Dizi was already very popular in the Han Dynasty.

Not only played music in the court, but even played a certain role in the advocacy music of the army.

What's more, there are many bamboos in Sichuan, which are good materials for making flutes, so it is not difficult to find a flute in the army.

Zhang Ni not only went to find it in person, but also sent it to Feng Yong who was sitting on the wall with his head in a daze.

Feng Yong tried the audition, and felt that the difference from later generations was not too great.

After familiarizing myself with the tone and thinking about it, since I said I want to calm down, I should play a piece of "Pure Heart and Pu Shan Mantra".

In his previous life, he went to a key middle school in the city, and others had foreign-style specialties such as playing the piano and guitar, which made Feng Yong feel inferior, and he felt that he was an idiot.

Under the booing of his classmates, Feng Tubie then took out a small shepherd flute and played a cow-herding tune.

This is what he learned when he went to herd cattle with his little aunt when he was a child.

At that time, he was sitting by the river, watching his little aunt standing there playing the flute, thinking that she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

It was that time when he played the flute, Feng Yong successfully attracted the attention of the female classmate sitting in front of him, and then turned on some kind of strange switch, ah, no, it should be called interest.

So Feng Yong knows how to play a lot of tunes.

Confucian generals in this era are much more popular than military generals, and the feather fan and scarf are standard equipment.

Feng Yong didn't know if Zhou Yu was dressed like this, but the Zhuge old demon was indeed wearing a Ge scarf on his head, holding a white feather fan in his hand, and he went in and out in a plain way, quite commanding.

This is probably related to the rise of Confucianism in the later Han Dynasty and the worship of knowledge by the world.

It is believed that a learned person commanding an army is a manifestation of literary and military strategy ability.

Feng Yong sat on the city wall and played a tune, and even the footsteps of the soldiers passing through the city gate below seemed to be a little lighter, for fear of disturbing the commander's elegance.

After the song ended, Zhang Ni, who had been standing behind him all the time, praised, "Lang-jun Feng's move is quite a gentleman's demeanor. In the end, the general thinks that Mr. Lang should not wear this armor, so as not to lose his status, it would be better to wear a Confucian uniform." Some."

Feng Yong waved his hand, "I still think it's safer to wear this armor."

Zhang Ni: ...

While waiting for Wang Han to investigate the news, Zhao Guang sent someone to send back the news that the Jieting matter had been completed, which made Feng Yong finally heave a sigh of relief.

This time, Ma Su probably really disappointed the old monster Zhuge, and was directly deprived of one-third of his military power, and sent 5,000 people to Yang Wanwan to take him to the northern pass of Dulong Mountain.

It's a pity that Jufu's qualifications are still too low, otherwise Feng Yong can suggest that he should guard the street pavilion, so that he can feel safe.

But now Zhao Guang and Yang Wanwan are rushing to Xiaoguan and Jitou Road with all their strength. In Lueyang, Gao Xiang guards Fanxu Road, except that there is a narrow Chencang road behind Shangyu to allow a small number of Cao Wei reinforcements to come, and Guanzhong enters Longyou. The road is basically blocked.

What Jieting is most likely to face is the three to five thousand people who rushed over from the Chencang narrow road.

Faced with Zhang Xi's water cut-off siege, Ma Di had to guard for two days anyway?

It doesn't make sense for him to lead 10,000 people and set up camp in the city. There are only 5,000 people on the opposite side and he still can't hold it. Even if he can't hold it in the end, it won't be a problem to hold on for four or five days, right?

It will take at most two days to rush down from Longguan to support.

After reconsidering all the details, Feng Yong felt a little relieved.

On the second day after receiving Zhao Guang's message, Wang Han finally came back, and brought back the information from the foot of the mountain: Qian County at the foot of Long Mountain had already started stationing troops ten days ago, and has been guarding the city without moving.

ten days?

Feng Yong made a calculation, captured Longguan, Zhao Guang returned to Jicheng, and then sent someone to deliver the letter to him yesterday, it took exactly eight days, plus today, exactly nine days.

In other words, the day before I captured Longguan, Cao Wei's reinforcements had already arrived in Qian County, only a day and a half away from myself.

"Who is the coach in the city, do you know?"

Feng Yong asked.

"The character Zhang was written on the banner at the head of the city. The last general also captured a few soldiers who went out to cut firewood. From their mouths, I learned that they came from Luoyang day and night, and Zhang Yun led the army."

Wang Han replied.

"That's right, it is indeed him."

Feng Yong murmured, "History hasn't changed, but why did Zhang Yun stay at the foot of the mountain for ten days without moving?" It doesn't make sense!

"How many Cao thieves are there in the city?"

Feng Yong thought for a while and asked again.

"I'm not sure. The numbers spoken by several tongues are different, ranging from 20,000 to 50,000. However, the general guarded outside the city for two days, counted the soldiers who went out to cut wood, and felt that there should be two people in the city." Between 10,000 and 30,000."

According to the amount of firewood needed every day, we can roughly infer a range of the number, but this "20,000 to 30,000" made Feng Yong's heart skip a beat.

