Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 583 Pre-war Preparations (2)

Cao Jun's guess was right, the Han army's army really couldn't cross the east side of Longguan.

But what they don't know is that their opponents have a lot of forest experts in their hands, and it is still very easy to send a small team to walk in the mountains and forests without anyone noticing.

What they don't even know is that a certain soil turtle has an unparalleled advantage in mountain warfare and special operations.

After all, the soldier king is back from the city, ah bah, no, it should be called college students from key universities who have received formal military training, both in terms of knowledge and understanding of military knowledge, they are indeed better than ordinary people.

The results of the interrogation came out soon. After collecting enough information, Wang Han quietly led the people, preparing to turn back from the east of Guanshan to the west.

At this time, under the city of Longguan, the Han army finally took action.

I saw groups of soldiers holding up big scull shields, forming a shield wall under the bow and crossbow range of Guancheng.

At the same time, under the protection of the front soldiers, the Nanxiang engineering team began to dig deep pits with various tools.

Among them, there was a man with the appearance of a scribe, leading a few stewards of the Nanxiang engineering team, walking back and forth, squatting down from time to time, measuring something with a standard, and constantly correcting the construction direction of the construction workers.

Behind them, the auxiliary soldiers shouted slogans "Hey Yo Hey Yo" and walked towards the construction site carrying the tall logs felled yesterday.

Pang Hui, who was closed, looked at the strange behavior of the Han army below, feeling a faint uneasiness in his heart.

This Han army raided Guanxia, ​​and it is reasonable to attack the city immediately when Guancheng got the news too late and did not have much preparation.

Unexpectedly, the other party stood still for two consecutive days and only cared about cutting down trees.

The enemy's approach gave him two more days to prepare, which should have been something to be thankful for.

But seeing the other party's strange behavior now, Pang Hui had the idea of ​​letting the other party attack the city quickly.

After all, this feeling of knowing that the opponent is preparing, but not knowing what is preparing, makes people feel a lot of pressure.

Pang Hui looked at the antlers and the repelling horse at the gate of the city, thinking that if he had known what the Shu captive looked like, he shouldn't have blocked the gate, and it would be better to take this opportunity to rush out to test the other party's situation.

Under the professional construction of the Nanxiang engineering team, the big pit was dug quickly.

At the other end, the craftsman tightly combined the wood that had been sawn overnight with tenon and tenon joints. After reaching a sufficient length, he tied a thick hemp rope to the wood and placed the bottom of the tall wood at the mouth of the big pit.

Then put another wooden pole side by side according to the law, and finally mortise and mortise the tops of the two tall woods with a crossbar, and install iron pulleys under the crossbar.

"Be careful, prepare together, pull!"

Scribe began to shout.

The two tall trees began to be pulled up slowly.

"Wenshi, is this Takagi strong enough?"

Feng Yong saw that there were three thick hemp ropes on each piece of wood, one was stretched tightly, and the other two were closely followed by the ropes, and he sighed in his heart at the wisdom of his ancestors.

At this time without machinery and equipment, they would use the triangular principle to easily erect such a tall log.

The scribe was instructing the engineering team to erect the logs. When he heard Feng Yong behind him asking a question, he quickly turned around and replied, "General, please rest assured. This method has been tried several times by the villain, and it is strong enough."

Feng Yong glanced at him and said, "That's good. This time, I'm going to go up and see for myself. Then you go there first to make sure it's all right."

When Wen Shi heard it, his body trembled, "The villain understands."

At the same time, he wiped his forehead, and said in his heart that fortunately, he had tried it himself before, and he was finally sure.

Otherwise, he managed to escape from the riots in Nanxiang, and fell to his death on the Wangyuan Building under his supervision. Wouldn't it be an unjust death?

The ancestors of his family belonged to a Chinese family in Shu, and later they moved to Nanzhong. Although the family fortune was in decline, it was barely worthy of the four characters of farming, reading, and family. As long as you don't have too much ambition, life is not bad Too bad.

It's just that these days, it doesn't mean that if you don't have ambitions, you can live your life with peace of mind. When you meet ambitious Meng Huo, Yong Kai and others, Nanzhong is in chaos.

In order to protect the incense, the men of the Wen family let the women and children flee, and the men and sons of the family stopped the rebels. In this war, all the father and brother of the Wenshi family died in battle.

But he was injured and escaped by chance.

Later, I met the notorious vigilante.

The big bastards of the militia picked up this refugee, thinking that there was an extra "seventy coins", but they didn't know that this Wenshi had a strong desire to survive after the war.

With more than 20 years of knowledge accumulation, he fooled the illiterate old men of the militia for a while. In the end, he changed himself and became a gentleman who knew astronomy and geography.

