Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 579: Onslaught

Feng Tubie raised his chest, ignoring the helpless expressions on everyone's faces, and even said this in a mood.

The word martial arts is generally used in Wenzhiwugong.

Now that Feng Yong said this word, Jiang Wei's first reaction was: Which biographical novel did this sentence come from? Could it be that Nanxiang has published a new book?

"Two years ago, General Mo transferred soldiers from Nanxiang to Jincheng. He traveled 80 miles a day, and two-thirds of them arrived in half a month. This trip to Longguan is only more than 260 miles. I led the army on a one-day journey. Fifty miles, there is still an extra 30 miles of rest time, and it only takes five days to arrive, and the soldiers in Nanxiang must be few who are left behind."

This sentence is already very conservative. Ever since the test of the Nanxiang soldiers' long-distance raiding ability, Feng Yong has criticized the soldiers. Although he is suspected of pretending to be aggressive in front of Mr. Zhao, he is actually a little dissatisfied in his heart. .

So in the past two years, Nanxiang has strengthened his training in this area.

The last time I traveled 1,000 miles, if I walked 80 miles a day, I could reach two-thirds of it.

The total distance this time was only two hundred and sixty miles, and with the two years of intensive training, even if he rushed eighty miles a day, there would be no problem at all.

The key is that this is an enemy territory and needs to be on guard, so the speed should be slower.

As soon as Jiang Wei heard Feng Yong's words, he immediately raised his eyebrows.

After walking eighty miles a day for half a month, two-thirds of them can reach it? In the hands of Feng Langjun, there are such elite soldiers? Why did the prime minister let him transport grain later?

"The Nanxiang soldiers you brought over this time are only 1,500 people, right? I'm afraid the number is not comparable to the defenders on Longguan."

Zhuge Liang showed regret on his face. The Nanxiang soldiers are fine, but they cost too much. Except for Nanxiang, no one in the whole man can afford to support them.

Feng Yong smiled and said, "Maybe the Prime Minister has forgotten Wang Ping and Zhao Guang?"

Most of Wang Ping's Wudang flying army were of barbarian origin, and they walked like flying on mountain roads.

Zhao Guang's 3,000 men can be regarded as a weakened version of Nanxiang's soldiers.

Even if they were slower than Nanxiang's soldiers, they were still faster than ordinary soldiers.

According to today's ordinary soldiers, they usually travel thirty miles a day, and the faster ones travel forty miles.

The soldiers under Wang Ping and Zhao Guang's command traveled fifty miles a day, no matter how underestimated, it is impossible for less than half of them to arrive on time, so there are already 3,000 soldiers.

At this rate, it can be completed in five days.

More than half of the remaining 8,000 people in Yuejuan were barbarians from the same background as Wudang Feijun, and they traveled ten miles more every day. , reaching a quarter, there are also two thousand people.

Counting, within five days, at least 6,500 people will reach Longguan, which is enough.

And they have Nanxiang soldiers guarding ahead, they just need to keep their heads on the road without distraction.

As for the luggage, although I don't have Jingqi, I have Dongfeng Express!

Dian horses are known for their ability to carry heavy loads and carry them for a long time. They are good at climbing mountains and ridges. They can travel 70 miles a day and can be used continuously for half a month.

This section of the road is not too far, and it is a road, which is much easier to walk than those plank roads in Nanzhong.

There are more than 5,000 Yunnan horses, and Dongfeng Express has rich transportation experience, so there is no need to worry about the baggage being left behind.

At this time, Longshan Mountain was not as badly damaged as it was in later generations, and there were many trees. As long as there were tools, the nearby trees could be cut down as siege tools.

The only thing to worry about is that we must guard the street pavilions so that no one will be cut off.

Otherwise, when the reinforcements from Guanzhong came, the Han army in Guanlong Avenue would be like rats trapped in bamboo tubes, unable to advance or retreat.

Feng Yong explained this plan in detail, and Zhuge Liang's eyes showed surprise, "So, this matter has a lot to do!"

Then he looked at Feng Yong in disbelief, "So you thought about today, that's why you made so many preparations?"

No no no, I've been thinking about it for two lifetimes!

Hearing the praise from the prime minister, Feng Tubie grinned triumphantly, and instinctively leaned forward to get closer, but suddenly found that everyone was looking at him, and his old face blushed, "Cough, prime minister, let's let the matter be without delay. Will give it a try at the end."

Zhuge Liang looked at the sand table and finally made up his mind, "Go, let someone call General Wang Ping for me."

When Wang Ping heard that the prime minister was looking for him, he immediately came over with some anxiety.

After he saluted, the prime minister above him stared at him with a serious face and said, "Wang Ping listens to the order. General Feng will lead troops to attack Longguan this time. I order you as the deputy general."

When Wang Ping heard this, his face became happy, and he clasped his fists heavily and said, "No!"

At the same time, I thought to myself, since I went to Long, besides transporting food for the army, I was also training sergeants in the camp, this time it's finally my turn to make meritorious service?

