As soon as the two armies came into contact, Cao Jun saw the leader of the other party, nine feet tall, with a ferocious face, extremely ugly, holding a square halberd, one stride was worth two steps of others.

Before the person arrived, the long Fang Tianji had already stabbed at him. The ugly man let out a low growl, and with a strong hand, he stabbed Cao Bing in front of him, then pushed the corpse back and knocked him down again. Two or three people.

As soon as the tip of the halberd was pulled out, blood gushed out of Cao Bing's chest.

Before the people next to him could react, the crescent-shaped sharp blade swept across his neck, and a blood mist sprayed up. The unlucky Cao Bing clutched his neck, his throat groaned, and he fell down.

Cao Bing is an elite soldier. Seeing such a strong general, he knew that if he took the lead to break through the front line, the consequences would be unimaginable. At that moment, the few people didn't even need to pay attention to their eyes, and directly raised their guns and stabbed in unison.

At the same time, someone held the hook inlaid grid to block the long halberd, and then turned around with a hook, hooking Fang Tianji's crescent-shaped sharp blade tightly, and pulling back hard to prevent the opponent's weapon from moving.

Unexpectedly, the ugly man in the Han army was extremely powerful, seeing a few people restraining his Fang Tianji, he immediately held the halberd with both hands, the veins in his hands popped up, he roared angrily, and pulled it violently, almost A Cao soldier couldn't stand steadily, and staggered and fell forward.

Fang Tianji was released from the ugly man's hand, and with another sweep, he blocked all the stabbing spears. Some people even felt their palms go numb, and they couldn't hold the weapon for a moment, and the spears in their hands flew out.

The ugly man stepped forward and slammed Fang Tianji with his backhand again. He used Fang Tianji as an iron rod, and beat a Cao soldier until his bones were broken and he spewed blood to death on the spot.

The Han army following him took advantage of the opportunity that the opposite Cao army was disrupted by the ugly man, swarmed up, raised their knives and slashed wildly.

Although the Han army had fewer troops than Cao's army, with the ugly man leading the charge, Cao's front army couldn't resist for a while, and the formation was a little messy.

"Who is this? So fierce?"

Cao Zhen looked at the incomparably tall body, rushing left and right, no one could stop him, so he couldn't help standing up straight, and asked in a voice.

"Do you dare to leave your name in the future?"

Someone from Cao Jun came up to him and shouted loudly.

"It's true that a certain person is Yue Yu E Shun!"

The voice of the ugly man was like thunder, not like a human voice.

"Send someone to stop him, don't let him act recklessly!"

Cao Zhen ordered.

So soon Cao soldiers surrounded him from behind, struggling to resist Eshun.

The general's personal bravery may not have a great killing effect on many enemy soldiers, but it has an extremely important encouraging effect on his own soldiers.

Although Eshun was finally blocked by Cao Bing, the Han army behind him led everyone bravely and took the lead. Cao Jun's front army could only barely block it, but it was difficult to counterattack.

However, the Han army was based on Jikou, with high mountains as the left and right wings. It was impossible for Cao Zhen to let the cavalry go around to the side or rear of the Han army from a distance.

The only way is to let the cavalry attack the two wings directly under Zhao Yun's nose.

Zhao Yun led the Chinese army standing still, and saw that the opponent's cavalry finally moved. He was Liu Bei's main cavalry, so how could he not know what the opponent wanted to do?

Immediately, he ordered half of the Chinese army to go to the left to resist, and led the other half of the Chinese army to directly meet the right.

If it is said that Eshun's use of the Fang Tianji is due to his strength, then the long spear used by Zhao Yun is due to his quickness.

Not only the horse is fast, but the gun is faster.

A little cold light came first, and then the spear shot out like a dragon.

Before Cao Jun's cavalry could react, they felt a blur before their eyes, and then a white light flashed, their bodies were provoked, and they fell off their horses.

Zhao Yun held out his spear and rushed his horse, a silver spear shining like pear blossoms, one man and one rider, as if entering an uninhabited land, wherever they went, Cao soldiers retreated one after another.

However, the terrain of Jikou is narrow, and Cao's advantage of having a large number of soldiers cannot be used. Cao Zhen was furious at first, and then he was overjoyed when he saw that the central army of the Han army had begun to dispatch.

This Zhao Yunnai is the coach. If the coach goes to battle in person, it means that the Han army really has no other means.

He was about to mobilize his troops and increase his troops, when he suddenly saw many flags erected in the valley, and at the same time, drums were beating loudly, and figures were shaking, as if a large army was being driven out from the sloped valley.

Then I saw that my former army was being rushed by Zhao Yun and Eshun. If a large army really came, I was afraid that my formation would suffer a big loss, so I had to withdraw the troops first and reorganize the lineup. In order not to be taken advantage of.

Fortunately, Cao Jun is an elite soldier. After hearing about the gold, he retreated slowly, and his defeat was not chaotic.

Zhao Yun didn't chase after him either, and led his men back to the camp to regroup and at the same time dispatched men to clean up the battlefield. When he saw Cao soldiers who were still alive, he stabbed them to death, and brought back his own corpses and wounded soldiers at the same time.

