Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 564 Chapter 0566 Defection

There are two Decembers in the fifth year of Jianxing, which are called leap months.

When it was about to enter the leap month, there was a small boat by the Han River in Nanxiang, and the prime minister of the Han Dynasty was standing on the bank, seeing people off.

Zhuge Liang's face was dignified and sad, "Zijin, it's dangerous going here, be careful."

The man's expression was indifferent, and he smiled slightly when he heard the words, "I have no great skills, but I have been treated favorably by the late emperor and the prime minister. I have been terrified all the time. Now that I can do my little for the revival of the great man, how can I be greedy for life?"

"Zijin, please don't say that. When you arrive in Weijing, I only hope that you can be careful to keep a useful body. When you and I are reunited, we can laugh together, celebrate the revival of the Han Dynasty, and congratulate ourselves on our future." Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wish to be rewarded?”

Zhuge Liang encouraged.

Although he knew that his life and death on this trip were unpredictable, and what the prime minister said was too long ago, Guo Mo still couldn't help showing his fascination, as if he saw the grand occasion of the emperor's return to the old capital.

"If I can see that day, I will try my best to violate the prohibition on alcohol, and I will be drunk for three days."

Zhuge Liang also smiled, and said with emotion, "At that time, how can there be any prohibition on alcohol? You just drink, and I will pour the wine for you."

"Okay! The prime minister's words, Mo has already written down." Guo Mo cheered up, "I just hope that the prime minister will not forget today's words."

"I will never forget it!"

Zhuge Liang looked determined.

Guo Mo laughed, turned around and walked onto the boat, clasped his fists at the Prime Minister, and said, "It's getting late, so I'm leaving now, Prime Minister, we will meet later!"

"Treasure!" Zhuge Liang bowed deeply, "If the great man can be revived, Zijin will make great contributions. On behalf of the emperor, Liang thanked Zijin for giving up his life for righteousness."

"Scholar of the Han Dynasty, it should be like this!" Guo Mo laughed, turned around, let out a long roar at the Han River, and then sighed again, "The shadow of the peach blossom falls to the sword, and the tide of the blue sea presses the jade flute."

"A certain regret is that I didn't see with my own eyes the beauty of the fallen flower sword dancing amidst the flying peach blossoms, and the fairy song of the blue sea tide played by the jade flute."

Zhuge Liang laughed, and said loudly to Guo Mo from a distance, "Don't worry, Zijin, I dare not talk about the Luoying Shenjian, but I'm still somewhat sure that I can find the blue sea tide song, just wait for Zijin to be safe." On the day of return, I will definitely offer it with both hands!"

"Oh? The Prime Minister knows who Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng is?"

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty smiled mysteriously.

"Ah Choo! Ah Choo!"

Feng Yonglian, who led the army through the Hanshou Pass, sneezed a few times, wrapped his down jacket tightly, and muttered, "Why are you so fat? You can't be so unlucky and catch a cold, right? This valley isn't too cold."

In the last month of the fifth year of Jianxing, the Prime Minister of the Great Han Dynasty was in Hanzhong to raise his troops and horses, and he was ready to go to Hanzhong for the Northern Expedition as soon as all the preparations were completed.

During the entire six years of Wu Huangwu's six years, bandits and water bandits became more and more rampant in the Wuchang area.

Han Zong, the guard general of Wuchang, repeatedly smashed the bandits, but he still couldn't stop them. The disaster of bandits is getting worse.

Since the beginning of the cold winter, the Jianghuai area has been frozen again.

The weather is cold, and the business travelers on the road are almost extinct, and the banditry has only subsided a little.

Han Zong wrote a memorial, saying that the weather was too cold and the soldiers lacked warm clothes. King Sun Quan of Wu sent a batch of woolen cloth to the soldiers in Wuchang.

In the twelfth month of leap year, in a Zhuangzi outside Wuchang City, a dog barked suddenly, and then someone shouted: "Thief!"

