Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 566 VIP

Among the generals sent to Hanzhong by the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty to follow the Northern Expedition, Wang Ping and Feng Yong from Nanzhong were the farthest, and Feng Yong was the latest.

Wang Ping set off one month earlier than Feng Yong, and Feng Yong delayed until the road between Yuejue and Jincheng was reopened, and then he led the army out of Yuejue on the road, as a test of the new road.

When he led his army to Hanzhong, it was already the last month of Jianxing's five years.

As early as two months ago, Hanzhong had already cut off the non-governmental transactions with Jincheng, and the northern expedition military supplies were all transported to Hanzhong along the way.

Nanzheng's surroundings were already full of troops, with noisy troops and banners flying.

Those who came to arrange the residence of Feng Yong's headquarters were old acquaintances.

I only heard Feng Yong call out affectionately: "Brother."

Zhuge Qiao, who was wrapped in a down jacket, was also very happy to see Feng Yong, with a smile all over his face, "Brother, you are finally here! You are the only one missing in Hanzhong."

Feng Yong's face showed horror, "Could it be that my younger brother is late, and the prime minister wants to punish me with military law?"

When Zhuge Qiao heard it, his face was full of helplessness, and he pointed at Feng Yong, "It's you, who dares to make fun of the prime minister like this, if it were someone else, who would dare?"

Feng Yong laughed.

Seeing Feng Yonghun's indifferent appearance, Zhuge Qiao felt faint envy in his heart.

Whether it is an adult or a mother, they are extremely doting on this younger brother, and have always been strict with themselves.

Just like now, how could I have the guts to make fun of adults like this?

Afraid of not being beaten.

"Brother, let me tell you how many people you will bring here this time, so that Brother Wei can prepare for allocating food and grass, and see where it is appropriate to arrange your troops to set up camp."

"Little brother brought 8,000 people here this time, and the former army has 3,000 people. Brother is the food and grass officer of the Northern Expedition Army this time?"

"My brother has been a food and grass officer in Hanzhong for so long, so when the army is stationed in Hanzhong, all the food and grass are handed over to my brother." Zhuge Qiao rubbed his forehead, "You don't know, these days, I haven't slept Have a good night's sleep."

After speaking, he looked around again, and then whispered, "Nanxiang, I heard that people are not allowed to come in and out at will, and it is called martial law, even the little accountants in the school are not allowed to come here at will. "

"Good brother, you can do me a favor later, and help me call a few little gentlemen over here, otherwise I'm really busy."

Feng Yong said strangely, "I remember that students from Nanxiang Academy have been transferred to Nanzheng Workshop in turn to check their accounts."

"Cough!" Zhuge Qiao patted his thigh, "How many people are there? How can it be enough? The workshop has not stopped, the woolen cloth has to be distributed, and the accounts are not fooled, and the Hanzhong mansion collected money two years ago. The food and grass brought up must be counted in the treasury, and the weapons in the arsenal must be handed over to the army."

"The few accountant gentlemen who were transferred here will go back after a few days. Next time, another group of people will come and have to start again. The prime minister's army has been urged several times, and we are asked to settle it quickly. complete."

"join the army?"

During the first Northern Expedition, joining the army was a sensitive word. Feng Yong subconsciously asked, "Which one joins the army?"

"Yang joins the army."

"Yang Yi?"


"No wonder."

Feng Yong nodded, this is a talented villain.

It is said in the history books that he "planned the branch, raised the food and grain, and did not think about it, so it was easy." From this point of view, this person should have a strong mental arithmetic ability, at least much better than himself.

Although he is nominally the head of Nanxiang Academy, but now Nanxiang accountant is well-known, and many people take the credit for himself.

But in fact, Feng Yong knew very well that the foundation of mathematics in Nanxiang Academy was actually laid by Amei.

Even in Yueyu, when she has the opportunity, she will continue to teach those students more advanced mathematics, and she is the most powerful master of mathematics in the eyes of the students of Nanxiang Academy.

