Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 571: Aliens will meet at Tongguan?

In January of the sixth year of Jianxing, Lu Xun of Jingzhou, Eastern Wu, heard that Meng Da had turned against him, so he sent Zhuge Jin to lead 5,000 troops, numbering 30,000, with great fanfare. Da.

Zhang He, who was stationed in Xiangyang, got the news, and sent a message to Sima Yi on a flying horse, asking himself to lead an army from Xiangyang to intercept him.

At that time, Sima Yi had already overcome the water blockage and destroyed all the wooden fences erected by Meng Da. At the same time, in the past few days, all the troops dispatched from Wancheng had arrived one after another, encircling Shangyong City impenetrably.

Upon receiving the news from Zhang Yun, all the generals in Sima Yi's army were shocked: If Lu Xun leads the army in person, they will be attacked by the enemy, and they may be cut off from the rear.

Only Sima Yi laughed, "You guys are too worried! I guess Lu Xun would never dare to lead the army."

When everyone asked why, Sima Yi explained, "If Lu Xun dares to personally lead an army into a dangerous place, I just need to guard the ferry at Zhushui near Fangling, and it will be difficult for him to advance."

"Xiangyang Zhang He is a famous general in Hebei. At that time, he can cut off his back from the flanks. At that time, he will not be able to advance or retreat. Isn't it a self-defeating situation? In Shangyong City, Meng Da has few soldiers. Now he only dares to hide behind the city. How dare you Out of town?"

"At that time, don't say that Lu Xun is coordinating with Meng Da internally and externally. I'm afraid that even he himself will not be able to return to Jingzhou. If this is the case, the counties in the south of Jingzhou will no longer be owned by Soochow."

"Lu Xun is a man who has knowledge of ignorance and military power, so he will never take risks like this. Therefore, I guess that Wu soldiers, although they are called a large army, are really just teachers. Don't worry."

Speaking of this, Sima Yi looked around at the generals in the tent, with a solemn expression, "All generals obey the order! Starting tomorrow, the army will be divided into eight groups, and the attack on Shangyong City will be stepped up. Each general must personally supervise the army."

"The Sima in each army strictly supervises, if anyone violates the order, he will be executed!"

Everyone suddenly agreed.

Then Sima Yi gave Zhang Xi of Xiangyang an order not to act rashly, lest Lu Xun of Jingzhou attack Xiangyang by mistake, and at the same time sent a group of troops from his own to Fangling to guard against Wu soldiers.

On the second day, Meng Da led Deng Xian and Li Fu to patrol the city, and saw that there were all Wei soldiers densely packed under the city. When there was a look of worry below, Meng Da didn't notice that the faces of the two behind him had already turned pale.

After a few days, Lu Xun, who was guarding Nanjun quietly, saw that Xiangyang was standing still, and sighed: The terrain of the new city is too far away. It is separated from him by Fangling, and from Hanzhong by Weixing. No matter Wu or Han, they are all Far water is hard to put out near fire.

If Sima Yi wasn't there, Meng Da could have made the soldiers in the city stand up, then they could still be saved. Now that Sima Yi led the army, Meng Da could not escape death.

I am facing Sima Yi and Zhang He, and it is difficult to use it. I just don’t know, is there any way for Zhuge Liang in Hanzhong to overcome the danger of mountains and rivers and Weixing County?

Lu Xun was sighing. Li Yi and Huang Chongzheng, who sent troops earlier than him, led their troops down the Han River. When they were still three hundred miles away from the west city of Weixing County, they heard that Shen Yi had sent troops to guard Anqiao.

So the two stopped to discuss countermeasures.

"Wenxuan, if we go down the river, we will stop at Anqiao at most and make no further progress. Although we can barely meet the Prime Minister's requirements, we have not achieved an inch of success in our exchanges, and we are always a little bit unwilling."

The two stood on the bank of the Han River, with lofty mountains on both sides, apes climbing among the mountains and forests, and goshawks hovering in mid-air, the terrain was extremely dangerous.

If you rush forward, you only need more than a thousand people to guard a certain pass, let alone 3000 people, even an army of tens of thousands, it will be difficult to pass.

