Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 562 The School

In the third year of Jianxing, Sun Quan ordered copper and iron to be mined in Wuchang to make thousands of swords and ten thousand knives, all of which were forged with fine charcoal from Nanyue.

Then, last winter, the Huaihe River froze again, and Jianye City heard that people froze to death.

So a few days ago, Sun Quan took three thousand of the knives and exchanged a batch of wool with the big man.

The Xinghan Club took over the transportation business of this business. The ticket company first allocated a batch of felt cloth directly from Jincheng's warehouse, and let Dongfeng Express deliver them to Yong'an, and then received the weapons from Yong'an to transport back to Jincheng.

The route from Yongan to Jincheng was run by the Xu family, so Xu Xun personally escorted the weapons to Jincheng.

Because the prime minister was preparing for the Northern Expedition in Hanzhong, Liu Chan issued an order to ask Dongfeng Express to send these weapons to Hanzhong to fund the Northern Expedition.

Xu Xun didn't stop without unloading the goods, and sent the three thousand knives to Hanzhong.

When they got there, a new batch of purple electric swords made by Hanzhong Metallurgical Industry Co., Ltd. for the Yuejue Prefect’s Mansion came out, and Dongfeng Express was also responsible for delivering them, so Xu Xun followed him to Yuejue, and at the same time, he buried himself in the infrastructure madness mode in Yuejue. Feng Yong brought the latest news.

"The Northern Expedition is imminent, why did the Order of the Central Palace call for rebuilding the Taixue at this time?"

Hearing the news from Xu Xun's mouth that his father proposed to reopen Taixue, Feng Yong, who was wearing a straw hat and walking in the mulberry field, asked with some doubts.

Could it be that the financial affluence of the past few years has given everyone too much confidence?

Some time ago, Xu Ci gave a memorial to the Emperor of Han, stating that part of the revision of the classics of Yanjing has been completed, and the Taixue can be reopened to support scholars for the country.

Liu Chan handed it over to the ministers for court discussion, and all the ministers thought it was good governance.

Liu Chan sent people to send the results of the court meeting to Hanzhong, and Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, also called him good.

However, the problem facing the Emperor of Han and his ministers was that Taixue needed a lot of money and food, and now the imperial treasury was short of money and food, so this proposal had to be shelved for the time being.

"My little brother also doesn't know about the adults."

Xu Xun followed Feng Yong and followed Feng Yong step by step in the mulberry fields. Hearing this, he answered quickly, and at the same time felt a little distressed about the leather boots on his feet.

These are excellent boots made of cowhide, necessary for long journeys.

Running from Yong'an to Hanzhong, and then from Hanzhong to Yuexuan, the cowhide boots never broke once.

There is so much mud in this field, I don't know how much mud I got when I stepped down.

Feng Yong, who lowered his head and observed Sang Miao's survival carefully, looked back at him after hearing the words, with deep eyes, "No news?"

Xu Xun was startled by Feng Yong's gaze, and quickly walked forward a few steps, and said softly, "My little brother only knows that my lord has received a letter from Hanzhong before this, and my lord seemed very happy in those few days."

Feng Yong nodded, he could guess in his heart who the letter was from, and if Xu Ci had written this memorial under the instruction of the old demon Zhuge, there would be no surprise at all.

Xu Ci was an unscrupulous literati, even the emperor entrusted him in private to help annotate "Loyalty and Virtue", he was able to agree wholeheartedly.

Not to mention that Xu Xun went all the way to Nanzhong to find Feng Yong.

Is rebuilding Taixue a good thing?

Of course it's a good thing.

But this Taixue is definitely different from the Taixue of the Later Han Dynasty.

In the Taixue of the Later Han Dynasty, the students of the Taixue studied Confucianism, and the students of the Taixue had the privilege of being exempted from taxes and servitude.

Can the poor family at that time be selected into the Taixue? Of course.

But more, it is a wealthy family.

So at that time, Taixue served more for aristocratic families.

Now if the big man reopens Taixue, on the surface it is for the big man to support scholars, but in fact the greater function may be to compete with the aristocratic family for the right to interpret knowledge.

