Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 576 Dilemma

"The only option is to retreat to Qishan City and the Mumen area."

Zhao Guang said without hesitation, "These three places have not been conquered, and Longyou is in trouble. The army is not allowed to go north, so we have to retreat."

Feng Yong was taken aback, and thought to himself, isn't that the time in the original history when Zhuge Lao Yao ambushed at the wooden gate for the fourth Northern Expedition and made people shoot Zhang He's knee?

"Then what if we go down to Xi County and Ji City?"

"Then you can try Dujieting and Longdi."

Zhao Guang clicked on Shangyu, "If Shangyu has not come down, facing east is Linwei County, the seat of Guangwei County, and the two can echo each other."

"In addition, from Linwei to Chencang, there is a long mountain trail formed by the Weihe River. It is impossible for a large army, but it is still possible to send two or three thousand elite soldiers."

"In this way, there is a threat from the east side of the army, so you have to be careful. If you want to wipe out the enemy who comes to help, the best choice is to fight at Jieting."


Feng Yong asked.

"Because there is not only a favorable location, but also it is easy to gather troops from Lueyang."

I rely on!

you know this sure!

Feng Yong squinted at Zhao Guang.

However, Zhao Guang didn't notice Feng Yong's eyes. He saw him planting small wooden sticks representing Cao Wei in Shanggu, and Pingxiang in Guangwei County.

The pincer attack formed by the east and west sides of Cao Wei on the line of Xixian, Jixian, Lueyang, and Jieting was suddenly highlighted.

Judging from the sand table, Jieting is indeed the most suitable place for a decisive battle when the Northern Expeditionary Army is threatened from both sides.

Feng Yong looked at the sand table and thought to himself, if the first Northern Expedition in the original history is really followed, could it be that Jieting is the decisive battle site that Zhuge Old Demon had planned long ago?

"If you want to fight Cao Bandit in Jieting, you must know the terrain of Jieting."

Zhao Guang is unreliable in other aspects, but when it comes to marching and fighting, he is quite good.

Obtained by Feng Yong's hint, in the past two years, in order to make the Longyou land into a sand table, he even personally came to Qishan disguised as a businessman.

The reason why Qishan City was able to take down so quickly this time was because he provided an extremely detailed topographical map.

Otherwise, relying on the big Han coming from afar, the siege equipment could not be transported up in time, and it would be quite difficult to capture Qishan City.

"To strangle Guanlong Avenue, one is to guard the Longdi on the east side of Longshan Mountain, and the other is to guard the Jieting on the west side of Longshan Mountain."

"There is a spring in Jieting City, which can be used by the army. There are rivers and rivers beside it. The surrounding area is flat land. It is nearly ten miles wide from north to south, and about thirty miles long from east to west. .”

"Thieves Cao once destroyed this city in order to prevent someone from using this place to break off the connection with Longyou, so now the city is in ruins."

"However, although the small city is in ruins, if it is repaired, it can still be used as a large army camp to fight against Cao's bandits. Moreover, this place is open, and it is an excellent place for the two armies to meet."

"Furthermore, there is Lueyang at the back of the street pavilion as a support, but the Cao thief is going to cross Longshan Mountain. As long as the stalemate persists, it will definitely be a disadvantage for them. The only thing to worry about is to guard against the Cao thief on the east and west sides."

Many people in later generations said that the terrain of Jieting was dangerous, but in fact that was nonsense.

There are indeed mountains on the north and south sides of the street pavilion, but the valley is actually an open area with an area of ​​tens of square kilometers, which is suitable for the armies of both sides to fight in battle.

The small town of Jieting is right in the middle of this open area, and it is absolutely impossible to bypass it.

Obviously, according to this terrain, the old monster Zhuge was going to have a real man's contest with Zhang Xi in the original history, head-to-head.

It's a pity that Ma Dazui made a private claim and ran up the mountain to get out of the way.

The Han army failed to set up camp on Guanlong Avenue, the former army was defeated again, and the two wings were threatened, so it was impossible to compete with the Wei army.

So the old monster Zhuge had clearly led his army to the vicinity of the street pavilion, but when he heard the battle situation ahead, he turned his head and walked away very simply, without any lingering - because there was nothing he could do.

The only thing that puzzled Feng Yong was, why did the old monster Zhuge think that he could defeat Zhang He in Jieting?

If the two armies were entangled in Jieting for several months, what if the flanks on both sides of the Han army's rear changed?

This is not impossible. Looking at the Battle of Hanzhong that year, it lasted for two years.

"You said, if the army meets Cao Bandit in Jieting, how will Cao Bandit be defeated?"

Feng Yong finally couldn't help asking.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, Wang Ping was the oldest, and he was the one who finally warned, "General, the battle is changing rapidly. I have heard that there is a good time, place, and harmony. There are many. Yimou personally As you can see, the victory or defeat cannot be decided without going to battle in person.”

