Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 580 Military Discipline

The 轒辒 cart covered with rawhide was moving slowly, rushing to the city of Shangyu.

The 轒辒 chariot has four wheels and no bottom, and the ten soldiers in the chariot are all wearing waistbands and swords, with their feet firmly on the ground and pushing the cart with both hands.

The car soon entered the range of the crossbow arrows, and only the sound of "Peng Peng" began to be heard. This was the sound of arrow feathers hitting the wagon body. The soldiers standing in the front could clearly see the arrow feathers falling continuously. to the ground ahead.

The further forward you go, the stronger the arrow feather will be.

With a "poof", when less than thirty steps away from the city, an arrow feather finally pierced the wagon body, brushed past a soldier's face, and splashed a line of blood.

The soldier's body tensed up all of a sudden, his eyes stared straight at the arrow, and it just missed passing through his head.

There was a wooden curtain cart at the back of the cart. On the cart with wheels, a large plank was propped up. The soldiers lowered their heads, hid behind the plank, pushed the cart with their heads down, and rushed straight to the city.

The simplest thing is the shield held up by the soldiers with one hand, shouting to charge the city.

Even so, they were still lucky. More soldiers rushed up directly pushing the ladders, and their bodies were directly exposed to the enemy's bow and crossbow damage range in the city.

There was a dense burst of sound, shooting down densely, with an aura that covered the sky and the sun. Coupled with the effect of gravity, light flashed from time to time, and fell on the top of the Han army like a baptism of torrential rain.

Many of the soldiers of the Han army rushing forward, blood burst from their bodies from time to time, still had the inertia to rush forward a few steps, and then fell limply to the ground because they lost the support of strength.

Even if they rushed to the bottom of the city, the simple ladder still couldn't give the soldiers too much protection.

Not only did the Feather Arrows not decrease, but there were also wooden rolling stones falling from the top of the city.

The soldier who climbed halfway, after being hit, screamed, turned over and fell, and fell to a bloody mess.

The very few team leaders who were able to go up bravely, had just crossed the female wall, and several long spears came over. Before they could see what was on the wall, he was picked up high, and blood sprayed from his body in mid-air, drenching a piece of water. blood mist.





Taking advantage of the soldiers climbing up along the ladder ants, the city-charging vehicle finally found an opportunity and crashed straight into the city gate. The ramming logs made of huge logs crashed into the city gate again and again, causing countless dust to fly.

It is a pity that the back of the thick city gate has already been blocked with beams, stones, logs and other objects.

Even though the stones and logs piled up behind the gate kept rolling down, the city gate still stood there, showing no sign of opening.

Instead, a stone fell suddenly, and the soldiers pushing the chariot screamed and fell to the ground.

Since ancient times, siege has always been filled with people.

The Han army under the city was not completely powerless to fight back. Someone pushed out a huge scull shield and stood it not far from the city. Archers leaned on the protection of the scull shield and began to draw their bows and shoot.

All of a sudden, arrows rained like rain.

Cao Bing, who was standing at the top of the city and shooting arrows, was caught off guard. There were more than a dozen people with arrow feathers inserted into their foreheads, heads, chests, etc., red and white, and the dirt flowed horizontally. On top of the city walls.

What's more, it overturned and fell outside the city.

Most of the arrow feathers shot up from below the city hit the city wall, were either bounced off, or directly inserted into the wall.

After a while, many places on the city wall were filled with arrows, like a forest of arrows.

Standing on a small hillside, Wu Yi frowned as he watched the soldiers keep falling and making up, with heavy casualties, but still no progress.

This Shangyu City is worthy of being a strong city that Emperor Guangwu sent tens of thousands of horses to attack for several months.

A tributary of the Weishui River was diverted as a moat. Now that spring is coming, it is the time when the upper source of the Weishui River melts ice, and the river has sufficient water.

Coupled with the fact that there is Linwei County in the rear to support them, the defenders in the city have no worries at all, and they naturally have the heart to stick to it.

Now it took nearly ten days of attacking before the moat was filled and even under the city wall, but more than 4,000 soldiers were lost.

Seeing the soldiers charging three times, the ladder gradually destroyed, and morale began to drop, Wu Yi knew that today could only end here.

The sound of gold ming sounded, and the soldiers retreated like a tide.

Cheers erupted from the city.

After a while, the auxiliary soldiers of the Han army came over empty-handed, without weapons or armor, and began to silently clean up the corpses under the city, and at the same time moved away the wailing wounded soldiers.

None of the guards on the city raised their bows and arrows, they just watched vigilantly.

After the auxiliary soldiers of the Han army were cleaned up, there was still a small pile of corpses piled up underneath that had not been transported away. It was the unlucky ghosts of Cao Jun who turned over from the city.

So the hanging baskets began to be hung on the city, and Cao Jun sent men to bring back the corpses of his comrades.

From Wuxiang City in Longxi County in the far west, to Jicheng in Tianshui County, then Shangyu City, and then to Linwei City in Nan'an, they were all built next to the Wei River.

At the same time, on the same river, a similar situation was happening in Wuxiang City and Ji City.