If Ah Mei and Yang Yi compare mental calculations, which one will be better?

With such thoughts passing through his mind, Feng Yong nodded at the same time, "Since the elder brother has opened his mouth, there is no reason why the younger brother should not follow. At this time, there are many students who followed me to Hanzhong. Those juniors who haven't finished their lessons are much better."

"When the time comes, I'll send some people over to help brother, so brother won't have to worry about this."

"Okay, okay!" Zhuge Qiao was overjoyed, and took Feng Yong's arm, "Let's go, I'll take you to pick a good camp. If you need something later, you can tell Brother Wei, as long as you don't break the rules, Brother Wei will definitely meet you." Do your best to help you think of something!"

Sure enough, there are people in the court who are good at handling things.

Feng Yong giggled, "That's the deal."

After choosing a place to camp, Feng Yong handed over the arrangements for camping to Huang Chong who followed him, and then he went to the Chinese army camp to meet Zhuge Liang.

Coal was burning in the new-style stove in the handsome tent, and there was a kettle on the stove, steaming hotly.

The big Han prime minister was sitting by the stove, holding a book and reading it intently.

"Shi Fengyong, chief of Yuexuan, was ordered to lead the army here and met the prime minister."

After Feng Yong entered the commander's tent, he saluted loudly.

Zhuge Liang put down his book, nodded slightly to Feng Yong, "There are only you and me here, and it's not a military discussion, so sit down as you like."

Feng Yong looked at the back and confirmed that there was no one there. He quickly said "Hey", moved the small horse beside the stove to the edge of the stove, sat down on his buttocks, and stretched out his hands to warm the fire.

Zhuge Liang didn't mind, and even asked warmly, "Do you want some tea?"

"A little..." Feng Yonggang wanted to say "thirsty", but he looked at the bowl next to him, finally held back, shook his head and said, "I don't drink, I always want to go to the latrine after drinking, it's too cold, I don't want to move. "

Feng Yong has a slight obsession with cleanliness, and people these days don't pay attention to hygiene, so he usually uses the bowls for drinking water only for himself.

Now even if you are thirsty, you have to say you are not thirsty.

The big Han prime minister angrily threw the book in his hand aside, and cursed, "Vulgar!"

Feng Tubie let out a dry laugh and shrank his neck.

Seeing that this kid looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, the prime minister of the big man was also a little helpless.

This Northern Expedition, not only has sufficient military resources, but also does not need to hurt the livelihood of the people too much. This son has contributed a lot, and I was thinking of giving him a good compliment, but I never thought that he would come in and say such a sentence, which is really impressive pissed off.

"How many people did you bring here this time?"

"Eight thousand."

Feng Yong stretched out his finger and gestured.

Zhuge Liangliang nodded and made some calculations in his mind.

Meng Huo's daughter, Hualan, moved to a large tribe, and there were also some small tribes who followed her, totaling 30,000 to 40,000 people. Last year, another 30,000 Han people were relocated, and together with the original Yi people, the three counties of Sunshuihe Valley now have more than 120,000 people.

So even though Yuejuan is a newly established place, it shouldn't be a big problem to draw 8,000 people.

"How many soldiers? How many auxiliary soldiers?"

Zhuge Liang asked again.

"Six thousand soldiers and two thousand auxiliary soldiers."

The continuous improvement of dry food has greatly reduced the logistical pressure.

Even if you are a soldier, carry a cylindrical dry food bag on your back, which contains dry food 2.0, and put two salted fish in it, and it can last for nearly a month.

In the past two years in Yuexiu, Feng Yong has been doing a lot of infrastructure construction. He has built a batch of water mills in the Sunshui River Valley, grinding noodles day and night. lard.

Therefore, the dry ration 2.0 supplied to the army is mixed with enough oil, not the reduced version like the one that was first eaten by the Yueyi people.

Moreover, there are salt wells in Yuexi, and fish are raised in the fields, so it is economical to use, and two salted fish are stuffed in each dry food bag, which is still barely enough to supply.

