"I'm asking you something, what are you looking at!"

Zhang Xingyi was both ashamed and delighted by Feng's scorching eyes, so he pushed him.

"Oh, oh, the front line is sharp?"

Feng Yong came to his senses, "Foreman Rui always advances in every battle, and more than half of them are killed or injured. It is very dangerous. After all, he is also the little prince of the Huns, right? Is it okay for you to arrange him in like this?"

"What could be the matter?" Zhang Xingyi said nonchalantly, "No matter what the little Xiongnu prince is, he's still a Hun, and he's still a down-and-out family with no tribe."

"He really wants to revive his family business. The fastest way is to go to the battlefield and make achievements, or..."

When Zhang Xingyi said this, he glanced at Feng Tubie, "Either it is like someone who has been favored by God, learned from an expert, learned a good knowledge that is not available in the world, and made it to the top."

While talking, Zhang Xingyi gritted his teeth and said, "You can still do whatever you want, especially to deceive people!"

Feng Yong blushed and coughed, as if he didn't understand, "Well, how's his martial arts?"

"Don't worry, it's very good. I heard from the old man in the house that his martial arts should have been taught by famous masters, or it may have been learned from his family. Now he is short of battlefield experience. If he can survive the battle, it may not be the future. He's a warrior."

"The old man in the house also advised me to send him to my elder brother. Unfortunately, he would rather be a pawn under your sect than to be a general with my elder brother."

"Huh? What's the point of this?" Feng Yong was a little surprised, "He went to Zhang Junhou, didn't he have a better future? Why did he have to follow me?"

"How else can I deceive people?" Zhang Xingyi said angrily, "The song "Xia Ke Xing" not only spreads word of mouth among those knight-errants, but also makes them regard it as the most reasonable thing, and even traveled thousands of miles to Nanxiang to admire its fame. , all regard Feng Langjun as a lifelong confidant."

"I'd rather be Feng Langjun's soldier than Zhang Junhou's general. Feng Langjun, what a skill!" Zhang Xingyi raised his thumb and said with a half-smile.

Feng Yong smiled triumphantly, and took another mouthful of rice.

"Eat slowly!" Zhang Xingyi frowned at the way he was eating, "I have all kinds of skills, but I don't follow the etiquette. It's fine to lie under a tree by the roadside and sleep, and you can't even have a little manner when eating?"

"I have no knowledge, this is called informality, do you understand? Besides, what kind of manners do you want in front of you? If you don't like it, just kick me out." Feng Yong handed over the bowl, "Make another copy."

The words were blunt, and the attitude was rude, but Zhang Xingyi still liked it, so he took it happily and gave him another serving.

"You haven't said whether you want someone else?"

Zhang Xingyi said coquettishly.

Before Feng Yongfan could swallow it down, he spit it out with a "poof", then stared straight, beat his chest desperately and coughed.

"Why are you choking?"

Zhang Xingyi quickly handed over the water, and helped knock on his back.

"What did you... just say?"

Feng Yong was almost choked to death, blushed and asked.

"I said well, why would I choke..."

"last sentence."

"Do you want that Liu Hun?"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Feng Yong coughed several times and took a few breaths, "I must speak clearly in the future."

Zhang Xingyi didn't notice her language problem at all, "How can I not speak clearly?"

"Okay, okay, I understand. Since you have opened the mouth yourself, how can I not? In this way, tomorrow you ask him to wait for me in the yard, and I will take him with me when I leave. "

"Okay, my concubine knows."

Hearing Feng Yong's words, Zhang Xingyi felt sweet in his heart. When he saw Feng Yong stretched out his chopsticks again, he quickly patted his hand and said angrily, "It's so dirty, I still eat! If you're not full, go take a bath first." , I'll make another one for you."

"This...you did it?"

Feng Yong pointed to the dishes with his chopsticks and asked in surprise.

"Otherwise, who do you think made it?" Zhang Xingyi dissatisfied, "The cook in the small kitchen of the workshop, I know she came from your village, and I have learned from her for a long time."


Feng Yong sincerely admired it.

No wonder it suits my taste so well, it turned out that she was the cook of Feng's residence.

Si Niang... really has a heart!

Feng Yong secretly glanced at Zhang Xingyi who got up and asked the maid outside to come in to clean up, "Don't be so troublesome, I can't eat so much at night, it's just right to eat seventy percent full."

Zhang Xingyi rolled his eyes at him, "Do you really think I am willing to do it for you?"

Feng Yong smiled awkwardly.

After the maid finished tidying up and went out, the two sat facing each other, but they didn't know what to say.

The atmosphere was awkward at first, and then became ambiguous again.

Zhang Xingyi glanced at Feng Yong, his eyes watered, and then looked away, his expression was very similar to the girl sitting in front of him in high school asking him questions after class.

Although he is not the first brother, Feng Yong still can't help wanting to indulge in it.

Oops... why is there a feeling of first love?

Thinking of Xijun who was far away in Yuexuan, Feng Yong suddenly woke up, and at the same time his heart was clear, he said hard-heartedly, "I'll go back first, Si Niang, you should rest earlier."

