo Xian's head and asked, "How old is this child?"

"Meet the elder, Xian is ten years old."

Luo Xian was not shy at all, so he took the initiative to answer and bowed at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Liang remembered that the child who caused him to be fined also bowed and saluted like this, and his heart moved, "But entered the school?"


"Have all the students in the school learned such etiquette?"

"Back to the elder, yes."

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang had a thoughtful look on his face.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty met the county prime minister in Nanxiang during his private visit, so naturally he couldn't hide it. Zhang Xingyi was also happy to hand over the prime minister and his party to Luo Meng.

Compared to Luo Meng who has holidays, Huo Yi is much busier these days.

After being held accountable by the palace, although the main responsibility was not on him, he was required to make up for the basket that Jiang Bin poked.

There is urgent urging from Yuexuan, Zidian Sword not only needs to make up the previous gap, but also needs to make at least 500 more before the end of the year.

This is going to kill me.

The workmanship of this purple electric sword is extremely complicated. Although there is no shortage of refined iron, it is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive to rely on craftsmen to hammer it out bit by bit.

Moreover, each one has to be checked and passed, and no more mistakes can be made before it can be sent to Yuexuan.

Time is so tight, where is Huo Mu?

Seeing that the sky was starting to get late, Huo Yi still carefully inspected the newly created purple electric swords one by one, and after making sure that there were no problems, he ordered to the people below, "Go, notify Dongfeng Express Let the steward tell them to come and receive the treasured sword tomorrow."

Today's Dongfeng Express is not as good as before. The shortage of horses has been greatly alleviated after the normalization of the pastures in Yuejue. Properly ranked number one.

Dongfeng Express now has five transport trunk lines.

The biggest one is naturally from Hanzhong to Jincheng.

As Hanzhong becomes more prosperous, the connection with Jincheng is getting closer, and Dongfeng Express not only makes this connection closer, but also more convenient and quick.

Except that wool cloth is a must-ship item every month, it would be too time-consuming and labor-intensive if each family sent their own staff for the odds and ends between Jincheng and Hanzhong.

But with Dongfeng Express, it is different.

The Xinghan Club was originally dominated by the children of the rich and powerful. With their connections, most of the families were willing to sell them to save face from the beginning.

Unexpectedly, after two or three times, everyone will find out, hey, this Dongfeng Express is quite convenient?

So the business started to spread.

From Hanzhong to Jincheng is not an open road, on the contrary, there are many mountains and rivers to pass.

In many places, the mountain people who pick up farm tools are farmers. If they put down farm tools and pick up weapons, they are part-time bandits.

Even if the government sent troops to encircle and suppress them, they were forced to throw their weapons into the mountains in a hurry, how can you know who is a thief and who is a citizen?

This kind of work has been done for several generations in some places. It is considered an ancestral handicraft. It has rich experience and courage. Take last year as an example.

That must have the courage to be led by a veteran.

So when ordinary people encounter this kind of thing, it would be good if they just want to save their lives, and they are afraid that they will not be able to save their lives.

Traveling long distances in ancient times was not easy!

But Dongfeng Express is a different kind. Not only do they travel in groups, but the guards are also extraordinary people.

The militia members who used to do black-hearted business, the trilogy sent by various families, the old soldiers who have gone through battles, and the weapons in their hands are the latest eliminated from the army. How can ordinary bandits have the guts to touch this kind of team? ?

The transportation is guaranteed, and the family has a big business. If something is lost, it will also be responsible for compensation.

It's convenient and secure, as long as they can afford it, who wouldn't want to entrust it for peace of mind?

Little things make more money, this business looks piecemeal, but in fact, it is really not old or young.

And from Jincheng to Yong'an is the second transportation line.

This one was pioneered by Xu You and Xu Xun, two nominal cousins.

Although the raw sugar and sugar cane collected from Soochow this year were half less than originally expected, the source was finally not cut off.

Xu's family has been in business for more than two years, and now they have finally received rich returns.

The distribution of brown sugar alone is much more than others.

Not to mention that with the re-alliance of Dahan and Soochow, the transactions between the two have become more active, and there have been more and more exchanges of various materials.

It's unlikely to make a lot of money, but the water will flow for a long time, as long as you don't die, it's okay to eat for two or three generations.

The Xu family took advantage of this, and even the brothers in the Xinghan Society were jealous - but they had no way to contact Jiaozhou!

As for the last three transportation routes, they all lead to Nanzhong.

The first half of them is the road from Jincheng to Bodao - including land and water.

Then separate from Bo Road, one goes to Yuejuan, one takes Nanyi Road to Wei County, and the other takes Dongyi Road to Pingyi County.

These three are currently in a state of loss, or they are simply serving the people of the Xinghan Club, and they are not thinking about making money for the time being.

Nanzhong's manor is expected to have output by the end of this year. As long as the output of Nanzhong can be shipped out by then, it will not be considered a loss, but a big profit.

Dongfeng Express is the best choice for transporting things from Hanzhong to Yuexi. The question is who pays.

The Yuejue prefect's mansion customized new weapons in private. Although it was allowed by the court, the arsenal of the big man didn't care about this, so the Yuejue prefect's mansion had to pay for it.

Feng Yong didn't care about this either. Yuejue prefect's mansion asked Dongfeng Express to deliver things.

It is serious for Hanzhong Metallurgy to quickly forge Lao Tzu's treasured sword according to the requirements.

"How about the weapons? Are there any unqualified ones?"

A man with a bare upper body, an unshaven beard, a tired face, the sweat from his body gleaming with oil, came over and asked a question.


Huo Yi shook his head, and held the handle of one of the knives with both hands, picked it up, and shook it vigorously, only to see that the blade began to vibrate from side to side with an amplitude visible to the naked eye, which made people feel terrified.

Then he turned the handle of the knife over, and saw that one part of the handle was engraved: Zidian 212, made by Huo Yijian of Hanzhong Metallurgy, Jiang Bin, and Tuesday.

Huo Yi put down the knife, then looked at Jiang Bin, saw that the former Mr. Pianle had turned into a full-fledged craftsman, and couldn't help sighing, "Even if you are held accountable by the superiors, you will not be like this, so why bother? "

Jiang Bin shook his head and smiled wryly, "A mistake is a mistake. If you evade responsibility because of a mistake, it is a mistake on top of the mistake. After accountability, I can certainly resign from the position of supervisor, but I am afraid that on Tuesday I will have to resign because of the responsibility." I was punished for my failure."

"If I lose the position of Supervisor, at most I will lose face, but if I am beaten into a humble status again on Tuesday, it will be a catastrophe. It will affect the whole family. How can I do it because of my fault?"

As soon as he said this, Huo Yi couldn't help showing admiration on his face: Although Jiang Langjun's actions are somewhat unpleasant, he is still an upright person.

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