With Longguan in his hands, the big stone in Feng Yong's heart was finally let go.

Standing on the urn at the east gate of Longguan, looking to the east, you can faintly see the Sishui at the foot of Longshan Mountain.

Feng Yong felt a pity in his heart: If he could directly occupy the Si County named after Sishui, that would be the best choice.

Because whether you are taking Guanlong Avenue, Fanxu Road, or even the Jitou Road further north, you must pass through Qianxian County.

As long as it is blocked there, the big man doesn't need to divide his troops to guard all the roads in the north and south of Longshan Mountain, and even Anning County on the east side of Longshan Mountain can be decided at one go.

If Cao Wei wanted to support Longyou, he could only enter through the narrow passage of Chencang. Thousands of people came in through hard work, and it was not enough for a big man to fit his teeth.

It's a pity that Qian County is too far away. At this time, Zhang Xi has at least arrived in Qian County, and may even have passed through Qian County. He can reach Longguan in one day at the earliest, and in three days at the slowest.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong turned around and ordered, "Is there any oil tank? If there is any, put it under the wall of the urn to blacken the wall."

"Brother, why are you doing this?"

Seeing how strange Feng Yong's order was, Zhao Guang asked puzzledly.

"The retreat of the remnants of Longguan will inevitably pass the news to the Cao bandits who came to the east to help. Although we captured Longguan easily, this fire also burned Longguan to nothingness."

"Right now, there are not enough defensive equipment at Longguan, so the only thing we can rely on is the city wall. The Cao general who came to help must have known this situation through the defeated bandit army. If that Cao general was impatient, he might use his elite soldiers to think of a way to recapture Longguan. .”

"I blackened the wall of the Weng City in the east to make it look like Guancheng can be easily captured, which can motivate him to make up his mind to attack the city. If we attract him for one more day here, the Prime Minister will be more confident in Longyou .”

Feng Yong patiently explained, "Seizing the pass is only the first step, maybe the next step is the beginning of the real battle."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

"So we can't relax at all. General Wang, please lead your troops to garrison Guanshan in the north, corresponding to Guancheng. When the Cao bandits arrive, if you can't get in touch with Guancheng, it's up to you to decide whether to fight or defend. "

"General Zhang, I will reorganize the city of Guancheng and stop the enemy from the east. I will hand it over to you. General Wang, you will lead a hundred dark night hunters to the east of Longshan Mountain to investigate the Cao bandits in Shanglong. If there is news, report back immediately."

"General Ju, the city of Longguan is small, and it is more difficult to send food to the mountains than usual. Those Cao thieves who have gathered here, please send them back to the prime minister."

Speaking of this, Feng Yong pondered for a while, "I will write a letter to the prime minister at that time. The prime minister is short of manpower at the moment. When you get there, the prime minister has an assignment, so you just need to do your best. How good will it be then? , it’s up to you.”

Fu was overjoyed, and hurriedly saluted, "General Feng's kindness in recommending you will never be forgotten by Fu!"

The prime minister has suppressed the family in Sichuan in recent years, and the Ju family is a common name in Brazil County, so it is not immune to it. Even the price of grain in Sichuan has risen and fallen a few years ago, and the Ju family has suffered a lot of losses.

So I was actually considered as a backup in the clan just in case.

Unexpectedly, things are impermanent. The Dahan first owned the copper mine in Tanglang County, then the horse farm in Yuexie County, and now has a workshop in Hanzhong. Because of their own connections, all the clan members participated.

If he can make a difference in this Northern Expedition, then his house in the few houses in Brazil County will be regarded as a success.

"That's because you have the ability. If you don't have the ability, I won't recommend it to the prime minister."

Feng Yong waved his hand.

Several people took their orders and left, but Zhao Guang and Yang Wanwan had no arrangements.

Zhao Guang and Feng Yong are the closest, without the presence of outsiders, he immediately asked, "Brother, what should Wei Ran and I do?"

Only then did Feng Yong reply, "You two, go one step ahead of Jufu and lead the troops from Ju County back to Jicheng."