Cao Wei's soldiers relied on the city and caused considerable losses to the Han army.

They all know that if the delay is longer, the reinforcements from the imperial court will be one day away, which will be more beneficial to them.

A day after Feng Yong left, Ma Di also set off, aiming at Jieting, where the two armies were connected end to end, winding like a long snake.

This was Feng Yong's first real leading attack. The time when Yuejue dealt with the barbarians under slavery and semi-slavery, it could only be regarded as a warm-up.

On the other side of Longshan, Zhang He led the same long snake-like team, advancing rapidly.

The two teams are likely to collide with a huge spark at a certain point.

From the north of Jicheng to Longshan, there is a place that must be passed through, and that is Lueyang, the east gate of Longyou.

Lueyang is located in Pingchuan, the land is fertile, and it was a rich place before Ma Chao messed with Liangzhou.

Later, Ma Chao separatist Longyou, and the gate of Longyou became a place of war. Xiahouyuan passed through this place several times when he went to Longyou. As a result, Lueyang gradually declined.

Later, Cao Cao moved the people of Hanzhong to Luoyang Yecheng and other places, and the vitality of Longyou was seriously injured.

In addition, Cao Wei did not have many troops in Longyou. In order to prevent similar things like Ma Chao from happening again, Cao Wei consciously destroyed some strategic locations in Longyou that blocked the advance in the direction of Guanzhong.

Jieting and Lueyang are listed here.

After nearly ten years of recuperation in Lueyang City, there are still not many people, not even soldiers to guard the city.

When the people in the city heard that the Han army was coming, they all came out tremblingly to meet Wang Shi.

Zhao Guangzong immediately stepped forward, and saw that there were no more than one or two hundred people standing in front of the dilapidated city gate of Lueyang, most of them were dressed in rags, and the one standing in the middle was only a little clean and tidy.

"I see that there are a lot of fields in Lueyang, why are there only so many of you in the city?"

Zhao Guang got off his horse and asked.

"Return to General, this is Lueyang, the imperial court... No, it's that thief Cao, there is no county government. In fact, most of these farms were sent by people with the surnames of Qingshui and Jicheng to open up wasteland."

"When I heard that Master Wang was coming, I fled back a long time ago. Only I and these people have nowhere to go to welcome Master Wang."

The old man in the middle had a humble smile on his face, but he couldn't hide his slightly trembling body from fear.

Zhao Guang glanced at the things in the hands of the people in front, but they were just food and water.

He nodded immediately, got back on his horse, and ordered, "If that's the case, then you should go back to the city and not go out at will. Only after the army has passed can you come out on your own."

"Thank you, General! Thank you, General!"

Seeing that Zhao Guang had no intention of looting, the people were all grateful, put down the food and water in their hands, and rushed back to the ruined city to disappear.

After a while, there were only three people standing there motionless.

The first person came forward and showed a waist card, the guard took it and handed it to Zhao Guang.

Zhao Guang looked at it, threw back the badge, and suddenly asked, "Who has never died in life since ancient times?"

"Early or late, you have to die!"

Someone answered.

When the codes matched, Zhao Guang nodded, "How is the situation in the city?"

"Back to the general, everything is normal."

"Is there any response from the front?"

"I just sent a message two days ago."

"That's good, go back to the team, go to the back, tell all you know, and the steward of the Knights will give you a reward."

"Thank you General."

The three rangers pretending to be ordinary people all had happy faces and saluted with fists in their hands.

Today's Hanzhong Nanxiang is a place of fascination in the heart of You Xiaer.

It is said that in the whole world, only there is the real style of ancient chivalry.

Rangers in Shuzhong, Longyou, Liangzhou, Guanzhong, Jingzhou and other places, as long as they know "Purple Dian Qingshuang" and "Legend of the Condor Heroes", they all wish to visit Nanxiang.

It's useless for a ranger to call him a hero if he doesn't go to Nanxiang.

This sentence has now been circulated among the rangers in the above-mentioned places, and even the rangers in the Central Plains have heard of it.

Before Zhao Guang came to Shouju County two years ago, Feng Yong had to personally confess that the three places in Jieting, Longkou, and Qianxian County were the most important places to investigate.

The ranger from Nanxiang is very skilled and has traveled a lot. How could Li Yi miss such a good resource?

These three rangers are just one of the many rangers scattered in the land of Longyou.

Zhao Guang's status is extraordinary, so he doesn't need to give you too much face, but the steward of the knight line is full of admiration. He bowed his hands and said, "You three heroes have worked hard!"

Just such a sentence made the faces of the three people look satisfied.

Listen up, heroes!

Nowadays, there are more and more rangers in Nanxiang, but how many are qualified to be called heroes?

Coupled with the generous rewards, in the words of a certain wood turtle, that is the double satisfaction of material and spiritual, how can there be no reason not to die?

Feng Yong led the army to cross the border. Although the people of Lueyang were frightened, they were not disturbed. Only when the army left, they finally breathed a sigh of relief and secretly rejoiced.

This master of the Han Dynasty really has the demeanor of a master of the king.

Unexpectedly, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, another Han army came from the south two days later and camped in the original camp of the leaving army.

