"Bo Yue, going on like this is not an option." Liang Xu came up anxiously, "Ji Han's army will arrive soon, and we will be unable to advance or retreat by then, what should we do?"

Jiang Wei nodded, as if he agreed with Liang Xu's statement, and asked, "Where's Luomen? It really doesn't work, let's go back to Luomen first."

"I sent people to try it the day before yesterday, and the city gate of Luomen was also closed."

Liang Qian interjected.

Although Jiang Wei had expected it, but at this moment, he could only look up to the sky and sigh, "I will wait for the sky to die?"

Liang Xu's eyes flickered, and he hesitated, "Bo Yue, it's not like..."

Jiang Wei knew what he meant when he heard the words, and immediately sneered, "What Le He said, is he going to surrender the Shu captives?"

Liang Xu, Liang Qian, and Yi Shang did not dare to look at Jiang Wei, and they all bowed their heads in silence.

"The clans in the city have put their minds to it!"

Jiang Wei smiled miserably.

He understood the meaning of the family.

The Shu captives are coming fiercely. If the city of Ji cannot be defended, the few of them who surrendered to the enemy in advance are the hope of the family on the side of the Shu captives.

If the city of Ji is not destroyed, then the clans in the city are considered to have made meritorious deeds in defending the city, and in order to defend the city, they even refused to leave the city. Isn't that not loyal enough?

What's more, being forced to surrender to the enemy by one's own people in such a desperate situation will only gain more trust from the Shu captives.

Jiang Wei thought, maybe the clan still thinks that through their relationship with others in the future, they can make Yishi in Hanzhong bigger.

"I was pushed out by my family, so what can I do?"

Liang Xu smiled wryly.

Can quickly design this kind of situation based on the situation in the past few days, which one of the old people in the family is not a smart person? It is estimated that when Ma Zun said those words in Luomen, the family members had already started planning after getting the news.

Jiang Wei snorted coldly, turned around directly, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"Where else can I go? Of course I want to vote for a big man!"

Jiang Wei gritted his teeth.

"Boyo, you made up your mind so soon?"

Liang Xu was a little surprised.

"The clan has decided for me, what else can I do?"

Although he was concerned about his mother, the Jiang family was a surname in Tianshui. Even if he was not there, his mother would be taken care of by his own people, so there was no need to worry too much.

It's just that if this is the case, I will fall into a place of unfilial piety.

However, in such a situation, what else can he do?

Jiang Wei got on his horse, looked back at the city behind him, and then at the direction of Shangyu, with a gloomy expression in his eyes: If you don't tolerate me, I swear you will regret what you did today!

A group of people cast a long shadow on the ground and headed south, leaving Jicheng behind.

The chaos in Longyou reflects the various states of life.

Some go south, some go west.

Longxi County, the westernmost part of Longyou, got the news that it was time for the Han army to enter the customs in a large scale and divide the troops to take the counties.

Nan'an County fled because the prefect abandoned the city, and the counties responded one after another. In addition, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao were leading Qingqi, and they were soon beaten down.

Then the two immediately led their troops northward and set up a guard at the junction of Longyou and Liangzhou to prevent Liangzhou soldiers from coming to help.

Wei Yan, on the other hand, continued to travel westward, preparing to pass through Nan'an County and conquer Xiangwu County, the prefecture of Longxi County.

All the counties in Longyou surrendered, especially Nan'an, which took them all without any effort, which gave Wei Yan an illusion that he led the army to Xiangwu City, and he could naturally fall in one fell swoop.

After all, among the four counties in Longyou, even Tianshui County, the most important place, has already surrendered, and Longxi County is the most remote place, so why not surrender?

Therefore, he urged his troops to travel lightly and hurriedly, only wanting to reach Xiangwu County as soon as possible.

When the soldiers and officials in Xiangwu City heard that the Shu soldiers were coming, they were all panicked.

You Chu, the prefect of Longxi, stood at the city wall, looking to the east, with a sad face, and heaved a long sigh.

"The captives from Shu are approaching, and the Ming government doesn't understand the laws and regulations. They don't order the officers and men, and they don't repair the armor to guard the city. Instead, they lament here. Is it the way to protect the land for the court?"

You Chu heard the sound and saw two men standing not far away looking at him, one of them was Shi Ma Yong, the chief of Longxi County, and the other was Gongsun Zheng, who had personally visited Nanxiang.

What I said just now came from Gongsun Zheng's mouth.

"Why don't I want to defend the city?"

These two are his good friends, You Chu smiled wryly, but he did not hide his helplessness, "It's just that the two counties of Tianshui and Nan'an are looking forward to the wind, and now there is only Longxi County, which is isolated from the outside world, what can I do? "

"The Ming government also knows that Longxi is isolated from the outside world?" Gongsun Zheng smiled when he heard the words, "The people from Shu didn't just come from a long way and spared no effort in manpower, so what if they got here? They don't have siege equipment, and they have been exhausted for a long time. Master, can we still capture this fortified city?"

You Chu heard something in Gongsun Zheng's words, and immediately asked, "Why did Boyan teach me?"

