Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 582 Pre-war Preparations

Zhao Guang got the order and hurried down to make arrangements.

After a while, a small school of the Han army came to the city of Longguan without any armor, and shouted loudly, "Hanguan Neihou, General Feng Yong, the general who seeks bandits, sent someone to pass a message to the guards in the pass."

A hanging basket soon hung down on the city wall, and people were hoisted up.

The small Han army had to go up the city wall, but seeing the shining weapons all around, Cao soldiers all glared at him.

The little principal puffed up his chest and sneered proudly, "I don't have anything long, and I'm alone, why should you be afraid?"

"Eloquent, indeed." A general in his thirties came out of the crowd, "Could it be that all the Shu captives are incompetent people like you who can only talk and talk?"

The little colonel cupped his hands, "The villain was ordered by General Feng to serve in your army, and there is nothing disrespectful about it, but the general humiliated the big man as a prisoner first, which seems a bit insufficient."

General Cao Jun was furious when he heard the words, and drew his sword, "How dare you insult me?"

"The general insults others first, so why should the villain be rude later?"

The small school has no fear.

"Great Wei is China. You are nothing but bandits from Xichui. Calling them captives is considered a flattery. How can you humiliate you?" General Cao Jun sternly shouted, "Since you say I have no talent, then I have no talent for you." Look, come here, tie him up for me!"

With an order, the soldiers of the Cao army rushed forward and tied up the soldiers of the Han army tightly.

The small colonel stared at General Cao Jun, "When the two armies are at war, don't behead them. Isn't the general's move just in response to the saying of strength?"

Then General Cao Jun raised his sword and grinned, "Little Shu captive, who is only showing off his tongue, dare to imitate others to persuade him to surrender?"

Seeing him go down with a sword, Xiao Xiao suddenly had blood spattered all over his face, and subconsciously let out a scream.

General Cao held the blood-dropping sword and asked, "Is my sword sharper than your tongue?"

Xiaoxiao only felt a sharp pain in his left ear, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Tie Cao, if you don't kill me today, I will pay you back in the future!"

General Cao laughed, "I wanted to kill you, but now that I hear it this way, I will save your life and see how you repay."

"I just hope you can live longer, don't regret what you did today!"

The small school's teeth chattered.

"You are just a small soldier in the army, what should I be afraid of?" General Cao didn't care, "Okay, I'll teach you how to be polite in front of others, now can you tell me what message your master has? "

With a sound of "boom", the big tree on Longshan fell down, and the auxiliary soldiers in the battalion came forward with axes and saws, and sawed logs to make siege tools or fences.

Zhao Guang's former army just explored the situation on the battlefield first, and set up a camp for the first time to prevent the Cao thieves in Guancheng from rushing into the battle.

The army coming from behind must set up their own camps in the arranged places.

Or in the valley, or on the mountainside.

For a while, the people in Longdi called Ma Ni, and it was very lively.

Feng Yong returned to the big tent and sat peacefully, reading carefully the military book given by Zhuge Liang, waiting for the news of Guancheng.

When he saw the phrase "the leaves are strong, they are in the same position as those living in the same position, they form cliques, compete with others, and if they don't go, it is called a defeat", he stared at the word "憸" for a long time, scratched his head and thought What kind of bird is this?

After thinking about it, I read "Shuowen Jiezi" for a long time, and saw that it said: "It's good for the best, and you are also a sycophant." From the heart, the interest is cheap.

"Xi Lianqie? Xi Lian, Xi Lian, isn't that the first voice?"

Feng Yong muttered, and then wrote a series of symbols on it: xian.

Finally, a note: villain.

At this moment, a guard came to report, "Report to General, General Zhao to see you."

"Let him in."

Feng Yong nodded.

Zhao Guangda strode in, only to see his face full of anger, "General, the last general was ordered by the general to deliver a message in the closed city. I never thought that the thief Cao was really humiliating!"

"What happened?"

Feng Yong put down the book and asked.

"The guard of the gate cut off the left ear of the messenger, saying that although my elder brother has the sharpness of the tongue, it is a pity that it is not as sharp as his sword!"

"Bah!" Feng Yong patted his desk and stood up abruptly, "Where's the messenger?"

The little principal with his head wrapped came in, and Feng Yongguo saw that the cloth covering his left head was soaked with blood.

"The villain has seen the general."

This little school lost his left ear, but his expression was calm, and he stood proudly with his fists folded.

"A real strong man." Seeing that this man regarded the pain as nothing, Feng Yong first admired it, and then asked with concern, "The wound on your face is still bleeding, why don't you let the military Chinese medicine engineer help stop the bleeding?"

"Returning to the general, this is the custom of the villain's tribe. Because the villain was humiliated by the Cao thief, he swore across his face to show that this hatred will never be forgotten."

Seeing the resentment on the face of the little schoolboy, he replied loudly.

"Excellent!" Feng Yong applauded loudly, "I didn't expect there to be such high-minded people in our army, it's just..."

