Feng Yong was feeling emotional, when Zhao Guang heard this, he quickly stood up, leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Brother, do you have any inside information?"

"There is no inside story, but my teacher has a unique technique called Taiyi Divine Number, which can tell the future by observing the sky. I looked at the starry sky last night and found that there are fierce soldiers in the northeast. It is estimated that there is a big battle to be fought..."

After Zhao Guang heard this, he immediately became interested, and looked at Feng Yong with admiration, "I don't think my brother has even learned such an ancient secret technique?"

Then I always felt that something was wrong, and blinked, "Hey... the northeast? Isn't that Shangbei? Isn't General Wu fighting there now?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Guang felt discouraged again.

Feng Yong was too lazy to care about his half-dead appearance, and asked Yang Wanwan on the other side, "Wei Ran, has there been any news from King Yang?"

Yang Wanwan's alias is Wei Ran, and his father, Yang Ju, was King Di in Wudu Yinping area, so Yang Wanwan is really a little prince.

"There has been no news yet, but it should be fine, after all, no matter what your lord said, he used to be King Baimadi."

Feng Yong looked to the south and said, "You still have to be careful, I don't worry about that strong end."

During the Northern Expedition, Liao Hua was ordered to guard Wudu to ensure the safety of the grain road from Juxian County to Qishan Mountain.

Yang Ju was ordered by the prime minister to return to his hometown to gather up the old troops, and he finally got his wish.

It's just that Feng Yong is not optimistic about his trip at present. After all these years have passed, who knows how many people still recognize him?

It is estimated that Yang Ju also knows that this is a political mission.

So this one will have to wait.

When the big man can really recapture Longyou, then King Yang Di of Wudu Yinping may stage a good show of "children, your king is back again".

Yang Wanwan could then become a real little prince.

Qiang Duan, this guy, ran away to the southwest when the Northern Expeditionary Army first left Ju County.

Don't look at him doing a good job in wool trading with Hanzhong in the past few years, but he is just a white glove of the Longyou big family, and he may not be close to the big man himself.

In the Battle of Hanzhong that year, other Di kings responded to Ma Chao, but this strong man was one of the few Di kings who were close to Cao Cao, and even gave the big man a backstab.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that Cao Cao wiped out the Hu tribe that responded to Ma Chao during the Battle of Hanzhong, and later moved the Wudu Yinping Han people, the strong side took advantage of the opportunity.

In addition, he has made a lot of money doing business with Hanzhong in the past few years, and his power has expanded. If he is really harmful to others, then Liangdao will be in trouble.

Therefore, Feng Yong always has a sense of distrust towards Qiangduan, the king of Di.

In Feng Guiwang's view, if you really have good intentions, why would you hide away? What are you hiding from?

If you hide, it means you have a problem!

After staying in Xixian County for two days, Feng Yong personally escorted the luggage to Jixian County after a batch of grain and grass was ready.

Jixian County is the prefecture of Tianshui, the city is tall, and it is necessary to have supplies to attack the city.

At this time, the Han army had just besieged Dingji City, and Feng Yong escorted food and grass to arrive with extremely strong logistical support.

When Zhuge Liang heard about Feng Yongzhi, he ordered him to come to the commander's account.

"The last general, Feng Yong, has met the prime minister."

Feng Yong entered the handsome tent and said loudly.

The further north the army of the Northern Expedition marched, the more scattered its troops were. When the counties heard the news and surrendered, they all sent people to receive it. Now there is no more general in the commander's tent.

Feng Yong glanced over and saw only Ma Su and Yang Yi Xianglang standing on both sides, plus a strange young general, the light in the tent was not enough, and it was from the side, so Feng Yong couldn't see his face clearly.

Ma Su is here because he was transferred back to the Prime Minister's Mansion after the Northern Expedition, and accompanied him to participate in military affairs.

This guy, who was tricked into Hanzhong by himself as the prefect, was able to follow him.

It seems that the Zhuge old demon really thinks highly of him.