Before the sound fell, the person who made the sound fell down, covering his neck with his hands, and staring straight at the sky.

A group of soldiers in thick sweaters, holding weapons, broke into Zhuangzi and began to slaughter the village without any explanation.

The dilapidated door panel of the thatched house could not block the foot of the bandit soldiers at all. There was only a "pound" sound, and the people in the house screamed, grabbed the straw to cover themselves, and hid in the corner shivering.

The male owner of the house held a wooden stick, and forced himself to smile at the bandit soldiers who came in, "My good man, there is nothing at home..."

The bandit soldier was holding a knife in his hand, and a thread of blood slid down the tip of the knife. He turned his head sideways, and his eyes fell on the young woman in the corner, with a greedy smile of unknown meaning in his eyes.

It seemed that he felt that the man in front of him was too obtrusive, so he suddenly swung his knife and slashed at him.

The host stepped back quickly, but how big can the thatched cottage be? In just a few steps, he retreated to the edge of the mud wall.

The bandit soldier snorted, stepped forward, and was about to strike again, but he didn't notice that there was a woman behind the door, and saw that she was holding a piece of wood, and smashed directly at the back of the bandit soldier's head.

The bandit soldier sensed that something was wrong behind him, and immediately dodged to the side, but in the end he still couldn't dodge completely. The woman's sap hit his right shoulder, making his arm swing insensitive for a moment.

That was enough, the man took advantage of this opportunity and hit the opponent's temple directly with the wooden stick.

The bandit soldier shook, but did not fall down, and was about to raise the knife again, but his arms were a little sluggish, and his forehead was buzzing again.

I could only hear the whistling of the wind, and with a "boom", the man's wooden stick hit again fiercely, once, twice...

The bandit soldier finally couldn't hold on and fell down.

The man stepped forward, snatched the knife that fell on the ground, gritted his teeth, and punched the opponent hard in the heart.

The bandit soldier let out a miserable cry and died on the spot.

"Quick, quick!"

The man yelled at the bewildered woman, "Close the door!"

The woman just woke up like a dream, and hastily pushed the door again.

There was a "boom", and before she could close the door tightly, the door was kicked open again, a long knife was directly stabbed into her chest, and then her body was kicked to the ground.

"San Lai Zi, did you miss it?"

The man killed the woman and ran straight to the man without hesitation.

The man was too late to block and was about to retreat, but this time no one helped him, how could he be an opponent?

With just three moves, the man's arm was chopped off, bleeding profusely.

He gritted his teeth and was about to do his best, but the other party didn't give him a chance, and directly cut a long hole in his abdomen.

Before his consciousness disappeared, he heard the cry of the young woman, the vague chaos before, and the triumphant and rampant lewd smile...

"Brother, save me!"

Hearing his sister's last words, the man finally lowered his head, his eyes were still wide open, as if he was expressing his dissatisfaction...

News of the ransacking of Zhuangzi near Wuchang spread quickly, causing shock in the city.

Han Zong, the general of Wuchang, was furious, and summoned all the generals, "Who did it?!"

He gritted his teeth and said, "I don't care if you pretend to be water bandits and plunder businessmen and travelers, and I don't care if you go to other places to rob people, but doing such things under the eyes of Wuchang City, isn't it trapping me? middle?"

Everyone looked at each other, feeling a little guilty, because they were not sure if their subordinates did it.

Indulging his subordinates for more than a year, because of the protection of the general, they have been safe and sound, so they have become more and more bold and unscrupulous.

It would not be surprising if his subordinates looted Zhuangzi outside Wuchang city without authorization.

"Then Zhuangzi, what is your relationship with the general?"

Someone asked tentatively.

Han Zong sneered, "It has nothing to do with me, but it does have connection with Jiangxia's Juncheng. That Zhuangzi belongs to his uncle's family. He has always been at odds with me, but you are not clean and left clues."