It's so difficult to go down the river by yourself, and Cao thief wants to go upstream, it will only be more difficult.

Li Yi nodded, watching the Han River rushing down, with a look of worry on his brows, "It's true that I'm not reconciled, but the danger of the mountains and rivers is really helpless."

"Back then, the late emperor sent Liu Feng and Meng Da to go down the river, and they were able to obtain places like Shangyong, because the Cao bandits hadn't considered such far-reaching places at that time, and Shen Dan, the head of the local wealthy Shen family, took the initiative to surrender. "

"Now Shen Dan was moved to Nanyang by the Cao thief, and his younger brother Shen Yi is a traitor to the Han Dynasty. His clan soldiers refused to guard the pass. It is difficult for us to pass through."

Looking at the dangerous road ahead, Li Yi sighed.

Huang Chong glanced at Li Yi, hesitated, and then said, "I do know that there is a way to go around Anqiao, but it's a bit dangerous."


Li Yi turned his head to look at Huang Chong. He was clever, so he naturally knew what Huang Chong meant.

Yizhi didn't plan to act cautiously according to the prime minister's wishes, did he really want to open up the road to the new city?

"Let's talk about it first." Li Yi said, while thinking in his heart, when Yizhi was a county captain in Nanxiang, it seems that he really put in a lot of effort.

"Wenxuan, do you remember that when we came here, there was a place called Anyang?"

"Of course I remember, it was the first county we entered the Wei realm."

Huang Chong nodded, squatted down, and put a stone on it, "This is Anyang."

Then put a branch in the north-south direction, "To the north of Anyang, there is a road called Ziwu Valley Road, which leads directly to Chang'an in the Guanzhong."

Finally, a branch was placed from east to west, "Anyang to the east, you can cross the remaining veins of the Qinling Mountains and lead to Xunshui. Xunshui flows south into Hanshui, which is the place where the first emperor ordered Shenyi to station troops, named Xunkou. "

"To the east of Xunkou, there is a pass made of base stones called Mulan Fortress, which is the only way to go to Shangyong. If Mulan Fortress is captured, the west city will become an isolated place cut off from inside and outside."

"Although Shen Yi is called General Wei, she is actually a wealthy family in the Shangyong area. The soldiers in her hands are all soldiers of the Shen family, but there are only more than two thousand people. If Jieshi heard that the outer road was cut off, the army's morale would be disturbed. You The two of us attack back and forth, and we will definitely be able to break it."

Hearing this, Li Yi's heart skipped a beat, he pondered for a while, and finally shook his head, "So, if you can't attack Mulan Fortress, wouldn't it be dangerous?"

"No." Huang Chong patted the dry food bag on his body, and said decisively, "If the dry food made by brother is carried on his back with all his strength, it will be enough for a month and a half, enough for travel."

Li Yi hesitated, "If I'm stopped at An Qiao, I'm afraid I won't be able to meet you, what should you do?"

"Shen Yi has few soldiers. If he dares to divide his troops, he will be courting death. If I can't defeat Mulan Sai, I will return from the same way."

"It would be even better if the Mulan Fort was captured. Bandit Cao wants to reinforce the West City, and one is to attack the Mulan Fort by force. Even if I can't defend it, I can still retreat from Xunshui."

"Another way is for Cao Jun to enter Ziwu Valley from Chang'an, and then go south along Xunshui. Ziwu Valley is difficult to travel. Even if they can come, there are not many people. I have enough time to leave before Chang'an Cao Jun comes to help."

After Huang Chong finished speaking in one breath, he stood up and stared at Li Yi, "Wen Xuan, the prime minister asked us to lead the army here so that Meng Da can hold on longer."

"The longer Meng Da defends, the more beneficial it will be for the prime minister's Northern Expedition. If Cao can capture Xicheng, the army's morale will be shaken. Even if we can't save Meng Da, we can greatly delay the time for Shangyong City to be broken."

Li Yi struggled on his face, finally nodded after a long while, gritted his teeth, and said, "Okay! I will share half of your troops. You lead the troops back to Anyang, and I will continue to go down the river. If I can break Anqiao, I will try my best to break it. If you can't break it, then stick with it and attract Shen Yi's attention, you must be careful!"

