Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 601 The Final Attempt

The battle lines began to get a little stalemate.

Compared to Feng Tubie's ecstasy, Zhang He trembled all over. He still couldn't believe what happened just now. A thousand cavalrymen just disappeared before his eyes...

"Where did this Shu prisoner come from? It's as sharp as silk?"

"General, those are evil spirits. They must be the army of evil spirits. The long knives in their hands are all made of iron. If you cut them down, people and horses will be smashed. Everyone is like evil spirits. Whoever dares to stand in front of them will be killed." ..."

Before the retreating cavalry team had finished speaking, they were knocked down by Zhang Xi with his sword.

I saw him sternly said, "No one in this world can exorcise ghosts and gods and work for them! This old man has fought all his life, and he has killed not one thousand, but hundreds of people. How come no ghosts came to seek my life? I only believe in myself The sword in your hand!"

He turned his head and asked left and right, "Is the two-winged cavalry in place?"

"Return to the general, already in place!"

"Okay, let them attack as planned immediately, and we can't delay any longer!"

Originally, he had a slight advantage, but under this fight, his side has become a disadvantage. If he doesn't try to turn it around, Jieting will have to give way again.

But fortunately, the infantry in his hand faced this weird team. Although it also did not gain the upper hand, it was not likely to collapse at the first touch.

Standing on the high platform, Feng Yongzheng was overjoyed, when suddenly he heard shouts of killing behind him, he quickly raised his binoculars to look, and saw a rout of troops rushing towards them like Cao Jun chasing sheep.

"I*\u0026amp;\u0026amp;% # ¥" Feng Yong jumped and cursed on the spot, "A bunch of beasts! Are you pigs?"

"Wang Han!"

"The end is here!"

"Go! Stay behind and don't let any of them in, otherwise the thieves will follow the opportunity!"


These defeated soldiers wandering around the battlefield really had nowhere to go. They were hungry and thirsty, and their retreat was cut off by Cao Jun, unable to escape back to Jicheng.

But Liu Yin didn't dare to use them, because the frightened broken soldiers would take the lead in breaking up again if they didn't have enough rest.

So he could only gather them up temporarily, keep them away from the battlefield, and wait for the end of the battle at Jieting.

When Feng Yong came over, the Night Hunter naturally reported the situation to him, and he just asked the auxiliary soldiers to send some food to the rout soldiers, Liu Yin didn't dare to use it, and Feng Yong himself didn't dare to use it.

Unexpectedly, during the few days when Zhang He besieged Jieting, he had already found out where the routs were, and took advantage of Cao Wei's cavalry maneuvering advantage to go around to the back and drive these frightened routs back again.

Feng Tubie's experience is still too little, and the battle ahead is fierce, so his eyes are fixed on the front, forgetting to observe the surrounding situation, and he didn't notice that the two-winged cavalry sent by Zhang Yun just now went to attack his own two wings without success. where.

It's just that the fucking battlefield has already extended to such a large area, so you routs can't stay any farther away? Wait to die!

Feng Yong's body was trembling.

Although the defenders at Jieting had rejected the front once, the rout soldiers, supported by their desire to survive, rushed towards the rear of their own reinforcements recklessly.

"Don't shoot arrows, let's go in..."

"I beg you, give us a way out!"

They cried, shouted, begged.

Wang Han's hands were trembling slightly.

The rout soldiers had crossed the shooting distance of one hundred and fifty paces, and no arrow feathers were fired from the formation.

The broken soldiers regained their spirits and quickly quickened their pace.

"Scatter to both sides!"

There are soldiers with loud voices shouting at them.

"Save us!"

No one was obedient, they still rushed forward desperately.


Wang Han gritted his teeth and ordered.


Although the arrow feathers are not very dense, they are enough to keep the rout soldiers fifty paces away.

"don't want……"

It is useless to beg.

The wounded rout soldiers were lying on the ground in despair, feeling the vibration of the ground, Cao thief behind him rushed over, and his horseshoes trampled on their bodies mercilessly.

"Kill the thief!"

Wang Han's eyes were red, he drew his sword and drank sharply.



There was a stream of blood flowing from the corner of Feng Yong's mouth. He closed his eyes, then opened them again, blinking vigorously. He felt that his eyes were a little blurry.