The Prime Minister continued to say, "You are steady and calm, and you are old in the army. Although General Feng led the army to quell the chaos, he is still too young. If there is anything wrong with him, you have to advise and remind him. "

"This raid on Longguan, it would be the best if we can capture the pass. If we can't, as long as Guan Zhongcao's bandits come to help after we find out, we have to retreat immediately and we can't stay for a moment, understand?"

The last sentence was spoken to Feng Yong and Wang Ping at the same time.


Both of them agreed.

"Okay, soldiers are precious and fast. You go back to the camp immediately, gather your troops, and get ready to go on your own. General Wang stay here, I have a few words to tell him."

Feng Yong didn't suspect him, he clasped his fists together, turned around and ran out.

After Feng Yong disappeared outside, Zhuge Liang carefully told Wang Ping, "You have to memorize every word of what I just said. If you can't break through the pass, as long as you come back alive, it's fine."

"If the bandits from Guanzhong Cao come to help later, and still don't want to retreat, and lose the military order, I will kill you first and ask for punishment!"

When Wang Ping heard this, his heart shivered, and he quickly replied, "Prime Minister, don't worry, I will definitely not forget the Prime Minister's order!"

Only then did Zhuge Liang nod his head, "Go ahead, I must take care of General Feng."

Seeing Wang Ping walk out of the tent, Ma Di asked softly, "Is the prime minister worried about General Feng?"

Facing these people, Zhuge Liang didn't hide his thoughts. He nodded and said, "If possible, I'd rather let him stay behind to transport food. It's a pity that I have no one to use now."

"More importantly, the soldiers in his hands can only be used to their full potential. If it were someone else, they could only be used as ordinary elite soldiers."

After all, he let out a long sigh.

Let’s not talk about the soldiers who came over from Yuexi, just talk about Wang Ping and Zhao Guang, who in the Northern Expedition Army knows them better than Feng Yong?

Not to mention driving them to their lives.

There is a level difference between elite soldiers who can take the initiative to fight with their lives and those who are forced to fight with their lives.

The words of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty clearly revealed Feng Yong's partiality, and immediately aroused Ma Su's feeling of superiority: "General Feng has brotherly affection for General Zhao, and he has shown favor to General Wang. "

"Not to mention those generals and schools in Yueyu, all of them were simplified by him himself. Naturally, the top and bottom are united, and the soldiers work hard. Although the students are not talented, they are willing to share the worries for the prime minister."

"Oh? What does Youchang mean by this?"

Zhuge Liang asked in surprise and surprise.

From an emotional point of view, Ma Di and Zhuge Liang are both teachers and friends, as well as fathers and sons. If they were really compared to each other by Feng Yong, Zhuge Liang would feel a little uncomfortable.

Hearing Ma Di's words now, he could guess what he was thinking.

"If General Feng can't attack Longguan, he has to retreat to the Jieting. This is not only the retreat of General Feng, but also the last place to block the reinforcements from Cao's pass. Therefore, the students asked the prime minister to lead the troops to guard the Jieting. Be prepared."

I saw Ma Di volunteered and generously begged for his life.

Zhuge Liang was relieved, but worried, "Although Feng Mingwen is still young, he is still a figure who led the army to put down the chaos. Youchang has only been guarding Hanzhong these years, so I'm afraid you don't have much experience."

After hearing this, Ma Di was even more dissatisfied, "The prime minister's words are wrong! Didn't Feng Mingwen have no experience in marching and fighting before leading the army to quell the chaos? The so-called everything has a beginning, so let this street pavilion become a student. It's the first time."

Zhuge Liang was still pondering, "Although the street pavilion is small, the relationship is very important. If there is a mistake, not only Feng Mingwen's research army will be unable to retreat, but even the Northern Expedition army will be in danger. Although you are well versed in strategy, but the city is broken and ruined, There are no dangers and obstacles, and it is extremely difficult to defend."

Ma Di laughed and said, "Let's not say that there are no Cao thieves here now, if there are, why is this one afraid? And this one has been familiar with military books since he was a child, and knows the art of war quite well. Could it be that he can't even guard a mere street pavilion?"

I remembered that before the death of the late emperor, he once said that his words were exaggerated and could not be used. Later, it was spread out, and I don't know how many people have secretly ridiculed themselves.

This Northern Expedition is a good opportunity to clear his stigma, how can he let it go so easily?

If he had the opportunity to lead an army to attack Longguan, he might have to compete with Feng Mingwen.

Zhuge Liang looked around, Jiang Wei was a newcomer, he should not be used lightly, not to mention Yang Yi Xianglang, he was a scribe, and he really had no one else to use.

Only Ma Di, who is familiar with military books and has the ambition to lead the army, is the only suitable candidate.

Besides, what he said made sense, the threat to Jieting now is the Cao bandits from Shangyu and Linwei in the south.