Huang Chong was overjoyed, "Understood!"


Feng Yong sent Li Yi and Huang Chong away from Nanxiang, he didn't have time to stay, and after telling Li Qiu to take care of them, he hurried back to Nanzheng.

He still has to seize the time to integrate the army, the most important thing is to let the soldiers get familiar with the new heavy crossbow.

On this day, he was inspecting the battalions when he saw Ju Fu approaching in a hurry, "General, the Chinese Army has sent someone to send a message that the general should go to the commander's camp immediately to discuss matters."

Zhang Ni was in charge of the Changdao Battalion, Wang Ping was in charge of the Bow and Nut Battalion, and Ju Fuping was patrolling the battalions on a daily basis, assisting Feng Yong in managing all affairs in the army.

At this time, when he heard that Zhuge Liang asked him to go to Shuaiying to discuss matters, Feng Yong's eyes suddenly burst into light, "Is it finally here?"

Saying so, he raised his foot and walked towards the commander's camp, and at the same time ordered, "General Ju, continue to patrol, and don't neglect anything in the camp."


After checking his identity in front of the gate of the Zhongjun camp, Feng Yongxing went outside the commander's tent, reported his job name, and only entered after he got the order.

"The last general, Feng Yong, come here at the order."

Feng Yong ignored him and saluted loudly.

Zhuge Liang nodded slightly, pointed to the left, "Stand back and go."

Feng Yong made a promise, and glanced around, only to see Zhuge Liang sitting in the middle, Zhao Yun and Wei Yan standing at the front on the right, followed by Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, and a few people he didn't know.

On the left side, the leader was an old man whom he didn't know, followed by Yang Yi, Ma Di, etc. Among them, a middle-aged uncle nodded and smiled at him.

Let Feng Yong mutter, who is this? With such a wretched smile, he must be a bad old man!

Thinking this way in my heart, my feet didn't stop, and I stood at the end of the Pianwen team.

There is no way, it is already the highest honor for a big man to be able to discuss matters in the handsome camp at this age, and his qualifications are the least senior.

"Everyone is here, let's get started."

Zhuge Liang stood up with a solemn face.

The soldiers led by Feng Yong were the last batch to come to Hanzhong, and the camp was arranged at the outermost edge, so he was the last one to come. His arrival announced that everyone had arrived.

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty looked around at the crowd, "The Han Dynasty is in danger, and we will start from today to attack the Cao bandits in the north and restore the Han Dynasty! This military meeting is a secret in the army. If anyone leaks it, we will kill it!"

Sure enough, it's about to start!

Feng Yong's spirit lifted.

"For this Northern Expedition, I want to go to Xiegu with a suspicious army first, and then personally lead the army to the west, go out of Qishan, and attack Longyou, so as to break the connection between Liangzhou and Guanzhong."

"The suspicious army in Xiegu has a heavy responsibility. Not only must Cao thief believe that it is a real army, but also be able to guard the pass after being discovered, so that Cao thief will not take advantage of the situation and enter Hanzhong. Therefore, the general of the suspicious army is not the famous Cao thief. Those who are in the land can't afford it."

Feng Yong's eyes were dull, his expression was in a trance, he didn't pay attention at all, his thoughts had already flown to Qi Shan.

Anyway, this suspect has nothing to do with him at all. Only Zhao Yun and Wei Yan meet this condition.

And the last leader must be Mr. Zhao.

Old Mr. Wei's reputation is still a little worse than Mr. Zhao's.

Feng Yongzheng was thinking wildly, only to see Wei Yan standing up from the opposite side, "Prime Minister, the final general is willing to lead the troops along Xiegu Road."


Feng Yong came back to his senses, thinking that this is wrong, shouldn't Zhao Yun be sent directly at this time? Why did old man Wei come out to join in the fun?

Wei Yan could only hear Wei Yan continue, "Right now, Longyou Pass is empty. The prime minister will go out of Qishan, and he will be able to sweep Longyou straight away. In the end, the general only needs to lead 10,000 elite soldiers to Xiegu, and he will be able to defeat the Cao bandits guarding Jigu. .”