Cao Zhen lost the first game, and he couldn't see whether there was really an ambush behind the opponent's camp, so he didn't dare to fight again easily.

Zhao Yun got a chance to breathe, and cut off the troops himself, so Deng Zhi led the old and weak to retreat overnight.

On the second day, Cao Wei Da Sima's military commander Zhao Yan, as the first emissary of the Wei Emperor, came to Meicheng. After hearing about the situation of yesterday's battle, after a little thought, he knew that there must be fraud.

"The general is afraid that he is in the middle of the game and can't turn around for a while, so he was deceived by that Zhao Yun."

"How do you explain this?"

Cao Zhen asked.

"If the Shu captive really had a large army behind him, how could Zhao Yun allow the general to lead his army back easily? I'm afraid he will pursue him closely. Therefore, according to someone, there must be a deceit in it."

Zhao Yan explained.

Cao Zhen nodded, "I think back last night, and I also feel a little suspicious, but now His Majesty has not arrived in Chang'an, if I make a mistake, Chang'an is in danger, so I have to be careful."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Your Majesty has passed Tongguan yesterday, and you can reach Chang'an after today. The Shu captive has to make a plan, and he will be satisfied. The general might as well send someone out of the city again, and beat him to a loss."


Cao Zhen nodded.

Only this time, the Han army closed the gates of the village tightly and did not come out. They only sent people on the tower of the camp to keep an eye on Cao Jun outside.

Cao Zhen couldn't hold back and tried to send people to attack the stronghold, but he didn't expect to attack in one go. Only then did he realize that the figures seen from the outside were all straw people.

"Not good! It's a trick. The Shu captive must have run away overnight!"

Cao Zhen was in a hurry, and was about to drive the army to chase after him, Zhao Yan said quickly, "It's difficult to walk in the inclined valley, and the terrain is dangerous, the general must send someone to investigate first, so as not to fall into an ambush."

When Cao Jun's sentry reported back, it turned out that the army of Shu captives had retreated to Xiegu and was heading towards Hanzhong.

Cao Zhen gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe he has any tricks this time."

Just as he was about to lead his army to chase into the inclined valley, he suddenly saw black smoke rising from the valley ahead, Zhao Yan's expression froze, and then he sighed, "I'm afraid the general will not be able to catch up."

As he said, he pointed to the front, "A certain soldier was sent to Hanzhong before, and he knew that there are trestles on every road in Hanzhong. Look, the general, there is thick smoke billowing in front of him. I'm afraid that the Shu captives have already burned the plank road and cut off the road. The general's pursuit."

Cao Zhen sent someone to check again. As Zhao Yan said, he had no choice but to withdraw his troops with hatred.

There is a rather long section of plank road on Xiegu Road, which is built on Wugong Water. There is a cliff beside the water, which is called Chiya.

The pavilion road is first erected in the water with wooden pillars, and then the pillars are deeply cut into the red cliff, so that the plank road can be laid.

When Deng Zhi led the army to retreat, he ordered people to put a lot of tung oil on the plank road. When Zhao Yun's rear army passed by, he poured the tung oil directly on the plank road, and then lit the plank road made of wood.

A lot of wood was halfway burned, then fell into the turbulent river below, and was washed away.

"General, this plank road has been burned for more than a hundred miles, and the Cao thief should not be able to get through."

Eshun saw Zhao Yun standing on the pavilion road, looking at the fire ahead, and walked over to speak.

Zhao Yun nodded, "It's thanks to you this time, otherwise if Jikou was defeated in the first battle, I'm afraid the army would not be able to easily retreat to Hanzhong."

"The general deserves the prize, but the last general just tried his best."

Eshun said, looking at the still-burning pavilion, his eyes showed admiration, "Feng Langjun is really amazing, he can predict the day when the pavilion will be burned, and he has stored tung oil here in advance."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun felt a little uncomfortable. He squinted at Eshun, and thought to himself, don't you mean that the kid already knew that I would be defeated?

But when I think about it now, that kid used Erlang's name before he set off to put this fierce general into his army. Could it be that he was not optimistic about himself at the beginning?

He just remembered that he was lucky enough to win a small game yesterday, and he was able to lead the army back safely today. During this period, Eshun contributed a lot, but Zhao Yun couldn't say anything at the moment.

Zhao Yun glanced at the northwest with some concern, wondering how the prime minister was progressing in Longyou? I have already lost, Cao thief can focus on Longyou, the pressure on the prime minister will suddenly increase!

It's just useless to think too much, Zhao Yun can only send someone to quickly inform the prime minister of the defeat of Jikou, and the rest can only wait for the prime minister's news.

The great man built a treasury on the south side of Chiya, which was originally used for the Northern Expedition, but now that the army was defeated and retreated, and the pavilions were burned, Zhao Yun ordered all the remaining funds of the army to be sealed back to the Chiya treasury to wait Tomorrow.

At the same time, he personally led the troops to guard Chiyakou, just in case.


