Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 565 Uncoordinated Virtue

"I swear I will kill you!"

Furious, Sun Quan drew his sword and split the table in front of him in half, his teeth chattering.

"Send an order to Lu Xun, the governor of Jingzhou, ordering him to find out where the Han thief fled. If he can intercept him halfway, he must be stopped at any cost, regardless of life or death!"


"Ahhh... Han family traitor, I will never die with you!"

Sun Quan, who had always been the only one who took advantage of others, suddenly suffered such a loss, and was so angry that he almost went crazy on the spot. He waved the sword in his hand and chopped the case that had been in half into dozens of pieces.

Some people from Soochow went north to vote for Wei, and some people in Shu also voted for Wei.

Guo Mo crossed the Han River in a light boat, but was intercepted by soldiers from Weixing County patrolling the estuary.

Facing the soldiers' swords and guns, Guo Mo was unafraid, and only listened to him calmly said, "A certain came from Shu, and there is an urgent military situation. If you want to inform Prefect Shen, you should report it as soon as possible."

The soldier asked, "How do you prove that you are a spy?"

Guo Mo took out an official seal from his bosom, "This is the official seal of the fake Shu. If you don't know it, let the prefect Shen try to identify it. There was also a Wang Chong who abandoned Shu in the year before last, and it was mine. acquaintance."

"You pass this thing and this word to Shen Taishou. Whether you see me or not is up to Shen Taishou to decide."

When the soldiers took over the official seal, they already believed three points in their hearts, but now they heard the other party mention the fact that someone voted for the Great Wei the year before last, and they believed three points even more.

"Okay, I'll send someone to tell the prefect right now, and before the prefect sends down the order, please feel wronged for a while."

The leading soldiers nodded, guarding Guo Mo and heading towards the west city.

When Shen Yi got the news from the people below, she just thought that there were people from the pseudo-Shu wanting to join Wei, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

Unexpectedly, Guo Mo brought him a shocking news: Meng Dayin, the prefect of Xincheng County, communicated with the two captives of Shu and Wu, intending to betray the Great Wei.

Shen Yi was shocked at first, and then overjoyed.

The Shen family was originally a wealthy family in the Shangyong area. When the world was in chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty, the Shen family was the local emperor in the Shangyong area.

When Zhang Lu separated Hanzhong, the Shen family first exchanged news with Zhang Lu. Later, after Zhang Lu was destroyed by Cao Cao, the Shen family took refuge in Cao Cao. Unexpectedly, the time was unfavorable. After a few years, Hanzhong changed hands for the third time and fell into the hands of Liu Bei.

Liu Bei sent Liu Feng and Meng Da down the Han River to attack Shangyong, and the Shen family had to surrender Liu Bei again.

I don't know if the grave of the Shen family's ancestors was buried in the wrong direction. Before they could settle down for two years, Meng Da rebelled against Shu and defected to Wei, so the Shen family returned to Wei again.

After this repetition, the Shen family was tormented enough, but Meng Da was also favored by Cao Pi. Cao Pi combined the three counties of Fangling, Shangyong, and Xicheng into a Xincheng County, and appointed Meng Da as the prefect.

Only one prefect of Weixing County was left in the Shen family of Shangyong's local snake, and the foundation of his family was in the hands of Meng Da.

Shen Yi didn't dare to publicly say anything wrong with Cao Pi, but she never hid her resentment towards Meng Da.

Now that he heard that Meng Da secretly communicated with Wu Shu, how could he not be overjoyed?

He sent people to escort Guo Mo to Wancheng overnight, and told the matter to Sima Yi, the hussar general of the Jingzhou military, and at the same time publicized Meng Da's desire to oppose him.

When Sima Yi received the news from Shen Yi and Guo Mo who had been sent over, he first smiled calmly, and personally arranged a banquet for Guo Mo, without seeming anxious at all.

Seeing this, Guo Mo couldn't help worrying secretly, and asked tentatively, "Why is the general so calm? Could it be that he has a countermeasure?"

"I do have a countermeasure already." Sima Yi smiled slightly, "Before I left Luoyang, Liu Shizhong warned me that Meng Da had the opposite, and told me to be careful, so when I arrived in Wancheng, I had already made preparations and only waited for today."

Guo Mo was taken aback and asked, "Who is that Liu Shizhong?"

"It is the great-great-grandson of Emperor Guangwu of the Later Han Dynasty, Liu Ye and Liu Ziyang are also, he has the talents of the world, and is good at knowing people."

