Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 600 Stalemate

Although he thinks that Wei's elite cavalry is unparalleled in the world, and even though he feels that the soldiers of the Shu captives will disperse as soon as they charge, but as a veteran who has fought all his life, Zhang He still follows the old rules and lets two hundred elite cavalry charge first to test the opponent's reality. .

"Don't panic, don't panic! Listen to the password, how to practice on weekdays, and how to do it later. You can't retreat, there is a supervisory team behind, whoever retreats will be killed!"

Veterans with battlefield experience and Nanxiang soldiers with the strongest fighting beliefs are all the backbone of the army at the grassroots level, constantly encouraging the people under them.

"At that time, everyone can just listen to me and watch me do it!"

"A thief is also a human being, and he will die if he bleeds, so don't be afraid!"

These are the most common ways of encouragement, and there are a few extreme ones who simply said directly, "You are all selected by Lord Ghost King, if you lose face here, not to mention yourself, even your family members will have nothing to eat! "

"Even if a thief eats meat, he has to cook it. How can there be a ghost king to be afraid of? Right?"

Shi Chang who said this secretly looked back at the handsome platform, um, it is far away, so he should not be able to hear it.

This kind of words is most effective for the soldiers who were born in the barbarians in Nanzhong. When the people who were a little nervous heard the word "ghost king", they were shocked immediately, and quickly wiped their hands on their clothes to avoid slipping later.

Two hundred elite riders charged forward, and the momentum was also terrifying.

One hundred and fifty steps away, the generals who had been paying attention to the handsome platform saw the white flag waving, and at the same time the sound of drums came to their ears, and immediately shouted loudly, "Let it go!"


The crossbowman squatting on the ground holding the heavy crossbow only felt his arm tremble, and the strong recoil caused his body to shake slightly, and the long crossbow arrow had already turned into a thin line in the air.

The crossbowman didn't have time to see where the arrow he shot would land in the end, so he hurriedly stretched out his foot, stepped on the ring buckle of the heavy crossbow, and then pulled the lever back hard, re-wound the string, and finally threw the arrow Put the feathers into the quiver.

There was a major frontal blow, and firepower was intertwined on both sides. Although the cavalry had begun to disperse, they still underestimated the density of arrow feathers.

The first wave of arrow feathers coming from three sides shot through two hundred cavalry on the spot, leaving only dozens of cavalry still running.



The first wave has just ended, and the second wave is coming soon.

Although it is impossible to do a three-stage strike, two-stage strikes are enough to prevent the two hundred cavalry from rushing a hundred steps ahead of the formation.

Not to mention the knights on horseback, even the war horses were shot through the neck, falling to the ground and screaming.

Zhang He took a breath, and felt something bad in his heart: the Shu captives who captured Longguan were so different from the Shu captives who guarded Lueyang?

"Go around and cut off its two wings first!"

Zhang He said loudly.

The bows and crossbows on the two wings on the opposite side are too powerful, and they must be dealt with first.

At the same time, he was glad that there was no wave of pressure, otherwise it would definitely be a defeat.

Standing on the high platform efficiently built by the dedicated engineers, Feng Yong held up the binoculars and saw early on that the cavalry on the opposite side had quietly spread out to both sides under the cover of the lineup in front.

The target is obvious, it is aimed at the crossbowmen on both sides.

Immediately, people quickly waved the white flag with black borders, and then pressed it back. At the same time, the sound of golden bells sounded, and the stretched wings retreated back in an orderly manner under the organization of each team leader.

Zhang He was taken aback for a moment, looking at the army formation on the opposite side, his expression became more and more dignified.

Who is the general on the other side? Can you guess your own thoughts in the first place?

But since there is no threat from the two wings, Jingqi can naturally rush to the opponent's formation.

The whirring horn sounded again, and the smoke and dust brought up by the charge of a thousand cavalry shrouded the battlefield in obscurity.


Although there are no two wings, the heavy crossbow directly in front can still show its power again.

The cavalry who rushed to the front fell down on the spot, and the friendly troops behind stepped on their bodies, and even their intestines were trampled out, and the ground was colorfully sprinkled.