Hearing Feng Yong's self-reported name, the young general's eyes flashed brightly, but he turned his head voluntarily. His gaze fell on him and he couldn't take it away anymore. His eyes were shining brightly and kept looking Feng Yong up and down. , I don’t know what I’m thinking.

"No need to be too polite." Zhuge Liang was in a good mood, and said with a smile, "I thought you would arrive in two days, but I didn't expect it to arrive today. The Dongfeng Express in your hand is worthy of using a fast word. I Borrowing Dongfeng Express from you is finally the right thing to do."

Well, Zhuge Liang borrowed the wind, of course he was right!

"Come on, let me tell you, this is Jiang Wei and Jiang Boyue from Ji County, Tianshui, but he is a rare high-ranking gentleman in Liangzhou. Boyue, this is Feng Yong and Feng Mingwen whom I often mention to you."

With joy on his face, Zhuge Liang said to the two young men in the tent, "You two are rare talents, you should get closer in the future."

Feng Yong was startled when he heard this, and quickly turned to look at the young general.

Just now, he didn't pay attention to Jiang Wei's appearance, but now when he looked at him, Feng Tubie's first thought was: there are such outstanding men in this world!

Compared with Zhao Guang's unparalleled handsomeness, Jiang Wei's handsomeness is more masculine like the scorching sun.

His eyes are as deep as an ancient pool, his face is as sharp as a knife, and his figure is as tall and straight as a cold pine. Standing there, he is calm and calm.

Looking at the whole person, Feng Yong actually has a feeling of vertical hair all over his body.

Compared with Jiang Wei, who was outstanding in appearance, Feng Tubie, who was originally quite impressive in appearance, suddenly became very ordinary.

Jiang Wei thought to himself, "I heard that Mr. Feng Lang is extremely intelligent, and his talent can be compared with Cao Zhi's. Unexpectedly, his face is ugly. He really can't tolerate people."

The two just stared at each other for a long time, and suddenly said with a tacit understanding, "I met Feng Langjun (Jiang Langjun)."

After speaking, they looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

In the "Ji Hanshu" of later generations, for today's two people to meet, write down such a passage:

Yong, it seeks the secrets of ghosts and ghosts; Wei, its strategy is the hero of the world. The two met under the city of Ji, the prosperity of the Han Dynasty, see you! Said: The double pillars of the Han Dynasty.

Seeing the scene of Feng Yong and Jiang Wei, Zhuge Liang's heart moved, and he remembered something, so his eyes could not help showing a look of scrutiny, and his eyes wandered back and forth between the two, hesitating.

When Feng Yong stood beside him, he suddenly found that the prime minister's eyes were fixed on Jiang Wei, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Feng Tubie couldn't help muttering inwardly, "In history, the old monster Zhuge praised Jiang Wei in every possible way, and even regarded him as his direct disciple, teaching him everything he has learned. Could it be that there is some privacy in this?"

On the contrary, Ma Di saw that the Prime Minister lost his mind, and immediately reminded him in a low voice, "Prime Minister!"

Only then did Zhuge Liang come back to his senses, and smiled, "I lost my mind."

As he said that, his eyes glanced back and forth between Ma Su and Feng Yong.

Then he continued, "Today, only Shangyu and Jicheng are left in the water. The city of Shangyu is strong, and it is also the place where Cao's thieves store grain. There is sufficient food and grass, and Linwei County, the prefecture of Guangwei County in the east, echoes it. , it is difficult to capture for a while."

"Therefore, the only way to go north to Longshan via Jicheng is to prevent the enemy from coming to help. Boyue, you are most familiar with Longyou, what do you think about this?"

When Jiang Wei heard the prime minister's question, he quickly stood up, "Return to the prime minister, if you want to prevent the Cao bandits from Guanzhong from coming to help, you will have three strategies in the end, and the prime minister has to choose."

"Bo Yue thought carefully, and unexpectedly came up with three schemes, so please tell me quickly."


Jiang Wei walked to the map and sand table, picked up the bamboo whip, and glanced at Feng Yong again.