"So that's how it is. When I come to Luoyang, if I have a chance, I will definitely pay a visit."

When Guo Mo heard this, surprise appeared on his face, but he cursed secretly in his heart, who am I? It turns out that he is an old soldier who has forgotten his ancestors and recited his ancestors!

After sending Guo Mo away, Sima Yi, who was originally calm, turned down and smashed the things on the table. The calmness and elegance in front of Guo Mo were all gone, only he was annoyed. Cursed, "Little Meng Da, Shen Yi is stupid!"

"Didn't your lord say that you were prepared to prevent Meng Da, why are you so angry?"

Master Sima asked beside him.

"It's 1,200 miles from Wancheng to Xincheng. Even if I had prepared for it, I still have time to get there. That Shen Yi didn't know what was good or bad, and she actually publicized Meng Da's secret communication with Shu and Wu. Isn't this forced?" Do you want Mengda to rebel as soon as possible? If the Wancheng army is too late, the southwestern region will become a major disaster for the country!"

Sima Yi said angrily.

"This Shen Yi, isn't it self-defeating?"

Master Sima was shocked.

"He didn't try to be self-defeating, but deliberately pushed Meng Da against him!" Sima Yi sneered, "The Shen family has a long-standing foundation in Xincheng, and Meng Da was a newcomer at the time, so it stands to reason that he should be the governor of Xincheng. Sit is."

"Unexpectedly, the first emperor favored Meng Da and entrusted him with the land in the southwest. Although he is the prefect of Wei Xing, he is really under Meng Da. How can you let him endure it? I wish he could get rid of Meng Da as soon as possible."

When Master Sima heard this, he finally understood, and immediately cursed, "It's really selfish to disregard state affairs for self-interest! Wouldn't he be harming your lord by doing this?"

After all, Sima Yi is a scheming person, I saw that he quickly calmed down his emotions and put his mind back on the most important things in front of him.

After a long time, his eyes revealed deep eyes, and he said slowly, "Meng Da, you are a scumbag!"

"He was in Wei, but he first passed through Shu and then Wu. It can be seen that he is thinking about how to get the most benefits at this time. We should march quickly to deal with him before he has made up his mind."

"My lord, what shall we do?"

"I'll write him a letter first, to comfort him with good words, and to hold him back for now. Go and gather troops as soon as possible, with the horse army going first, traveling day and night, sneaking in secret."


Meng Da was terrified when he heard that someone had exposed his secret communication with Shu and Wu. He was about to raise an alarm immediately, but he suddenly received a letter from Sima Yi.

The letter reads:

In the past, the general abandoned Liu Bei and devoted himself to righteousness. The late emperor appointed the general to take charge of the battlefield.

The pseudo-Shu people really hated the general. Zhuge Liang wanted revenge, but he was helpless against the general. Guo Mo's words are not trivial, how could Zhuge Liang easily tell others? This is obviously a countermeasure, the general should not be mistaken for rumors.

Meng Da finally felt relieved after reading the letter.

At the same time, I was still in the mood to write a letter to Zhuge Liang:

Wancheng is 800 miles away from Luoyang, and 1,200 miles away from Xincheng. Even if Sima Yi hears about my troubles, he will show his respect to the emperor. It will take at least a month to go back and forth.

One month is enough for me to strengthen the city. Moreover, the new city is located in a remote place, so Sima Yi will definitely not come in person, he will only send others to lead the army. The generals of Jingzhou, I am only afraid of Sima Yi alone, and the other generals will come, and I will be safe.

Just when Meng Da was ignorant and Sima Yi led the army to rush, the palace of Wei State was full of joy.

Because a year and a half after the new emperor ascended the throne, in the last month of the first year of Taihe, he finally decided to appoint a queen.

It's just that the choice of the queen was beyond the expectations of the courtiers.

The Yu family of Hedong is a famous family, and it was the concubine that Cao Pi personally selected for Cao Rui when he was the king of Pingyuan.

When Cao Rui was the crown prince, the Yu family was the crown princess.

Cao Rui ascended the throne, and the Yu family was canonized as his wife, the highest rank under the queen in the palace.

Everyone thought it was a matter of course that the Yu family was made the empress, but Cao Rui's empress was actually the Mao family who came from a humble background.

Everyone in the palace went to congratulate Empress Mao, but Mrs. Yu stayed alone in her bedroom and never showed up.