Gongsun Zheng pointed to the outside of the city and said, "The defenders of the city must cut down all the surrounding trees, fill up the water sources, destroy the walls and houses, drive the people into the city, and do not use it for the enemy. In this way, the Shu people want to attack the city. It is also necessary to cut wood from far away to make equipment, so the Ming government should send people to do this as soon as possible."

"In my opinion, the general of Shu is lightly armed and rushing forward. When he gets here, he is at the end of his strength and can't wear clothes. We will go out of the city with the army of the city to meet the exhausted army. If he dares to fight, he will be defeated. If he does not dare to fight, he must If you have to retreat several miles and set up camp, you can also dampen your spirit first."

"Nowadays, the hearts of the people in the city are fluctuating, and the Ming government should appease them early. Otherwise, how can they defend the city if their hearts are not in harmony?"

You Chu's eyes brightened when he heard Gongsun Zheng's previous words, and he frowned again when he heard the last sentence, "How do you caress him if you feel down?"

"This matter is easy to hear." Gongsun Zheng looked at You Chu with burning eyes, "But I have to borrow something from the Ming Palace."


Gongsun Zheng pointed to his head.

The next day, You Chu summoned the officials and people of high moral standing in Xiangwu City, and said, "Since I became the prefect of Longxi, I have never done you any kindness. Now the Shu people are aggressively invading Longyou, and the officials and people in other counties are going to join the Shu people. "

"If you want to do it, I will not stop it. After all, this is the opportunity for you to seek wealth. But I am different. Others can surrender, but I cannot."

"The prefect's responsibility is to guard the county, so I am righteous to death. If you have the heart, please use my head to seek wealth."

As he spoke, he drew out his long sword and threw it on the ground.

With a sound of "clang clang", everyone took a step back, and then looked at each other, not daring to speak.

Although You Chu claimed to be ungrateful to Longxi County, in fact, since he became the prefect of Longxi, he has been generous and generous. He usually focuses on kindness and does not like to use criminal law and killing. The officials and common people benefit from it.

Now seeing him standing there awe-inspiringly, ready to die, finally a passionate man said loudly, "Where is the righteousness of the Ming Dynasty, how can we live in idling? I am willing to live and die with the Ming Dynasty!"

After saying that, he stood up, picked up the long sword, and stood in front of You Chu, "Everyone wants to go, but please do it, just don't hurt Mingfu."

At this time, the strength of the Han people is still there, and Liangzhou is very chivalrous. Someone took the lead, and the heart of kindness and righteousness was aroused, and everyone said, "I have no second heart."

You Chu sighed, "From this point of view, I am persecuting the sergeants in the city!"

So he said again, "Everyone is unwilling to do anything now, so I will give you an idea. If the Shu people come to attack Longxi, we can't hold on. We only need to wait for the imperial reinforcements to arrive, and the Shu captives will retreat. At that time, everyone To be rewarded by the imperial court."

"However, if things go wrong and the Shu people are in a hurry to attack the city and it is difficult to hold the city, please tie me up and send me to the camp in the middle of Shu. Then I will bear the responsibility, how about it?"

After hearing this, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, You Chu knew that the goal of winning people's hearts had been achieved, so he sent an order to close the city gates and prepare to defend the city.

Two days later, Wei Yanguo's light army arrived in a hurry, including the surrendered army from Nan'an County.

The army marched to the bottom of the city, and saw that the army formation had been set up in front of the city gate, and at the same time, someone shouted at him on the city wall, "The general has come from a long way, do you have the strength to defeat Longxi Jianer?"

This situation was beyond Wei Yan's expectation. He really didn't expect that Xiangwu County not only refused to surrender, but also dared to go out of the city to set up an array, wanting to fight with him.

It's just that he marched too fast along the way, and the soldiers have lost much strength here, and now they urgently need to rest, how dare they agree to You Chu?

Wei Yan drove his horse forward and shouted towards the city, "The Han army entered Longyou, and all the lands fell upon hearing the wind. Do you want to resist the heavenly soldiers with a single county?"

You Chu laughed, "If the people of Shu can block Longshan and prevent the soldiers of the Great Wei from going to Longshan, a month later, the officials in Longxi will surrender without a fight. If you can't, your waiting will be in vain."

After finishing speaking, he beat the drum himself, and saw Shi Ma Yong, the chief outside the city gate, let out a long cry, and led the soldiers forward slowly.

Wei Yan didn't expect that the other party would march when they said they would march, so he pulled the reins and returned to the army, took the part and broke it himself, and ordered the army to retreat slowly.

On the first day of traveling in Chu, the spirit of the Shu people was dampened, and the soldiers and civilians in the city were greatly encouraged, so they became more determined to defend the city.

Seeing that Xiangwu City did not surrender, Wei Yan was anxious, but he had to rest for a day before he ordered his soldiers to cut wood and make siege equipment.

Longyou wars are raging everywhere, and Cao Wei's Luoyang Central Army led by Zhang He is rushing here day and night.

In Xiping County of Liangzhou, which borders Longxi County, a fast horse is galloping on the official road. The command flag on his back shows that this is a postman delivering important news.

