Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 595 Unexpected

As the horn sounded, Cao Jun's former army was already making small strides, ready to charge.

The former army of the Han army did not have any arrangements, only to resist the enemy physically.

Seeing Cao Jun's former army, which was like a cone, aiming at him, Ma Di panicked even more—in such a situation, what does the military book say?

There was no time to think about it anymore, Cao Jun started jogging, then gradually accelerated, rushing towards this side like a stream of iron.

Ma Di thought that he could also be like the prime minister, talking and laughing happily, making the three armies obey orders, strategizing, and playing tricks on the enemy.

But when he was really facing the enemy, he found that his hands and feet were trembling slightly, and for a moment, he felt nothing before his eyes...

Huang Xi, the general brought by Ma Di, was trembling, but he was still awake, and quickly pushed Ma Di, "General, hurry up and order! Bandit Cao is rushing over."

"Order, yes, don't panic."

Ma Di was woken up by the push, his eyes were looking at the torrent in front of him, he felt the vibration under his feet, his lips were trembling, and he wanted to force himself to calm down.

It's over!

Huang Xi felt a chill in his heart, this General Ma usually talked about military strategy, he thought he was a rare general, why did he look like this now when he was on the battlefield?

Thinking of this, his eyes flicked to the rear.

On the contrary, after being pushed, Ma Su finally came to his senses. Even though he was inexperienced, he knew that he must resist at this time.

Otherwise, it would be a fate to be driven back to Jieting like the defeated army in Lueyang, and it is not impossible to be trampled on the ground by a horse's hoof and die in the chaos of the army.

He gritted his teeth and pulled out his long sword, and issued the first command, "Shoot the arrow!"

Fortunately, Zhuge Liang knew that he didn't have many generals in his hands, so when training soldiers, he attached great importance to the discipline of soldiers.

Although the rear was chaotic, the soldiers in front had already lined up, waiting for the commander's order.

Seeing that Cao thief's cavalry was about to rush forward, the order finally sounded from behind. The soldiers instinctively shot arrows according to the training requirements, and the first wave of arrow feathers finally shot out.

It's a pity that the distance is too close, and the best distance for archery is lost. The crossbow arrows only have time to shoot one wave, and the second wave of bow arrows is also sparse.

Although Cao thief fell off his horse at the front, more people rushed up and hit the front of the Han army hard.

The former army of the Han army, which was formed temporarily, was torn open at once.

The flag of the Chinese army was turned again, and the Han army behind shouted and rushed to make up for it. The crumbling front was not broken after all.

Cao Jun's cavalry quickly dispersed from both sides and turned around to regroup.

Although the first wave of impact was blocked, Ma Di was heartbroken, because he knew that his temporary weak formation could not last for a long time.

He was about to take the opportunity to turn back and gather the rear army, how could Zhang Xi give him this opportunity?

The first charge was just a test, but it was enough for Zhang Yun to get a general idea of ​​the situation of the Han army.

Although the horses brought over this time are not too many, this is not the time to cherish the horses.

This Han army coming from the east is obviously the defenders from Jieting. As long as they defeat the opponent, there should not be many people in Jieting, and they can take it lightly at that time.

So the second attack arranged by Zhang He was much more violent, directly breaking through the front row of the Han army, and fighting with Ma Di's central army.

However, the rear army was disrupted by Lueyang's defeated troops at the very beginning, and support was not available for a while.

More importantly, after this fight, the infantry behind Cao Jun had already caught up.

Although Ma Di tried his best to resist, but under such circumstances, rashly encountering infantry and cavalry was considered a disadvantage.

But he doesn't have much experience, so how can he take advantage of a famous general like Zhang Xi and reverse the disadvantage with manpower?

The defeated army in Lueyang took the lead in fleeing, and the rear army saw the collapse of the front army and the defeat of the Chinese army. At the moment, their morale was low and they had no fighting spirit.

Cao Jun's cavalry has already circled around, ready to attack from the flank.

Ma Di was struggling left and right, and became more and more inadequate.

When the news of the flank's rout came, the soldiers at the front finally couldn't resist, and Ma Di had no mobile troops to respond in time, and the entire formation finally became disorganized.

