Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 569 Old love

For Feng Yong, this time the Northern Expedition was to bet all his net worth over the years, and he was stud.

And the opponent's rank is very strong, even if he is not the God of Gamblers, at least he is at the level of the Asian Gambler King.

So you can't be too careful.

For a whole day, he led people to run back and forth in various places in Nanxiang, inspecting Nanxiang's preparations for the Northern Expedition.

It wasn't until the sun went down that he led his people back to the inner city from the workshop.

"These days, ask the canteen to cook more meat. Pigs from pig farms, sheep from pastures, and even dog farms can bring out some vegetable dogs, and put more salt in the dishes."

Feng Yong gave instructions while walking.

The greater the workload, the more calories need to be supplemented, and the taste is also heavy. This is because of sweating, so the body urgently needs to supplement salt.

"Little brother understands."

Li Qiu nodded, but when he saw the direction Feng Yong was walking, a strange look flashed across his face, "Brother won't live in the county office tonight, do you want to live in the big courtyard?"

"What do I do in the county government office?"

Feng Yong didn't look back, so naturally he couldn't see Li Qiu's weird expression. He was so preoccupied with the Northern Expedition, how could he think about what Li Qiu meant by asking this?

"Although I got the prime minister's permission to come here this time, after all, I didn't come here in the name of patrolling. I'll just live in the county government office. Besides, wouldn't it be more comfortable to live at home?"

"At home?" Li Qiu's expression became even weirder. After thinking about it, he suddenly showed admiration.

"Isn't it the second home?" Feng Yong said, looking from the gate of the big courtyard, candles were already lit inside, and he felt a little emotional at the moment, "Back then..."

Having said this, he suddenly stopped.

He thought for a while, then turned around, and said to Li Qiu, "You're right, I think you should live in the county..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a voice, "Where is brother going? Dinner has been prepared in the courtyard. After a hard day, don't you plan to rest?"

In the thin night, I saw a girl, holding a lantern, standing at the gate of the compound, like a little woman leaning on the door waiting for her husband to return.

Feng Yong sighed, glanced at Li Qiu, and murmured, "Remember to speak clearly in the future."

Li Qiu faltered twice, then lowered his head.

Feng Yong gritted his teeth, turned around, with a look of surprise on his face, "Why is Si Niang here?"

Zhang Xingyi came over and smiled slightly, like a flower with dew, "Little sister is always here, just waiting for brother to come back."

Meaningful, very meaningful...

Feng Yong's face was a little feverish, he didn't dare to look into Zhang Xingyi's eyes, and said to him from left to right, "It's too cold outside, be careful if you catch a cold."

"Brother is busy working on state affairs all day long, so what's the point if my younger sister just waits for a while?"

Zhang Xingyi said softly, "Sister Guan wrote a letter two days ago, saying that my brother has been tired these days, too much to eat and too much to eat. Today, it seems that this is the case. Come in quickly, brother, don't delay here any longer, lest you be late The food is getting cold again."

As he said that, he looked at the people behind Feng Yong, "Everyone, go in and have some food, too?"

Since ancient times, it is difficult for an upright official to decide on housework, not to mention that Mrs. Zhang even mentioned Mrs. Guan, how dare everyone get involved in this kind of matter?

Li Yi, who was the leader, coughed and waved his hands, "No need, brother is very tired these days, so I won't bother you anymore, please take good care of brother, Miss Zhang."

At the same time, I sighed in my heart, as expected, to marry a wife is to marry a virtuous person.

This lady Guan looked powerful, but she didn't expect to be so generous.

"Yeah, brother, remember to rest early." Li Qiu cupped his hands, "Little brother will leave first."

Seeing everyone turn around and leave without hesitation, Feng Yong felt anxious and grabbed Li Yi's sleeve, "You've been busy all day, aren't you hungry? Let's go in and have something to eat..."