"Now he has suspected me. Now the king of Wu ordered me to go back to Jianye, saying that he wanted to thoroughly investigate the bandits in Wuchang. He also said that the bandits have continued for more than a year, and it was all caused by you and others. Not good."

"I also got the news that the King of Wu not only sent people from Jianye, but also planned to treat the officials below Wuchang generals as conscripts. If the banditry is found out again, I'm afraid we will all die without burial. land!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically, with panic showing on their faces.

Old General Han is the hero of Jiangdong III, and he has made great military exploits for Jiangdong.

General Han inherited the position of Marquis from the old general, everyone thought that they would be safe with his protection, but they didn't expect the matter to develop to such an extent.

"King Wu really wants to attack me?"

Someone asked a question in disbelief, and at the same time held some hope.

"I have been with the old general for a long time, and I have all the merits in battle. It was just a moment of confusion and I made a mistake. Why don't the general ask the king of Wu, and only hope that I will take the blame and make meritorious service?"

"Prince Wu's temper, I don't know better than you?" Han Zong sighed, "It's not because I disrespected King Wu, did you forget what happened to Zhang Wen two years ago?"

Zhang Wen was almost killed by Sun Quan at first, and then he was deposed because of everyone's pleading, but his family was still exiled to Jiaozhou and other plague-stricken places.

However, the crime was suspected of being imposed, so it was deeply sympathized by Jiangdong's ruling and opposition parties.

"Over the past few years, the King of Wu has convicted people mostly because of his preferences, just like the badge of Jiaozhou. The King of Wu has promised to spare his life, but what happens next?"

Han Zong sneered and said, "Think about it, are these things we have done less serious than Zhang Wen's crime? Capital punishment is inevitable. As for the wife and daughter in the family, it would be good if they can be reduced to living as prostitutes."

It's not once or twice that these people put other people's wives and daughters under them, but when they think of their own wives and daughters becoming prostitutes, they feel indignant.

Seeing that they exchanged glances with each other, and then looked up at Han Zong, the atmosphere became a little weird.

"General, what should I do?"

"I am also in danger, so how do I know what to do?"

Han Zong's face was full of despair, he glanced at everyone from the corner of his eye, and said, "All I can think of is to ask the king of Wu for his crime, and to bear the crime with all his strength."

"If the king of Wu only blames me, that would be the best. If not, you can find a chance and leave on your own, so as not to be punished..."

Before Han Zong finished speaking, someone finally stood up and urged loudly, "No, general! These things were done together by everyone. Even if the general took it all by himself, wouldn't we be ruthless?" What's more, it is impossible for the king of Wu to hold the general accountable."

"I think that Zhang Wen belongs to the Wujun family. Because of the crime he wanted to impose, his family members could not avoid the pain of exile. I can't wait for soldiers, and I can't be compared with the children of that family. I made such a big mistake. How could it be possible to make King Wu open?"

When everyone heard it, they all felt that it was very reasonable, and the last hope in their hearts was also extinguished.

"Then what should I do? Is it possible to achieve such a death?"

As Han Zong said, he gave the man a wink.

"The world is not owned by the surname Sun. If we don't stay here, is there no other place to go?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"I am greatly favored by King Wu..."

Han Zong showed a struggling look on his face, and at the same time secretly observed the expressions of the generals. He saw that everyone was looking at each other. Although they were surprised and confused, but there was little indignation, he was overjoyed: This matter is finally done!

"The knife and the ax have already been added, so is the general willing to die like this? If the general doesn't think about himself, doesn't he think about his parents, wife and children?"

Although this question is a forced question to Han Zong, it is actually a forced question to everyone.

"General, reverse it!"

Some people also stood up, "Jiangdong can't tolerate us, so we will take refuge in the north, what are we afraid of? Thinking about Cao Wei, who has repeatedly lured the powerful clan of Panyang into chaos. Isn't it just a Peng Qi who came out this year and said that he would fight for Wei? Wu?"

"The general is the general of Jiangdong. I don't know how much higher his status is than that clan. If he can raise his troops to the north, Cao Wei will definitely welcome him."