I don't know who took the lead and ran backwards, the army finally collapsed.

Ma Di didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he was coerced by the defeated army and retreated.

At this time, the sentinels were able to pass the news of Ma Di's encounter with Zhang Yun to Jieting, and Liu Yin was dumbfounded on the spot: When can Fan Xudao walk the army? How could bandit Cao defeat Lueyang so quickly?

Although Liu Yin disapproved of Ma Su leading the army to leave when the situation in Lueyang was unclear, lest Jieting be attacked by Cao thieves in the south.

But in fact, his thinking has one thing in common with Ma Di, that is, there will not be too many Cao thieves coming from Fanxudao. With the strength in his hands, even if Li Sheng can't fight, he can at least defend the city.

The difference is that Liu Yin thinks that as long as Lueyang stands firm for a few days, Cao thief will have no choice but to retreat.

Ma Di thought that he could cooperate with Li Sheng of Lueyang to annihilate Cao Jun.

Neither of them thought that Cao Jun could break through Lueyang's defense.

What Liu Yin didn't expect is yet to come.

He also thought that the sentry had detected the wrong situation, so he sent several groups of people to check without giving up.

This time the sentry came back even more shocking: General Ma was also defeated.

Not only was Ma Di defeated, but he was defeated so quickly that he had already fled to this side.

After Liu Yin confirmed the news, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning on the spot, and his face was full of misery, "Ma Su! The great situation of the Northern Expedition was ruined by your hands! You are indeed a sinner for the ages!"

"General, what shall we do?"

The general asked with a pale face.

"What else can I do, the only thing I can do is to stick to the street pavilion and take care of the whole country!"

Liu Yin's eyes were full of determination, he could no longer find out why Zhang Yun was able to defeat Lueyang first, and then defeated Ma Su one after another. The most important thing now is to quickly arrange for soldiers to guard the street pavilion.

"Now that the back road is cut off, only General Feng's 10,000 horsemen in Longguan can turn back and save Jieting."

Feng Yong is already the most senior general he can contact so far, once the street pavilion is lost, the army on Longguan can only wait to die, so Liu Yin sent a messenger as soon as he realized it.

As for Feng Yong's decision-making after receiving the news, Liu Yin can't decide. The only thing he can do now is to try his best to stay there for two more days.

Soon there were rout troops coming in groups from the west side of the street pavilion.

"Open the door, open the door quickly! Bandit Cao is coming!"

The rout in disheveled armor ran to the gate of the village and shouted loudly.

Liu Yin stood on the wall of the stronghold, with a stern face, "The battle is ahead, you must not open the gate of the camp privately! If you don't want to wait to die, you can quickly go around the back of the stronghold and gather yourself. I will help you block it here."

The defeated army rushed all the way, only thinking of escaping from Cao's pursuit, and the camp in front of them seemed to be the best place to hide.

Now when I heard Liu Yin's words, I was extremely frightened, and under the instinct of survival, I immediately yelled, "Thief! You want me to die at the hands of Cao thief? Open the door quickly!"

Someone took the lead, and the soldiers who followed followed suit loudly, as if they wanted to storm the gate of the village.

But when Liu Yin went to the south, he was often sent as a vanguard along the way, beheading enemies and killing generals. He was a person who shed blood personally, so how can he be compared to a rookie like Ma Su who has never led an army?

I saw him draw the arrow with his bow, and with a sound of "Peng", the arrow feather shot three feet in front of the defeated army, and went straight to the ground.

"Anyone who dares to take a step past this arrow will be killed on the spot! The crossbowman listens to the order and prepares to shoot!"

Liu Yin shouted.

These words and deeds made the defeated army relax a bit, and someone in the crowd shouted again, "He is just scaring us, let's go together!"

A few impulsively heard this and rushed out subconsciously.

"Let the arrow!"

The crossbowman hesitated slightly.

Liu Yin drew his sword in his hand and shouted sharply, "Those who don't obey orders, beheaded!"


Arrows flew like locusts on the wall of the stronghold, and a group of rout soldiers who rushed to the front were shot to the ground on the spot.

Everyone gasped.

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