Zhang Xingyi glanced at Feng Yong, there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes, and he gave a soft "hmm" in his nose, "I'll see you off."

"It's cold outside, so I don't want it."

Just as Feng Yong got up, Zhang Xingyi stood up first, took his coat, opened it, and stood there, looking straight at him.

Feng Yong had no choice but to turn around and let her help him put on his clothes.

The down jacket didn't have a zipper, only a row of cloth buttons. Zhang Xingyi stood in front of him, fastening the buttons one by one with her dexterous hands. The candlelight illuminated half of her face, which was as smooth as jade.

The breath of the girl Ru Lan lingered in his nose, making Feng Yong's heart beat faster again, he quickly closed his eyes, and silently recalled the scene when Guan Ji urged him to practice martial arts.

Well, it works well, the heartbeat is back to normal.

After Zhang Xingyi helped him fasten the buttons, she took the belt and put her hands around his waist. The clothes were too thick, and she had to rest her head on his chest to take over the belt on the other end.

Kind of like hugging him.

It's been a while since the belt...

Zhang Xingyi buried his face in Feng Yong's chest, and said softly, "Alang's Northern Expedition, the sword has no eyes, so be careful."

"Ok, I know."

Feng Yong finally didn't dare to just push her away, fearing that she would be hurt again. After all, there are some things that can be done once.

The outstretched hands were lowered and gently rested on her slender waist.

The two stood still while embracing each other.

In the end, Feng Tubie, who was still confused, broke the tranquility, he patted Zhang Xingyi on the back lightly, and brought her back to reality from the dream, "I really have to go, or it will be too late, and people will gossip. "

Zhang Xingyi gritted his teeth, and his tenderness turned into anger. He pushed him violently, kicked him out of the door, and said through gritted teeth, "I knew he was a coward! Get out!"

After finishing speaking, he slammed the belt on his face, and closed the door with a "bang".

Feng Tubie picked up the belt, yelled secretly, and fled in embarrassment.

At the same time, I was worried, and I didn't know what Guan Ji meant by writing to Siniang. If I and Si Niang really want to get entangled in the future, I have to pass Xi Jun's test first, right? It seems that we have to think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

As for what other people think, I don't care!

After Feng Yong left, Zhang Xingyi opened the door again, looked at the pitch-black night, stood there quietly, and didn't know what to think.

After a while, a smug smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"Come on!"

"What are your orders, my lady?"

The maid hurried over.

"Go and call me the steward of the house."

After a while, Nanxiang's manager trotted over.

"You should tell Li Tong in person now that from tomorrow onwards, he doesn't have to worry about anything else, he just needs to concentrate on keeping bees, as much as he can. If he needs anything, you can arrange it as best you can."

Zhang Xingyi paused, as if thinking of something again, "Tell him, if this matter is done well, I can find a way to help the second lady of the Xu family."

After arranging everything properly, Zhang Xingyi grinned, looked at the place where the lights had just been turned on, and said to himself, "One day you will pay off the debt!"

At the end of December in the fifth year of Jianxing, Meng Dafan, the prefect of Caowei Xincheng.

While Sima Yi in Wancheng sent someone to report to Wei Emperor Cao Rui, he personally led the army, traveling day and night, traveling twice the road, and went straight to Shangyong City, the county seat of Xincheng.

Shangyong City is surrounded by water in three directions, with the tributary of the Han River blocking the water as the moat. The terrain is extremely dangerous.

Meng Da originally planned to deploy heavy troops on the side without water, and then planned to build a high city wall. At the same time, he built a wooden fence around the blocked water to prevent Wei soldiers from crossing the river.

His plan was quite good, but unfortunately, the wooden fence outside Shangyong City was less than halfway around, and Sima Yi's army had already appeared on the other side.

"General, it's not good!"

Meng Da's general Li Fu rushed into the prefect's mansion in a panic, "Here we come, the Wei army is here!"

After Meng Da decided to rebel against Wei, he sent letters to both Wu and Shu at the same time, agreeing on a date and waiting for them to come to help.

In his view, there is Hanzhong in the west of the new city, and Nanjun in the south. Both Wu and Shu have something to ask for themselves, and they will definitely send troops to come.

As long as you can defend the city and cooperate with Han Wuli inside and outside, everything is not a problem.

Now when he heard that Wei Jun had appeared outside the city, he was shocked at first, and then smiled confidently, "The only one who can come so quickly is Shen Yi from Weixing County, why panic?"

"No, general!" Li Fu's face was pale, with panic in his expression, "It's Sima Gong, and it's Sima Gong's handsome flag!"

When Meng Da heard it, his heart twitched suddenly, his legs felt weak, and he fell to the ground, "Impossible! Sima Yi wrote me a letter just eight days ago. How could he have gone to the city?"

In Meng Da's heart, there is only Sima Yi in Jingzhou who is worthy of his fear, but he did not expect that it was he who led the army in person.

Thinking of this, he shuddered, and wanted to stand up, but found that his limbs were limp, so he could only say anxiously, "Quick, quick! Help me up!"