Didn't Xu Ci say that? The revision of the classics has been partially completed, and this information is very important.

So if Taixue reopens, it is simply preparing to cut off the roots of the family.

Where did Xu Ci get the guts to go up against the aristocratic family?

So there must be someone pushing behind him, and this person, Feng Tubie can think of it with his heels is the old demon Zhuge.

There was a mulberry seedling under his feet that was suppressed by lumps of soil. Feng Yong squatted down and straightened the mulberry seedling.

Last year and the first half of this year, the fields developed by Sunshui River Valley were basically on flat land, which is the most convenient after all.

Feng Yong plans to plant mulberry trees in those places that are slightly higher and where the canals cannot be opened.

The mulberry branches cut in spring have grown new leaves, and they can be transplanted in the spring of next year.

In this year's Jincheng, Xinghanhui has already started trying to raise silkworms in summer, and is preparing to harvest three seasons of silk in a year.

The younger brothers have the enthusiasm for starting a business, and Feng Yong, the elder brother, naturally has to give his full support.

Besides, Sunshui River Valley has a suitable climate and is a good place to raise silkworms, so these mulberry seedlings are prepared to be used to develop sericulture.

"Brother already guessed?"

Xu Xun looked at Feng Yong who stood up again and continued to walk forward without any change in his face, and asked softly.

Feng Yong smiled, "What's so hard to guess? It was just a guess before, and there was no evidence. Now that there is news about you, it is basically close."

This is the advantage of Xinghanhui, although Feng Yongren is not in the court, but the news is very well-informed.

Even if it is a minister of the DPRK and China, the sensitivity of inquiring about news may not be as convenient as him.

Especially the gossip rumors in private from various dignitaries' mansions - many times, the gossip is actually the truth.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong frowned slightly again. Since he clearly knew that no matter whether it was the court's finances or the timing, he would not allow the Taixue to be reopened at this time, why did the old demon Zhuge ask Xu Ci to make this suggestion at this time, and then Also rejected it personally?

In this way, didn't the Sichuan family get the news in advance?

So, old demon Zhuge is full?

"Is there any news from Hanzhong?"

Feng Yong tried to understand the plan of the prime minister of Hanzhong from Hanzhong.

"The prime minister went to Nanxiang, and listened to the lectures in the school for three days. Oh, and, the batch of purple electric swords sent by my younger brother, I heard that Jiang Bin made it himself."

Feng Yong smiled slightly, "Jiang Bin asked himself to be a craftsman to create the Zidian Sword, and his apology is considered sincere."

Regardless of whether Jiang Bin's previous behavior was done in private or at the behest of others, it is impossible for Feng Yong to give in. Even the old monster Zhuge would have to bark his teeth.

What's more, it's just a big mouth.

It really allowed Jiang Bin to use the skin of the prime minister's mansion to get the power of Hanzhong Metallurgy, not to mention the making of the purple electric sword, but no matter what he wanted to make in the future, it would really be controlled by others.

Old Demon Zhuge devoted himself to the Northern Expedition and revived the Han Dynasty. Hanzhong Metallurgy was in his hands. Apart from making the necessary agricultural tools, the rest must be weapons, weapons, weapons...

But what Feng Tubie thought in his heart was, infrastructure, technology, infrastructure, technology...

Although there is a mutual promotion between the development of weapons and the development of science and technology, Feng Tubie understands it, but the prime minister of Han may not understand it.

And even if the prime minister understands, he may pretend not to understand.

After all, what the old demon Zhuge lacks the most is time, but for Feng Yong, he has just turned twenty years old, and he still has a lot of time to try.

Therefore, even if the purpose is the same between the two, the desired process may not be the same.

As for the old demon Zhuge who went to Nanxiang Academy to attend three days of classes, and then Xu Ci received a letter from Hanzhong, and finally proposed to reopen Taixue, there must be a connection.

It seems that Zhuge old demon should have a lot of feelings in Nanxiang!

But what does this have to do with showing the intention of reopening Taixue to the world?

"Brother, what's wrong with Jiang Bin?"