"Second paragraph! Play!"

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The second wave of arrow feathers came much faster than expected.

Then the third wave, the fourth wave.

The improved heavy crossbow, in this case, is two or three times more effective in killing than ordinary heavy crossbows.

In just one hundred and fifty steps, four waves of crossbow arrows were fired, and by the time the thousand cavalry rushed to twenty steps, nearly half of them had been lost.

After twenty steps, the crossbowman faced the cavalry and was slaughtered.

Cao Wei's cavalry crossed the death line, lowered their bodies even lower, held up their spears, stared at each other with red eyes, and vowed to stab each other through.

The shape of the cavalry saddle at this time is the opposite of that of later generations.

In later generations, it was high at the front and low at the back, but now it is low at the front and high at the back, and the depth in the middle is much deeper than that of the later generations.

The reason is that, in an era without stirrups, a deep saddle could allow the knight to sit more firmly on the horse.

At the same time, the saddle bridge raised high on the back can withstand the back waist of the cavalry, so that they can better exert force through the waist, and also allow them to have a support when impacting, and try to maintain balance as much as possible.

The crossbowmen of the Han army quickly retreated like a tide.


The Mo Dao hidden behind finally revealed its ferocious and terrifying fangs.

Only then did the cavalry rush to the front see that in front of them was not the expected spear or halberd, but a long knife with a sharp tip and a wide blade.


The shining blades stand like a forest, advancing like a wall, which looks like a real forest of knives.

Cao Wei's cavalry didn't have time to think about it. Based on past battlefield experience, they subconsciously handed over the spears in their hands.

With a "click", he handed out the hook insert from the back of the knife forest, blocking the spear.




Several mo knives chopped down together, and one man and one horse were divided into horse head, horse foot, half of human body and other strange shapes, scattered all over the ground, bloody and bloody.

If blocked by a wall, people and horses will be destroyed!

Mo Daoshou, who stood at the front, had a hot, sticky liquid sprayed on his face, and his mouth and nose were full of bloody smell.

"Second team up!"

At least half of Mo Daoshou's minds are now blank, and some even closed their eyes subconsciously.

The only thing they can remember is the order led by Team Shi Chang, "Don't stop, don't stop, cut whatever is in front of you, and it's over when you cut everything..."

The commander's command seemed to come from far away, and the muscles in his hands would only chop and stab in a dull manner according to his memory...

At this time, the old soldiers and Nanxiang soldiers played a great role, it was they who maintained the courage of these recruits so that they would not retreat.

More than 500 elite cavalry that Zhang Yun was so proud of, all of a sudden collapsed under the stabbing of the neatly arranged Mo Dao team!


Looking at the pieces of meat all over the ground, someone finally vomited.

"Don't look at your feet!"

Someone kicked him hard, "Look ahead, the thief is coming up again!"

Standing on the high platform, Feng Yong naturally couldn't see the details. He only saw the scene of Cao Jun's cavalry fleeing in all directions. He danced and danced, "Famous general? A famous general is a fart in front of Lao Tzu's dimensionality reduction attack! Come on, come and hit me!" !"

Cao Jun's infantry who followed closely had more flexibility. Before the stirrups came out, once the cavalry lost their impact and speed, their fighting ability sitting on the horse was not as good as that of the infantry.


Cao Jun's infantry finally discovered that the opponent's long-sword team, which had never been seen before, had extremely sharp long-swords in their hands.

As soon as the spear in his hand was handed out, as long as the other side chopped it down, the barrel of the gun would directly become two sections.

The wooden and leather shields in his hand were also broken in front of this kind of long knife, and they were completely vulnerable.

Fortunately, the long halberd and long spear are longer than the long sword.

I saw Cao Jun's long halberd and long spear stabbing wildly. Because the Modao team couldn't back down in time, they only heard a miserable cry, and some unlucky ghosts were picked up.

"Squad Hooked!"

Zhang Ni, the actual commander of the Modao team, shouted loudly.

The hook at the back stretched out again, blocking the halberd and spear.

"Team three!"

"Hoo hoo..."


Another gun barrel was cut off in unison.

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