Feng Yong looked Xiao Xiao carefully up and down, and muttered, "It's just that I think you look familiar..."

"Back to the general, the villain's name is Liu Hun. Before the Northern Expedition, he was recommended by Miss Zhang. The general fell in love with him by mistake, so he joined the Fengrui camp in the army."

Having said this, Xiaoxiao straightened his chest again, and looked at Feng Langjun in front of him with fiery eyes.

He originally traveled around because he yearned for the Han culture.

When I heard Feng Langjun's article "Xia Ke Xing", I was fascinated by Feng Langjun's literary talents, and I deeply admired the two chivalrous men Zhu Hai and Hou Ying in "Xia Ke Xing".

Although I dare not compare myself, I also claim to have a heart that surpasses the five mountains.

Feng Yong's heart trembled when he saw the infatuated eyes of this little fanboy.

He just remembered at this time that this Liu Hun was Zhang Xingyi but Han Long's favor, and recommended a person to himself, he was the grandson of Qubei, the little prince of the Tiefu tribe on the right side of the Southern Huns, who claimed to be a descendant of Emperor Guangwu.

Liu Jinbo, the grandson of Liu Xiu, served as General Du Liao. He was captured in a battle to quell the Huns' rebellion, and was imprisoned by the Huns under Dushan. He married a wife and had children.

According to Liu Hun, Liu Jinbo has a son named Shili, and Shili has a grandson, who is his eldest father, Qubei. So, he should be Liu Jinbo's fifth generation grandson.

When Qubei was ordered to refuse to attack Li Jue and Guo Si, he was a rare loyal minister who protected the emperor of Han from Chang'an.

Now that Feng Yong saw Liu Hun's appearance again, he finally believed it in his heart.

If there is no loyalty, how can there be such generosity and pride?

Thinking of this, Feng Yong personally poured a bowl of water and handed it to Liu Hun, "Drink, strong man."

"Thank you Feng Langjun!"

Excited, Liu Hun called "Lang Jun" instead of "General", took the bowl and drank it down.

Feng Yong watched him finish drinking, took it with his own hands and put it on the case table, and then asked, "Who is the gate guard? How arrogant?"

"Back to the general, after the man called himself General Baima, his name was Pang Hui, and he humiliated the big man in every possible way, saying that the general is just a yellow-mouthed boy, a man with a flattering tongue, what is he afraid of?"

Feng Yong was startled when he heard this, and his first thought was: How did he know my name?

Then he remembered that there have been secret exchanges in Hanzhong and Longyou Pass in the past few years. If someone is interested, it is not surprising to have heard the rumors about him.

It was the title of "White Horse General" that caught Feng Yong's attention.

"Isn't General White Horse Pound? Pang Hui, Pound's descendant?"

He had a thoughtful look on his face, and when he thought of such a person, his face gradually became gloomy.

Finally, he walked out of the door of the handsome tent and looked at the tall Guancheng.

It turns out that the opposite is actually Pang Hui, the son of Pang De who slaughtered the Guan family in the middle of Shu to vent his personal anger in history?

After Pang De was defeated and captured, Guan Yu did not blame Pound for shooting himself, but surrendered with reason.

On the other hand, Pound not only insulted Guan Yu, but also insulted Liu Bei. According to the war rules at that time, if he surrendered, he would be accepted, and if he refused, he would be beheaded. Therefore, Guan Yu was not unreasonable when Pound was killed.

And after being insulted by Pang De, Guan Yu still treated his corpse kindly without losing his grace.

Both are obedient to state affairs, seek benevolence to obtain benevolence, seek righteousness to obtain righteousness, and are not considered personal enmity.

But what Pang Hui did was a complete villain's behavior, which was despised by others.

You don't take revenge on Guan Yu himself on the battlefield, but take advantage of the opportunity when the descendants of the Guan family can't fight back, and kill all the old and young, women and children of the Guan family, leaving no one behind, it is not a gentleman's action.

Feng Yong narrowed his eyes, thinking of Pang Hui's behavior of cutting off Liu Hun's ears first and then humiliating himself, his eyes flashed, it seems that this person's heart is really not very good.

Remembering that Guan Ji is his lord, Feng Yong finally opened his mouth and said slowly, "You're a stern man!"

It's okay to scold me, they are all enemies anyway.

But if you threaten my Xijun, this is not good...

Turning his head, he ordered, "Zhao Guang, get ready, I'm going to survey the terrain myself."

Zhao Guang listened to the order and quickly responded, "No!"

Immediately, he went down and selected his personal guards, and escorted Feng Yong to the front of Guancheng.

Cao Jun in the city saw a group of people approaching, stood there from a distance, pointed at Guancheng, and immediately reported to Zhipanghui.

When Pang Hui heard this, he hurried up to the city, and saw the people below the city standing there without any scruples observing Guancheng, and they didn't take themselves seriously at all, so he shouted angrily, "Come on, drive a big crossbow!"

There was originally a large crossbow in the east and west gates of Guancheng, but now they have all been moved to the west gate.