Seeing Feng Yong's expression was not right, Xu Xun thought he was thinking about Jiang Bin, so he asked again.

"Jiang Bin?" Feng Yong was taken aback, "What could be wrong with him? Forget it, just ignore him. As long as Hanzhong Metallurgical can make the sword on time before the end of the year."

"Brother, the imperial court can't open the Imperial Academy for the time being, that's the imperial court's business, but my younger brother feels that the students from the Nanxiang Academy are really useful, but there are too few."

"Many brothers in the association want to learn from their elder brother and open a similar school in Yuexuan. I wonder if it will work?"

Xu Xun rubbed his hands together, and said with some embarrassment.


Feng Yong finally turned his head seriously this time, looked at Xu Xun, "How many people are there?"

Xu Xun was taken aback by Feng Yong's stern expression, and his face was a bit flinching, "No, not much, if brother doesn't want to, then forget it."

Feng Yong frowned, "I ask how many brothers in your association want to contribute money and food to open a school in Yuexiu?"

As soon as Xu Xun saw Feng Yong's appearance, he subconsciously felt a dull pain in his legs, and at the same time glanced at the wife of the leader standing on the ground, standing against the wind, and choked, "No, not a lot, even Deng Heze also has this intention."

Deng Heze, Deng Liang, the son of Deng Zhi, is the leader of the Jincheng Xinghan Hall.

Xu Xun looked at Feng Yong's expressionless face, and felt a little regretful in his heart, but he still swelled up!

This year, my family won the route from Jincheng to Yong'an, and many people begged to come to my door, and my confidence became stronger. Once I was instigated by those guys, I didn't know how much I would lose.

I really want to make my brother angry, and I don't know if my sister-in-law will break my leg again? Thinking of this, Xu Xun's heart beat a little.

Feng Yong glanced at Xu Xun strangely, "I'm just asking about the situation, why are you nervous?"

Xu Xun wiped his forehead, "No, I'm not nervous, it's just too hot."

Feng Yong nodded, "It's really hot, not to mention the sun is so big, you don't even wear a hat, and you still wear leather boots on your feet, can you not be hot?"

"The imperial court wanted to open the Taixue but couldn't get it. It can be seen that it consumes a lot of money and food. The same is true for opening a school. It took four years for the Nanxiang School to have the scale it is now. You really want to invest money to open a school in Yueyue. , I have no objection."

Feng Yong turned around and continued to walk forward, trying not to make his voice sound strange.

But no one saw it. In fact, the corners of his mouth were already grinning uncontrollably.

Damn it, you little bastards are finally hooked!

Feng Tubie was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Nanxiang Academy has been in operation for four years, and money and food are poured out like water.

If Zhao Guang and himself are not brothers who are closer than their own brothers, if the Li family is not planning to use Hanzhong to avoid risks, if Wang Xun has no admiration and gratitude for himself...

Also, if I hadn't gained a lot of goodwill from Huang Yueying, if it hadn't been for Adou and the queen to trust me a lot, if Guan Ji hadn't been my wife, if Zhang Xingyi hadn't been for me...cough!

Anyway, it’s all these and so on. Besides deducting a lot of dividends generated by Nanxiang on the surface, he also secretly manipulated a lot of money and food, so that the school and education-related aspects have improved. improvement.

The initial investment in the education industry is simply a gold-swallowing monster.

Among them, there are unscrupulous literati sent over by the He family.

Originally, the school was barely able to form a self-circulation and self-sufficiency, but now that Feng Yong came to Yuexiu, Nanxiang was almost drained of blood.

The students sent to the three counties of the Sunshui River Valley received unanimous praise for their practicality, although they were a mess in terms of classics and classics.

Besides, in a barbaric place like Yuejuan, do you want a piece of classics? Roll up your sleeves and go!

It's just that Feng Yong's side is relaxed, but Dongfeng Express' side almost kneels.

In the past, all the accounting and auditing were done by school students, and the people in charge of each family just wanted to see if the final figure could be matched, so they were relaxed and comfortable.

