Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 598 The only way to serve the country is to die

"Lueyang has been lost. Ma Di, who was stationed at Jieting, went to rescue him. He encountered bandits halfway and was defeated. Now only Liu Yin has 2,000 people guarding Jieting, so I have to lead troops to rescue as soon as possible."

Looking at Wang Ping's puzzled eyes, Feng Yong explained, "The food in Guancheng can only be stored for half a month at most, and if General Wang can keep it for half a month, it is considered as his best effort."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a while, and finally said, "I just hope that the general can really guard this Longguan for half a month. After half a month, the general can keep the rules. If you can't, please feel free."

Half a month later, the battle situation in Longyou must have been decided.

Now the mistakes of Li Sheng and Ma Di have cost the 10,000 soldiers of the Han Dynasty.

If the army of the Northern Expedition still had to retreat to Hanzhong in the end, then the soldiers on Longguan would not need to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Wang Ping clasped his fists heavily, "General Feng, return to Jieting with peace of mind, he will know what to do in the end."

Feng Yong saluted deeply, "Then Longguan will be entrusted to General Wang."

Although Bandit Cao never came, the soldiers on Longguan had been in a state of intense combat readiness. Zhang Yi picked out the troops and quickly assembled them.


The horn sounded, and the huge Feng Zishuai flag began to move down the mountain. The five thousand soldiers brought out by Feng Yong himself surrounded the handsome flag and surged down the mountain.



The car made of sharpened tree trunks slammed into the gate of the camp. The wooden gate made a tooth-sickening sound, shaking a few times, and crumbling.


Someone from the back was staring at the wall of the village, and when they saw that the wood had started to fall down again, they hurriedly shouted.

Cao Jun had long been experienced, and immediately dispersed.

This time, there were only a few of Liao Liao's trees, which were not as dense as before, and even the arrow feathers falling from them became rarer, and the threat to the Cao soldiers who attacked the wall became less and less.

The wall of the village is no better than the city wall, no matter how strong it is, it is temporarily erected with wood, and cannot withstand the continuous impact of the enemy's ramming cars.

After Cao Jun paid the price of nearly 3,000 people to fill up the trenches, flatten the Juma, and destroy the small city, the walls of the village began to be damaged.

With a sound of "crash", a hole was finally knocked out of a wall of the village. Cao Jun cheered and rushed in.

Cao Bing, who was the first to step into the camp of the Han army, hadn't waited to see the situation inside. The Han army who had been waiting for a long time stabbed him with a long halberd and spear, lifted him high, and sprayed a cloud of blood in the air. .

The first batch of Cao Jun who entered was too crowded, so they couldn't use it all at once, and they were all stabbed to the ground when they were caught off guard.

Seeing that there were still Han troops inside, the Cao soldiers outside hurriedly held guns to be careful.

Although the entrance of this cave was temporarily blocked, Cao Jun quickly broke out a big hole from another place by relying on his large number of people.

The Han army defended the stronghold for several days, and the casualties have already exceeded half. As the number of caves gradually increased, there were not enough people to stop them.

"General, the Walled City is broken."

In Jieting City, the blood-stained general rushed in and said to Liu Yin.

Liu Yin's left shoulder was stripped off, wrapped in a white cloth with blood oozing faintly, she was lying on the ground and sleeping soundly.

Even so, the right hand still held the long knife and was unwilling to let go.

He was injured by Ruya this morning, and because he hadn't slept well for several days and nights, he took the opportunity to wrap up the wound to rest for a while, and when he heard the general's words, he suddenly woke up from his sleep.

The right hand subconsciously clenched the long knife and stood up, "The Cao thief broke into the village?"

"Now the wall of the village has been damaged in many places, and everyone can't stop it anymore!"

The general answered anxiously.

Liu Yin hurriedly ran out of the city with big strides, and saw that the camp was already in chaos, the soldiers on both sides had already killed their eyes red.

People kept falling from the wall of the village, and the highest point had been occupied by Cao Jun.

Can't stand it anymore!

Seeing all this, Liu Yin looked miserable.

Seeing that the army finally entered the camp, Zhang He, who was watching from the back, finally breathed a sigh of relief: If the reinforcements from Qingshui County hadn't arrived on time, he really wouldn't have dared to attack this camp regardless of casualties.

Eight thousand elite soldiers attacked the camp guarded by these two thousand men, and in just a few days, no fewer than three thousand were killed or injured.

If the defenders of the street pavilion going to Lueyang were not broken by him on the way, but were defending the street pavilion, I am afraid that this street pavilion will have to make a detour.

Thinking of this, Zhang He said to the left and right, "If you pass the order, if you can capture Liu Yin alive, it's best to capture him alive."


After a while, the messenger rushed back from the camp, "General, the camp of the Shu captives was built around Jieting City. Now they are retreating to the city, and the army cannot attack for a while."

"Huh? There's still one more city?" Zhang He asked in surprise, "How can this Shu captive be able to defend?"

After all, he personally drove his horse into the camp, only to see that there was indeed a dilapidated small city inside, and the Han army was still defending the dilapidated city.

Although the city wall was broken, it was still difficult for Cao Jun who left the siege equipment outside the camp for a while.

Seeing this, Zhang He ordered, "Stop the siege."

When the sound of the golden bell sounded, Cao Jun retreated slowly.

On the ground of the camp, the ground couldn't absorb so much blood for a while, and it had become a little muddy under the constant trampling.

At the same time, the wounded soldiers moaning on the ground were constantly selected and distinguished by Cao Jun.

The wounded soldiers of the Han army were mercilessly mended by Cao Jun and stabbed to death directly.

"General Liu, now that the camp has been broken and the general situation is set, even if you defend this city to the death, it will only be a short while, so why waste the lives of your soldiers?"

To show his sincerity, Zhang He went to the front of the formation and shouted.

Several figures appeared on the city, and the one who was protected in the middle was Liu Yin.

I could only hear him laughing loudly, "If the city is broken, Yin can only serve the country with his death, and he will be a hero of the Han Dynasty; if the city is not destroyed, Yin will be a hero of the Han Dynasty, and he will become famous without losing his achievements. How can he say that he will bring down bandits? "

The setting sun was like blood, shining on the few people in the small town, towering like a mountain.

I saw many people appearing from the top of the city one after another, and the voice shook the sky: "I am willing to fight with the general to the death!"

Most of them have injuries on their bodies, and their eyes are firm. Even those with stumps and broken feet are standing with weapons.

Zhang He sighed and ordered, "Destroy the surrounding camps before sunset so that we can attack the city tomorrow."

Anyway, this camp has been almost destroyed, and it is no pity to rebuild a new one after this small town is captured.

The next day, Liu Yin stood at the top of the city and looked around, and saw that the surrounding area had become empty. After Cao Jun had demolished the camp, he happened to use wood to make siege tools.

He looked to the north and sighed, "General Feng, I have tried my best, but there are few soldiers and many thieves, and the city is not strong. I really can't wait for you to come."

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