Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 596 You Come To Hit Me

Some of the broken soldiers were shot and killed on the spot, and some were injured, and they fell there and wailed endlessly.

Liu Yin didn't seem to notice this, and shouted sharply: "Quickly walk around to the back of the city, there will be someone there to meet you. If you wait for the thieves to arrive, you will be in a dead end! Don't make mistakes!"

The broken soldiers in front of the village looked at each other in blank dismay. In front of the closed gate of the camp, under the threat of strong bows and crossbows, some people finally moved and started to disperse to both sides.

Another person came running from behind, couldn't hold back his footsteps, passed the warning position, and saw another rain of arrows on the wall of the village.

The crossbowmen on the wall had the first time, and the second time there were many less psychological barriers.

The broken soldiers finally gave up.

Although the threat of the rout was eliminated, Liu Yin's forehead was still sweating faintly. He raised his eyes and looked far away, and there were more and more routs behind him, and there was no complete organizational system.

This made him very worried, which showed that Ma Di had indeed been defeated.

Moreover, Cao thief obviously didn't want to capture soldiers, and he deliberately drove the rout soldiers over along the way, trying to attack his camp.

Ma Di was caught in the rout of the soldiers, disheveled and barefoot. From a distance, he saw the gates of Jieting villages closed tightly and swords drawn on the walls. His face showed shame, he raised his sleeves to cover his face, and followed with his head bowed. The broken soldiers continued to run to the back of the camp.

Standing on the wall of the wall, Liu Yin watched as the rout soldiers below gradually divided into two groups and walked around the two sides of the wall. There was no relaxed expression on his face, but gradually turned livid.

His gaze fell to the south from time to time.

Sure enough, when Cao thief's sentry cavalry finally appeared in the west, the sentry who went to the south to scout for news also sent back news: Cao thief appeared in the direction of Qingshui County, Guangwei in the south, and was running towards Jieting.

Liu Yin nodded, expressionless: "Got it."

He looked to the west again, and in the distance, there were already countless black shadows coming out from behind the mountain. He smiled wryly, "This cooperation is really tight!"

If he was only facing Zhang Xi, even if there were twice as many people as him, Liu Yin would not be afraid.

After all, it's not like he didn't do nothing during the past few days when he was stationed at the street pavilion.

The point is that the street pavilion was originally mainly used to prevent Cao thieves in the south, not to prevent the rear.

Now that the unexpected Cao thief came from the west, how could the expected Cao thief from the south not stay still?

The worst has finally come.

The thief Cao from the south obviously came through the Weishui River Valley, and it is even possible that he had agreed a date with Zhang He, or that Lueyang and Qingshui had already made contact after Lueyang was broken.

They didn't go to support Shangbi, they would rather risk Shangbei's loss than come to Jieting to attack themselves.

Cao thieves on both sides encircled, not nearly ten thousand, at least seven or eight thousand people. I don't know how long I can defend these two thousand people?

Thinking of this, Liu Yin heaved a long sigh, "The enemy can cooperate and move, but I can't get along with the general. How can there be no reason for invincibility? Yin this time, the only way to die is to serve the country."

The glimmer of hope now is to see whether the big man's Jieting and Longguan will fall first, or whether General Wu will first break through the Cao thief's Shangyu and Linwei.

If Jieting and Longguan were to fall first, Cao's bandit army would be able to enter Longyou continuously from Guanlong Avenue, and the big Han had no choice but to retreat to Qishan.

Not only did Jieting and Longguan lose 20,000 troops in this battle, but even Zhao Guang, who was far away in Anding, had nowhere to retreat.

If Shangyu and Linwei were breached first, not only would the Cao bandits who besieged Jieting be wiped out, but Longyou would also be completely returned to the control of the big Han. From then on, the big Han would have a huge advantage over Guanzhong.

It is not a lie that those who win Guanzhong win the world and revive the Han Dynasty.

However, the poor horse...

Liu Yin gritted her teeth, veins popped up on the back of her hands, and finally couldn't help but drew her sword again and chopped into the city wall violently. If this person was in front of her eyes, she wished she could split him into two pieces!