So for the two thousand auxiliary soldiers, in addition to transporting food, Feng Yong wanted them to transport other equipment.

But the thinking of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty is still stuck in the previous impression, and he has no idea of ​​the improvements Feng Yong has made to his army. He frowned and said, "There are a few auxiliary soldiers."

By convention, soldiers and auxiliary soldiers are one to one, so as to ensure sufficient food supply capacity and enough manpower to set up camp.

"It's quite a lot. I have improved another batch of dry rations. Two thousand auxiliary soldiers are enough."

Feng Yong didn't intend to say more.

The reason why the Dry Food 2.0 did not tell Zhuge Old Demon in advance is because the pig farming industry can only be regarded as just emerging, and the lard was obtained only by relying on the internal relations of the Xinghan Society.

As for the beans needed, agricultural products are in short supply at present, and the ranches in Yueyi alone do not know how many beans are consumed every day.

If you really want to say it out loud, the old demon Zhuge will wave his hand and let the army eat first...then just wait and cry.

It is reasonable to give priority to one's own soldiers.

As for the others... Anyway, there are enough auxiliary soldiers and sufficient supplies, so don't worry, I'm not the prime minister anyway!

"As for setting up the camp, I plan to take the Nanxiang engineering team to Long. They are proficient in this line of work, so they won't need so many auxiliary soldiers."

Feng Yong made an excuse.

The corner of Zhuge Liang's mouth twitched. The Nanxiang engineering team, which specializes in civil engineering, has excellent technology, high efficiency, and organizational discipline. Anyone who sees it is envious.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty was no exception, but he was embarrassed to mention it again when he saw this kid's "mine is mine".

So the prime minister of the Han Dynasty slapped his mouth a little tastelessly, "A few days ago, it was the coldest time in winter, you led the army here, did anyone suffer from frostbite?"

"There are a few, but it's not a big problem. They are all minor injuries. It's okay. I have glycerin."

Feng Yongman replied nonchalantly, he deliberately waited until the coldest time to set off, just to test the cold resistance ability of his troops, otherwise Longyou and Liangzhou would be much colder than Nanzhong.

Although spring should have started in Shanglong, and the weather will get warmer, but it is always right to be careful.

Zhuge Liang was taken aback, "What glycerin?"

Why do you always come up with something I haven't seen before?

"Oh, when I went to Nanzhong two years ago, I saw a kind of oilseed there. Although the squeezed oil is poisonous and cannot be eaten, it is waterproof and can be applied to weapons to prevent rust."

"What's more, you can boil something out of it, called glycerin, and apply it on your hands, feet and face to prevent freezing, so you don't have to worry about frostbite in winter."

Tung oil is everywhere in Nanzhong. Feng Yong's loyal younger brother Li Yi is from a family in Nanzhong, and his father is also the governor of Nanzhong. Collecting tung oil is a piece of cake.

What's more, the harvest is not in vain, and it is exchanged for grain.

It's convenient for me, and I can appease the people after pacifying Nanzhong, and Li Hui can gain an official reputation, what a great thing?

The production of soap from tung oil failed, but good things can be extracted from the failed products, so there is no loss.

"There are such good things, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

The prime minister of the big man stared wide-eyed, "Give me a batch!"

"Oh, no problem, how much?"

Feng Yong scratched his head. Anyway, after two years of preparation, the glycerin he saved was not old or young...

"Not much, just enough for 10,000 people to use for a month."

The engineering team couldn't get it, and the prime minister, who was extremely upset, came asking for a sky-high price.

This time it was Feng Yong's turn to widen his eyes suddenly, what did I want to say just now? Glycerin is not old or young?

"Prime...Prime Minister, this glycerin, I exchanged grain for tung oil, and transported it from Nanzhong, and finally made it hard. It's hard to come by..."

Feng Langjun stammered.

"No money!"

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty knew that someone was desperate for money, so he interrupted him very simply.

Feng Yong was dumbfounded.

"Prime Minister, I remember that a few months ago, I seemed to have sold a few short positions. I heard that the treasury was full of money and food..."