"Now I'm waiting here to assume that I can only try not to be taken advantage of by Cao thief. As for how to defeat Cao thief, I still have to rely on opportunities before the battle."

After hearing this, Feng Yong said apologetically, "I'm too persistent."

As he said that, he smiled gratefully at Wang Ping, "The prime minister once said to me in the past that the invincible is the first to wait for the enemy to be victorious; the invincible lies in oneself, and the victorious lies in the enemy. Today, I got the words of General Wang , and that’s when I woke up.”

Wang Ping smiled awkwardly, thinking that I am illiterate, what I said just now was just my own personal experience, how can I know what the prime minister taught Feng Langjun?

"What about Longdi?"

Feng Yong asked again.

"Longdi's words..."

Zhao Guang showed hesitation on his face, "It's hard to say. After all, Longdi is a pass. If we want to defend Longdi, we must not only cross Longshan in a hurry, but also seize the pass before the Cao bandits come to help."

"The most suitable person to take on this great task is Nanxiang soldiers." Zhao Guang looked at Feng Yong, "It's just that there are no more than 1,500 Nanxiang soldiers now..."

Feng Yong took 600 soldiers from Nanxiang to Yuexuan, returned to Hanzhong, and took away all the soldiers trained in Nanxiang in the past two years, only 1,500 people were gathered.

Take these 1,500 people to attack the Longshan Pass, not to mention whether they can be defeated, or if they can be defeated, there are probably not many of them.

Years of painstaking efforts were all in vain.

But Zhao Guang didn't tell the truth, Feng Yong asked seriously, "You haven't done anything these two years?"

"Did... I did it, but I always feel that there is something less than Nanxiang soldiers." Zhao Guang stammered, "No matter how hard you practice, you can't compare with Nanxiang soldiers."

Nonsense, soldiers without spiritual beliefs, can be compared with Nanxiang soldiers? Nanxiang's spiritual indoctrination over the past few years is not fake.

Feng Yong didn't bother to explain to him.

His gaze kept scanning back and forth between Longdi and Jieting, wondering what he was thinking.

"Brother, whether you are going to Jieting or Longdi, you have to go to Ji County. Now people from all the counties in today's Shui River go there, but Ji County has no one. It's time for me to show it."

Zhao Guang waited for a long time, but he didn't see Feng Yong speak, so he finally couldn't help but leaned over, "I'm the only one the prime minister can use now, but I don't know what brother and prime minister are talking about?"

"No, before I said anything, the prime minister called me back, and asked me to study hard and keep an eye on the army's supply."

Feng Yong shook his head.


Zhao Guang originally thought that this matter was a sure thing, but he never expected to get this answer, so he was dumbfounded immediately.

Just when Qishan City was destroyed and the army of the Northern Expedition broke in, the Prime Minister of the Great Han Dynasty personally led the army to attack Xixian County, and at the same time sent Wu Yi to lead the army to Shanggu, Jiang Wei, who joined the army of Tianshui County, followed Ma Zun, the prefect of Tianshui, all the way. Follow closely.

"Hurry up!"

Ma Zun hugged the horse's neck and looked back, fearing that Jiang Wei and the others would suddenly appear, urging desperately.

At the same time, I was cursing in my heart: This Jiang Boyue really wants to put me to death? Otherwise, in the three hundred miles from Luomen to Shanggu, why would he not let go day and night?

"Mingfu, Shangyu City has arrived!"

Suddenly someone shouted in surprise.

Hearing this, Ma Zun quickly turned his head and looked forward, and he saw the tall city wall of Shangyu City appearing in front of him.

Overjoyed at the moment, he whipped the horse several times with the whip, regardless of the fact that the horse was already foaming at the mouth, forcing the horse to speed up and charge forward again.

Guo Huai hurried on, and not long after he returned to Shanggu City, he heard that someone under his command came to report that someone from the city claimed to be the prefect of Tianshui and wanted to enter the city.

Guo Huai was surprised, before he left, he clearly ordered the prefect of Tianshui to guard Jicheng, so why did he come to Shangyu after him?

Thinking like this, when he walked to the top of the city, he saw a group of people under the city, and the leader was Ma Zun, the prefect of Tianshui.

Guo Huai was shocked, thinking that something serious had happened, so he hurriedly asked people to open the city gate.

Ma Zun saw that the city gate was finally opened, as if he saw the hope of survival, he immediately ran over, scrambling and scrambling, saw Guo Huai greet him in the city cave, he staggered up, and hugged Guo Huai's leg , crying, "Inspector, it's not good!"

"What happened?"

Guo Huai saw that Ma Zun's body and face were covered with dust, and he was obviously rushing here, so he quickly helped him up and asked.

"The big clans in Jicheng have long had secret contacts with the Shu captives. Joining the army, Jiang Wei and others have already surrendered to the Shu captives. Not only are they going to dedicate the city, but they are also chasing down officials all the way, intending to kill them."

Ma Zun's tears were streaming down, his face was brightly colored, which made people look extremely pitiful.

