Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 594 Encountering the Enemy

Ma Di said angrily, "It is precisely because there are not many Cao bandits who came up from Fanxu Road, that's why I decided to rescue them. Cao bandits did not hesitate to take the small road to cross Longshan Mountain, which proves that they have reached the last moment."

"Now that the Cao bandits have reached the point where they have to take risks, if I can attack General Li in Lueyang City internally and externally and defeat his troops, then the overall situation in Longyou will be decided in one battle."

"You let me stick to this place, it's an act of fear of death that you only want to blame, it's not what your husband did."

Seeing his persuasive persuasion, but Ma Di didn't listen, Liu Yin could only ask again, "Then what if another Cao thief comes from the south?"

Ma Di was just waiting for Liu Yin's words, so he took his words and said, "There is General Wu in the south, how dare Cao thief do this? But since you said that, I will send two thousand people to you, here Just keep it."

"Guangwei and the Cao bandits in Guanzhong are separated by mountains and rivers, why are they cooperating so closely? Since you are so afraid, then don't take the credit from me."

In Ma Di's view, Zhang He was a famous general of the Cao bandits, and he was also the main figure who rushed to help Longyou. His appearance meant that the Cao bandits had nothing to do.

If he can be defeated, not only will Cao thief's last hope be cut off, but it will also be the best chance to prove himself.

When the late emperor fought in Hanzhong, Zhang Yun was the one he feared the most. If he could defeat him, wouldn't it prove that the "unusable" words that the late emperor said before his death were completely wrong?

Thinking of this, Ma Di's heart became even hotter.

He brought 5,000 people with him, and then flanked Li Sheng's 5,000 people in Lueyang, how could he be afraid of the few thousand people who came in danger?

Liu Yin let out a long sigh, and could only watch Ma Di lead the main force away. When he returned to the city, he wanted to tell Feng Yong at Longguan about the situation here.

But thinking that the prime minister's transfer of troops to Jieting was done in secret, so that people would not let the matter of General Gao's departure be revealed, and there must be some arrangement in it.

Now that Lueyang has not been lost, and Jieting is safe, if he loses his square inch and rushes to rescue General Feng in Longguan, if reinforcements are coming down the mountain, but Jieting is invincible, wouldn't it be a big joke?

In this way, the defense of Longguan will be damaged instead. Liu Yin thought so, so he had no choice but to stop his thoughts and order to strengthen the defense of the Jieting camp first.

Ma Di was eager to make contributions, and urged the army to rush along the way, with few rests. At the same time, he sent out sentries to prepare for Li Sheng in Lueyang to respond.

Unexpectedly, when he walked halfway, he saw a large number of Han troops in front of him, routing towards him.

Seeing Ma Di's troops, the defeated army rushed over, crying for help as if they had seen a savior.

Ma Di was taken aback, and quickly stopped the team, gathered the defeated army, and asked about the situation.

"Run away, General Li ran away! After guarding for half a day, he ran away by himself." The defeated soldier's face was pale, with fear in his expression, "Cao thief is very powerful, we can't beat them, we can't beat them..."

"What about Lueyang City?"

Ma Di felt bad, and saw the defeated soldier's incoherent speech, so he slapped the defeated soldier severely and asked loudly.

Only then did the rout soldiers come to their senses, and burst into tears, "It's broken, General! Then Li Sheng has no guts, Cao Cao was able to climb the city wall, and he ran away first!"

"No one is in charge of the overall situation. That thief Cao is extremely fierce. Everyone can't stop it, can't stop it..."

As he spoke, he seemed to recall Cao thief's ferocious and fearless appearance, and his body trembled a little at that moment.

Ma Di only felt a "buzz" in his ears, and he deliberately rejected Liu Yin and asked Li Sheng to lead his troops. It's a good thing that Cao thief didn't come. pieces.

I didn't expect that Li Sheng was such a waste, and he didn't want to give him a lot of credit.

Fleeing without fighting, this is a felony of beheading!

He was about to ask questions, but he heard the rumble of thunder in the distance, and a sentry from below rushed to report, "General, the Cao thief is coming! It's the cavalry!"