When Zhao Guang heard this, he became anxious, "Brother, didn't you say that the next battle will be fierce? Cao Cao asked us to leave before the thief arrived. This...this...doesn't it mean that brother doesn't love us? How can you give all the credit to us? someone else?"

"Hey! Tch!" Feng Yong kicked his head back and cursed, "Idiot!"

Zhao Guang didn't dare to dodge, he suffered this kick, and he grinned in pain.

In the past few years, my elder brother has become stronger and stronger, and his strength has also become stronger and stronger. He is no longer the weak person he knew at the beginning.

Coupled with the methods used by the elder brother on Longguan this time, and the tragic appearance of those Cao thieves, it is really shocking.

"Before we set off, both Shangyu and Longxi Commanderies were still under attack. On the other hand, we broke through the dangerous Long Pass in three days, prevented the Cao bandits from rushing to help Longyou, and let the Prime Minister calm Longyou without any worries."

"Even if the old man Wei and General Wu captured Longxi County and Shangyu City now, they can't be compared with us, let alone whether they have captured it until now is still a question."

It's not that Feng Yong looked down on Wu Yi, but that the city of Shangyu was already extremely strong. Back then, the son of the plane personally led the army, and several generals under him were unable to capture Shangyu, which was defended by the defeated army around Kaixiao for several months.

Not to mention that now Shangyu still has Guangwei County as a support, and even Cao Wei in Guanzhong can also provide support through the Chencang narrow road.

Therefore, the old monster Zhuge probably didn't expect that Wu Yi's partial army could capture Shangyu, but he just asked him to block the passage from Chencang to Shangyu, so that Cao Wei's reinforcements from Guanzhong would not come out to make trouble.

As for Mr. Wei, that's not to mention.

Originally, he traveled westward with light clothes, and the journey was long, plus the enemies he encountered... Hehe!

Thinking of this, Feng Yong couldn't help showing a sneer on his face.

You Chu, the prefect of Longxi, is a famous figure in history. After the first Northern Expedition, he was looked at differently by Cao Rui, and he even ordered to see him specially. How can he be easy to deal with? Old man Wei, just wait to be deflated!

Thinking of this, Feng Yong pointed to the northeast and said, "Now there is General Wu in Shangyu, old man Wei in Longxi County, and Uncle Zhang in Liangzhou... Well, Junhou. Only Anding County in the northeast , there is no one to go.”

"However, there is Xiaoguan in Anding County, and there are important roads such as Jitou Road in Shanglong, Wating and other dangerous passes. They are places that must be guarded. However, the prime minister can't tell the manpower. You say, if you are holding the victory of breaking Longguan at this time, What will the prime minister do if he returns to Jicheng?"

"Aside from us, who else can take on this great task?" Zhao Guang's eyes brightened, and he said with great admiration, "It's my fault! My brother, prepare your troops and set off immediately."

"Wait a minute!" Feng Yong called Zhao Guang to stop, looked around and confirmed that they were all his own people, and then said in a low voice, "I told you to remember to carefully observe the terrain when passing by the street pavilion, have you not forgotten?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten."

"Well, let me ask you, what would you do if you were asked to guard the street pavilion?"

"You don't have to ask, it's natural to use the old city of Jieting to build a stronghold."

Zhao Guang said something strange, and then saw Feng Yong's meaningful eyes, blessed his heart, and quickly added, "Also, my elder brother sent General Wang to garrison Guanshan, and sent a partial division at Nanshan in Jieting to serve as a guard. echo."

Feng Yong nodded, "When you lead the army across the street pavilion, help me see how the Ma Da... heck, Ma joined the army, how did he set up the camp. If it is different from what you think, then tell the prime minister about the situation in the street pavilion."

Feng Yong made a long-distance attack, defeated the Cao bandits and occupied Longguan, so the weight of his words now is naturally much heavier than at the beginning.

But Zhao Guang and Feng Yong are bound together. Zhao Guang's words often represent Feng Yong's attitude.

Ma Dazui is the favorite student of the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, and others dare not accuse him of being black, but Feng Guiwang has no pressure to do it.

