Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 567 Invincibility lies in oneself, victory lies in the enemy

"Nanxiangyuan County Captain, Huang Chong."

Feng Yong was stunned for a moment when he heard this, he was greatly surprised, "What does the prime minister want Huang Chong to do? He is the head of the Huang family and he is not yet married. I originally wanted him to stay behind and help transport food."

Although Dongfeng Express is quite reliable on weekdays, at this critical time, of course, it is only by letting your brothers control the operation to be at ease.

Zhuge Liang didn't answer directly, but just pondered for a while, and then said, "I heard that when he was a county captain in Nanxiang, he was worried that the Cao bandits would go up the river, so he arranged a lot of tricks at important places beside the Hanshui River. Fort Shaowu."

"And they have explored the Han River many times, and even sent people down the river to inspect the junction of Hanzhong and Wei?"

Hearing this, Feng Yong felt something was wrong, "That's right."

Zhuge Liang nodded after getting Feng Yong's answer, "I want to send a group of people along the Han River to the east. Since Huang Chong is familiar with this waterway, it is suitable for him to be transferred to this side division."

Feng Yong jumped up all of a sudden, "Prime Minister, this is not giving away the head... No, isn't this giving away death?!"

"What are you panicking about? Swimming down from Hanzhong, it's easy to go and hard to return, but it's hanging on the ground. Once there is danger, there is a danger of destruction. How can I not know?" Zhuge Liang scolded, "I do this, and I will do it myself. reason."

"What reason can there be? Isn't it because Meng Da is rebellious?" Feng Yong said unceremoniously, "This Meng Da, repeating the villain's ears! If you die, you will die. Do you want our people to go and be buried with you?"

This is so wrong!

This is not the prime minister of Han in my impression!

Could it be a fairy pretending to be it?

Feng Yong looked at Zhuge Liang suspiciously. Could it be that Lao Tzu's messing with wind and rain created a butterfly effect, which made Zhuge's self-confidence too inflated and wanted to swallow it all at once?

If this is really the case, why not let old man Wei go to Ziwu Valley to die!

If you succeed in stealing the crystal, you will earn your life.

Zhuge Liang looked at Feng Yong who was staring at him suspiciously, and asked, "How did you know that Meng Da is going to rebel?"

Shall I tell you that I know it from history books!

Feng Yongben was not in the mood to talk about this with Zhuge Liang, his heart was full of anxiety, and he was turning his mind quickly, anxious to think of a way to persuade Zhuge Liang to change his mind, and he said angrily, "Guess."

Zhuge Liang was furious. With a "snap", he slapped the table and reprimanded, "In the tent of the commander of the army, the commander is questioning. If you don't answer well, believe it or not, I will hit you with thirty army sticks first? You sit down!"

Just now you said it was not a military discussion, let me do whatever you want, and now you call yourself the coach?

If we have the ability, let's fight fairly regardless of our position?

Feng Yong despised him in his heart, sat back resentfully, and said sullenly, "Li Hong, a Wei man, came to vote last year. When he talked about Meng Da, didn't the prime minister say that he would write to him? Now the army is sent east along the Han River, I must have gone to meet him."

At that time, as soon as Nanzhong was pacified, Jiang Wan personally escorted Li Hong, who had defected from Wei to Han, and mentioned Meng Da. At that time, Feng Yong also affirmed the idea of ​​uniting with Meng Da.

It was that time that Feng Yong formally proposed to Zhuge Liang the strategic thought of taking Guanzhong first and Longyou first (bragging).

According to Feng Yong's point of view, he intends to use Meng Da as cannon fodder, not his own people!

Zhuge Liang listened and glanced at him appreciatively. This kid's mind is quite ingenious.

"Do you think Meng Da can't do anything?"

"Of course not. How can he be Sima Yi's opponent?"

Feng Yong said without hesitation.

"What if Sima Yi doesn't go there in person?"

Zhuge Liang asked.


"Just take a look." Zhuge Liang took out a letter and handed it over, "This is the letter sent by Meng Dacai."

Feng Yong took it, and saw that the words written on it were pretty, but there were no broken sentences, which made it very difficult for people to read.

It took a long time before he understood what Meng Da meant, and immediately sneered, "If Meng Da really thinks that way, I'm afraid he will die faster."

"Tell me your opinion." Zhuge Liang's expression remained unchanged, and he poured himself a bowl of hot water, and even put some tea leaves in it.

"Although the new city is located in a remote place, Hanzhong is connected to Hanzhong in the west, and Jingzhou is connected to Dongwu in the south. If the Cao bandits lose this dangerous place, then Xiangyang will be lost."

"Old Lord Guan forced Cao Cao to almost move the capital back then. How can Cao Cao forget it so easily? Meng Da would think that Sima Yi would not go there in person. He is really short-sighted."

That's right, back then Meng Da advised Liu Feng not to listen to Guan Yu's order. It seems that this person didn't know what Xiangyang meant to Jingzhou.

Feng Yongnai explained anxiously, "Cao thief has good horses, and he is best at running on the road. Not to mention, in the battle of Changbanpo, Cao thief's tiger and leopard rider could travel three hundred miles in a day and night. After the late emperor, Scatter Your Majesty and the late Emperor."

