"The final general wishes to issue a military order!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Guang quickly got up and said loudly.

"Okay! If you can hold the north for a month, it will be a great achievement for you!"

Zhuge Liang praised, "Now there is Yang Tiao, a scholar in Anding County, who leads the clan to guard Yuezhi City to resist Cao's bandits. When you reach Jitou Road, you can find a way to contact him. If Yuezhi City cannot be defended, let him lead the tribe Enter Longyou."

"The last general takes orders!"

Seeing that Zhao Guang hesitated to speak, Zhuge Liang asked again, "What else?"

"It is such a prime minister. On that day, brother, er, after General Feng led the troops across the street pavilion, he discussed the terrain with the last general in his spare time."

Zhao Guang said hesitantly.

Zhuge Liang smiled gratifiedly when he heard the words, "You are all leaders of the army. When you see danger, you survey the terrain and point out the barracks. You are eager to learn. This is a good thing. What can you not say?"

At the same time, I was thinking in my heart, that kid finally lived up to the book of war I gave him.

"That's what I said, it's just that the last general passed through Jieting from Longguan this time, but found that the camp set up by General Ma was quite different from what General Feng said."

Zhao Guang's heart was pounding, he still couldn't figure out why his elder brother suddenly couldn't understand Ma Di.

"What's the difference?"

The situation in Longyou was very good, Zhuge Liang was in a good mood, and asked with a smile.

"There is a mountain to the south of Jieting, which is extremely dangerous and can be stationed by tens of thousands of people. Now General Ma personally leads people to set up camp on it, but General Liu leads some troops to garrison in the small town of Jieting."

"However, what General Feng said to the last general at the beginning was that the army should rely on Jieting City to set up a stronghold, and use partial divisions to go up the mountain as a response. The last general can't figure out the best of these two methods?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang took a closer look at the location of the Jieting, and pondered, "It all makes sense. If the army stands in Jieting City, the main purpose is to defend. If it is set up on the mountain, the main purpose is to attack. After all, it is condescending. , by virtue of the location..."

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang thought to himself, this young man seems to be eager to make contributions, and this way of building a stronghold is naturally thinking of annihilating the enemy. From this point of view, Xiaochang has the ability to change his formation on the fly, while Feng Mingwen is well aware of his intention to block the enemy.

"It's just the prime minister. There is no water source on the mountain. We can only draw water from the bottom of the mountain. If the enemy invades and surrounds him instead of attacking, what should we do?"

Zhao Guang said cautiously.

"Huh?" Zhuge Liang suddenly turned around when he heard this, staring at Zhao Guang, "What did you say?"

"Mountain... There is no water on the mountain, and the army must draw water from the mountain."

Zhao Guang finally knew he was afraid this time, and stammered.

Jiang Wei lowered his head as if he hadn't heard anything.

Although he was a newcomer, the prime minister took good care of him, so he naturally knew that there were two people that the prime minister admired the most, one was Feng Mingwen and the other was Ma Youchang.

Now that Zhao Guang came back from Longguan, he suddenly brought up the matter of Ma Su's camp. Although he didn't know the reason for this, Jiang Wei knew that it would definitely not be as simple as Zhao Guang said.

Jiang Wei could think of it, and so could Zhuge Liang.

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty looked at Zhao Guang and asked slowly, "Tell me honestly, whose idea is it that you bring this up?"

Seeing the prime minister's appearance, Zhao Guang gritted his teeth and said forcefully, "Going back to the prime minister is the last general's idea alone. My brother led the army to attack more than 260 miles in five days, and broke through Longguan in three days."

"Now my brother is still guarding the pass on the top of the mountain, blocking the enemy from the east. Jieting is connected to Qingshui County in Guangwei County in the south, and Lueyang City, the gate of Longyou in the west, is the only way out for my brother."

"If there is a mistake, not only the previous achievements of the elder brother will be discarded, but also the army led by the army will have no way to advance or retreat. They can only wait for death on the mountain. Therefore, the general will feel uneasy when he sees General Ma setting up a camp like this, so That's why I want to ask the prime minister, is General Ma's move appropriate?"

