Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 602 Unexpected Visitor

The wide terrain of the street pavilion brought great convenience for the cavalry to turn around, and the left wing soon passed the news.

The opponent's elite cavalry bit Feng Yong's left wing hard.

Feng Yong looked at the Modao team that the former army had retreated to rest, and gritted his teeth, unwilling to let them move again.

He knew that Zhang Xi was using his mobility advantage to interfere with him and make him tired of coping.

But he also knew that if this strategic team was exhausted by the opponent's mobilization, then he would not even be able to retreat safely.

At this time, he already understood why Zhang He sent infantry to pester him after the cavalry broke up. It is likely that he had already considered the physical strength of the Modao team at that time.

This old thief is indeed worthy of being a famous general.

Although the Modao team achieved a major damage to the cavalry at the beginning, in the subsequent infantry contest between the two sides, their casualty ratio was actually at a disadvantage.

If it weren't for the Nanxiang soldiers and old soldiers as the backbone support, the recruits who had only been out of production for half a year in their hands would not be able to beat the elite soldiers on the opposite side.

Now let's see who can hold on more.

"You think this will wear me down?"

Feng Yong stood there leaning on his sword, staring at the chaos on the left wing, muttering to himself.

"The descendants of Emperor Guangwu, Liu Hun is here! Bandit Cao, don't be insane!"

Cao Jun Jingqi just broke through the left-wing defense line, and saw a small school standing on the horse, holding a big bow, "swish, swish" and fired three arrows in a row, and the three Cao Jun who rushed to the front fell off their horses all at once.

Liu Hun threw the bow again, pulled out a long spear standing behind him, clamped the horse's belly, and rushed forward.

I saw that the long spear in his hand was much longer than ordinary long spears, and he held it in his hand with ease, dancing like a breeze, Cao Jun retreated wherever he went.

Even Feng Yong, who can only put on airs, can see that the way this little Hun prince wields his spear is completely different from the usual way of using a spear in the army.

He touched his chest involuntarily, there were three safety kits inside, one was from Guan Ji, one was from Amei, and the last one was from Zhang Ji.

When Zhang Ji recommended this Liu Hun to herself, she once said that Liu Hun's martial arts are quite like a master, either he studied under a famous master, or he has his own inheritance. Now it seems that it is really good.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong looked at the location of Jieting City again, and felt joyful in his heart. This woman who was ordered by the queen is indeed different, and she is very lucky.

I recommended two people to myself, Liu Yin helped me guard the rear, and Liu Hun helped me guard the left wing.

Damn, I can't command in front of the battle, but the confidante beside me, ah, no, it's the generals under him who are strong!

With Liu Hun leading the charge, the soldiers shouted and followed closely behind, frantically blocking the gap on the left wing.

Feng Yong held up his binoculars and looked around, but he didn't find the hidden Cao Jun. He was finally overjoyed at the moment, "Come, come! Zhang Ying, I see your cavalry can run back and forth a few times!"

No matter how idiot he was, he knew that his strength was not far from that of Zhang He's. Zhang He was caught off guard at first and lost more than a thousand cavalry, but he had already gained the upper hand.

If this series of arrangements is unsuccessful, it will only ruin Cao Jun's last maneuvering advantage.

Now it seems that Cao thief may have no other means.

Feng Tubie felt elated for a while.

Although the soldiers under him are inexperienced, they are absolutely willing to risk their lives to fight.

The most important thing is, who would have thought that among the thousands of people, there are still three brave generals who can stand alone—it was really used by a local tyrant to fight alone.

Feng Tubie stared ahead, gritted his teeth, and said, "If you bully me because you don't have enough mobility, I'll bully you because you don't have enough time. As long as I can hold you back and prevent you from occupying the street booth, I don't believe it's a long distance away. The Cao thief from the mountain will come faster than the Zhuge old demon to help!"