Feng Yong was a little baffled by him, Prime Minister Xindao asked you to say, what do you think I am doing?

But he didn't know that Jiang Wei's glance was to praise him in his heart.

This map is exquisite, and this sand table is exquisite. Comparing the two proves that mountains, rivers, cities and passes are all in it, which is really necessary for marching and fighting.

I heard that it was made by Feng Langjun, and his talent is indeed superior to many people!

"A certain plan is to immediately order a general to lead the troops to go northward, cross the street pavilion, climb Longshan, take down Longguan, and guard here, so that the Cao thief cannot pass through Guanlong Avenue and go up Long."

"In this way, the Cao bandits have to go around the north. When they come from the north, Longyou has already been owned by the big Han. Prime Minister Jieshi led the army to meet the troops who came from afar, and they will surely win!"

After Zhuge Liang heard this, he looked at Feng Yong again in amazement, thinking that Jiang Boyue and Feng Mingwen really saw the same thing, not only they thought the same, even their words were similar.

"One of the tricks is to guard the street pavilion. This will also prevent the Cao bandits who came to aid from Guanzhong and the Cao bandits in Guangwei County from communicating with each other. As long as the street pavilion can be guarded for two months, Longyou will be owned by the big man."

"A certain plan is to guard Lueyang, the gate of Longyou. But in this way, if the enemy from Guanzhong does not continue westward, but turns south from Jieting, the Cao bandits in Guangwei County will probably gain momentum. , it is difficult to attack."

There are four counties in Longyou, with Tianshui as the center, Nan'an and Longxi in the west, and Guangwei in the east.

Now that Nan'an has been settled, Wei Yan is recovering Longxi.

Only Guangwei County, like an irregular "7", wraps Tianshui inside and Longshan Mountain outside.

If you want to go to Longshan to block the enemy, there are two ways.

One is to capture Shangyu, then continue eastward to capture Linwei County at the bottom of "7", and finally go up along "7", passing through Qingshui and other counties on the way to reach Jieting.

This is not allowed by the current situation, because Guangwei County did not respond to the Northern Expeditionary Army and had to attack the city all the way.

One is what the Northern Expeditionary Army is now traveling from Xixian County in Tianshui County to Jicheng, forming a Diao character with the word "7" in Guangwei County.

Jieting is just a little below the bend of the word "Diao", and there are two roads from Guanzhong to Longyou nearby.

The northern one is Fanxu Road. Although this road is relatively flat, it is a small road and leads directly to Lueyang behind Jieting.

The one to the south is Guanlong Avenue.

When Guanlong Avenue reaches Jieting, it divides into two directions. One direction is to continue westward to Lueyang, and the other direction is to turn south, leading to Qingshui County in Guangwei County, and reaching Tianshui.

No matter in terms of road conditions, or in terms of the convenience of supporting Guangwei County, or in terms of the strategy of defeating the Northern Expeditionary Army, Cao Wei's reinforcements had to take the Guanlong Avenue and seize the street pavilion.

As for the big man, if he blocked Guanlong Avenue, he could go back and swallow Guangwei County directly. At this time, the overall situation in Longyou was more than half settled.

Why did the Northern Expedition army be in danger when Ma Di lost the street pavilion in history?

The reason is that Zhang Yun passed through Jieting, so he could continue to attack Zhuge Liang in the west, and join Cao Jun in Guangwei County in the south, and then ran directly to Linwei County at the bottom of "7", where the word "Diao" was cut. Mention, that is, the food road and rear route of the Han army.

"It is absolutely impossible to make a plan." Zhuge Liang shook his head and said, "To guard Longyou, you must guard the pass, and you must not let Cao's bandits from Guanzhong enter. Guarding Lueyang will definitely fail."

"It's not bad if it's a plan. If you occupy Lueyang and rely on it, the army can keep up with it, so you won't be weak..."

Seeing that Zhuge Liang said this, he looked at the sand table again, thought for a long time, and then asked, "How many miles is it from Jicheng to Longguan?"