Originally, according to the normal way, with his ability and knowledge, no matter which rich or powerful family he is, he will be regarded as an object of investment.

It's a pity that he met a soil turtle who messed up in history and didn't play cards according to the routine.

At the same time, this soil turtle is also the biggest leader of the Dahan Labor Trafficking Organization.

Out of the urgent need to break the intellectual monopoly of the aristocratic family, Feng Yong took advantage of his position to select literate intellectuals, regardless of gender, when selecting laborers.

So Wen Shi was recorded in Feng Tubie's talent reserve book.

Wen Shi himself is good at metaphysics.

At that time, metaphysical mathematics involved a wide range of knowledge, and arithmetic, medicine, astronomy, and calculations were all involved.

Facing Feng Guiwang, who is notorious in Nanzhong, and Feng Langjun, who is famous in Sichuan for his eloquent words and demeanor, his literary ability to fool the big bosses of the militia is not enough.

When he knew that Wenshi had a foundation in practical mathematics, Feng Yong threw him a math book and the most basic physics book, and instead lured him into the Nanxiang engineering team to learn and accumulate experience.

After several years of practice, Wen Shi has become an engineer and designer of the Nanxiang Engineering Team, and Feng Yong is actually half of Wen Shi's teacher.

After the two tall logs were completely erected, the engineering team moved boulders and put them in the pit, pressing the bottom of the tall logs tightly, and finally began to fill the soil, and at the same time, the surrounding thick hemp ropes began to be tightened and fixed live.

After all the preparations were completed, the people below began to pull the hemp rope on the pulley, and a hanging basket was tied under the hemp rope.

At this time, Pang Hui finally understood: this is the nest car used to observe the situation in the city!

It's just that the production speed of this nest car was beyond Pang Hui's expectation.

And look at the nest car, it is tall and big, even higher than Guancheng.

How did the Han army do it?

Pang Hui was a little shaken.

Building a spectacle has a deterrent effect on ordinary people.

Seeing the Han army under the city set up a huge nest cart higher than Guancheng in less than half a day, this kind of thing is simply unheard of, and many Cao Jun who closed the city feel a little bit drummed.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a nest car, so what's the point of letting him go up and have a look at Guan Cheng?"

Pang Hui saw that the faces of the soldiers around him were a little strange, so he quickly shouted, "Put the crossbow on!"

Seeing that everything was ready, Wen Shi was about to step into the hanging basket when Feng Yong held him back, "Forget it, you are too thin. Follow the rules and let the fat man go up first."

Literary: ...

A solid soldier with two solid weights came over and tied a hemp rope around his waist with ease. The rope hangs him down.


Wen Shi yelled, and the hanging basket slowly went up.

With a "huh", a huge arrow feather flew over, judging from its flight direction, the target should be the hanging basket.

It's a pity that the direction was not only off, but also the force was limp, and it fell in mid-air.

Hanging the basket up and down three times to confirm that there is nothing wrong, Feng Yong stepped into the basket.

"Brother, why don't you let the little brother go up and watch."

Zhao Guang dissuaded, "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case..."

"Can't it sound a little nice?"

Feng Yongqiang resisted the slight trembling of his legs, and cursed.

He actually has a slight fear of heights. If he could, he certainly wouldn't want to go up, but others might not be able to notice what he wanted to see.

This time to attack Guancheng, time was running out, and he had to fight it out, so he could only bite the bullet and go up.


Feng Yong ordered.

The pulley creaked, and the hanging basket began to rise upwards.

The higher you go, the stronger the mountain wind, making Feng Yong's clothes rattle, and his teeth are rattling slightly. It's not cold, but a little scared.

At this time, there was no one else around, so he didn't try to be brave anymore, and sat down with his hand on the hanging basket.

The hanging basket rose to the top very quickly, and everything in Longguan City fell into sight.

Feng Yong touched his bosom, took out two sleeves from inside, put them together, put them in front of his eyes, and everything in Guancheng seemed to be in front of his eyes.

This telescope took him three years, using all his connections to find transparent crystals, and having people carefully polish them before making them.

The money and food consumed by the crystal alone is enough to make people's hearts bleed.

After all, it is really hard to find a large enough transparent crystal. Even if you find it, you don't know how much wasted just polishing it. It took three years to polish a telescope.

And for this Northern Expedition, Feng Yong has been preparing from the very beginning, and has been preparing for four full years.

"If I had known earlier, I would have gone to major in mechanical engineering! What real estate?"

Feng Yong muttered the words for countless times, holding up the binoculars and kept moving, remembering Guancheng and Cao Jun's camp on the top of Guanshan in his heart one by one.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, the small white flag was waved, and the people below began to carefully put the hemp rope, and the hanging basket began to dangle and slowly fall.

