Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 563: The Eve

It's just that Xu Xun is still too naive. If someone Feng is really so talkative, how can he explain his notoriety?

But seeing Feng Langjun standing there with his hands behind his back, his face was melancholy, and he looked into the distance with deep eyes. After a long time, he sighed and said leisurely, "The landlord's house doesn't have any food left!"

Xu Xun was a little dazed, with a question mark on his face: What?

"what is this?"

Feng Yong pointed to his feet.

"Sang Miao?"

"No, this is Sangmiao Land."

With that said, Feng Yong pointed to the distance again, "What's over there?"


"No, that's a rice field. What's that over there?"


"Yes, the ranch."

Feng Yong nodded and spread his hands, "The landlord's family has no food left. How much money has been invested here and there to have everything in front of me. Now I am also a poor ghost."

Xu Xun almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"But you don't have to worry," Feng Yong looked at Xu Xun kindly, "Although I can't afford money and food, I know there is a place where I can borrow it."

"Brother please advise."

Xu Xun said cautiously.

"The Dahan Reserve Bureau in Nanxiang."


"That's right."

Feng Yong nodded.

"Isn't that from the imperial court? How can anyone borrow money from the imperial court?"

Xu Xun hesitated.

Feng Yong snorted, "In the past few years, has it been rare for the people to borrow cattle and grain from the government?"

Then he said, "When the time comes, I will talk to you first, and then you can take the manor in Nanzhong as a mortgage and pay back the brown sugar. This kind of thing that is sure to make money must be willing to borrow even if it is the imperial court. "

"But brother, the court doesn't have the money to open the Taixue, so how can it be possible to lend us the money?"

Xu Xun asked suspiciously.

Feng Yong smiled slightly, "You don't have to worry about this, anyway, you go back to Jincheng first, let the brothers in the meeting get ready, just wait for news from Hanzhong, just go and borrow it."

Xu Xun glanced at Feng Yong, hesitated to speak, "How confident are you, brother?"

"Eighty or nine points are still there."

Wouldn't that count as ten points?

After all, it is called "Xiaowenhe"...

When Xu Xun left Yuexuan, he was still full of doubts.

But it didn't take long for him to wait, news came out from Hanzhong that the imperial court planned to sell a few places in woolen textile workshops.

When the news came out, there was an immediate sensation in Sichuan.

For a while, the road from Jincheng to Hanzhong suddenly became a little bustling.

How profitable wool is, no, that's not called making money, because weaving wool is equivalent to making money.

It's just that the wool weaving machine and the source of the wool have been tightly controlled by the imperial court. Not to mention the aristocratic families in central Sichuan, even the powerful and powerful have no chance to get their hands on it.

Unexpectedly, the imperial court suddenly let go of a hole. Why doesn't this make people extremely excited?

After Xu Xun got the news, he was shocked and ran back to Yuexuan.

"Brother, brother,..."

"What else?"

Feng Yong was very impatient, seeing that the rice harvest was about to be harvested, and when the rice was harvested, he should try and select soldiers to cope with the upcoming Northern Expedition, time was running out.

Whoever bothers him now is going to make things difficult for him.

"Mao, the quota of the wool workshop..."

Xu Xun was so excited that he stuttered.

Feng Yong knew it was for this matter, and immediately sneered, "There are only five places, can you grab them?"

Impatiently, "Give up your mind first, this is not something you can participate in. After the imperial court sells out the places, you can borrow money to open the school."

"Brother, did you know about this?"

Xu Xun felt a little tired on the spot and didn't like it. Brother, this is, don't you love the brothers of Xinghanhui?

Otherwise, if the brothers knew about this earlier, everyone would find a way to raise money, and it would be great to bite the bullet and get a spot!

"I planned this, do you think I know?"

Anyway, the matter has been made public, Feng Yong is not afraid to make it clear, "This matter was originally a method that the imperial court came up with in order to raise money and food from the aristocratic families in central Shu."

Of course, it was to tie the aristocratic family in Central Shu to the chariot of the Northern Expedition, and at the same time prepare the iron juice to weld the door. There is no need to tell Xu Xun about this kind of matter that concerns the overall situation.

"Do you really think that the spot is up for grabs? Don't mention you, believe it or not, even if your family partners come forward together, you won't be able to win half of the workshop?"

How big is Zhuge Old Demon's appetite?

Such a good opportunity, if he can hold on to death, then he would definitely prefer to hold on to death first.

All big men compete for five places, which is even more fierce than the bidding for advertising positions during prime time on Channel C in later generations.

The rich and the poor are already poor, and they have given away a lot of money and food in the past few years. With their family background, they still want to get a quota from Zhuge Old Demon? Go dreaming!

When Xu Xun heard Feng Yong's words, he thought to himself, is there an inside story?

"Brother, how do you say that?"