"Who did you hear that from?"


"Which brother?"

The prime minister of the big man stared.

"Zhuge... brother..."

Feng Yong replied with some timidity.

Zhuge Liang: ...

Then the prime minister gritted his teeth and emphasized again, "No money! No food!"


Do you want to search like this?

Feng Yongda was dissatisfied.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty fought against a certain turtle over and over again, and which time he could take advantage of it. Seeing his heartbroken look, he deliberately turned his eyes away and said leisurely, "This Northern Expedition, I still have few A warring general..."

Hearing this, Feng Yong gulped down a mouthful of saliva.

Although it is a miscellaneous general, it is also a general!

Prime Minister, you are fair, how can you be so selfish and sell an official so openly, isn't it good?

So Feng Tubie sternly refused, "Prime Minister, there really aren't that many."

"If it's not so much, then it's not too much!" The prime minister of the Han Dynasty glared at Feng Tubie, "You never tell the truth, even if you do, it's a discount, who the hell!"

Seeing his reluctance to let go, Zhuge Liang had no choice but to take a step back, "Forget it, you can make another request."

Feng Yong's eyes lit up when he heard it, how could he be polite?

He just blurted out, "I want Wang Ping!"


"Wang Ping, the prefect of Zhu Ti, and the three thousand people he brought from Nanzhong."

Zhuge Liang couldn't help but feel a little puzzled when he saw this kid so impatiently.

Wang Ping did have an outstanding performance in pacifying Nanzhong, but in fact it was all under Li Hui's command. In the eyes of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, Wang Ping was no match for Ma Zhong, the prefect of Zangke.

Otherwise, he would not have transferred Wang Ping, but left Ma Zhong in Nanzhong.

Because Ma Zhong not only had to assist Li Hui to stabilize Nanzhong and mobilize military resources for the Northern Expedition, but at the same time, Jiangzhou was to the north of Zangke, so he had to pay attention to Li Yan at all times.

"What's the reason?"

"Because... because I am young, Prime Minister, I am not familiar with military affairs. Didn't the Prime Minister send me Meng Yan when I was in Pingyue last year? The Prime Minister also felt that I needed a steady elder to help preside over it. Is it something in the military?"

"But who among the senior generals in Hanzhong is willing to submit to the younger ones? Only General Wang, who not only makes friends with me, but also has a prudent and prudent nature, is the best candidate."

Feng Yong was quick-witted, and the more he talked, the more he felt that he had a reason, so in the end he became confident.

Zhuge Liang listened, and looked up and down at Feng Yong strangely.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty wanted to bring Feng Yong this time to train him. After all, he is a leader of the younger generation of the Han Dynasty. If he can be cultivated as soon as possible and take up the lead, then there is no need to worry about having no successors.

But if you really think about it, letting him follow the Northern Expedition this time is actually a bit unreasonable. Because he is the only son in the family and has no children yet, swords have no eyes on the battlefield, so someone must follow him to protect him.

This son has great kindness to both the father and son of the Wang family, and the prudent Wang Ping is indeed the best candidate.

Although one of the two is the prefect and the other is the long history, this is not important. After all, Feng Yong still has the Marquis, so it is only necessary to arrange the military positions of the two.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty looked at Feng Yong strangely because he did not expect Feng Tubie to be so self-aware, and he was very pleased, "This matter is easy to hear, I will issue a military order to let Wang Ping go to your camp Take orders."

"Thank you, Prime Minister!"

Feng Yongxi turned his heart and said hastily.

Damn, I have Wang Ping and Zhang Yi in my hand, if he is chopped off like this, then God is determined to accept him, and it is useless to struggle.

"Don't be too busy thanking me, I want someone from you too."

Zhuge Liang knocked on the table and said.

Feng Yong's heart skipped a beat, he thought that Ju Fu and Zhang Ni just followed him to quell the small chaos, so they are not qualified to be in the eyes of the prime minister, right?

"I don't know who the prime minister wants?"

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