"This shouldn't be! Zhang Yun's army should be around 50,000. Where did the other half go?"

If it is said that Zhang He rushed to the aid of Longyou with all his strength, the maximum number of cavalry that could keep up with him would not exceed 20,000 cavalry, that would be reasonable.

But now I have stayed at the foot of the mountain for ten days, ten days is enough time for all the troops behind to catch up, how could it be still twenty or thirty thousand?

Among the Three Kingdoms of Han, Wu, and Wei, Cao Wei was the one that punished soldiers for fleeing most severely.

Because it mainly implemented the Shibing system, that is, setting up separate household registrations for soldiers and their families, taking family members to live together as hostages, and making them soldiers from generation to generation.

Therefore, if a soldier flees, his wife and parents will be enslaved in the official position, or killed in severe cases. Although this system is very cruel, it also effectively limits the escape of soldiers.

"How did Feng Lang-jun know that Thief Cao will have fifty thousand horses?"

Zhang Ni asked.

Of course the history books told me.

"Cao Bandit's central army in Luoyang is no less than 50,000, plus the counties and counties around Luoyang, they can gather at least 70,000 troops. Since they came day and night, it means that Cao Bandit is eager to rescue Longyou, so Luoyang naturally You can send as much as you can."

As Feng Yong answered, he spread out the map on the handsome table and slid his fingers over every key point.

Especially his back street kiosk, he looked and looked again and again, but he couldn't see anything to pay attention to.

Because the threat of Jieting only comes from Guangwei in the south, and Guangwei County has Wu Yi watching, it can't cause any big storms.

As long as Ma Dazui doesn't have any demon moths, ten thousand people can block five thousand people for three days, it's enough for him to rush over from Longguan to support.

Feng Yong became more and more confused, so where are Zhang Xi's more than 20,000 people? What are you going to do?

Apart from the thousands of people coming from Chencang, the only ones who could support Longyou were from the direction of Liangzhou.

Judging from the news passed by Zhao Guang, there are 20,000 Cao troops coming from Liangzhou this time. They are a mixture of Han and Qiang, all cavalry. military.

This information has gone beyond the scope of Feng Yong's historical data, because in the original history, Ma Dazui lost too quickly, and when Zhuge Lao Yao withdrew to Hanzhong, he did not formally confront the Liangzhou people.

So Feng Yong didn't know how many people would come from Liangzhou in the end.

More importantly, Xiliang's iron cavalry was the best in the world, so it couldn't be overemphasized, so the old monster Zhuge led people to join Wei Yan, it seemed that he wanted to take down Longxi County and at the same time personally stop Liangzhou's troops.

At the same time, this is currently the greatest support for Cao Wei to enter Longyou. As long as he defeats the Cao army in the direction of Liangzhou, Longyou can completely settle down.

There is nothing wrong with this arrangement.

After all, if you go to the east to fight Shangyu and Guangwei counties first, I don't know how long it will take to fight, and even if you fight, there is no time to turn back to the west.

At that time, Liangzhou soldiers and horses will not only be able to force Wei Yan to retreat, but if Jicheng is recovered, the Northern Expeditionary Army will be cut into two parts.

That is another replica of Ma Dazui Lost Street Pavilion.

"General Zhang, do you want to play a game?"

Feng Yong said to Zhang Ni.


Zhang Ni nodded in response.

Feng Yong sat down on the side representing Cao Wei, and he wanted to change his mind.

Holding the chess pieces in his hand, he deployed all his troops according to what he knew so far. After thinking about it, he deployed another 10,000 soldiers and horses to Chang'an: According to historical records, Cao Rui should have arrived in Chang'an by this time, and he should have left Luoyang behind. Bring the soldiers and horses under you.

So there are still 30,000 mobile troops with unknown movements left in their hands.

Obviously, the big man is now defending east and attacking west.

Cao Wei, on the other hand, desperately wanted to enter Longyou from the east and west.

Longguan fell, and if you want to enter Longyou, you can only go north along Longshan, pass Xiaoguan, and turn over on the Jitou road.

Feng Yong put the 30,000 troops in his hand at Xiaoguan's position, thought for a while, and took them back.

The risk of doing so is too great. Even if Zhang Xi can defeat Zhao Guang in the north, when he leads his army to Lueyang, he will probably only have one breath left.

At that time, with the cooperation of Gao Xiang and Ma Di, he can even allocate part of his troops to easily defeat them.

More importantly, if Zhang Yun really walked through Xiaoguan, it would be impossible for him to leave in ten days. There should have been news from Anding County long ago.

Seeing Feng Yong's hesitant expression, Zhang Ni said, "General, that Zhang Yun may not have hidden 30,000 people, maybe he saw Longguan fall, so he wants to defend Lang County with all his strength?"

"Impossible!" Feng Yong shook his head, Wulongyou, while in Guanzhong, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. It is impossible for Cao thief not to understand this. If it were me, I would be in such a hurry, even if it cost me my life, I would desperately want to get Longguan back. "

"In this way, even if Longyou falls temporarily, enough soldiers and horses can be mobilized to enter Longyou from Longguan and continue to compete with the big Han for Longyou."