When we met for the first time back then, you regarded me as a mentally ill person. I was known as the ruthless Xiao Wenhe. How could you not remember?

However, Zhao Guang couldn't understand why his elder brother had a hard time with Ma Di, so he asked a little confused, "What should I say, younger brother?"

"Are you planning to die of stupidity?" Feng Yong scolded, "Just take the reason why I discussed the terrain of Jieting with you, and tell me, and the prime minister will naturally understand!"

If the Zhuge old demon doesn't understand, then I will lead the troops back directly, so as not to be blocked on the top of Guanshan Mountain to drink the northwest wind.

"Little brother listens to elder brother." Zhao Guang nodded again and again, and said impatiently, "What else can elder brother order?"

"No more." Feng Yong looked at Yang Wanwan, "There are many Qianghu in Longyou, Wei Ran, you have an advantage in this regard, but you can gather more Qianghu people along the way, and let them be your eyes and ears with your momentum."

"Little brother understands!"

Yang Wanwan cupped his fists and said.


Feng Yong waved his hand.

After everyone left, he watched the Guanlong Avenue winding down, and with arrogance, he put his hands on his hips and said, "Come on, Zhang Yun, let me see what you have, which can compare with the son of the plane! "

The news of the fall of Longguan soon reached the ears of Cao Zhen who was confronting Zhao Yun in Meicheng.

"Where is General Zhang He now? What did he say?"

When Cao Zhen got the news, he was in a state of confusion, and asked the messenger who was sent to deliver the letter urgently.

"Back to the general, General Zhang has continued to lead the army forward, saying that the Shu captives in Longyou are the main force, and the Shu captives in Jikou are just suspicious soldiers, and now it is true!"

"If the general can defeat the Shu captives in Jikou, he can directly send his army into Hanzhong to intercept the food roads of the Shu captives. As for Longyou, General Zhang has his own plans, and the general doesn't need to worry."

"With General Zhang's words, I have nothing to worry about!"

Cao Zhen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

On the second day, there was news from Chang'an that His Majesty the Emperor had personally led 10,000 forbidden troops and would arrive in Chang'an in a few days.

When Cao Zhen heard the news, he was overjoyed, and with a "clang" sound, he drew out his handsome sword.

"Then Zhao Yun is the only remaining old man who followed Liu Bei in the early years. I saw that the army he led was not well-organized. He also said that he was a lure army, so he didn't dare to go forward with all his strength, lest Chang'an would lose. He lied."

"If I had known this before, why should I be afraid of his miscellaneous soldiers when I have elite soldiers in my hands? General Zhang dared to take charge of Longyou, and now His Majesty is personally guarding Chang'an, so I don't have to worry about it anymore. Come here and order the troops to do their best tomorrow." Attack Minkou!"

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Yun climbed to a high place as usual to watch the city of Mei.

The prime minister asked him to lead the army out of Jikou. Although there were many troops, they were mostly old and weak and auxiliary soldiers.

Fortunately, there is Xiegu Road behind Jikou. Cao thief didn't know how many people were still in Xiegu, so he didn't dare to attack lightly, and just guarded Meicheng tightly.

Zhao Yun was cautious by nature, and he knew that the army he led was not strong enough to fight against the elite soldiers of Cao Bandit, so he would go up to a high place every day to closely observe the movement in Cao Bandit's city.

A few days ago, we found out that a large army of Cao thieves from Chang'an had already headed towards Guanlong Avenue. In this way, Cao Zhen on the opposite side was no longer under the pressure from Longyou. I don't know if he would come out of the city to test it out?

I don't know if it's because of Zhao Yun's acumen that he acquired after many years of fighting. He only thought about this idea in the past two days, when he saw movement in the city of Mei opposite.

The gate of Mei City, which had been closed tightly these days, was suddenly opened, and groups of Cao soldiers began to leave the city. Looking at the direction they were going, it was right here.

"Not good! I'm really afraid of something!"

Zhao Yun's heart tightened, and he hurried down the mountain.