Although Shangyu is the place where Cao's thieves store grain, the city is strong, and there is a narrow road leading to Chencang at the back, so they can get the support of a small number of elite soldiers in Guanzhong.

But I don't ask Wu Yi to attack it immediately, as long as I can surround it, the Cao thief naturally has no time to go north.

So it shouldn't be a problem for Ma Su to guard the street pavilion.

He nodded immediately, "Forget it, just wait for the 10,000 soldiers around Jicheng to collect the counties and return, and I will assign 5,000 more soldiers to you, 15,000 in total, to guard the street pavilion."

"Why do you need 15,000, I think 10,000 is too much!"

Ma Su laughed.

"Hoo--" A shrill whistle suddenly sounded in the camp, and then various messengers rushed from the camp to all directions, shouting at the same time, "Warning!"

The originally quite leisurely camp suddenly became tense.

Everyone in the camp, no matter what they were doing at the time, hurried back to their own team, carrying bows and arrows, carrying swords and swords, holding conflicts, etc. wait.

Everyone just waits for the horn to sound, or if there is another notice, they will go out.

In the handsome tent, all the generals gathered together.

Feng Yong looked around, and then said, "Longguan is the throat of Longshan, which is related to the success or failure of the Northern Expedition army. Everyone, if you can make such a great contribution, it will be no problem to be named a marquis."

"If it doesn't work, then this Northern Expedition will have no chance for us to perform. We can only return to the back to transport food. I think you all understand the importance of urgency. If anyone is negligent, he will be dealt with according to military law."


Everyone agreed in unison.

Not to mention Zhao Guang who was eager to try, even Wang Ping, who was the most stable, also blushed.

Such things as raiding and seizing customs are usually done by senior generals in the army. When will it be their turn to transport food from the rear?

I don't know how Feng Langjun can speak to the prime minister?

But these are not important anymore, the important thing is not to miss the opportunity.

I only heard Feng Yong issue orders, "Zhao Guang, you are most familiar with Longyou. I will give you a thousand soldiers, all of whom are soldiers from Nanxiang. They should be the former army. Go ahead and explore the way ahead. Remember, leave The Chinese army in the rear must not exceed 30 miles, in case there is any change."

"Yang Wanwan, you lead 3,000 soldiers from Ju County to our central army. Wang Ping, you lead the five captains and soldiers as the right army, and Zhang Yi, you lead 3,000 elite soldiers from Yuejuan as the left army, all of whom will follow the central army. Alright. Jufu, you lead the rear army and supplies, gather the stragglers in front."

"The stragglers can follow behind, but the luggage must not fall behind. You can ask Wang Han to follow the central army with the luggage."

After the order was issued, everyone rushed out of the tent, gathered their soldiers and set off one by one.

Although the weather in Guanzhong is slightly chilly in February, it has basically become warmer.

The wheat seedlings in the field have begun to turn green. Looking from a distance, the growth is gratifying.

The farmers in the field are removing the weeds in the field and preparing to divert water for irrigation.

Right here, only a faint rumbling sound could be heard in the distance.

"This is Chunlei? Is it going to rain?"

Someone looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was still hanging in the sky.

Hearing the rumbling sound getting louder and louder, the experienced farmer finally recalled something, and his face began to turn pale: This sound is so familiar. Back then, there were such sounds everywhere in Guanzhong!

Sure enough, black spots gradually appeared in the distance, and there were billowing smoke and dust at the same time.

Someone stood up curiously, trying to see what it was.

"Are you looking for death? Don't run fast!"

The person who came to his senses pulled this stupid and bold man suddenly, then turned his head and ran away in a panic.

The oncoming torrent of iron cavalry shook the ground. No one cared about the farmers who ran away to hide. Every soldier stared ahead and followed closely.

There was simply no room for so many people on the official road, and many horses rushed down the field, trampling past them at will, and trampled the wheat seedlings to pieces.

The farmer lay on the ground, trembling, not daring to look up, let alone dissuade him.

I saw a horse foaming at the mouth, and its speed had gradually slowed down. The knight on the horse felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly pulled the rein, and rushed out of the team.

Sure enough, the horse's legs went limp, and it knelt directly to the ground.

The knight had turned over and dismounted when the horse fell to the ground, squatted down in great distress, and looked up at the team on the road again, with regret in his eyes.

"General, we have traveled nearly a hundred miles today, let's take a rest first, if this continues, even if the soldiers can bear it, the horses will not be able to bear it."

Someone saw the horses rushing out of the official road one after another and fell to the ground, so they quickly found Zhang He and persuaded him.

Luoyang 50,000-step cavalry, this fast way, after passing Chang'an, there are only more than 20,000 horsemen left.

Zhang Xi was already dripping with sweat. Although he had been a soldier all his life, he was a bit old after all. He was really tired after traveling day and night these days. He looked up at the sun and asked, "How far is it to the camping place? "

"There are still thirty miles."

"Then there is no need to rest, just slow down and march!"


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