The soldiers listened to the order and quickly moved over a large crossbow installed on the bed frame. After placing it, they twisted the capstan, only to hear a rattling sound, and the strings of the large crossbow began to stretch.

The movement at the top of the city was quickly noticed by Zhao Guang, and he quickly ordered, "Stand up the shield!"

Although I and others are standing outside the range of the crossbow arrows, there may be a sharpshooter on the opposite side.

The soldiers who followed hurriedly ran in front of Feng Yong and set up their big scull shields.

Feng Yong stood still, carefully observing the terrain around Guancheng.

Longshan Mountain runs north-south, high in the northwest and low in the southeast. In Longdi, Guanshan is the main peak.

Longguan, located on the east slope of the main peak of Guanshan Mountain, runs from east to west, with only two gates, east and west.

To the north is the top of Guanshan Mountain, and to the south is the side peak. The peaks are like knives and difficult to climb.

Naturally, there is no moat on the mountain, but Cao Jun should have been prepared. He erected many antlers and repelling horses in front of the pass, densely packed, and looked very frightened.

It's okay for one or two people to sneak through carefully, but if the army is attacking the city, those obstacles must be removed first.

At this time, I saw a big arrow suddenly appearing from the city, flying straight down the city with the sound of whistling wind.

With a sound of "swish", the big arrow landed more than ten meters away from his left, and penetrated halfway into the ground, showing strong strength.

"Brother, be careful, this is a big crossbow!"

Zhao Guang saw the big arrow and shouted hastily.

Feng Yong waved his hand, the big crossbow is also the bed crossbow.

The accuracy of the bed crossbow at this time was extremely low, and the hit rate depended on character. If you want to hit the target accurately, the probability of hitting the target is lower than the probability of winning the jackpot, and the lethality is far from the terrifying level of the Song Dynasty.

Pang Hui in the city thought it was a pity when he saw the big arrow deflected so far.

Feng Yong led the people back and forth a few more times, looked at the peak of Guanshan Mountain in the north of Guancheng, thoughtfully, and finally led the people away under Zhao Guang's repeated urging.

Back in the valley, looking at the river under his feet, Feng Yong sighed, "The Prime Minister once said to me that there is a record in "San Qin Ji": Longdi, its hills have nine turns, and I don't know how high it is. ; The high place can accommodate more than a hundred families, and the clear water can be poured in four directions."

The so-called four injections of clear water actually mean that there are many water sources on Longdi Mountain. With Guanshan as the dividing line, they flow down from east to west and flow into the rivers in Longyou and Guanzhong.

Feng Yong pointed and turned to the east, bypassing the river behind the hanging peak in the south of Guancheng, "If I'm not wrong, this river should go around behind Guancheng."

"Zhao Guang, go to General Wang and ask him to send soldiers who are good at climbing mountains to climb over that hanging peak and see if there is a source of water to the east of Guancheng."

As he said that, he looked at the peak of Guanshan Mountain in the north of Guancheng again. There was a flag looming above it. There were Cao bandits camping there, echoing Guancheng in the distance, and his brows were slightly frowned.

The first day Feng Yong led the army to the city of Longguan passed peacefully.

On the east side of the main peak of Guanshan Mountain, there is a mountain spring, originating from the peak, gurgling down, the spring water gradually becomes larger, passing not far from the north of Longguan, it flows down Longshan Mountain, and flows into the Qianshui in Guanzhong.

In the early morning of Longshan Mountain, the forest was shrouded in clouds and mist. A small group of Cao soldiers came down from the mountain and found a small valley. The spring water flowing down from the mountain gathered here to form a small pool, which was crystal clear.

The spring water on the mountain was not enough to supply all the needs of the army, so people had to be sent down to fetch water.

These gang leaders took turns filling the barrels with water and began to return to the mountain.

The last guy squatted down and was about to fill the water, only to hear a few "cuckoo" sounds from the front, and a pheasant jumped out of the grass.

It had some blood stains on its body, and it raised one foot and dared not touch the ground. It looked like it was injured.

The guy's eyes lit up, and he knew that the pheasant must have just escaped from the mouth of a fox or a weasel. Although this kind of situation is rare in the mountains, it is not uncommon.

It seems that today I am lucky.

This is the rear, the Han army has no way to go around, and the leader army has no sense of crisis, I saw him tiptoeing over, and rushed forward, the pheasant fluttered its wings, but still failed to escape.

The gang leader was overjoyed, and just about to stand up, suddenly a few black shadows appeared beside him.

Before he could utter a sound, his mouth was tightly covered. While struggling, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the colorful face on the opposite side, like an evil spirit. Thinking of the legend of the spirits in the mountains, his thighs immediately became wet.

Under the cover of vegetation and clouds, several dark shadows dragged the gang leader into the depths of the forest.

Someone muttered in blunt Chinese, "It stinks!"

"Shut up!"

Wang Han, who was still tied with branches, cursed in a low voice.

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