Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 599 Brilliant Fireworks

In the past few days when Cao Jun attacked the camp, he knew that the Han army was exhausted, and even the arrow feathers were running out.

Simply make the car and the ladder, make up for the lost equipment, and start pushing the car over without any scruples.


Dust fell from the low earthen city wall and shook slightly.

"Kill the thief!"

Liu Yin raised his knife and shouted loudly.


Behind him, the soldiers of the Han army who were covered in scars shouted and rushed up to fight with Cao Jun who climbed up the city wall along the ladder.

Longguan was about a hundred miles away from Jieting. In order to prevent Zhang Yun from besieging the city and fighting for reinforcements, Feng Yong sent out all the night hunters in his hands to check for the latest news while urging the army to move forward.

Along the way, the night hunter galloped back and forth.

"General, there is a street pavilion in front of you, there are Cao bandits blocking the way!"

Feng Yong felt a chill in his heart, "Have you already lost?"

"The camp has been broken, but there are still shouts of killing."

Feng Yong cheered up, "Hurry up! Send the signal!"

"call out--"


Fireworks bloom in the sky under Longshan Mountain.

Liu Yin waved his hand and knocked down a Cao Bing who had climbed up. He heard the wind in his ear, and hurriedly took a step back. Unfortunately, due to the excessive exhaustion of his body these days, he no longer had the sensitivity of the past, and the tip of the spear stabbed him. the sternum.

Although the tip of the spear did not penetrate the armor, he still took a staggering step.

The eyes of Cao Bing on the opposite side were shining, and he pressed forward again.

Liu Yin already had a death wish in his heart, thinking that if he worked hard for one more person, he would earn one person. He went up to meet him, and was about to die with this guy who was obviously Boss Cao Jun.

Unexpectedly, two more people appeared from behind the other side, and they all stretched out their spears to hold him back.

Liu Yin was about to struggle, but found that she could no longer exert all her strength, and even the knife in her hand fell to the ground because she couldn't hold it firmly.

He knew that this was a sign of exhaustion, so he could only resign himself to his fate and let out a long sigh.

Then he saw a firework across the sky.

Immediately after the second...

The third……

Although it was just fireworks that would explode without any other extra colors, in Liu Yin's eyes, it was incomparably brilliant!

When the prime minister swore an alliance with the barbarians in Wei County, he had seen this kind of fireworks.

Later, on Feng Langjun's big day, there were rumors in Jincheng that there was a falling star as big as a bucket and as bright as a candle, accompanying the wedding party all the way.

But anyone who followed the Prime Minister's Southern Expedition knew that it was actually the fireworks made by Feng Langjun.

"Feng Langjun! Feng Langjun is here!"

Liu Yin was overjoyed, his strength seemed to surge up all of a sudden, with a loud shout, he pushed his arms hard, and pushed away the two spears holding him, then picked up the long knife again, and rushed forward.

"Feng Langjun led the army to rescue!"

The news quickly spread throughout the small town of Jieting, and it had been gradually compressed. Only the Han army, who could grit their teeth and persevere, heard the news, and immediately regained their strength and fought back bravely, forcing Cao Jun out of the city.

"Release quickly, releas quickly!" Feng Yong repeatedly urged, "Release them all, leave none behind!"

The continuous fireworks "cracked" in the air, and even Zhang He noticed it. He looked up at the strange image in the sky, a little surprised.

"General, the Shu captives have come down from Longguan!"

"Oh, it's finally here?"

Zhang Xi didn't care, although it was faster than he expected, but it didn't matter.

Although Jieting City has not been captured for a while, the Shu captives in the city must also be unable to fight again.

"Suspend the siege first. Leave a thousand rear troops to take care of the luggage and street pavilions, and the rest will come with me."

Zhang He looked up at the sky again, feeling a little uneasy.

In the street pavilion, which is nearly ten miles wide and tens of miles long, Cao Jun has already crossed the small town and lined up in front.