When Guo Huai heard this, his first feeling was to kick this useless trash away!

You are the prefect of Tianshui!

Before the Shu captives passed through Xixian County, the city of Ji was lost? What's the use of you, the prefect of Tianshui?

"Come on! Close the city gate first!"

Looking at the emptiness outside the city, Guo Huai only felt that Shu captives would appear at any moment, so he gave the order first.

The moat bridge was gradually pulled up, and the city gate began to creak and close.

At this moment, another smoke and dust was seen flying in the distance.

"Wait a while, don't close the city gate!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Wei became anxious and shouted loudly.

It is a pity that the distance is too far, and it is impossible for people in the city to hear what he said.

When he rushed to the bottom of the city, the gate of Shangyu city was closed tightly.

Not only that, but an arrow was shot from the top of the city, and it was directly nailed to the front. At the same time, someone in the city shouted, "Who is under the city?"

Jiang Wei had no choice but to stop, and replied loudly, "A certain Jiang Wei joined the army in Tianshui, and he followed the prefect of Tianshui all the way here."

At this time, I saw a human head protruding from the top of the wall, it was Ma Zun, his face was dirty and messy, but he was extremely proud.

"Jiang Boyue, don't deceive people anymore! Now the army of Shu captives is about to approach the city of Gu, do you think I don't know? You are just pretending to be the former army of Shu captives, trying to trick the city gate!"

Hearing this, Jiang Wei was shocked and said, "Why did the Ming government make such a statement? I followed the Ming government on a certain road, and I have never seen any large army of Shu captives."

Ma Zun laughed loudly and said, "Don't try to lie, Shangyu just got the news yesterday that the false Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Shu has sent a large army to come. You came here in such a hurry, but you just want to trick you into the city as an internal response." That's all. It's a pity that you thought you were acting secretly, but you never thought you'd been seen through."

When Jiang Wei in the city heard this, his heart was extremely anxious, "The eunuch came all the way, and so-and-so followed all the way. How has there ever been a matter of surrendering Shu captives? If the Ming government doesn't believe it, I can unarm before entering the city."

It is a pity that the people in the city seem to have determined that they are collaborating with the enemy. No matter how he explains, Shangyu City remains unmoved.

In the end, even Guo Huai came forward and said loudly, "Jiang Boyue, the Shu captives are coming at any time now. As a member of the army, your most urgent task is to return to Jicheng as soon as possible and defend the city, instead of coming to Shangyu."

When Jiang Wei heard this, he knew that he could not enter the city, he sighed, and had to take the people back the same way.

A few days later, when they arrived at the foot of Jicheng, they met the crowd who had separated.

"Why don't you go to the city?"

Jiang Wei asked Liang Xu's brother Liang Qian in surprise.

Liang Qian smiled wryly, pointed at Jicheng, "Don't let us in."


Jiang Wei was shocked, among his group, the chief bookkeeper and chief secretary are all county officials, why can't they enter Jicheng?

"It is said that the situation outside is unknown now, and you are not allowed to enter and exit at will."

When Jiang Wei heard this, he was immediately annoyed.

Shangyu suspected that he had surrendered to the enemy, so he asked himself to come back to guard Jicheng to show his resolve.

Now Ji Cheng says that the situation outside is unknown and he is not allowed to enter the city, what should he do?

Thinking of this, Jiang Wei walked to the bottom of the city and shouted, "I am Jiang Wei, Tianshui joins the army, the guard of the city, open the door for me quickly."

I could only hear someone shouting from above, "Dare to ask Jiang Canjun, where are Prefect Ma and Governor Guo?"

"Ma Taishou and Guo Inspector went to Shangyu, and asked me to come back and guard Jicheng."

Jiang Wei explained.

"Jiang Canjun went out of the city with the prefect and the governor. Now that the prefect and the governor are gone, you led people back to defend the city privately? This is inappropriate. Besides, the situation outside the city is unknown, so I dare not open the city gate without authorization. Since the prefect Ma and Governor Guo They all went to Shangbi, why didn't Jiang Canjun go to Shangbin with him?"

When Jiang Wei heard this, he almost vomited blood!

"I just came back from Shangbei."

"Jicheng is worry-free, Jiang Canjun should go back to Shangyu first, and return after the Shu captives go."

"I will marry your mother!"

Even clay figurines have three parts of soil nature. Jiang Wei, who has read the scriptures for a long time, finally couldn't bear the anger in his heart, and immediately cursed.

Dare I love Cuju, let you kick it back and forth?

"My aunt is in the city, so I don't need Jiang Canjun to worry about it. But your aunt is separated from Jiang Canjun inside and outside. Jiang Canjun please respect yourself!"

Hearing this, Jiang Wei was startled and frightened. He lost his father when he was young, and his old mother brought him up. The other party threatened him with his old mother, so he dared not speak rudely again.

At the moment, I was running around in a hurry under the city.

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