Even Dongfeng Express sent the supplies to Nanzhong Manor, and sometimes each family asked the little accountant to help with the accounting.

This is just one aspect. The students who come out of the school are not only good at accounting, but also extremely organized. They are also very alert and can learn everything quickly. There is no need to worry about loyalty. It is a rare candidate for stewardship.

Just like now, as long as Feng Yong needs to draw people to Yuejuan, he can directly support the management framework of the three counties.

It's a pity that these people are all in the hands of Feng Yong. Once Feng Yongno uses them for other purposes, the operation of Dongfeng Express seems to suddenly become a little sluggish, at least not as smooth as before.

It is foreseeable that with the continuous expansion of Dongfeng Express business, the demand for students from Nanxiang Academy will increase, and those who want to live a little more will even consider the manor in Nanzhong.

In the future, with the scale of Nanzhong Manor, the demand for manor stewards will also increase greatly.

But according to the traditional method, how can it be so easy to find a better manager?

After all, it has only been a few years since the rich and powerful entered Shuzhong? How can the background compare with the family?

Now the aristocratic family is also following Nanzhong. If you don't make preparations earlier, Nanzhong Manor will be inferior to the aristocratic family, that is something you can see.

Realistic needs make the rich and powerful urgently need a school similar to Nanxiang, which can mass-produce accounting and management schools for them.

So Xu Xun, who has eaten the fattest recently, was pushed out.

There is no doubt that if you want to open a school, you must pass the test of your elder brother.

Because what Nanxiang Academy teaches is not the same thing as what they usually know.

In the minds of the younger brothers of the Xinghan Society, this involves the knowledge of the mountain gate that is unknown to the elder brother. Without the support of the elder brother, it would be a dream for them to want to open the same school.

Similarly, they also have to worry about their elder brother misunderstanding that they are coveting the knowledge of the mountain gate.

That's why Xu Xun broke out in sweat when he saw Feng Yong turn around.

It's just that the younger brothers of the Xinghan Society didn't know at all that their elder brother was wielding a hoe almost day and night in order to dig the corners of the aristocratic family.

After digging for several years, only a little bit has been dug.

Now hearing that they are actively begging for money, food and energy to help, I am already happy.

"There is a lot of money and food needed here, and the days are long. Have you considered it?"

"Brother, in this world, how can anyone want to get dividends without investing capital?"

As soon as Xu Xun heard Feng Yong's intention to let go, he was overjoyed, and hurried forward, accompanied him with a smile, "Not to mention anything else, as long as you can get staff from the three counties like Yuejuan, no matter how much money you pay, it's still a profit." of."

"This is related to the foundation of the foundation. No amount of money and food is too much." Xu Xun said, seeing a stone in front of him, he ran over and threw the stone out of the field, for fear that his brother would accidentally kick it foot.

"Are you sure you've made up your mind?"

Feng Yong was expressionless, like an interviewer looking at a fresh graduate who came to apply for a job, and asked.

"Think about it, brothers are waiting for an answer."

Xu Xun affirmed.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that your family has invested a lot of money and food over the years, right? The year before last, Zhao Erlang and I paid you a lot of money and food. It was all paid back at the end of last year. How can you pay it now? So much money and food?"

Dongfeng Express’s shareholding, Nanzhong’s labor sales, which company has not borrowed money from Feng Yong and the others?

Why are Feng Yong, Zhao Guang, and the others the leaders of the Xinghan Society?

In addition to ability and qualifications, he is also the creditor of these little brothers.

"Brother, look, at the end of this year, the manor in Nanzhong will start to produce output. At that time, brother will be the same as those workshops and ranches in Nanxiang. How about deducting the share of brown sugar?"

Xu Xun's face was a little hot.

"Fuck! After talking for a long time, it turns out that you want to borrow money again?"

When Feng Yong heard it, he swears first, and then curses again, "You poor bastards!"

When Xu Xun was scolded, his whole body relaxed. The elder brother scolded him like that, which meant he agreed.

Just pretend to be silly and laugh a few times, and scold you when you scold, as long as you can make money and get scolded, it doesn't matter at all.

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