"Although the tiger and leopard riders are no longer there, Sima Yi is resourceful and good at using soldiers. How could he not know the reason why soldiers are expensive and fast? How could it be possible to delay for a month?"

"Even if the horse army in Sima Yi's hands is not as good as the tiger and leopard cavalry that can travel 300 miles a day, it only needs to reach half of it. If it travels 150 miles a day, it will only take eight days to reach 1,200 miles. Jieshi Meng Da is unprepared, he is afraid of losing quickly."

After hearing this, Zhuge looked at Feng Yong in amazement, "Even veteran generals in the army can't say these words. I didn't expect you to see it so clearly."

Then he said thoughtfully, "Yes, you should have really learned the art of war, otherwise how could you teach Zhao Guang and the others how to train soldiers?"

When Feng Yong heard this, he almost collapsed on the spot!

I'm talking about Meng Da, man!

This is so imminent, do you still have the mood to guess what I have learned here?

"Look at your appearance, why are you in a hurry? Don't worry, since you know that you are close to death, don't I know? It's just a partial division, not a large army. Hanshui can't walk away from the army, can't you walk away from the partial division?"

"If the situation is not right, they can return voluntarily, and no one will let them die there."

Zhuge Liang spat out a piece of tea and said calmly.

Feng Yong was startled, "How many people does the prime minister plan to send over?"

"Three thousand people, no more, or it will be difficult to retreat."

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty said as if nothing had happened.

"Then it's better not to send..."

"What do you know!"

Zhuge Liang glared at Feng Yong, "If you don't send, how can you strengthen Mengda's heart to defend the city? How can you force Soochow to send troops? Is it possible to have something to do if you keep thinking about what you see in your eyes?"


"Of course it's Soochow." Zhuge Liang sneered, "I didn't know that Meng Da was a capricious villain? Back then he was afraid of sin and turned against the Han, but now he said he would return to the big man, and at the same time secretly communicated with Soochow , is really disgusting.”

"Fuck! Isn't that a house slave with three surnames?"

Feng Yong blurted out a sentence.

There are only three companies in the world, what the hell are you trying to switch between the three companies? Do you really think you are a treasure? Even if it is a piece of treasure, the boss dare not use it.

The repeated villain is an existence that is more hateful than grass on the wall.

When Zhuge Liang heard the words "family slave of three surnames", he couldn't help but look sideways at Feng Yong: This cleverly spoken name really deserves its reputation, and these words are quite vicious.

Zhuge Liang continued, "Hanzhong and Xincheng are separated by mountains and rivers. Now he wants to return to the big man, but he just wants to use the big man as a way out."

"He just returned to the big man, so he is willing to give up the position of prefect of the new city? And now the big man does not have Jingzhou to echo him, so what is the difference between the new city and the enclave? But for Soochow, that is the important land. "

"So if Meng Da rebelled, Soochow must be more anxious than us. Then let them fight Cao thief, and we will go to Longshang."

This time it was Feng Yong's turn to look sideways at the prime minister.

This is Hong Guoguo's conspiracy at all, no matter how powerful Lu Xun is, he has to follow in the footsteps of the old demon Zhuge.

Unless Soochow has no idea about Xiangyang - this is impossible.

"It's just that people like Soochow may not be willing to try their best to save Meng Da."

Feng Yong reminded.

Feng Tubie never forgot that Soochow cheated him on the sugarcane matter.

"In the past, those who were good at fighting were invincible first, and waited for the enemy to be victorious. The invincibility is up to oneself, and the victory is up to the enemy. Therefore, a good fighter can be invincible, and cannot make the enemy victorious. Therefore, it is said: Victory is known , cannot be done.”

Zhuge Liang read a passage of Wen Cranchi, and then glanced at Feng Yong, "It's so clear in the military books, are you still worried about this? Are you reading the military books for nothing?"

Hearing this, Feng Yong thought to himself, can this be explained by "Sun Tzu's Art of War"?

"Now we have done what we can. As for how Cao Thief and Soochow will respond, that is beyond our control. What's the use of worrying?"

Zhuge Liang's face was flat, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

Feng Yong thought about it, this statement... seems to have some truth.

Especially a character like Lu Xun must have his own judgment.

If the big man is too eager, maybe it will be self-defeating.

At the moment, he could only sigh, "That's right."

In the final analysis, the foundation of the big man is too weak, and he needs to ask others.

Speaking of the art of war, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty thought of another thing.

"In the past few years, I have asked you to read "Six Secret Teachings", did you gain anything?"

"have it."

Feng Yong scratched his head and realized that he was the boss, at least he could understand what you quoted from the scriptures and what you said in general.

"As a general, you must read "Sun Tzu", "Six Secret Teachings", and "Three Strategies". Since you have studied "Six Secret Teachings", this time leading the army is just an opportunity to confirm the essence of the text, you know?"

"Understood." Feng Yong answered honestly, and then asked, "Who is the prime minister planning to send to lead the army going east along the Han River?"

Ask clearly in advance, so that Huang Chong can be prepared.