The utensils in the palace were scattered on the ground, Yu Shi was trembling all over, her eyes were red and swollen, her face was distorted, and she looked ferocious, her usual dignity and elegance had long since disappeared.

The veins on her forehead protruded like earthworms, the handkerchief in her hand had been torn into rags, and she kept cursing, "Bitch! Bitch!"

She behaved like a mad woman.

"Ma'am, the Empress Dowager is here."

The maid came in tremblingly, and reported.

Yu stood up abruptly, slapped the lady in the face, knocked the lady to the ground on the spot, and said angrily, "What is she here for? To see my joke?"

The maid was bleeding from the corner of her mouth, but she knelt down on the ground regardless of the broken utensils on the ground, not daring to say a word.

"You are the Yu clan of Hedong, a famous family, and the wife of the emperor, who dares to laugh at you?"

Empress Dowager Bian walked in long ago, seeing the mess in the palace, she frowned, "You look like you have lost your reputation."

"Famous manner? Who is not watching the jokes of Cao's royal family now? Everyone in this palace is about to be laughed to death. If you are in the palace, even if you are famous, what's the use?"

Yu Shi sneered and said sarcastically.

Mrs. Bian looked at the woman in front of her. She used to think that she was a virtuous and dignified woman. She came here today to comfort her. Unexpectedly, she turned into this kind of appearance, and suddenly felt that she was a little impatient.

She first ordered the maids and servants, "You all go out."

Then he said to Mrs. Yu, "I know that you feel aggrieved, but you are also from a famous family. Some words, you should think about it before you say it. What is a joke about watching Cao's royal family? Let the emperor know that you said such a thing , annoyed him, I'm afraid you won't even be able to keep your wife's position."

The Yu family didn't care about Bian's good intentions, she pointed to herself, "The Empress Dowager knows that this concubine is from a prominent family, and this concubine also knows that she is the first wife that the late Emperor personally asked His Majesty to marry. If you dare to ask the Empress Dowager, I will marry you myself." Since entering the Cao family, have you ever acted inappropriately?"

"Of course not."

"Since there is nothing wrong with it, then there is no crime of having a wife. He has been neglecting his concubine, and the concubine has tolerated it. But now, he even prefers to be the queen of a slut, rather than a wife. Isn't this pampering my concubine? Killing his wife? Isn't he afraid that people in the world will laugh at him for not knowing etiquette?"

"Mr. Mao is now the Empress of Great Wei. She is not some kind of slut. You should pay attention to your morals and don't lose your word."

Bian resisted the impatience in her heart and persuaded her.

Mrs. Yu has long lost her reason because of her anger. When she saw the empress dowager in front of her recognize Mao as her queen, she sneered and said, "Mr. Cao likes to set up a bitch since she was born, and she never thought of choosing people based on virtue." , I’m telling the truth, what’s wrong with it?”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Bian finally couldn't suppress the anger in her heart, and reprimanded loudly, "You are presumptuous!"

Yu held her head up, without any fear, "Whether I am presumptuous or not, the Empress Dowager should know it well!"

Of course Mrs. Bian knew it, but it was because she knew what Mrs. Yu said hit the pain points of the Cao family, so she immediately reprimanded her and stopped her from talking.

Cao Cao had two wives in his early years, one was Mrs. Ding, who was the original wife, and the other was Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu gave birth to a son and a daughter for Cao Cao, but they died young.

So Mrs. Ding, the main wife, raised her children and regarded them as her own. This is Cao Ang and later Princess Qinghe.

Later, when Cao Cao attacked Wancheng, he made a "widow. AVI", which forced Zhang Xiu, who had already surrendered.

So Cao Ang, Dian Wei, Cao Anmin and others died because of Cao Cao's "widow has a disease".

This made Mrs. Ding furious, and she kept crying and begging Cao A to cover her up with Cao Ang.

It's a pity that Boss Cao doesn't know the resurrection technique, and he was annoyed by Mrs. Ding's crying, so he sent her back to her natal family directly, thinking that it would be pure if she couldn't see her.

After some days, Cao Cao eagerly ran to find him again, wanting to get back together, but Mrs. Ding was a staunch person, and she simply didn't look at Cao A in the right way.

Cao Cao lost face and refused to persuade her to go back, so she had to write a letter of divorce, and at the same time told the Ding family to help her choose someone to marry.

