Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 607 Is it amazing?

Walking down the high platform, Feng Yong saw an unexpected person, "Duanmuzhe, why are you here? Why didn't you go back to Nanxiang?"

Duanmuzhe was dressed in silk clothes, like a local rich man who got rich overnight, no matter how he looked at it, he felt awkward, standing among a group of Hu people wearing various Hu clothes, he looked extremely dazzling.

Following Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, Feng Yong mobilized a group of dogs from the kennel managed by Duanmuzhe to be used as guards in the army.

Duanmuzhe also has a strong sense of responsibility. He personally took the trainers of the dog farm and followed him all the way to Jicheng, just to let his dogs adapt to the army as soon as possible.

It was not until Feng Yong led his army to attack Longguan that he was ready to return to Nanxiang, but he was still stranded in Longyou.

"Back to the master. A few days ago, the road to Hanzhong was blocked, and Qishan was not allowed to pass, so the villain had to go back to Jicheng to wait for the master. Later..."

Duanmuzhe glanced at Zhang Bao, and said vaguely, "Later, General Zhang asked the villain to help with something, so the villain followed here."

The relationship between the young lady of the Zhang family and the master is unclear. When the master returned to Nanxiang for a few nights, he still lived in the courtyard with the young lady Zhang. Who knows what happened?

Miss Zhang's elder brother asked him to help him with something, so he naturally dared not refuse.

Duanmu Zhe came here this time, in fact, with a mind, just to see if the master would be displeased by it.

When Feng Yong saw Duanmuzhe's outfit, he thought it was a bit strange at first, but when he heard him say this now, he immediately understood.

I'm afraid this is another Zhuge demon's plan to pull this Duanmuzhe out to set an example for the Hu people.

"A few days ago, Wudu rebelled violently. Cao's army of 50,000 bandits entered Wudu from Chencang Road, trying to cut off the grain road, so they couldn't pass through."

Zhang Bao explained later.

Feng Yong was startled, turned around, and asked softly, "What about the current situation?"

"Qian Duan was overthrown, the Cao bandits lost more than 30,000 horses, and Cao Zhen led the remnant army back to Chencang."

Zhang Bao spoke succinctly at a very fast speed.

Feng Yong nodded, then nodded to Duanmuzhe and said, "So that's the case, then follow me."

Duanmuzhe heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "The villain obeys the master's orders."

At the same time, I became more and more sure that the relationship between the master and Mrs. Zhang was indeed extraordinary.

"Feng Mou really admires you gentlemen who can understand the righteousness and help the big man hunt down the thieves. I would like to thank you for your help. Feng Mou will definitely repay the kindness today."

Feng Yong cupped his hands again at the Qianghu tribe leaders who were staring at him.

The people who had been waiting for Feng Yong's words finally showed smiles on their faces, and returned the salute in a confused manner, saying in one go: "The villain has heard Feng Langjun's name for a long time, and deeply feels Feng Langjun's righteousness. Is there any reason not to do your best when you are called by you?"

"Yes, yes, Feng Langjun's reputation is not only spread in Wudu, but also in Longyou. How many people don't know?"

"The villain's tribe is short of food and clothing every year, and the people suffer from cold and starvation. If Feng Langjun can really help out a little, the villain will be very grateful."


These princes are not fools, and anyone who says good things will say that those powerful Han people have always driven them like slaves.

If you really want to talk empty teeth to convince them that it is good, only a fool would believe it.

But if Feng Langjun came forward and opened his mouth in person, it would be another matter.

After all, Feng Langjun's reputation, in the eyes of Hu people, is really much more reliable than that of ordinary Han people.

Poor bastards like Mu Wuzhe, who had nowhere to turn and were forced to take refuge with their clan, could live a better life than them, who wouldn't be jealous?

This outfit alone can be exchanged for at least fifty women in the hands of the chief of the clan.

A servant can wear this kind of clothes, how could Feng Langjun be short of money?