"Hey, brother, you don't have to worry about me. The small cafeteria in this workshop is full of people on standby for 12 hours, so don't let me down... Well, Miss Zhang's good intentions."

After finishing speaking, he broke Feng Yong's hand and left with everyone.

After walking far away, Huang Chong asked in a low voice, "Wenxuan, is it really okay to do this?"

"What are you afraid of? One moment and another moment. Now in my elder brother's house, the wife's surname is Guan, not Zhang."

Li Yi shook his head and said, "Besides, over there, didn't elder brother let Mi's family get a share of the barbarian girl's horse farm? Miss Zhang..."

After speaking, he looked around and found that there were no other outsiders, so he said in a low voice, "After all, she is the queen's own sister, brother can't do too much, right?"

"Moreover, Miss Zhang is now the person in charge of the Zhang family's property in Nanxiang. She has the final say on the mulberry silk in Nanxiang. I really want to annoy her..."

Li Yi thought for a while, but he didn't know what words to use to describe it. Finally, he just said, "Think about what Xu Xun looked like back then. Let's not get involved in this brother's matter. He thinks he has his own measure."

"Brother is also in trouble..."

Huang Chong sighed.

On one side is the royal family, and on the other side are the dignitaries who helped the big man conquer the country.

If Miss Zhang's identity has nothing to do with the royal family, no matter which family she is, or even the daughter-in-law of a powerful family, as long as her brother wants to, she can sleep as long as she wants, anyway, it's what you like and what I want.

The big deal is that after the incident, the brothers help arrange for a broken household to take over, afraid of a egg?

Stuffing some woolen brown sugar into her home really makes people taste the sweetness, and the other party probably wants to send another one.

If you don't want to... Anyway, the big Han dignitaries and many aristocratic families in Sichuan think it's pretty good, you can figure it out yourself.

Li Yi, Huang Chong, and Li Qiu are all descendants of aristocratic families. From their point of view, based on their elder brother's current status, if Mrs. Zhang loses her status as the queen's sister, it will really be no big deal.

It's just a woman, what is it compared to everyone's big family business?

"Brother, sit down first, and my younger sister will help you pour a bowl of water."

Zhang Xingyi welcomed Feng Yong into the wing room of his small courtyard, helped him take off his coat, hung it aside, poured a bowl of water himself, and handed it to Feng Yong, "It's cold outside, brother, drink some hot water first, and have dinner Coming up soon."

Like a virtuous wife.

Feng Yong was a little uncomfortable, picked up the bowl and took a sip, and then let out a "huh", looking at the candle, the color of the water was actually slightly yellow.

"Is this honey water?" Feng Yong asked in surprise, "Where did Siniang get honey this season?"

Zhang Xingyi looked at him, "It seems that you have really enjoyed the blessings, and you know honey water."

"Didn't you say that I was born in a mountain gate? It's strange to know honey?"

Feng Yong took another sip before putting down the bowl and asking.

"What are you bragging about? While pretending to be the son of a refugee, and at the same time claiming to be the son of a high-ranking person, don't you feel tired?"

Zhang Xingyi said disdainfully.

A look of contempt for Bai Fumei looking down on poor diaosi.

Feng Yong gave a "tsk" and waved his hands, "I can't explain to you."

"Don't say it if you don't understand it. It's good to be confused."

Zhang Xingyi said quietly.

Feng Yong was silent.

At this time, the door creaked open, and the maid came in with dinner.

Zhang Xingyi got up, took the food, and put it in front of Feng Yong himself.

"Try it, if it suits your taste."

Zhang Xingyi handed over a pair of chopsticks and asked expectantly.

Feng Yong took it, picked up a rib and put it in his mouth, his eyes lit up.

"Is it delicious?"

Seeing Feng Yong's expression, Zhang Xingyi seemed to have a sense of accomplishment, and asked with a smile.


Feng Yong nodded, spat out the bone in his mouth, and asked, "You have a lot of honey? Why do you even put this in it?"