When his feet landed on the ground, he stamped his feet first, and then growled, "Where's the person who went up to test just now?"

As a result, two solid soldiers with literary weight were pushed forward.

Feng Yong had a runny nose, pointed at him and cursed, "It's windy up there, why didn't you remind me that you want to freeze me to death on top? You've frozen me half to death, how can you observe the enemy's situation?"

The burly soldier lowered his head honestly and said apologetically, "Feng Langjun, the villain is negligent."

Whether it is the Nanxiang soldiers or the Nanxiang engineering team, they can all be regarded as soldiers trained by Feng Yong himself.

Feng Tubie ran amok in Nanxiang, the opponent's subordinates had the strictest requirements, the training performance was not as good as he wanted, beating and scolding is the most normal.

But on weekdays, he is also impeccable in his treatment of his soldiers.

Therefore, the soldiers loved, feared and respected this powerful gentleman.

At this time, this soldier who was a head taller than Feng Yong would just willingly bow his head obediently in front of him and let him beat and scold him.

Feng Yong vented his anger, and walked away with strange steps.

Others only thought that he was frozen, but they didn't expect that he was just acting, in order to cover up the fact that his legs were a bit disobedient.

"Brother, when will we attack the city?"

Zhao Guang followed up and asked impatiently.

"What's the rush? How many catapults have you made?"

"There are six."

"Too few, let's talk about it when there are ten."

Feng Yong waved his hand.

"But elder brother, younger brother, looking at the pass city, it is really thick and strong, and this catapult may not be able to break it." Zhao Guang became anxious when he heard that, "It's better to let the younger brother test and attack the city today, just to destroy it. It would be nice to have those antlers."

"What's the rush? It's just an antler." Feng Yonghun said indifferently, "In my eyes, that thing is useless at all."

What Zhao Guang wanted to say, Feng Yong suddenly sneezed, "Okay, you don't have to say, I have my own concerns. Ask the cook in the army to make me some noodles, put more pepper oil, to drive away the cold."

Longshan Mountain in February was already chilled, and when he climbed to the high midair, Feng Yong claimed that he was half frozen to death, which is not a lie.

Seeing Zhao Guang scratching his ears and cheeks, Feng Yong gave a "tsk" and asked, "Do you want to eat?"

"Eat, why don't you eat it? This noodles with pepper oil is a rare delicacy, why don't you eat it?"

Zhao Guang swallowed a mouthful of saliva. In this mountain, it is a rare enjoyment to eat noodles splashed with pepper oil.

"Then make a few more, and call General Wang and General Zhang over to eat some together."

Feng Yong ordered.

These days, I and the others share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, and eat whatever the soldiers eat. Feng Yong is about to vomit, and he has an excuse to drive out the cold, so he treats them as some benefits for a few people.

With flour, noodles have to emerge.

Steaming noodles are placed in a large bowl, and a spoonful of reddish pepper oil is poured on them. Finally, hot soup is poured over. With a sound of "sucking", the noodles and soup are sucked into the mouth.

Rich aroma, mellow and refreshing, oily and fragrant.

Feel the chill all over the body at once.

In the big tent, there are personal guards guarding the door to prevent outsiders from seeing it. After all, it is not embarrassing to eat and drink with the soldiers on the surface, but to start a small stove in private.

Zhao Guang and Wang Ping Zhang Yi helped several people, all of them sat on the horses, holding big bowls, just bowed their heads and snored and ate and drank.

"General, little general Wang is back."

A guard outside the tent said.

"Let him in alone."

Feng Yong sat on the handsome chair with a golden knife, his mouth was full of oil, and he didn't bother to wipe it, so he said directly.

As soon as Wang Han lifted the curtain, a scent of fragrance rushed to his face, and before he swallowed his saliva into his stomach, his stomach was already rumbling.

"Little General Wang is back? Are you hungry? It just so happens that there is still a serving of noodles in this bucket. Let's eat together."

In the tent, Feng Yong looked up at him and greeted him.

Wang Han rubbed his stomach, clasped his fists, and said politely, "Thank you, General!"

Immediately, he took the bowl on the table, grabbed the boss's chopsticks, poured a thick layer of oil on it, mixed it casually, and couldn't wait to put a bite into his mouth first.

It seemed that he had been lying in ambush in the mountains for a whole night. Although he had woolen down jackets and other things, he was still very cold.

"How's the situation? Did you catch the tongue?"

Feng Yong asked a question.

"No no no..."

When Wang Han heard Feng Yong's question, he nodded quickly, and the noodles hanging between his mouth and the bowl shook wildly, and even two drops of prickly ash oil fell on Feng Yong's face.

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