Li Fu hurriedly stepped forward to support Meng Da's arm, just as Meng Da tried his best, Li Fu fell on top of him with an "Ai yo", it turned out that Li Fu's legs were weak and he couldn't stand up.

Now that Meng Da had decided to oppose Wei, he was finally prepared in his heart. He stabilized his mood and felt that he had regained consciousness, so he braced himself up and ran outside.

He ran up the city wall and looked into the distance, only to see that the other side of the blocked water was really people neighing, and they were already setting up camp.

On the tallest and largest flag, the word Sima can be vaguely seen.

"How amazingly fast!"

Meng Da said tremblingly.

"Uncle, what shall we do?"

Meng Da's nephew, Deng Xiannai, who was patrolling the city, was following Meng Da and asked nervously.

"There are not many troops in the new city, and there are Shenyi Tiger Watchers in the west, so we can only defend the city and wait for reinforcements." Meng Da said very quickly, "Hurry up, gather all the troops back."


Deng Xian hurried down to make arrangements.

Seeing the fearful faces of the surrounding soldiers, Meng Da yelled, "What are you panicking about? Shangyong City is surrounded by water on three sides, and it is easy to defend but difficult to attack. As long as we can hold it for a month, reinforcements from Han and Wu will arrive. By then Sima Yi If you don't retreat, I will make him die here!"

Sima Yi led the Chinese army and arrived a day later. When he learned that Meng Da had retreated into the city, he pointed at Shangyong City with a whip in his hand and said with a smile, "This city will be destroyed! Tired, he didn't dare to go out to fight, which shows that his courage has been broken."

"If the general has no courage, the army will not have the will to fight. The head of Meng Da must be in my pocket!"

So the army was ordered to rest for a day, and at the same time, Sima Division was sent to the front to block the only intersection, and he was cut down for a boat to cross the river.

The news of Sima Yi's soldiers besieging Shangyong spread to Hanzhong and Jingzhou Nanjun, and Han and Wu responded quickly.

The Chancellor of Hanzhong sent Li Yi as the commander and Huang Chong as the deputy general. They led 3,000 men and horses down the Han River to support Meng Da.

Xincheng and Hanzhong are separated by Weixing County.

However, this Weixing County is bordered by the Qinling Mountains in the north, Bashan Mountain in the south, the Han River runs through the east and west, and the valley basin is in the middle.

When Shen Yi of Weixing County heard that the Han army was coming, he sent people to guard Anqiao, the only way to prevent the Han army from going to aid Mengda.

Just after the new year in Jingzhou, the weather has begun to warm up. Zhuge Jin, sweating profusely, walked into the meeting room of the Governor's Mansion, and said to Lu Xun, "Captain, Meng Da has sent a letter."

When Lu Xun heard this, his heart skipped a beat, "He just wrote a letter two days ago saying that he was going to raise an incident against Wei, and I haven't replied to him yet. Why are you here again? Could something have happened?"

He hurriedly took the letter from Zhuge Jin, read it at a glance, and then sighed, "Meng Da is going to die!"

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Jin asked anxiously, "Captain, what happened?"

Lu Xun handed the letter in his hand to Zhuge Jin, "Eight days after Meng Daju's incident, Sima Yi arrived at the city of Shangyong. The letter was written in scribbled and urgent tone. It is obvious that the position is out of order. I'm afraid it won't last long."

Zhuge Jin remembered that in the fifth year of Huang Wu, he led his troops to attack Xiangyang, was defeated by Sima Yi, and fled back to Nanjun in embarrassment.

Immediately, he couldn't help sighing, "This Sima Yi not only has deep strategies, but also is really good at using troops. He can travel 1,200 miles in eight days, and he is really extremely fast, and he is very important in the art of war."

"Sima Bada, Sima Yi is the most important. Meng Da was lucky, and he did not keep secrets. He deserved to fail." Lu Xun sighed, "It's just a pity that such a good opportunity was lost."

"Captain, don't we care?"

Zhuge Jin asked.

Lu Xun didn't answer, he walked up to a large desk, lowered his head and carefully looked at the map of Jingzhou on the desk.

He stood silently in front of the map for a long time, his eyes flickering, and finally made up his mind, and put his finger on a certain place, "Here, Ziyu, you lead five thousand soldiers and horses, start from Zigui, cross Fenshui, and go forward." Go for reinforcements."

"Captain, isn't it better to go to Jushui? Zigui is too close to Yong'an, which is not only easy to misunderstand the people of Shu, but also the road is not as easy as going from Jushui." Zhuge Jin was a little puzzled, "Besides, five thousand people, will it be too few? gone?"

"Jushui is too close to Xiangyang, and Zhang He in Xiangyang will be on guard. You start from Zigui under my banner and make a big fanfare. If there is any disharmony, turn back immediately and don't get entangled with the Wei army."

As Lu Xun said, his fingers were tapping lightly, his eyes fell on the word Xiangyang on the picture, and he said, "I will personally write a letter to the Shu general in Yong'an to explain this matter, you just go with peace of mind."

"Shangyong's terrain is dangerous. If Meng Da is determined to defend the city, at least he can defend it for a month. Ziyu, count the time well, don't go too deep, so as not to be entangled."

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