The torrent coming down from Longshan Mountain was about to rush towards this obstacle that blocked his way forward.

Zhang Xi was not prepared to defend, and he did not need to defend.

Because the other party came from Longguan in a hurry, he was exhausted, and he was waiting for work at leisure, why should he be afraid?

He gathered all the last horses, and prepared to crush the Han army that came from afar——in today's world, no one can compete with the fine cavalry of Great Wei.

Especially in this wide range, the tens of miles long battlefield is exactly where the Great Wei Jingqi comes in handy.

There is no camp on the opposite side, and it is a temporary formation. How is it different from the Jieting defender who was defeated by him a few days ago?

"Chongbow step forward, take the two wings! Modao team, the second queen! The rest, listen to orders at any time!"

Feng Yong looked at Cao Jun, who was already prepared ahead, and ordered.

Those who use a sword as a road are called Mo Dao.

It is called Modao in the army, and Zidian Baodao among rangers.

Strict discipline was reflected at this time.

Coupled with the fact that Nanxiang soldiers are the leaders, the speed of the soldiers forming the formation is much faster than that of ordinary soldiers.

Feng Yong stood on a temporary high platform, and in front of him was a big horn made of iron, and he could only hear him shouting hoarsely, "Today is the time of life and death, and it is the time to seek the first line of death." live."

"If we don't kill the bandits bravely and break through the blockade of Cao bandits in front, we will have to wait for death, and there will be no horse left in the army."

The situation of the last stand made the soldiers grit their teeth.

"Bring it to me!"

The guards came up with a big box.

Feng Yong drew his sword and split it open, only to see a pile of papers inside, and even a few papers floating out.

"This is wool paper money! Only rich and noble people can use it. As long as you kill Cao thief today, this box of money will be all yours!"


The soldiers standing near the high platform saw it clearly, their eyes were red, and many of them began to swallow.

"In this battle, the survivors will be rewarded, and the disabled will not only get double the rewards, but they can also move their families to Nanxiang. There will be money and food for them every season, so that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life."

"War dead, your parents, wives and children will all be raised by me, and your children can still enter Nanxiang School, so your future will be worry-free!"

The gulp of saliva became louder.

Nanxiang Academy is now the only place where the children of Guizhou head of the Han Dynasty can study for free in order to advance.

If you want to stand up, there is the best and fastest way.

After shouting these words, Feng Yong gasped, looked at the notes under his feet, and thought that fortunately, the credit of these notes is still strong, and there is no inflation.

Otherwise, I would have no place to find a pile of gold, silver and jewels to carry around with me to pretend to be aggressive.

I thought this last resort would not come in handy, but I didn't expect to be forced out.

In order to survive, he had to bleed profusely!

Feng Tubie's heart was bleeding.

He was thinking like this in his heart, but his face was impassioned, "If you want to get everything I said, kill the thieves for me! If this battle fails, everything that originally belonged to you will be gone, gone!"

"My banner stands right here, don't take half a step back! When the bandits come, I will take up this three-foot sword and die with the bandits. Since the Northern Expedition, I have never heard of a general who died in the army. If there are, please come to me!" Feng Yongshi!"

"But I hope that the thief will never rush here! Kill!"




The long-lost Feng Langjun's special skill "smart words and seductiveness" reappeared in the world, and at the same time, with the blessing of gold tickets, ah, no, wool tickets, the effect was doubled!

The morale of the whole army rose to the peak at once.

Everyone Wei Zhan's eyes were red, staring at the front, muttering, "Kill...kill...kill..."

There are generous rewards in life, support for those who are disabled, and family members in death, no worries, no more.

Just kill Cao thief in front of you.

Although Feng Yong came faster than Zhang He imagined, this did not affect Zhang He's ability to let the cavalry charge in time.

Faintly heard the shouts from the opposite side, it should be that the other side's generals are in a hurry to send orders to arrange the formation.

Zhang He smiled confidently: How could I let you get what you want?

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