This damn war!

"Zhang He! I swear I will kill you!"

Feng Yong drew his sword straight to the high platform, and said every word.

Zhang He didn't hear it. Even if he heard it, he would only be more satisfied. Suppressing the opponent's military spirit and mobilizing the opponent's coach's mood is the most brilliant way to defeat the opponent.

From the very beginning, he noticed that the opponent's central army has always been a bit weird. Compared with the normal situation, the opponent's central army seems to have sent few military orders to all parties.

Basically, the generals and schools at the forefront are organizing soldiers to fight.

Now seeing that even if there was a commotion later, the Chinese army still did not do much.

This made him even more suspicious.

Thinking of this, he gave another order to the left and right.

"General, there are bandits in the north again!"

Feng Yong was taken aback when he heard this, and quickly raised his binoculars to look, and saw that his right wing was billowing with dust and smoke, and it seemed that countless cavalry were rushing towards him.

Where did Zhang He get so many mobile troops?

Thinking this way, Feng Yong hurriedly looked at the forward army again, only to see that at some point, Cao Jun had stopped attacking the front army, and instead used the infantry phalanx to set up a large oar shield, frantically suppressing the advance of the Modao team with bows and crossbows .

Zhang Yun even sent all the cavalry to his right flank and rear, and used wolf pack tactics to harass him constantly.

Feng Yong's heart skipped a beat, of course he knew where his weakness was.

If Zhang Yun dared to rely on his elite cavalry and still use the old cavalry shock tactics to tear apart the formation, and then follow up with the infantry, then he would know what fear is.

But if he bypassed his most proud Modao team and used the advantage of cavalry to harass the sides and rear, he might not be able to handle it as a rookie on the battlefield.

In particular, the Modao team also has a weakness, that is, the weapons are too heavy, and they cannot wield and fight for a long time like ordinary soldiers, and their strength is consumed too quickly.

If you can't gain the advantage as soon as possible at the very beginning, when the strength of the Modao team is exhausted and you face the opponent's elite cavalry, then you will be at a disadvantage.

If you suffer, you will suffer because there is no cavalry, so you can only defend and counterattack, and you cannot take the initiative to attack.

"The Modao team retreated to rest, and the latter stepped forward to defend and stabilize the formation."

Feng Yong hurriedly asked the messenger to convey it.

The biggest advantage in my hand is the Modao team and the heavy crossbow.

But the Modao team has a time limit, and the heavy crossbow also has a time limit.

No matter how much it is improved, the crossbow is still slow to wind, and as long as someone rushes to the front of the battle, it is still necessary to rely on hand-to-hand combat to determine the final victory.

Zhang He's temptation was successful.

Feng Yong's two wings are not as invincible as the former army, and they are even a little too weak. There are a large number of recruits among them, who have never experienced a war, and some have not even seen blood.

Although he has good discipline, his fighting skills and battlefield coordination need to be actually accumulated. It will not be able to compare with the elite soldiers in Zhang Xi's hands in a short while.

The sudden attack on the right wing caught people off guard, and the line of defense was breached at once. Cao Jun's infantry followed closely, trying to continue to tear the gap.

Feng Yong gritted his teeth and sent out the last mobile force in his hands-he knew that his command in front of the battle was not his forte, so there were very few Chinese troops left behind, and the front-line generals were in charge of all the troops in the four directions.

Seeing that the Chinese army on the opposite side finally moved, Zhang He let out a breath and smiled.

In fact, he didn't have any extra troops in his hands.

This mobilization of the Shu captives was only a last attempt, but it was unexpectedly successful.

Now it seems that as long as the opponent's weird long sword team can be held back, everything else is nothing to worry about.

At the very beginning, I was frightened by the former army of this team, and thought it was the Bailu soldiers who met the Shu captives.

I didn't expect that not only the opposing coach's command was unfamiliar, but even the cooperation of those soldiers seemed extremely stiff. It seemed that this team, from top to bottom, was a rookie on the battlefield.

It's unbelievable that this rookie on the battlefield can fight like this with the elite veterans in his hands. If there is a chance for them to grow up, it must be a terrifying team.

Unfortunately, you have no chance.

Zhang He smiled lightly.

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