"General, Jieting is thirty miles ahead."

The closer you are to the street pavilion, the more Cao Jun sentries running back and forth.

Zhang He looked relaxed and comfortable, glanced at the front, and asked with a smile, "How is the defense of the street pavilion? Can you go down with a drum?"

He couldn't help being unhappy, this time he came up Long, broke Lueyang, defeated Ma Su, and drove the Shu captives to Jieting like sheep and dolphins, it was really very easy.

The Shu captives looked extremely weak, if the loss of Longyou was caused by too few troops, how did the key point of Longguan fall?

How dangerous could the Shu captives be burned? Really incredible.

Pang Hui, as the son of a hero like Pang De, is said to have the courage of his father, but he was so useless. What a pity!

"Returning to the general, the street pavilion is heavily guarded. We wanted to get closer to observe, but the Shu captives rushed out of the city to drive them away. The defeated army wanted to enter the camp, but was shot and killed by the guards in the camp. It seems that we have been prepared for a long time."

When Zhang He heard this, his expression became a little serious, "There is such a thing?"

Judging from the confession of the captured Shu prisoner Lieutenant Marquis, Jieting does not have many troops now. Judging from the previous two situations, as soon as the army arrives, the guards of Jieting will leave the city and surrender. That is the most natural. matter.

Didn't expect the opponent to have the image of defending the city?

Thinking this way, he ordered the whole army to speed up their pace.

After arriving at the place, while the sky was still dark, Zhang He took his troops and went to the outside of the Han army camp to watch in person.

After seeing the camp and its surroundings clearly, Zhang He took a deep breath and blurted out, "If the guard of Lueyang can have half the power of the guard of Jieting, how easy is it for us An Neng?"

But I saw the shadows above the camp, and the guards and soldiers were listed.

On the outside of the wall, there is a five-foot-high small city wall. Between the small wall and the wall, there is a cold light, and it is obvious that someone is standing behind.

In front of the city, there are many refusal horse antlers.

In front of Juma Antlers, there is a trench...

In front of the trench, there was nothing but a pile of corpses in disorder, within a few hundred steps, it was clean.

There was no grass, no wood, not even a larger stone.

The more Zhang He looked at it, the more startled he became. He felt that he really had a toothache. Even the floating soil and stones that filled the trench had been shoveled away. This was done extremely well.

"Who is this guard?"

I am afraid that half of my own manpower will be consumed just to fill the trenches, reject the horse antlers, and then destroy this small city.

Even so, they can only officially start attacking the camp if they get below the wall of the village.

Looking at the hedgehog-like camp in front of him, Zhang Xi put out the idea of ​​taking it lightly on the spot.

The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became, and immediately sent someone to the front of the stronghold to shout: "May I ask which general is in the stronghold?"

A man's head appeared on the wall of the stronghold, and he loudly replied, "General Han Pi, Liu Yin of Shu County!"

Seeing this, Zhang He sent another message.

"General Liu, now that the king's army has arrived, you lead the weak soldiers to guard the street pavilion. I think the layout of this camp is quite lawful. I think you must be a rare general."

"How could the puppet Shu not know people, let you submit to the position of general? My emperor of Great Wei is eager for talents. If you want to join Great Wei, I will protect you as a marquis and general!"

Liu Yin in the village answered very readily, "Just wait!"

When Zhang Yun heard this, he was overjoyed, thinking that he finally didn't have to attack the city.

After a while, Xiaogecheng lowered the hanging door, and a group of Han soldiers came out, dragging away the corpses of those defeated soldiers in such a big way in front of Zhang Yun, which made his eyelids twitch.

After the war, no one would embarrass the auxiliary soldiers who cleaned up the corpses, but what the Jieting guard did was obviously intentional.

I saw Liu Yin said on the wall of the stronghold, "I guard this street pavilion for the big man. I would rather kill the defeated army than kill the bandit army? If you have the ability, come and attack me!"

Zhang He's face froze.

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