On the way, Deng Zhi hurried towards Zhao Yun with his men, and when he saw Zhao Yun, he said quickly, "Old General Zhao, Cao Bandit has made any movement, I'm afraid they are going to attack our army camp."

"I know!" Zhao Yun replied anxiously, "Go back to the camp and organize the army."

"The old general wants to meet the enemy?"

Deng Zhi asked in surprise.

"Naturally, we want to meet the enemy. Our army has been stalemate with Cao Bandit for many days. Cao Bandit has elite soldiers and dare not go out to fight, because he is afraid that there will be a large army in the inclined valley."

"Now if we retreat without fighting, the bandits Cao will not only know the reality of our army, but also think that we are afraid of them. When they rush forward, most of our army will be old and weak, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to return to Hanzhong."

When Deng Zhi heard this, his face was worried, "Cao bandits are attacking like this, our army may not be able to hide the truth."

"No problem!" Zhao Yun had considered this situation long ago, "General Deng, your army is old and weak. Put up more flags at the exit of Xiegu. When you see the right time, you will shout loudly."

After discussing with Deng Zhi, Zhao Yun and Deng Zhi split up.

The loss of Longguan made Cao Wei lose the opportunity, but at the same time, Zhang He and Cao Zhen, who were old in the army, finally confirmed that the main force of the Shu captives was indeed in Longyou, so the Jikou Shu captives could only be regarded as partial divisions.

Cao Zhen lost the pressure from Longyou and Chang'an, and also saw that most of the soldiers led by Zhao Yun were old and weak, so he ordered his troops to leave the city and prepare to attack the Han army's camp.

Although Zhao Yun knew that the enemy was strong and we were weak, but there were high mountains on both sides of Jikou, if the bandits Cao wanted to attack, they had to go head-on, which made him feel at ease.

He quickly returned to the camp, ordered the only elite soldiers in the camp, opened the gate of the village directly, and began to line up in front of the village.

Cao Zhen thought that he had seen through Zhao Yun's falsehood, but he never thought that the opponent would not stick to the camp, but gave up the location and went out to fight, so he was a little suspicious at the moment.

But on the opposite side, a veteran general of the Han army with a white horse, white armor, white beard and white hair reined in to the front of the formation, and shouted loudly, "Cao thief, are you finally willing to come out of the city?"

Cao Zhen knew that this was Zhao Yun. Back then, Zhao Yun rescued the captive Liu Chan from among the thousands of troops, and his bravery spread throughout Cao's army. How could he not know? At the moment, I feel a little bit drummed in my heart, secretly thinking that this old thief has really lived long enough.

It's just that he hasn't formed a formation yet, so he has no choice but to bite the bullet and go out to answer, "Shu captive Zhao Yun, at your age, you are already old and frail, and you dare to lead troops to invade our borders if you don't wait to die at home. Do you think you didn't die fast enough?"

Zhao Yun sneered, raised his gun and said to Cao Zhen, "A few days ago, I dared not come out of the tortoise city. Who gave you the courage now? I hope you will not ask for mercy later!"

After saying that, rein in the horse and return to the formation.

When the two armies finally set up their positions in front of Jikou, they shot their positions and began to march forward shouting slogans.

Only the sound of the first horn sounded, and the dense formation began to disperse.

At the second sound, everyone began to draw their swords, and the crossbowmen began to kneel down and prepare to shoot arrows.

Cao Zhen had a group of cavalry more than Zhao Yun. He separated the cavalry and wandered on the two wings, ready to attack the Han army's weaknesses at any time.


The two sides began to shoot arrows, and for a while, the sky was blocked out.

Although a large shield was erected to block the front, arrow feathers always passed through the protection and shot directly at the soldiers behind.

There were muffled groans and screams one after another. Some soldiers in the formation began to fall to the ground, and blood seeped into the ground, moistening the land.

Cao Zhen was sitting in the middle army, and seeing Zhao Yun not only dared to lead the army out of the stronghold, but also dared to take the initiative to fight, he felt a little uneasy: Could it be that my judgment was wrong?

When the two sides reached twenty steps, they finally shouted together and ran towards the enemy.

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