"Don't ask, just," Feng Yong subconsciously wanted to say the word "cut", then swallowed it back and glanced at Xu Xun, "You care so much? Even if they have a woolen cloth workshop, Gotta have wool, right?"

"Why only sell five quotas this time? Isn't it because there is not enough wool? Where is the most wool, and what the big man can find now, isn't it in Longxi and Liangzhou?"

"If we really want to take it down there, we can make a lot of money selling wool. The question is who is going to take it down? Huh?"

After Feng Yong finished speaking, he raised his chin.


When Xu Xun said this, he suddenly stopped.

Yes, who will fight? Isn't it still the military leaders of the big man? Wouldn't it be cheaper for them after the fight?

The question is, which of the brothers in the Xinghan Society has no relationship with the military chief in some way?

Thinking of this, Xu Xun leaned over, "Brother, you mean..."

"I didn't say anything, get out!"

Feng Yong kicked Xu Xun away, and said in a bad mood.

"Understood, little brother, get out now."

Xu Xun got the hint, and hurriedly ran back to Jincheng, ready to tell his brothers, this time he will make a big deal!

Because in addition to the manor in Nanzhong, there will be wool from Longxi and Liangzhou in the future. We must quickly get the school out, otherwise there will be not enough accountants and stewards!

For the first time in recent years, Nanzheng surpassed Nanxiang and became the center of attention in Hanzhong.

For those families in Central Shu who are interested in going further, those who want to leave some inheritance for their children and grandchildren, there are talkers who come to Nanzheng, and many families and even patriarchs come here in person.

All of a sudden, Nanzheng's guest house was full.

In a guest house in Nanzheng, in a large wing room, the doors and windows were closed, and a group of people were sitting around inside.

There are a lot of ice creams around the house, even so, many people still feel very stuffy, but no one proposed to open the windows for ventilation.

"Tell me, what are we going to do this time?"

An old man sitting in the main seat opened his mouth and asked a question.

"The price that villager Zhuge offered is too high!"

Someone said angrily.

"Otherwise, what's the old man calling you all together with a shy face?" The old man glanced at the speaker, "If the family can eat it by itself, how can there be so many banquets these days?"

"The companies next door, I heard that they have decided to form a partnership."

Someone said something sullenly.

"What are you afraid of? A few small families, or foreign surnames." The old man said indifferently, "If our He family can join forces, are we afraid that we can't compare? What does the third family say?"

The old man's eyes fell to the lower part.

He Shen, the head of the third house of the He family, had a smile on his face, which made people feel close.

Only those who know the inside story know that this guy, in order to avenge his own sister, endured for more than 20 years, and even took the initiative to marry the enemy's prostitute.

In the end, after becoming the head of the family as he wished, he turned his face directly and made rumors of the sudden death of the eldest son of the Li family.

It's chilling.

It is estimated that He Shen chose the cemetery for his sister who died suddenly in the Li family back then. The father and son became the dogs of the Zhuge villager. master thin.

If this is the case, then the He family will treat it as if the third house is separated and spread out.

But I don't know how they hooked up with that smooth-talking guy. First of all, they got a lot of wool cloth, which is really eye-catching.

What kind of tea is there in the back, and the manor in Nanzhong, the share of sucrose...

It's really... unstoppable!

Just like this time, if Sanfang is willing to offer some favors, then the He family will have an advantage over others.

So... No matter how disgusting Sanfang is, I still endure it with my eyes closed. Anyway, I just don't bite my family.

"Master Zong, I've inquired about the regulations on the quota of this woolen cloth workshop. None of them can afford it alone. If someone doesn't believe it and swallows it reluctantly, there are looms and wool in the back, which will also cost a lot of money and food." of."

The smile on He Shen's face remained the same, and he said kindly, "If you can't get the money and food later, the money and food invested in the front will be in vain, and the family business will be ruined. That's for sure. It can be said that taking The quota is just a start."

"That's the reason. But you have to make woolen cloth. After one year, you can make money while lying down. Isn't it better than growing food in the ground?"

The old patriarch nodded and agreed, "Don't talk about anything else. If we don't do it and give the quota to others, after ten years or so, the He family in Sichuan may become a small family in others' mouths."

How about saying that villager Zhuge is vicious?

The big family wants to snatch these five places, and make a long-term guarantee for their own foundation. The small family also wants to grab it, after all, this is the best opportunity to grow the family.

It's about family foundation, even if you don't want to grab it, someone will force you to grab it.

"One more thing." He Shen said a little casually, "I heard that someone took the manor in Nanzhong and the share of brown sugar. They are going to ask the ticket company to be a guarantor and want to borrow some money and food."

As soon as the words came out, everyone present looked over.

"Is this true?"

Even the old patriarch couldn't stop breathing quickly.

Many people from the rich families in central Shu went to Nanzhong to open manors to plant sugar cane, but in fact, if they wanted to get brown sugar, they would have to wait until the end of next year at least.