Zhang Xi, who thought he would succeed in attacking the opponent's left wing, almost vomited blood: Is Zhuge Liang sick? Three armies are easy to get, but one general is hard to find. This new army, which seems to have unlimited potential, is not only equipped with the best weapons, but also released so many brave generals?

In the end, he threw this team to a coach who knows nothing to command?

He suddenly felt extremely aggrieved. He clearly knew where the opponent's weaknesses were, but the extremely fanatical soldiers, the obviously excessive number of brave generals, and the astonishingly powerful weapons covered up the shortcomings like a tortoise shell.

"There must be a way!" Zhang He muttered to himself, his eyes fixed on the tortoise shell in front of him.

But before he could figure out a way, Feng Yong had already decided not to give him another chance.

After resting, the Modao team began to move forward again, with a huge leather-wrapped scull shield in the front, and the bright long sword was raised high, shining a terrifying light under the sun.

A stranger is a road.

Only those who open the way with a knife, have no direction, and no one can stop them, are qualified to be called Modao.

Seeing the slight fear on the faces of the soldiers around him, Zhang Yun put on his armor and went into battle in a rage, and encouraged him loudly, "If we lose this battle, we will only die without a whole body; if we win, it will be a great contribution to the country. Your Majesty will definitely reward you!"

"I will personally lead you into battle. If you die, let me die first. I only hope that you will follow me closely and don't back down!"

The Cao army in Jieting are all elite soldiers, and many of them can even be regarded as experienced in many battles. Now that Zhang He is taking the lead in the battle, his morale has been boosted at once.

Both sides are now fighting to the death, and neither is willing to retreat.

Cao Jun's troops on three sides were all surrounded, and the combat power of the Modao team was too amazing.

Zhang He gritted his teeth, and the guards around him followed desperately, hitting the rock like a piece of iron, and sparks were thrown.


The personal guards set up the Mo Dao that had been chopped down, and Zhang He brandished his long spear, waiting for an opportunity to stab, and directly provoked the opposite person, glaring at him, and shouting, "Kill!"

Seeing this, Cao Jun's soldiers behind him suddenly became more courageous, and rushed forward one after another, desperately fighting back.

All of a sudden, the Modao team was forced to retreat in an instant. The three rows of the Modao team, fighting so far, can only barely maintain a complete formation, which makes Feng Yong extremely distressed.

He was sweating profusely. He looked at the sun, and it was already heading towards the west. He looked around the high platform, and there were shouts of killing everywhere.

After making sure that no one could hear what he was talking about except for his own bodyguard trilogy, Feng Yong finally couldn't help pointing to the west and cursed loudly, "Old Zhuge, if you don't send someone to come, you will have to wait for the rest of your life." Let's be blocked in Hanzhong!"

The battle ahead was stalemate, but Liu Yin could only secretly climb to the top of the wall to watch, and almost couldn't help but want to lead people out of the city several times.

But when he looked at the hundreds of remnant soldiers who were either missing arms or legs, or at least had several wounds on their bodies, and looked at the vigilant Cao thieves outside the city, he had no choice but to endure this impulse.

At this moment, thunder suddenly sounded faintly behind him.

He was most sensitive to this voice, and turned his head suddenly, only to see a group of people and horses appearing behind the hill to the west, just like when Zhang He appeared that day.

The only difference is that the troops are flying in the sky, and the banner of the Han army is flying high.

The second batch of reinforcements finally arrived.

The only iron cavalry of the Han Dynasty, moved to Nan'an, and then returned to Jicheng. At the last critical moment, it appeared in the most critical and most needed place.

At the same time, they also brought a group of Qiang and Hu miscellaneous troops.

Zhang Bao pointed to the front and yelled at the Qiang Hu army, "See what's ahead? Feng Langjun is desperately fighting Cao thief, think about Mu Wuzhe and Zagotel! As long as you save Feng Langjun , you have everything! Hurry up! Hurry up, hurry up!"



Countless Qianghu yelled strange and incomprehensible Huyu, rushing towards Cao Jun's defenseless rear like wolves...

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