After hearing what Zhao Guang said, Zhuge Liang looked him up and down, his expression became more serious. Although he didn't speak, the power of the prime minister was not just a joke.

Zhao Guang didn't dare to look at Zhuge Liang, but gritted his teeth and stood there.

After a stalemate for a while, Zhuge Liang suddenly smiled, "You guys have a deep brotherhood, but you can't bear this matter. In your generation, only that kid has this kind of vision. You are still a little bit worse. "

"Prime Minister, what the general said is the truth."

Zhao Guang was in a hurry and said hastily.

Zhuge Liang pointed to Zhao Guang's legs, "If you want to tell the truth, why are your legs shaking?"

After speaking, he turned around to look at the map again, and sighed leisurely, "This kid is hesitating his life. He is guarding the front and thinking about whether there will be problems in the back. Don't worry, I don't blame you. It's just that you... What you said is really disappointing me!"

If the back road is cut off, that is a catastrophe. In Zhuge Liang's view, although Feng Yong and Zhao Guang's actions made it clear that they did not believe in Ma Di, it was understandable.

Back then, Guan Junhou was defeated and died because of a mistake in the rear, and the lesson was not insignificant.

Most importantly, what Ma Di did was indeed inappropriate.

Zhao Guang and the others were all silent.

Jiang Wei glanced at Zhao Guang and Yang Wanwan, and thought to himself: This Feng Mingwen, who had just burned Cao thief to death in Longguan, was brought back to Liao Liao with a few words, which can make the prime minister very disappointed with Ma Di. .

I finally know the name of "smart words and charming Feng Langjun, ruthless and ruthless Xiao Wenhe"!

After all, Zhuge Liang is the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, and he quickly suppressed his emotions rationally.

"Zhao Guang, I will give you 7,000 more people, and you will lead the troops to Lueyang tomorrow. Jiang Wei, take my warrant and go to Jieting, and check the situation of Ma Su's camp for me."

"If he really gave up the water to go up the mountain, you..."

He glanced at Jiang Wei, sighed again, and thought that it would be fine if Bo Yue was not a newcomer.

"You just pass on my orders and order him to go down the mountain, return to the city to set up a camp honestly, and then draw another picture of his camp and show it to me. Yang Wanwan, I will also give you a warrant. Jiang Wei will go together."

"When you get there, you pick out 5,000 troops, and then go back to Lueyang to join Zhao Guang, and then go north together."


The three of them agreed in unison.

After Zhuge Liang finished his orders, he gave the three soldiers their warrants, and then he waved his hand wearily to let them go out.

Seeing the prime minister looking at Yutu with a sense of loneliness from his back, Zhao Guang opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

Yang Wanwan pulled him, and Zhao Guang had no choice but to walk out resentfully.


In the temporary palace in Chang'an, Cao Rui half-lyed on the couch and dozed off with a sluggish expression. He came all the way from Luoyang and was already a little tired.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the border of Chang'an, he received the news that Longguan fell and Pang Hui died in battle, and he was shocked on the spot.

The loss of Longguan is equivalent to closing half of Longyou's gates.

If the Shu captives occupy the land of Longyou, then Guanzhong will be under the pincer attack of Hanzhong and Longyou. At that time, I don't know how many troops will be sent to Guanzhong to hold it.

Moreover, Shu captives could jump over Longyou and dive into Guanzhong at any time, but Guanzhong had to look up at Longyou day and night.

Cao Rui couldn't help being upset when he thought of this.

When he first ascended the throne last year, Soochow took the opportunity to go northward in two ways, but was defeated. How high-spirited he was at that time, there was a thought that the two captives of Han and Wu were no more than that.

That's why I later heard that Zhuge Liang was in Hanzhong, so I wanted to send troops to attack him.

Unexpectedly, the Shu captives who had been silent for the past few years took advantage of the emptiness in the west and took advantage of it to be so difficult to deal with.

"Your Majesty, the guards have something to see."

The servant came in lightly and whispered.

"Oh? Come to the front hall, please!"

When Cao Rui heard this, he quickly opened his eyes and got up.