"In this way, the big man will have to fall into a long-term battle with Cao thief. At least he can maintain a close situation, and even have the hope of taking back Longyou, instead of surrendering Longyou and even putting Guanzhong under threat. .”

Feng Yong checked all the passages in Longshan again, ruled out the direction of Xiaoguan, and confirmed that the only way to attack Longguan was by force.

But Zhang He obviously didn't do that.

So we can only continue to exclude.

Chencang Narrow Road and Fanxu Trail can be ignored, so...

Feng Yong gritted his teeth and put all 30,000 soldiers and horses in Chen Cang's position!

Zhang Ni was taken aback, and pointed at Jikou, "General, there is General Zhao here, Cao Cao was attracted here from the very beginning."

Feng Yong pushed the pawn representing Zhao Yun back to Hanzhong, and then cooperated with the 30,000 troops representing Cao Zhen and Zhang Xi's 30,000 troops, and pushed it directly to the position of Sanguan.

In just two steps, the situation changed drastically!

"Crack!" Feng Yong patted the table, stood up abruptly, his expression turned pale, "It's over!"

"Old General Zhao has been in Jikou since we left Hanzhong. His soldiers are old and weak, and Cao Zhen on the opposite side is led by elite soldiers. You can't expect him to last too long. If you are not careful, you will be killed." May be forced to return to Hanzhong."

Feng Yong met Zhang Ni's puzzled gaze and explained.

"If the bandits Cao are really joining forces, I'm afraid the food road in Wudu will be in danger. To the south of Sanguan Pass is Hanzhong, and to the west is Wudu. As long as Cao Zhen blocks Chen Cang Road to prevent the people from Hanzhong from coming out, Zhang Yun will come from there again. Sanguan to Wudu, General Liao's 3,000 troops can't hold it!"

When Feng Yong said this, he felt more and more possible.

Zhang Xi came all the way from Luoyang. If he is a tired teacher, that's for sure, but ten days!

He arrived in Qian County ten days ago, even if it took three days to gather up the stragglers and then slowly walk back to Chencang, he would have to rest in Chencang for several days to allow the soldiers to recover their strength.

Zhang Yi finally came to his senses, and looked at Feng Yong with a pale face.

"Wang Han!"

Feng Yong no longer cared about talking to Zhang Ni.

He turned around abruptly and said hastily, "Quick, bring a pen and paper, I want to tell the Prime Minister this conjecture! Also, send someone to tell General Wu who is following up, he is the closest to Wudu, let him Be careful."

Feng Yong's hands and feet were trembling, damn it, careless!

Originally thought that the road from Chencang to Wudu was the farthest, and Hanzhong was watching, so it was absolutely impossible for Cao thief to take this road.

But he forgot that Zhang Yun could join forces with Cao Zhen.

At the same time, after patronizing Longyou these days, he forgot that Zhao Yun could only be regarded as a suspicious soldier.

Zhang He is indeed not of Yi Yu's generation.

Feng Yong can be sure that the Cao army in Qian County must not have 50,000, maybe only 20,000, or even 10,000, which is enough to defend Qian County.

If the remaining 40,000 people have all gone to Chencang...

Feng Yong also sent 10,000 soldiers from Chang'an to Sanguan, so the number is 80,000. The total strength of Hanzhong is only 20,000, including the old and weak.

More importantly, there is one thing that Feng Yong didn't dare to say. According to historical records, Zhao Yun retreated to Hanzhong and burned all the plank roads in Xiegu. Although Cao Zhen could be avoided from chasing him, he himself was easily blocked. Hanzhong.

If Xiegu can still go, Hanzhong's troops may try to go out of Xiegu again to harass the rear of Sanguan, so that they dare not let go of their hands and feet and enter Wudu.

Now only Chen Cangdao is left, Cao Zhen doesn't need to enter Hanzhong at all, as long as he blocks the road, Zhao Yun and Ma Dai can only stare blankly.

Wang Han hurriedly prepared his pen and ink, and Feng Yong scribbled down his thoughts, regardless of how ugly his handwriting was, and at the same time drew a rough topographic map, and finally stamped his handsome seal.

"Also," seeing that Wang Han was about to run out, Feng Yong grabbed him, "If you take the people from the Dark Night Camp down the mountain again, you must find a way to find out the exact strength of Cao's bandits in Qian County!"


Wang Han said heavily.

At this time, Feng Yong could hear the beating of his heart in his chest. Now that he had 10,000 people in his hands, even if half of them went to Wudu, it would be a drop in the bucket.

The great situation in Longyou made everyone flustered, and now the Northern Expedition army was scattered all over Longyou, from any direction.

The only thing that can be counted on now is that Zhuge Old Demon can bring the troops back to Wudu in time.

The big deal is to give up attacking Longxi County for the time being, let Wei Yan guard Bindao County in Nan'an County, and then let Gao Xiangjufu and others guard Ji County in Tianshui County. North-South connection.

Wasn't this sent out at the last minute at 15 o'clock!

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