"There are more than two hundred and sixty miles."

Jiang Wei answered in one gulp, and it could be seen that he had indeed made sufficient preparations.

"Longshan is difficult to travel. It is rare for an army to travel forty miles a day. It will take at least seven days to get there." Zhuge Liang hesitated, "The pass is dangerous, and it is not clear when it will be captured."

Seeing that Zhuge Liang really planned to guard the street pavilion, Feng Yong became anxious and couldn't hold back anymore.

So he hastily persuaded him, "Prime Minister, Longguan is the key to the throat of Longyou. If you get it, only a small number of soldiers can defend it, and the army can go down to the pass and attack the central part at any time."

"If you lose it, you can only retreat to the street pavilion and fight decisively with the enemy. Looking at the world today, I am weak and the enemy is strong. If I can lose a bit of energy, I can save a little bit of strength for the future revival of the Han Dynasty."

"Now there are more than 100,000 troops in Longyou, and only 30,000 are used to encircle Jicheng. There are more than 10,000 scattered around Jicheng, which is too many! The last general is willing to lead his troops and horses to attack Longguan to block Cao's bandits for reinforcements. "

If it is said that before the siege of Jicheng, he was afraid that the back road would be cut off, but now he has no such worries, and he can try to rush to capture Longguan.

Because to be honest, the decisive battle at Jieting is definitely not as good as blocking Longkou.

Liangzhou's soldiers and horses are not dead, they will come sooner or later, if they can't stand with Zhang He in Jieting, the big man will be in danger of fighting on the third front: Guanzhong reinforcements, Liangzhou, Guangwei County and Shangyu.

"I'm afraid that the Cao bandits from Guangwei will occupy the street pavilion and return to Luer in a broken way."

Zhuge Liang hesitated a little.

Of course he knew that blocking Longguan was the best way, but if the light army moved in a hurry, the supplies would inevitably fall behind, and it might not be possible to attack the pass.

More importantly, no one knows where Cao thief's reinforcements went.

"Just order an army to garrison the street pavilion to protect the back road."

Feng Yong quickly suggested.

Zhuge Liang took a look at Feng Yong and sighed, "In the battle of Changbanpo, Cao Zei Jing rode three hundred miles in one day and night, and in the battle of Xincheng, Sima Zhongda traveled 1,200 miles in eight days."

"You once told me before that Bandit Cao has good cavalry and is good at long-distance raids. This is indeed true. Now that I have been waiting to go to Long, it has been 20 days. I think Bandit Cao's reinforcements are already on the way."

"It's 1,800 miles from Luoyang to Longkou. According to Cao Bandit's two speeds, it's 150 miles a day, so the fastest is..."

The prime minister of the big Han looked up to the sky and pinched his fingers to calculate.

Feng Tubie couldn't hold back for a while, and said directly, "Twelve days."

"Cough, that's right, twelve days."

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty glanced at someone, "Except for passing the news, dispatching troops, and the distance is too long, the soldiers are exhausted, so they need to rest on the road. Add up the time before and after, Cao's reinforcements will only take about a month." arrive."

"Subtract these 20 days, that is to say, now there are only ten days at most, and we will travel more than two hundred and sixty miles. During this period, we will have to climb Longshan Mountain and attack key points. Who do you think can let it go?"

The rest of the people were silent after listening.

There is a saying in the art of war: roll up your armor and move forward, stay day and night, double your way, and fight for profit for a hundred miles, then capture three generals. As a general, half of his methods are perfect; when fighting for profit within thirty miles, two-thirds of them are perfect.

Therefore, a day's march is generally about thirty to forty miles.

According to this calculation, when the soldiers of the main army arrived at Longkou, Cao's reinforcements would also arrive soon, with a difference of two or three days at most.

Cao thief has the advantage of the world's best knights, which really makes people feel helpless.

"I, Prime Minister, the only martial art in the world is speed!"

(Note: Hanli is smaller than the current Huali.)

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