Zhang Xingyi raised her head proudly, "I am the only one who can eat honey water all year round. I can eat it whenever I want, and I can eat as much as I want! How much honey do you think I have?"

"The one surnamed Li, has he really grown up?"

Feng Yong was greatly surprised.

Zhang Xingyi asked Li Mu's younger brother to go there, saying that he was raising geese for her, and Feng Yongxin agreed.

It was only later that I found out that she had played a secret trick.

But Feng Yong didn't care, because he didn't know much about beekeeping, and he didn't have confidence in beekeeping in this era.

Now it seems that it has been cultivated, and the scale should not be small, otherwise Zhang Xingyi would not have said such a thing.

Thinking of this, Feng Tubie's eyes lit up, he moved his chair, moved closer to Zhang Xingyi, and asked in a low voice, "Good Si Niang, can you tell me how many bees did Li Tong raise for you?"

"Hey, go away!"

Zhang Xingyi pushed him, with disgust on his face, "I've been running all day, and I'm covered in sweat!"

Then he activated Bai Fumei's special disdainful eyes again, "How much I raise is my business, what does it have to do with you? Get closer!"

"No, why do you say it's okay?"

Feng Tubie leaned closer again, "Look, in Nanxiang, which industry do I not give you a share of? Now I can't even ask?"

It was good Feng Tubie didn't say this, but when he said this, Zhang Xingyi raised his eyebrows immediately, and shouted coquettishly, "You also know back then? When I left Jincheng, where were you!"

I am going to marry a wife?

When Feng Yong heard this, he shrank immediately, retreated obediently, and buried his head in eating.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Xingyi was furious, but she didn't know what to say to him, so she glared at him, "You have no guts! See how promising you are?"

Feng Yong didn't dare to answer, buried his head in the bowl, and ate and drank.

Zhang Xingyi lost his temper, and seeing that he dared not answer, his heart softened again, "If you really don't want money and food, just tell me directly, why do you have to?"

"No, I didn't say that money and food are not in your hands..."

Feng Yong shrank his head and said sullenly.

"Who else are you lying to? You even spent Sister Guan's dowry, so be stubborn! Tell me, how much do you want? I'll see if I can make it up."

"No need, the Northern Expedition is coming up in a few days, everything that needs to be prepared is ready."

Feng Yong raised his head, said seriously, and then coughed again, "I just want to know about beekeeping..."

Zhang Xingyi frowned and glanced at him, "What do you keep thinking about raising bees? I don't know how many Li Tong raised, anyway, there are a lot."

"I heard from him that alfalfa blooms a lot in Hanzhong, so the bees are easy to raise. I went to Huangzhuang to see it. There are many logs in it, and there are bees in the distance. I don't know how many. Look, I'm afraid I'll be stung."

"The candles in my yard are all made of beeswax, and they can't be used up."

Feng Tubie drools when he heard this.

Big loss, big loss!

The brothers and sisters of the Li family are all talented!

I only found out one Li Mu, but I didn't expect to lose a Li Tong.

"Such a waste!"

Feng Yong said sadly, "Lighting so many candles, even rich people would not waste so much!"

"None of your business!" Zhang Xingyi snorted, "I'm happy!"

"Si Niang, I have a lot of oil, which is good for lighting lamps. Can you sell this beeswax to me in the future?"

Feng Yong begged in a low voice.

Seeing Feng Tubie like this, Zhang Xingyi knew that there must be something weird, otherwise, how could this ungrateful person be low in front of him?

She rolled her eyes, with a smile on her face, and asked in a soft voice, "Brother, if you want this beeswax, you also want to make candles?"

"No. I use it for... well, well, for other purposes."

"Is it important?"

"Well, it's very important." Feng Yong nodded vigorously.

"How much?"

"How can there be a number, of course, the more the better!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xingyi smiled even more, "Brother looks like he is going to go north with the prime minister, now that we are talking about this, could it be that the Northern Expedition is going to use it?"