Zhuge Liang was just about to capture Jicheng, when he heard that Zhao Guang had returned from Longguan, he was overjoyed, and was so excited that he walked out of the living room of the Jicheng County Government Office to greet Zhao Guang and Yang Wanwan in person. .

"Longyou returned to the rule of the great Han, Feng Mingwen and you are the first to contribute!"

Zhao Guang was fine, after all his family was friendly with the prime minister, if he wanted to, he would have the opportunity to see the prime minister every day.

Yang Wanwan was different. Seeing the prime minister standing at the door to greet him, he was already trembling with excitement, but now hearing this sentence, he didn't even know where to put his hands and feet on the spot.

I saw him salute at a loss, and stammered, "The last...the last general...Yang Wanwan..."

"A meritorious man, why should you be so polite!" The prime minister of the big man supported a young talented man with one hand, and welcomed them into the living room. off?"

Yang Wanwan sat there with sores on his buttocks, twisting from side to side.

On the contrary, Zhao Guang calmed down a bit, and he only heard him say, "Back to the prime minister, my brother made someone make a kind of catapult, which is much more powerful than ordinary catapults, and can throw a jar of tung oil into the ground at a distance of 200 paces." Inside the pass."

"Guancheng is full of wooden houses, and there is a lot of wood, so they were burned up all at once. The fire burned too much. If the people inside didn't come out, they would have to be burned to death..."

With just a few words, the eyelids of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty twitched, let alone Jiang Wei who was specially called to listen.

Thinking for a moment that the people in Longguan City were burned to death by Feng Yong directly, Jiang Wei's heart was agitated, and he secretly thought that this cruel Xiao Wenhe really lived up to his name.

But the prime minister of the Han Dynasty understood the important point, and immediately asked, "What kind of catapult is so powerful?"

"Prime Minister, the last general doesn't know either. This kind of catapult can only be operated by people who have been specially trained by my brother, and it is best used by people who can learn arithmetic..."

The big man's eyes glowed green when he heard it, this must be the kid's master's unique skill again, it can't be wrong!

Feng Yong vigorously promotes mathematics in the school, and he really has a unique way of using mathematics, which the prime minister of the Han Dynasty has learned for a long time.

So what kind of big data statistics, isn't it just the use of mathematics?

Thinking of this, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty felt very itchy, and asked again and again, "Where is the thing? Where is the thing?"

"The catapult cart in Longguan has been destroyed by my brother. He said it was to prevent Cao's thieves from obtaining it and using it for defense."

"Crack!" The prime minister of the big man slapped the table suddenly when he heard it, bursting into anger.

"But brother has already asked the last general to bring people back. Not only the craftsman who made the catapult, but also the person who controlled the catapult was also brought back."

Seeing the prime minister's appearance, Zhao Guang quickly explained.

"Okay, okay!" The prime minister of the big man turned his anger into joy, couldn't help standing up, and was about to speak.

Zhao Guang said hesitantly again, "It's's just that my brother had something to say before he left yesterday..."


Seeing Zhao Guang like this, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty subconsciously thumped, thinking to himself that I knew it was not that simple!

"Brother said, these people are not easy to cultivate, they are just the prime minister..."

Zhao Guang said stutteringly.

Zhuge Liang: ...

Jiang Wei couldn't help squinting at him. In this big man world, there are still people who dare to negotiate terms with the prime minister? Tired of life?

"Borrow it, borrow it, and I'll pay him back when it's used up."

Now that Shangyu has not left, and Longxi has not yet set off, two days ago, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao sent back news, saying that there was a change in Liangzhou. For the past two days, I was still worrying about how I could capture Xiangwu in Longxi earlier so that I could free up my hands to deal with the troops in Liangzhou.

The kid asked Zhao Guang to bring these people back, which relieved his urgent need.

Thinking of this, the prime minister gritted his teeth and responded.

When Jiang Wei heard this, his eyes widened suddenly. Would anyone really dare to bargain with the prime minister? The prime minister actually agreed?

Zhuge Liang naturally didn't notice Jiang Wei's expression, his eyes fell on the hanging map.

Going up along the Wei River from Jicheng, you will find Bindao County, the prefecture of Nan'an County, and Xiangwu County, the prefecture of Longxi County. As long as these two places are guarded, it doesn't matter whether the people of Liangzhou come from Yuzhong in the north or Didao in the west. , can respond quickly.

Now that Long Pass has been blocked, if Thief Cao wanted to send another army to Lueyang, the eastern gateway of Longyou, he had to take the northernmost Jitou Road.

Moreover, the five hundred miles was not something they could just walk on.

Because both Xiaoguan and Jitou Road belong to Anding County, and Anding County is one of the three counties that respond to the Han Dynasty, Cao thief wants to go to Long through Jitou Road, so he has to level up Anding County first.

Otherwise, if the road and grain road were cut off, the army would have to die in Shanglong.

It has to be said that Longguan changed hands, and the whole battle has come to life.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang smiled confidently, pointed to Longshan Mountain in the north, and said, "Zhao Guang, if I gather 15,000 people for you, can you guard Xiaoguan and Jitou Road?"

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