"At that time, Chang'an has no more soldiers to use. The last general will lead his troops to the east and go directly to Tongguan along the Weihe River. The prime minister will lead the army to cross Longshan Mountain, and follow him. The two armies will meet at Tongguan. Then the west of Chang'an will be owned by the Han. Great work can be done!"

Um? ! This... doesn't sound bad at all!

Feng Yong was stunned, thinking that the original history was that Cao Zhen guarded Jikou, and Zhang Yun was transferred from Jingzhou to Luoyang, and then rushed all the way to defeat Ma Su at Jieting.

If Wei Yan can really defeat Cao Zhen, not to mention whether he will go to Chang'an, at least he can cut off Zhang Xi's retreat. If he blocks Longdi from the east, wouldn't Longyou and Liangzhou be caught in a urn?

At that time, Zhang Xi would not think about how to defeat Ma Dazui, but how to escape back.

"In the world, there is the principle of certain victory over the enemy? If General Wei can't get out of Jikou at that time, then what should we do?"

Zhuge Liang directly shook his head and said, "Besides, General Wei is in his prime, and he is an indispensable general in Pinglongyou, so this plan is absolutely impossible."

When Wei Yan heard that Zhuge Liang denied him, his face was a little ugly, so he had to back away sullenly.

Feng Yong was very happy to see old man Wei deflated, he almost couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and quickly twisted his thigh secretly.

Zhao Yun, who was standing beside Wei Yan, turned his head slightly, looked at Wei Yan with some meaningful eyes, and then stood up, "I report to the Prime Minister, I am willing to go."

Zhuge Liang nodded in satisfaction, "Old General Zhao's reputation was well-known among the thieves in the past, and now he is leading the army out of Hanzhong again, Cao thieves will definitely not be suspicious."

Then he looked around again, "Old General Zhao is old and needs someone to assist him. General Deng is clear about rewards and punishments, and he is kind to the soldiers. How about going with Old General Zhao?"

So Feng Yong saw the middle-aged uncle who gave him a wretched smile when he first entered the door stood up, "The last general takes orders!"

Feng Tubie was dumbfounded on the spot, is this Deng Zhi? The Master of Xinghanhui General Hall, the lipstick double stick Deng Liang?

Hey, no wonder he smiled so kindly at himself...

After distributing the generals of the suspected soldiers, Zhuge Liang said again, "When the army marches northward, it is necessary to have a strong general to lead the front army."

Having said that, his eyes fell on Wei Yan.

Wei Yan just retreated, and wanted to stand up again, but he was rejected once just now, if he was rejected again now, he might lose face, moved his toes, but didn't make a sound.

Feng Yong stood at the end of the line, no one noticed him, but he could see the reactions of everyone on the opposite side.

He was still thinking about what Zhao Yun meant when he saw Wei Yan's expression just now, and when he saw Wei Yan's little action, he subconsciously let out a "ha".

It's over!

When Feng Yong just laughed out loud, he immediately reacted, secretly thinking about pills!

He was quick to wit, and as soon as he yelled, he changed the shape of his mouth and pretended to be coughing loudly.

Draw everyone's attention to him.

When Zhuge Liang saw that it was Feng Yong who was coughing, he was taken aback, his eyes flashed with worry, "Is General Feng feeling unwell?"

Now that the cold is not over, there are many people in the army who suffer from the wind and cold, even his own son Zhuge Qiao, who has been overworked these days and has suffered from the wind and cold, has fallen ill on the couch and cannot get up.

Feng Yong's background is different from others, and he can be seen to enjoy himself on weekdays, so his body looks more delicate.

At this time, if he couldn't bear the days in the military camp and caught the wind and cold, it would not be surprising at all.

If the disease of wind-cold is cured, it is a minor illness. If it is not cured, it will be life-threatening.

That's why Zhuge Liang was a little worried.

Feng Yong coughed twice more pretendingly, and then replied, "I report to the Prime Minister, there will be no serious problems in the end."

Seeing that his complexion was good, and he really didn't look like he was sick, Zhuge Liang was a little relieved.

It's just, what did you just say?

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