"It's not."

"Brother, what do you mean, it is only used after returning from the Northern Expedition?"


"Okay." Zhang Xingyi's voice became more and more gentle, "Brother, let's go to the Northern Expedition with peace of mind. My little sister will let Li Tong prepare more first, okay?"


Feng Yong was overjoyed, "Siniang's apiary alone might not be enough for this thing..."

Zhang Xingyi interrupted him, "Is it okay to discuss this matter with my concubine after my brother returns? Don't be distracted by the Northern Expedition now."

Feng Tubie was like a chicken pecking at rice, "Chengcheng! I'll look for Si Niang again then."

The smile on Zhang Xingyi's face finally fully bloomed, and he pushed the food on the table towards Feng Yong, "Brother, eat now, don't starve to death."

Feng Yong got an important raw material, and his appetite was whetted.

Seeing that he was eating well, Zhang Xingyi helped him add another bowl of rice, and asked again, "Brother, do you know about the Temple of Loyalty and Justice?"

"How can I not know this?" Feng Yong was a little surprised Zhang Xingyi asked this, "I was the first to ask this matter from Li Xinhou, and then I asked the prime minister, and then I was allowed to cover it up."

Zhang Xingyi nodded, "In this Loyalty Shrine, Uncle Guan and the adults worship. The adults can enjoy the sacrifices of the common people, and my elder brother also contributed. My younger sister, thank you in advance."

"It doesn't matter, the two old princes, Guan and Zhang, are the people I admire the most. It is my heart's wish to build a shrine for them."

"Those knight-errants also contributed a lot to this Temple of Loyalty and Justice. One of them, Han Long, was the first to initiate it. Although they are all reckless people, they can be regarded as having a heart of loyalty. My brother thinks what my younger sister said is admirable. right?"

Zhang Xingyi looked at Feng Yong and asked a question tentatively.

"What Siniang said makes sense." Feng Yong didn't understand why Zhang Xingyi brought this up, "It's just why Siniang brought it up all of a sudden?"

Seeing that Feng Yong agreed with what he said, Zhang Xingyi breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes were like stars, shining brightly, and he smiled, "That's right, my little sister wants to ask brother one thing, which happens to be in line with loyalty. related to the shrine."

"Si Niang, please tell me."

Feng Yong felt a little guilty, thinking that maybe Lao Tzu's pen name had leaked out?

"The founder of this Temple of Loyalty and Justice was a man named Han Long. He had a disciple named Liu Hun, whose style name was Polu, and he was a Hun. He was the grandson of Qubei, a descendant of Emperor Guangwu, and the descendant of General Liu Jinbo of the Liao Dynasty. .”

"He is loyal to the big man and wants to serve in the army, but he has no way out. So his master Han Long asked me. But I don't care about this favor, so I want to ask brother."

"To humble?"

Feng Yong pondered, "This name is so familiar."

"Naturally familiar! Qubei is a master of the Tiefu tribe of the Xiongnu. In the first year of Jian'an, he was ordered by the emperor to personally lead his troops to fight against Li Jue and Guo Si, and helped the then emperor of Han escape from Chang'an."

No, that's just an NPC that often appears when I play the Three Kingdoms game.

"So, Liu Hun is actually the Empress of Loyalty?"

"How else would my little sister dare to ask brother?"

This time it was Zhang Xingyi's turn to lean over, and explained in a soft voice, "This Liu Hun admires the learning of the Han Dynasty. He traveled around Guanzhong and Liangzhou in his early years, so he is very familiar with there."

"He doesn't ask for any high-ranking officials, but only wants to be a pawn. If Brother can't trust him, it would be great to just let him be a front-runner."

Zhang Xingyi spoke softly and tenderly. Under the light of the candle, Feng Yong felt that she was really a human being, and he was stunned for a while.

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