Wei Zhen, who followed Emperor Wei to Chang'an, saw Cao Rui coming out from the back hall, and hurriedly saluted, "I have seen Your Majesty, May Your Majesty live forever..."

"Excuse me, excuse me, the guards are in the middle, but there is news about General Zhang in front?"

Cao Rui interrupted Wei Zhen's salute and asked anxiously.

"Your Majesty, Long Pass is dangerous. Even if General Zhang wants to recapture Long Pass, it will take time to gather troops and horses. It will not take a day. Your Majesty, don't worry."

Wei Zhen said unhurriedly.

"Why am I not in a hurry? Once Longyou is lost, Guanzhong will be lost for a long time!" Cao Rui's face was full of anxiety, "Once lost in Guanzhong..."

"Your Majesty, be careful!" Wei Zhen frowned upon hearing Cao Rui's words, and interrupted Cao Rui's words loudly.

He could only hear him scolding, "Your Majesty is the lord of a country, and he bears the hope of all people, and now he is marching in person, and millions of soldiers are headed by His Majesty."

"If Your Majesty loses his mind and messes up his position, then all the people will have nothing to defend, and the soldiers will have no will to fight. At that time, who still believes that the Great Wei can defeat the Shu captives and restore Longyou? I hope Your Majesty will be careful!"

When Cao Rui heard Wei Zhen's words, cold water poured on his head, and he woke up immediately, with a look of shame on his face, "It's because I didn't think carefully."

Seeing that Cao Rui admitted his mistake, Wei Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, "Your Majesty, the situation in Longyou is in chaos. It's just that the Shu captives took advantage of Wei's unpreparedness and succeeded for a while."

"Now General Zhang is leading the tiger and wolf division, leading the elite soldiers, rushing to the aid of Longyou, and the direction of the meeting is determined. Your Majesty just sit back and wait for the good news."

Cao Rui was so comforted by Wei Zhen that his flustered heart calmed down a little. He took a deep breath, nodded and said, "What the guards said is right, I was wrong."

As he said that, he turned around and knelt back to the main seat, forced himself to calm down, and asked, "I don't know if the guards are here this time, but what's the matter?"

Then Wei Zhen bent down and said respectfully, "Return to Your Majesty, I have some good news to share with Your Majesty during my visit this time."

"Oh, what's the good news?"

"The general defeated the Shu captive Zhao Yun at Jikou the day before yesterday, forcing Zhao Yun to flee to Hanzhong. He even set fire to the plank road because he was afraid of the general chasing him. The Shu captives will no longer threaten Guanzhong for the time being!"

When Cao Rui heard it, he wanted to stand up on the spot, but remembering what Wei Zhen said just now, he knelt down and sat back, but his face that was pretending to be calm couldn't help showing joy, "Is this true? That's really too much." alright!"

"Your Majesty, how can you joke about such a major national event? Please read, Your Majesty, here is the battle report."

As Wei Zhen spoke, he took out the official document from his sleeve and handed it over.

"Among the guards, they have a lot of skill in nourishing Qi!"

Cao Rui couldn't wait to take it, seeing Wei Zhen's calm face, he couldn't help but praise him immediately.

After he opened the battle report and read it, he breathed a sigh of relief, "The general is worthy of being the important minister of the clan left by the late emperor to assist the government, and he certainly lived up to my expectations!"

Just thinking that the Shu captive Zhao Yun burned the plank road to stop the pursuit, Cao Rui was a little annoyed, "This Shu captive leans on the mountain for danger, if it is good, it will attack and harass, if it is not good, it will retreat. It is really disturbing."

Wei Zhen smiled slightly, "Your Majesty, the Shu captives were defeated at Jikou, and they set fire to the plank road and retreated to Hanzhong. They thought they had a plan, but they didn't know that the great Wei is now gathering elites in Guanzhong, and it is at this time that it is broken."

"Among the guards, there is a plan to destroy the prisoner? Can you tell me?"

Cao Rui stood up immediately after hearing the words, and asked in surprise.

Wei Zhen said calmly, "Your Majesty, please listen to what I have to say. Now that Zhuge Liang is leading the army of Shu captives in Longyou, his food route must be from Hanzhong to Wudu, and then to Qishan Mountain."