Firstly, it was because Ben was a step slower than others, and there were not many good places in Nanzhong, so the manor opened slowly.

The second reason is that there are not enough sugarcane seeds, and this year's sugarcane seeds have only been distributed to the Xinghanhui people.

This step is slow, every step is slow, let alone two steps slow?

It is already the most optimistic inference to get the brown sugar share two years later.

But if I borrow some money and food in exchange for brown sugar at the end of this year, it will be different.

"No mistake, it's the news that Wulang sent back from the Xinghanhui. They borrowed the money and food, and they said that the money and food from Yuexuan were not in hand."

He Shen nodded.

"Xinghan Club?"

Someone muttered below, with an extremely complicated expression.

"There will be no fraud, right? What if we borrow money and food and they use it to buy places in woolen workshops?"

"Don't worry, this money and food is only borrowed after the places are sold out."

He Shen explained.

That is no problem?

The old patriarch glanced at He Shen who was sitting below, feeling a little uneasy.

This vicious dog won't bite his family back, will he?

After all, when his own sister married into the Li family holding a sign, the clan of the He family also nodded. Although I haven't seen them do anything to the clan house in the past few years, who knows what they think?

"The news hasn't spread yet, but it should be soon."

He Shen's last words made the old patriarch finally make up his mind: since it is something to be spread, it must not be false.

If this is really the case, then Zhuge Villager might as well send troops to grab it!

After the eighth month, when the rice in Yuejue had been harvested, Feng Yong held a capital test, and all men between the ages of fifteen and under forty were required to participate.

At that time, the axe, the axe, the banners and the flags were hunting. The people who were tested, one was the archery, and the other was the battle formation, reviewing the situation of the Nanxiang soldiers organizing the martial arts in the countryside for more than a year.

The chiefs of the various villages first gathered people at the pavilion, and after the chief of the pavilion had finished counting, he led people to gather at the township, and finally gathered at the county's examination office. The three counties had a total of nearly 20,000 conscripts.

After the test, regardless of the old and the weak and the only male in the family, there are 8,000 strong and strong people.

Yi people are good at walking in the mountains and forests, and they have a habit of using poisonous arrows. Therefore, Feng Yong used 5,000 people as archers, and ordered them to collect more poisonous juice, and ordered them to support them.

For this reason, Feng Yong also specially reassigned Wang Han, a member of Wang Ping's clan who once led a part of Wudang Flying Army, to Qiongdu as Jufu's deputy general.

The remaining 3,000 people, under the leadership of Zhang Yi, with Huang Chong and Wang Xun as deputy, practiced battle formation day and night.

For a while, the materials shipped by Dongfeng Express to Yuejuan increased sharply.

In the end, even Meng Yan, who was stationed in Beishui, was alarmed, and ran over to ask in person, "Feng Changshi, where are you planning to fight?"

"The avenue between Qiongdu and Jincheng is about to be opened up. Although the Yanniu tribe is no longer causing trouble, I heard that there are always sporadic bandits infesting, so I plan to have someone clean it up."

Feng Yong replied without changing his face.

Meng Yan had suspicion in his eyes, you took nearly ten thousand people to clean up sporadic bandits? Are you sure you don't look down on me? So you don't even bother to make up a good lie?

"Then, is there anything I can do to help?"

Meng Yan asked carefully.

"Yes, help me find more venom. Most of the soldiers led by Prefect Meng are from Nanzhong, so they must be good at finding venom."

Meng Yan twitched when she heard this.

I mean, I want to follow along, not help you find venom.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just when Chang Shi plans to leave?"

"In about three months, the slowest will not exceed four months."

After hearing this, Meng Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it's okay, there's still time to whisper to the prime minister.

So he hurriedly patted his chest and agreed, "That's fine, I will go back, so they will help."

Then after returning, the first thing to do is to send people to pass the situation here to the prime minister day and night.

When Zhuge Liang heard what Feng Yong had done in Yuexie, he smiled knowingly and told the visitor, "I already know what Feng Changshi did. Go back and tell Prefect Meng what Feng Changshi is going to do. Help as much as you can."

In December of the fifth year of Jianxing, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty sent an order to Yuexuan, ordering Shi Fengyong, the chief of Yuexuan, to choose his own generals, and then lead the army northward to Hanzhong.

At the same time, Meng Yan was stationed in Qiongdu to rule the whole territory of Yueyu.

At this time, the avenue between Qiongdu and Jincheng has just been dredged.

Feng Yong, who had finished his army a long time ago, immediately led his army from Qiongdu along the Sunhe River, passed through Hanjia County, and arrived at Jincheng at the fastest speed, and then took a short rest. The elite 3,000 people hurried forward.

Knowing all this, Meng Yan stood in a daze for a while, and then cursed, what the ghost king said was indeed a lie, and he couldn't believe a word of it!

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