This time, the people of Lueyang finally had experience and felt that as long as they were obedient, nothing would happen.

It was night, a few dark shadows sneaked out of the camp and went straight to the city of Lueyang without a gate.

After groping around for a while, someone asked in a low voice, "Is this the place?"

"That's right. During the day, I followed that woman on purpose. I just saw her enter the house. She thought she would not attract attention because of the dust on her face, but in my eyes, she and the stripped The clothes are the same...hehe!"

said another voice, accompanied by the sound of swallowing.

In the cold night, there was a faint light of a knife, and with a click, the door that was not secure at all opened.

After a while, a dog barked suddenly and a woman's exclamation was heard.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?"

The male owner in the room was brave enough to ask while trembling.

"It's nothing, I just want to chat with this little lady..."

"Ha ha……"

"You... are you soldiers of the Han army?"

It was fine if the man didn't say this, but when he said this, the faces of the soldiers changed.

At that moment, someone looked at the man and said sadly, "Soldiers of the Han army? Hearing what you said, it turns out that you are Cao's thief. It seems that we have come to the right place this time!"

"That's right. We will conduct a careful investigation to prevent someone from secretly reporting Cao's thief. It seems that we need to check your house carefully."

Once the excuse was found, the few of them immediately took up a lot of courage. Even if they came to the front of the general tomorrow, they would have an excuse.

"No, no, a few generals, this villain is not some Cao thief..."

The host hurriedly begged for mercy, but several soldiers looked at the woman in only single clothes, and couldn't listen to them, so they immediately pushed the host away and stepped forward to pull the woman over.



"I will fight with you!"

Seeing that his mother-in-law was about to fall into the tiger's mouth, the male owner's eyes were red, and he was about to pounce on him desperately.

It's just that he is unarmed and how many opponents are he? He was kicked to the ground a few times.

The movement in the room finally disturbed the neighbors, only to hear the dog barking suddenly.

Someone secretly listened to the woman's cry for help not far from the crack of the door, and someone silently locked the door.

There were torches shaking outside the city, a group of soldiers hurried into the city, followed the sound, and kicked open the door.

Several people in the upper brain of the sperm saw who was coming, and quickly called out, "General Liu!"

The soldier lying on top of the woman trembled, crawled down the ground, grabbed his clothes, and hurriedly put them on himself.

"Tie me up!"

Liu Yin saw everything in the room, his eyes were about to burst into flames, and he gritted his teeth.

At the same time, he took off his cloak and covered it with the woman.

Not long after Ma Di fell asleep, he was woken up by the guards.

It was tiring to lead the army on the road, and because he couldn't sleep well, Ma Di got up angrily, and when he heard someone making noise outside the tent, he shouted angrily, "Who is making noise in the camp late at night!"

When the lamps and candles were lit, Liu Yin and Li Sheng were surrounded into the tent.

"You and the other two are both generals who lead the army. Don't you know the rules in the army? They took the lead to make noise at night. Could it be that you really think that I can't practice military law?"

Sitting in the tent, Ma Su became even more angry when he saw his subordinates.

"Back to the general, the last general patrolled at night, and the soldiers who were tied up in violation of the military law wanted to report to the general early tomorrow morning, but I didn't expect that General Li would actually find the last general in the middle of the night. The last general refused, and he wanted to rob people, so It was only then that the final quarreled with him."

Liu Yin clasped her fists in salute.

Li Sheng quickly said with a smile on his face, "Why do you ask General Ma to ask about such a trivial matter? You and I can discuss it in private, and there is no major mistake."

Hearing this, Ma Di frowned and said, "Soldiers who violated military laws? What's going on here?"

"Returning to the general, three soldiers escaped from the camp and entered the city at night by changing the sentry. They wanted to do something wrong to a woman, but they were kidnapped by someone."

"What did you say?" Ma Di suddenly stood up and shouted sharply, "A soldier dares to commit adultery?"

The prime minister led the army to Longlong, ordered Ming Su, and rarely disturbed the people.

In addition, adultery and plundering are taboos in the army, and anyone who dares to violate this prohibition will be punished without mercy.

"General, calm down!" Li Sheng said hastily, "These people just want to do something wrong, they haven't made any serious mistakes yet."

"If someone hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid it might not be as easy as General Li said."

Liu Yin scolded angrily.

"So I still have to thank General Liu for this matter!" Li Sheng said with a smile, "It's just that in my opinion, this matter happened at night, and few people know about it for the time being. If it can be suppressed, naturally it is best to suppress it."

"If it is widely publicized, all the people in Lueyang City will know it. Isn't this letting your family's scandals be exposed to others? Therefore, I feel that the immediate priority is to appease that family first, so that they don't mess up. Speak out, so as not to damage the reputation of Dajun."

"And now it's time to use troops again. According to someone, it's better to put them on the death row and make them charge forward in the future. First, this can be regarded as military law against them, and second, it can make them atone for their sins." And work hard.”

"In the past, the King of Zhuang of Chu set up a jueying meeting and won the fierce general Tang Qiao. How do you know that General Ma can't win the warrior today?"

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