"There is a saying in the art of war that if you attack them, you must save them. The grain road in Hanzhong is what the Shu captives must save. Zhuge Liang attacked me in Longyou, and I will attack Hanzhong and cut off his grain road."

"At this time, the soldiers of the whole country of Shu are all in Longyou, and Hanzhong's troops are definitely not many. Now the general has tens of thousands of troops and horses, and they have nothing to do in Guanzhong. Why don't you take this opportunity to attack Hanzhong through Dashan Pass? If Hanzhong can go down , then the big thing can be decided.”

"Once the food road in Hanzhong is cut off, the army of Shu captives in Longyou will be in chaos without fighting, and the captives of Shu will have no more soldiers to fight. At that time, don't say that Longyou will be restored. Your Majesty only needs to order a general to march into Sanba. It is unknown if the land of Shu came down with a drumbeat."

"Wonderful!" Cao Rui applauded, as if he suddenly saw light in the dark night, his face burst into a radiant look, and he said ecstatically, "General Zhang said before his departure in Luoyang that the Shu captives fled the danger and came out defeated. At the right time, this statement really makes a lot of sense.”

"Wei Aiqing, everyone is worried about how to attack Longguan, but I didn't expect you to have a unique vision and see the weakness of the Shu captives. If you can destroy the Shu captives in this battle, you should make the first contribution!"

Although he has repeatedly warned himself not to display emotions of anger and anger, Wei Zhen's plan is really too brilliant. If it can be done, it will be an immortal achievement. How can Cao Rui, who is only 24 years old, bear it? I was so excited that I couldn't help myself.


Since the capture of Longguan, Feng Yong would stand on the city wall every day, looking up at the mountain, looking forward to Zhang He's arrival, but for some reason, Zhang He, who should have arrived a long time ago, has never been seen.

"It doesn't make sense, why is Zhang He so slow? Even if he is climbing, he should have climbed to the top of the mountain. Why is there still no one?"

Feng Yong couldn't bear it any longer, he turned around and shouted, "Come here, let Little General Wang come and see me."

Wang Han came in a hurry, bowed his hands and saluted, "General, what can I tell the last general?"

Feng Yong suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and nodded, "Little General Wang, I want you to take the people from the Dark Night Camp down the mountain to find out about Cao Bandit. I always feel that Cao Bandit hasn't come for so long. It's kind of weird."


Wang Han responded, and was about to turn around and go down, Feng Yong shouted again, "If you find the Cao bandit, remember to look at the handsome flag, who is leading the army. Also, the foot of the mountain is the land of the Cao bandit. Be careful."


After Feng Yong gave Wang Han his orders, he scratched his head again and muttered, "What the hell is this thief Cao doing?"

"The general led the army to attack for nearly three hundred miles in a few days, and took Longguan lightly, which is quite like a general. Why are you so restless after getting the natural danger of Longguan?"

Zhang Ni walked behind Feng Yong at some point, with a worried look on his face, and asked a question.

Feng Yong turned his head to look at Zhang Yi, and smiled wryly, "Longguan is the throat of Longyou. It's too weird for Cao thief to allow us to repair the pass city and not go to Longshan for a long time, so I feel guilty." disturbed."

"The general also said that this is Longyou's throat lock. If Cao's army wants to go to Long, they must pass through Long Pass. We just need to guard here, and the rest will be handled by the Prime Minister."

Zhang Ni persuaded, "The general is the commander-in-chief of the army, but just sitting still can soothe the hearts of the army, and leave the rest to the last general and others. If the general is uneasy, how can the lieutenant generals have the confidence to kill thieves?" Guard?"

That's because you didn't know that Zhang He was on the opposite side, and he was the only remaining fruit of Cao Cao's five good generals!

Although Feng Yong was under a lot of pressure, he had no choice but to nod when he heard what Zhang Ni said, "General Zhang is right, but I was a little too anxious. By the way, is there a flute in the army?"

"Flute? What does the general want the flute for?"

Feng Yongchang sighed, "I haven't played the flute for a long time, and I want to play a tune to relieve boredom. You're right, I can't do anything except wait anyway."

Zhang Ni: ...

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