The officers and men of the Xidu City in Xiping County saw the post envoy galloping at full speed, and hurriedly dispersed the people around the city gate.

After a while, at the gate of the prefect's mansion in Xidu, the postman rolled off his horse and fell to the ground, but he took out an official document from his arms without hesitation, and shouted, "Urgent report from Wuwei!"

The soldiers at the gate of the prefect's mansion rushed over and helped him up. One of them took the official document and hurriedly sent it to the mansion.

"General, an urgent report from Wuwei!"

Hao Zhao, who was dealing with government affairs, was startled when he heard it, and quickly got up to take it over to take a look, his face changed drastically: "Shu captives actually offended me, Great Wei Longyou?"

The official document was sent by Xu Miao, who had just been appointed governor of Liangzhou, ordering him to quickly rectify his troops and go to Yuzhong in Jincheng County to join the prefect of Jincheng, preparing to go south and recover Longyou.

Hao Zhao didn't dare to be negligent, he ordered his troops and horses, and was about to set off, but someone persuaded him, "General, in the land of Xihai to the west of Xiping, there is a bald tribe that has just surrendered, and in Xiping County, there is also a wealthy family, Changsi, who rebelled. "

"What if the general takes all the soldiers and horses away, and the barbarian rebels out of righteousness, and the nobles take advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos?"

When Hao Zhao heard this, he felt that it was reasonable.

After pondering for a while, he said, "The bald tribe treats me very respectfully. Now I order them to come out of the clan and follow me to the south. This can not only drive them to fight against the Shu captives, but also make them unable to rebel."

"As for the noble family in Xiping County, they were killed only last year. At this time, their vitality has been seriously injured, and they will not dare to rebel easily."

After the plan, let someone send an order to the bald head of the bald hair department.

The bald hair department moved to Xihai under the guidance of an expert, and finally found a place to settle down, ending the days without pastures.

Coupled with helping Hao Zhao to calm the chaos, he obtained the privilege of trading with the Han people in Xiping County, and continuously annexed the Qiang Rong and other tribes near the West Sea, and it has gradually become more prosperous.

Now there are nearly 10,000 tents and more than 7,000 people who control strings, which is a rare and large tribe in the West Sea.

The bald man got Hao Zhao's order, so he asked his son bald Tianli to lead five thousand elite horsemen from his family to accompany him.

When Hao Zhao went south with his preparations, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty led the army to finally break through Xi County, and at the same time Jiang Wei led the officials of Tianshui to surrender on their own initiative.

Zhuge Liang was overjoyed, and after taking a short break in Xixian County, he continued to sing northward and approached Jixian County.

At the same time, Zhang Yun had just passed Chang'an, and rushed westward along the Wei River, preparing to join Cao Zhen in Meicheng.

"Hurry up, don't drop it."

Feng Yong stood at the gate of Xixian County and gave orders loudly.

I saw one short Dian horse after another, under the guidance of the groom, "treading" under the feet, carrying bags after bags of grain into Xixian County.

This is grain transported from Qishan City.

In the past two years, Zhao Guang has collected a large amount of grain in Ju County, and before Zhuge's Northern Expedition, the old demon Zhuge once again raided the grain of the aristocratic family in central Shu, so there is no shortage of grain and grass.

What is lacking is transportation capacity.

This time, Feng Yong spent a lot of money and transferred most of Dongfeng Express's capacity.

Before going north, he also put horseshoes on the horses. Not only did he walk a lot faster on the mountain road, but he also didn't have to worry about damaging the horseshoes.

Today's grain and grass are first transported from Hanzhong to Ju County by cart on the artificial stone road, and then transported from Ju County to Qishan City by Dongfeng Express.

A part of the Qishan city, and a part of it had to keep up with the army, so a batch was transported over immediately after visiting Xixian County.

It is because of the strong transportation capacity of Dongfeng Express that the army ahead does not have to worry about food shortages.

This made the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty very satisfied, and it was also the main reason why the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty let Feng Yong keep guarding the Liang Dao, and he was very talented.

Seeing Zhao Guang who was listless standing beside him, Feng Yong said angrily, "Ju County's food alone has already given you a lot of credit in the Northern Expedition. Who will you show your despondency?"

Zhao Guang muttered, "What do I want this credit for? What I want is the credit for killing the enemy..."

Saying that, he squatted down and drew circles by himself.

"Don't worry, there are plenty of opportunities for you." Feng Yong glanced at the north and sighed, "This comfortable life won't be too long."

After thinking about it in my heart, if the history is correct, counting from the start of the attack on Jicheng, Zhang He should have arrived in about ten days if he died.

This time, the old demon Zhuge must have miscalculated the speed of Cao thief's reinforcements.

If we divide our troops to fight Longdi now, there may still be a chance to block Zhang Yun to the east of Longdi.

But who knows? What if he saw Longdi fall, and ran to the north directly, what if he came up the Long Road in the north?

Of course, it is also possible that Zhuge Old Demon originally planned to fight Zhang He at Jieting.

So think about it or forget it, let Zhang Yun come from Jieting according to the original trajectory.

It seems that the big man can't get around this street pavilion after all.

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