"How could it be so fast?" Ma Di was shocked, and quickly sent an order, "Form up, line up quickly!"

Those defeated troops who had just gathered here turned pale when they heard the thunder, some muttered to themselves, and some trembled all over. They were frightened out of their wits by Cao Jun driving them all the way like sheep.

The thunder became louder and louder, beating on the hearts of these defeated soldiers like a muffled drum.

"Here we come... Here we come..." Someone stood up, not daring to look behind, but unable to control his legs, he rushed out of the formation and shouted, "Cao thief is here again, everyone, run away!" !"

At the same time, several people also shouted, "Run, I can't beat you..."

Hearing this, the defeated soldiers who had already formed a conditioned reflex subconsciously ran backwards, half piercing through the formation just formed.

Ma Su turned his head and almost vomited blood.

But there was no time for him to regroup.

Zhang Xi had originally come here with the idea of ​​fighting to the death, and now capturing Lueyang was only the first step. If there was no way to get through the Jieting and join forces with Qingshui County soldiers in Guangwei County, that would be futile.

So he deliberately drove Lueyang's defeated soldiers towards Jieting.

Ma Su has the same flaws as Wei Zhen, who is seven hundred miles away: high-sighted and low-handed, lack of experience.

It was already a mistake for him to gather the defeated army into his own army.

Because the fear of those defeated soldiers who had already been terrified infected the soldiers they brought, and the soldiers in the army were already afraid for three points before fighting.

Now someone among the defeated soldiers took the lead in disrupting the formation of the rear army, and Zhang He was pressing forward again, and Ma Su couldn't respond effectively for a while.

In the confrontation between the two sides, cavalry has two usages. One is called ranger, which is to constantly wander around the enemy, constantly harass, find the opponent's weak link, and tear the opponent's camp at any time.

Because the Hu people are naturally proficient in riding and shooting, most of them are rangers, but without stirrups and Takahashi saddles, they are not good at charging frontally. An impressive record of killing more than 10,000 opponents.

The Han people did not have the conditions of the Hu people who "can ride sheep and shoot birds and mice with a bow", so in the way of using cavalry, they transplanted part of the tactics of infantry.

That is to hold halberds, spears and long knives, directly charge the enemy's camp, meet with the enemy hand-to-hand, and fight hand-to-hand. This is the cavalry shock tactic.

The elite cavalry used to charge into battle are called sudden cavalry.

There is no doubt that although the Han Dynasty did not have horse stirrups, halberds and spears were regarded as the most important long-handled weapons for fighting regardless of whether they were on foot or on foot.

Huo Qubing and Wei Qing used this method of warfare many times, allowing the cavalry of the Han army to make use of their strengths and avoid weaknesses. The nomads could not take advantage of cavalry and archery, and repeatedly won big victories.

At this time, the soldiers did not have the nature of professional arms.

The soldiers led by Zhang Yun can be used as rangers or dashers immediately, and they can also be infantry when dismounted. They are rare elites.

When the two armies met suddenly, the quality of the generals and soldiers of the two sides clearly showed a difference.

Ma Di wanted to form a siege with Li Sheng of Lueyang and defeat Zhang He, so he only hurried along the way and didn't pay much attention to the formation. Now that he was able to finish his formation, he was disturbed by the defeated army. He was in a hurry.

As soon as Zhang He saw the Han army in formation ahead, he immediately sent an order to organize the formation.

After a while, Cao's army had already formed the male formation most suitable for charging - they had to go to Jieting in the shortest possible time, otherwise they would be in danger of being surrounded when the Han army in Longyou reacted.

The only way for infantry to gain an advantage over cavalry is to preset the battlefield.

First make all kinds of preparations on the battlefield you choose, arrange horse traps, reject horses, barbed wire, etc., and then have enough time to form a dense formation, like a hedgehog.

In the end, the cavalry general's brain had to be filled with water, and he directly ordered his soldiers to charge into this hedgehog formation.

These prerequisites are indispensable.

At present, Ma Di does not meet any of the conditions, and the disadvantages are fixed.

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