"Li Yi."


"Nanzhong Yu surrendered Li Yi, the son of Li Dudu. Li Yi was a person who followed you to Nanxiang in the early years. He was familiar with the situation and participated in Nanzhong to quell the chaos. In the past two years, he also assisted Zhao Guang in stationing in Ju County and led 3,000 people along the river. Going east, I think it is enough to do it."

"Also, Li Yi is the same as what you said about Huang Chong. He is the eldest son of Li Dudu, and he is not married. .”

Feng Yong understood what he said, and thought to himself that the old demon Zhuge was planning to let Wenxuan and Yizhi run over there to have a look at the scenery and then run away!

After talking with Zhuge Liang, Feng Yong left the tent of the commander of the Chinese army and returned to his camp. He saw that the banner of the commander-in-chief had been erected, and the banner with the big "Feng" embroidered on it was fluttering in the wind. .

The soldiers are digging ditches and setting up camps around the planned camp with the commander in chief as the center.

When Huang Chong learned that Feng Yong was returning to the camp, he quickly came to greet him. At the same time, Feng Yong unexpectedly met Li Yi.

"Why is Wenxuan here?"

Feng Yong asked in surprise.

"Brother, my younger brother was recalled from Ju County by the Prime Minister a few days ago, and I have been waiting for my brother to arrive."

Although Li Yi spoke slowly, there was excitement in his eyes.

"Brother, according to Wenxuan, he is now the leader of the army alone."

Huang Chong also happily interjected beside him.

Feng Yong looked at Li Yi and asked, "Wen Xuan already knows?"

Li Yi nodded.

When Huang Chong saw the two playing charades, he felt a little inexplicable at the moment.

"It's cold outside, let's go back to the tent first."

Feng Yong didn't explain and said to the two of them.

Feng Yong drank a bowl of hot water, then looked at Huang Chong, and said, "After the army of Yue Yu arrives, the prime minister may have to make arrangements for the intention, you should prepare earlier."

When Huang Chong heard it, he was a little surprised, "The prime minister also knows the younger brother?"

Feng Yong smiled, "Brothers by my side, how could the prime minister not know?"

In a word, show confidence.

Zhao Guang, Li Yi, and Yang Wanwan led the army to defend Ju County for nearly two years, and Li Qiu was one of the few county magistrates who went up to the county.

Wang Xun and Huang Chong were Feng Yong's left and right arms for the past two years. They not only held the post of captain, but also served as the county magistrate of Yuejuan.

These few people are currently the core figures of Feng Yong's small group, and they are backed by Xinghanhui, an increasingly large interest group.

If this Northern Expedition can really make a contribution, then the Nanxiang Group, which is in its infancy, will officially break out of the ground.

At that time, Feng Yong's status, although not comparable to those old military leaders, will be unique in the second generation, even Guan Xing and Zhang Bao may not have more confidence than him in speaking.

Therefore, the small group around Feng Yong, the Xinghan Club with the small group as the core, is extremely eager to take advantage of this rare opportunity of the Northern Expedition to push him, the spokesperson of the interest group, to push him up.

The Prime Minister of the Great Han Dynasty saw this clearly, but he did not stop it, because Xinghanhui, a monster, is currently cooperating with him to squeeze and assimilate the aristocratic families in Shuzhong, which is considered a good knife.

And Feng Yong is one of the few successors he selected. He is still too young now and needs him to support him.

Letting Li Yi and Huang Chong lead the troops to gain experience is actually helping Feng Yong from the side.

"But I don't know what the Prime Minister wants to arrange for my younger brother to do?"

Huang Chong asked.

Feng Yongxiao pointed to Li Yi who was sitting next to him, "Wenxuan's tone is tight."

Li Yi has matured a lot in the past two years, and has begun to grow a short thick black beard. Hearing this, he just smiled, "How dare I speak nonsense without the prime minister's permission?"

Feng Yong nodded, "That's the reason. Let me say it. Meng Da is going to rebel against the Cao thief. The prime minister plans to send Wen Xuan to lead the army down the river in response. Didn't Yizhi explore the Han River in his early years?" ? So you, as Wenxuan's lieutenant general, will go together."

Huang Chong was taken aback, "Brother, it's not that I'm afraid of death. It's just that the Han River is easy to go and hard to return, and the army is difficult to move, so we can only send a small number of soldiers. There is still Weixing County between Hanzhong and Mengda's new city."

"If you want to help Mengda, you have to defeat the bandits Cao in Weixing County. He has a favorable location, and I'm going a long way, but I'm in a disadvantageous place. If I'm not careful, I'm afraid I'm in danger of being wiped out."

"So you just have to be careful." Feng Yong was very happy that Huang Chong could have such insight, "This time, the prime minister didn't intend to save Meng Da, but just responded."

"Once you find that the situation is wrong, return immediately, and don't stay too long to put yourself in danger, understand?"

Now that they had explained the strategic intention of their trip in detail, Huang Chong suddenly realized, "Since that's the case, then the younger brother knows how to do it."

The three brothers were discussing, only to hear the report from the soldiers, and the general Wang came to see him.

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