"That's right! General, this is the moment of life and death, we can't hesitate any longer!"



With the leader, the people below finally joined the ranks of persuasion, and even those who hesitated finally made up their minds at this time.

After all, as officers and soldiers, they can pretend to be thieves, kill people and rob people, how much shame can they be expected to have?


Han Zong gritted his teeth and nodded, "It's the opposite!"

He looked at the crowd with sharp eyes, "If we all surrender to the north, we will entrust our wealth and lives to each other. We must work together and not have any disagreements."

"That's natural!"

Han Zong immediately ordered people to kill cattle and drink alcohol, and drank blood to form an alliance.

After the alliance was over, Han Zong said to the crowd, "From today onwards, you are Zong's relatives and brothers. Come!"

Han Zong summoned his servants and said, "Go and call all my aunts, sisters, maidservants and concubines, and say that I want to pay homage to your lord."

When all the generals heard Han Zong's words, they were all a little puzzled, not knowing what he was going to do.

After a while, all the women from the Han family arrived. Han Zong pointed at them and said to the generals, "Whoever you like, take whatever you like. In this way, we will be relatives by marriage, and there will be no barriers between us!" "

As soon as this remark came out, not only his aunts and sisters, but also all the generals in the trilogy were terrified.

"You disrespectful beast!"

At this time, I saw Han Zong's biological mother, the old lady of the Han family rushing in from behind the door, pointing at him with tears and yelling, "There are such heartless people like you in the world?"

"Help the old lady down and let her rest well. Without my permission, no one can disturb the old lady!"

Han Zong shouted sharply.

"Beast! Beast..."

The old lady was forcibly pushed down, and the scolding still came from afar.

"How did Ah Lang make such a big joke?"

On weekdays, a concubine who was deeply favored by Han Zong had the courage to come over and just say a word, only to see Han Zong turn around and pull out the sword hanging on the wall, stabbing her to death.

Han Zong stood in the middle of the hall holding his sword, his eyes were as red as fire, "I really want to marry you, what are you doing standing there?"

Among the female family members who wanted to resist, seeing this man's crazy appearance, they all fell silent.

Seeing the female relatives who could only watch from a distance but not get close to them on weekdays, now they are huddled there, just waiting for them to step forward to choose, and they couldn't help breathing quickly.

In addition, now that there is no way out, they are already desperadoes, and everyone has become crazy.

"General, I have admired Liu Niangzi for a long time. If I can get Liu Niangzi's favor, I will not regret it even if I die!"

"Sure! There are a lot of wing rooms in the Hou's mansion, today is your wedding day!"

"Thank you General!"

The man was overjoyed, and went straight to the female relatives, couldn't wait to pull a girl out, then looked at Han Zong, Han Zong nodded, and the man ran away with the girl in his arms.

Seeing such a scene, how could the crowd hold back, they stepped forward to snatch people.

For a while, there were cries for help, shouts, and crying.

Han Zong laughed out loud!

Han Zong, the son of Han Dang, was reprimanded by Sun Quan on his behalf because of his fornication and misconduct during the mourning period.

Fearful in his heart, Han Zong first allowed Buqu to plunder merchants and travelers, and then lied to Buqu that the incident had been revealed, and King Wu wanted to take them in and punish them, so as to force them to rebel.

In the twelfth lunar month of the fifth year of Jianxing, Han Zong and Buqu killed cows and drank wine, and drank blood as an alliance. They also used relatives, aunts, concubines and maidservants in the mansion as tools, and gave them to Buqu.

Later, he dug out the coffin of his father Han Dang, took his mother, and led thousands of men and women to defect to the state of Wei.

Sun Quan, who was far away in Jianye, learned that he almost spurted old blood!

Why did I have to be so tolerant to this ignorant Lizi last year?

What's even more hateful is that before he defected, he even cheated him of the wool cloth he bought with three thousand knives...

into your mother!


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