Just let's not talk about whether the Ding family has the courage, even if the Ding family dares to marry, no one dares to marry.

That's why Mrs. Ding has been single all her life for no apparent reason.

Mrs. Bian is Cao Cao's concubine. She was originally from a humble background. Madam Ding made such a fuss, so Mrs. Bian was supported by Cao Cao and became the royal family, and even the queen, empress dowager, and empress dowager. .

After Cao Cao's death, his son Cao Pi followed suit.

Cao Pi's original partner was Mrs. Zhen, who was from a prominent family in Hebei. She was originally Yuan Xi's wife. After the Battle of Guandu, Cao Pi followed Cao Cao into Yecheng and broke into Yuan's mansion first. Accept as a wife.

It's a pity that Cao Pi likes the new and hates the old. After a few years, he favors Mrs. Guo, Mrs. Li and Mrs. Yin.

After Empress Zhen complained a few words, she was ordered to die by Cao Pi, and ordered to slap her face with chaff, hoping to lock her soul forever and leave her nowhere to redress her grievances.

Cao Pi bestowed the death of Empress Zhen, and made Mrs. Guo the empress, who is now the Empress Dowager.

Empress Guo's family background was originally good, her father was the prefect of Nanjun County, but unfortunately she lost her parents when she was young, suffered from war disasters, was displaced, and even lived in other people's homes, and eventually became a maidservant.

But after entering the East Palace, she was greatly favored by Cao Pi, soaring into the sky, and finally snatched the queen's position from Queen Zhen.

As for the third generation of the Cao family, Cao Rui, they have followed the old path of the previous two generations in this matter.

Empress Mao was born in a family of craftsmen. Her father was a craftsman who repaired cars for people, and he came from a humble background.

She was originally a concubine, but now she has surpassed the Yu family who was born in a prominent family in the east of the river, and became a queen.

Throughout the three generations of the Cao family, they all abandoned their original wives to help their low-born concubines, so the Yu family's statement that "the Cao family likes to be a bitch" actually made the empress dowager feel ashamed and angry, as if she had been stabbed in the heart One knife, because she is also one of the sluts in Yu's mouth.

Seeing that Mrs. Bian was blocked and speechless, Mrs. Yu felt a burst of pleasure.

Anyway, the matter has come to this point, she doesn't care about any gaffes, the most honorable empress position is gone, what else does she have to lose?

She could only hear her saying to Bian, "the heaven and the earth have their own rules. Since the emperor is the lord of the people, he should follow the principles of the heaven and the earth. The queen is in charge of all affairs in the palace, and the emperor is in charge of the world's affairs. It’s meant to complement each other.”

"Nowadays, the three generations of the Cao family all take their concubines as their wives. The slut ascended to the throne because of favor, and suddenly became rich and superior to the main family. The emperor personally set this kind of bad precedent. The chaos started from the top, and the courtiers and the people Is there any reason not to imitate? This is a loss of virtue."

"Since the affairs of the world have not had a good start and have not repented so far, it is hard to say that there will be a good result. Now it is the concubine who bullies the wife. If someone learns in the future, bullying the superior, and even bullying the king with the minister, It's all the Cao family's own fault."

"The brilliance of a gentleman is cut off for the fifth generation. It is rare for a non-gentleman to last for three generations. If virtue is not matched, there will be disasters. In the future, the Cao family may have a funeral for the country, ruining the country and the country founded by the ancestors." Disaster!"

After what Yu said, Bian was angry and scared.

He was so angry that it was the other party's vicious words, but what he was afraid of was that what the other party said was extremely reasonable.

It's a pity that she is also from a humble background. In terms of principles, how can she be the opponent of the Yu family who came from a famous family?

Immediately, his face was full of anger, and he turned around and left with a flick of his sleeves.

The words of Mrs. Yu soon reached Cao Rui's ears, and he was furious on the spot, so he deposed Mrs. Yu and returned him to Ye Palace, vowing never to see each other again.

Yu Shi said these words, knowing that there is no reason to escape, she was already waiting to die, but she did not expect to survive.

When she left Luoyang, she looked back at the majestic palace with a triumphant smile on her face: This emperor seems to be reasonable and wise, but that's just a surface to cover up his inner inferiority complex.

The so-called never seeing each other, I'm afraid they dare not see themselves, right?

It's okay for this person to be unsuccessful, but once he succeeds, he will only indulge his inner desires, and he is not a virtuous king!

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