So at this time, everyone was happy when they heard Feng Yong's words "There must be retribution".

"You don't need to worry, as soon as this thieves hunt is over, the big man will remember everyone's credit. At that time, in addition to the wool ranch food, I will exchange one good thing with you, and that is tea."

As soon as everyone heard the word "tea", they immediately became agitated.

"Later, I'll let everyone taste the tea first..."

I could only hear someone shouting impatiently, "The tea Feng Langjun mentioned is the kind of tea sold to us by Han people in Longyou?"

"That's right."

Feng Yonggang nodded, and saw those Qianghu Lords making a loud noise.

"Feng Langjun, Feng Langjun, can we have a sip of tea first?"

"Yes, yes, it's easy to say anything after drinking the tea!"

"Feng Langjun, I don't want food anymore, as long as you can give me some tea!"


In the past few years, there has been a new drink among the Qianghu tribe, that is tea.

The appearance of tea has completely solved the pain of body heat caused by Qiang Hu's long-term eating of beef and mutton.

When tea first appeared, in less than a year, it became the most popular item of various tribes, but the production was rare and extremely precious.

Even if it is the head of a large tribe, it may not be possible to buy it from the Longyou Han people after putting in a lot of effort.

Now that Feng Langjun has such a good thing in his hand, how can he hold back?

Feng Yong pressed his hand to calm them down, "This tea is a rare and good thing! With it, you don't have to go to the wild to find those weeds to relieve your boredom."

"Regardless of spring and winter, you can use it to soak water and drink it on weekdays, which is enough to relieve greasy and fire, without suffering from heat in your body."

"Today I will invite everyone to drink tea first, and I will teach you how to make soup with milk and tea for later convenience."

"Master, is this what the mountain god taught you when you were learning art in the mountains?"

Duanmuzhe asked respectfully.

Feng Yong was stunned, glanced at Duanmuzhe, and at the same time immediately realized, he secretly praised in his heart, there is a future!

"Cough, that's right. This is the secret technique of the Mountain God Sect and me. I will teach you all of this secret technique as long as Longyou is settled down, and you will know that there is nothing better than milk tea in this world. .”

When the elders of Qiang Hu heard that Feng Langjun invited them to drink tea, they felt that Feng Langjun was really a bold person.

Hearing that Feng Langjun would teach them the secret arts of the mountain gods, he immediately felt that Feng Langjun was the best person in the world.

Milk tea Milk tea, as soon as you hear it, you know that it is a soup made of milk and tea. Isn't this something specially produced for their tribe?

"Also, this tea is actually something that only the big man has. Before Longyou was not in the hands of the big man, so the tea came in less. Now that the big man has pacified Longyou, there will definitely be much more tea than before."

"Thank you Feng Langjun, thank you Feng Langjun!"

The faces of all the princes were filled with uncontrollable excitement.

"Everyone, this way please, I'll go and tell the people below to prepare the tea soup."

Feng Yong said with a smile.

Tea is so good. For nomads, it is better to live without food for three days than to live without tea for one day.

Milk tea is even better, the two are simply a perfect match.

Feng Yong believed that as long as they drank such a good thing as milk tea, they would absolutely never be able to live without it.

Good stuff, absolutely good stuff.

Thinking of the tea garden at home, the tea garden of Li's family, and the wild tea in Nanzhong, Feng Yong almost couldn't help laughing.

The key is... Do you know how to fry tea?

I will!

Can you make tea bricks?

I will too!

Seeing the Qiang and Hu lords hugging Feng Yong and leaving happily, Zhang Bao, Jiang Wei and others were dumbfounded.

Jiang Wei almost said: "This clever talk is so flattering to Mr. Feng Lang, but his tongue is so powerful?"

Just a few words can make all the Qiang and Hu Junzhang willingly support him. When did the Hu people become so talkative?

Jiang Wei felt that the three views were broken.

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