Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 608: After the War

Feng Yong brought a lot of tea in the army.

The reason is that dry food 2.0, that is, the kind of dry food mixed with flour and soybean powder fried with oil, the vitamins in it have been destroyed in a large amount, so extra supplements are required.

Otherwise, if you eat this kind of dry food for a long time, all parts of your body will appear dry and cracked to varying degrees.

Especially the people in the dark night camp, who often go out to perform tasks, need tea supplements the most.

As for other ordinary soldiers, if they eat too much dry food and need vitamin supplements, they can only go up the mountain to pick pine needles and boil water to drink, which can also solve this problem.

After all, the output of tea is not very large, so we can only focus on the elite first.

Drinking tea at night is not conducive to sleep, but it can't hold back the enthusiasm of the Qiang and Hu princes. They even killed cattle and sheep, set up bonfires, and danced and danced.

The whole lamb was roasted until it was golden and crispy. From time to time, fat dripped onto the fire, causing the fire to sizzle.

The sharp knife sliced ​​through the roasted lamb, skilfully cut off the whitest and fattest mutton fat from the tail of the lamb, divided it into many portions, and held the largest portion in front of Feng Yong.

Feng Yong had spent so many years in the Northwest in his previous life, so he naturally knew the rules.

For the barbarians, this thing is the fattest thing, and only the most noble people can enjoy it.

He took a deep breath, took it, closed his eyes, and swallowed it into his mouth in one gulp, not daring to chew at all, and swallowed it directly.

Everyone cheered loudly when they saw Feng Yong accepted the fat and white mutton fat, and the rest of the mutton fat was distributed to other people.

Zhang Bao, who was sitting next to Feng Yong, smacked his mouth, not wanting to finish it. Seeing Feng Yong's appearance of eating shit, he said with regret, "You don't know how to taste this high-quality delicacy. It's really a waste of money."

Feng Yong was not in the mood to bother him, so he turned his head and ordered, "Pour me a bowl of tea."

After drinking a large bowl of tea in one breath, I suppressed the nausea in my stomach - it proved that tea does have an immediate effect on relieving boredom.

Seeing the golden lamb thigh being cut off and then sprinkled with salt, Feng Yong's eyes were straightened, he swallowed, and secretly winked at Liu Hun who was sitting at the end.

After a while, a voice behind Feng Yong asked quietly, "What is the general's order?"

"Get me more from the burnt part, don't want fat."

For Feng Yong, the most delicious part of the roasted whole lamb is the part that is roasted until it is browned and browned, and it tastes delicious in one bite, the best thing to eat.


After receiving the order, Liu Hun entered the arena, took the knife from the sheep cutter, took a knife blade, and cut it down with one knife.

Before everyone could see clearly how his hands were moving, the flesh and blood of a sheep was torn apart.

Then it seemed that after a few random chops, the mutton was cut, sprinkled with salt, and divided into pieces, all in one go.

The movement was smooth and pleasing to the eye, which attracted another burst of applause from the crowd.

It was still Feng Yong who shared a share first. He poked the meat in the pot secretly, and saw that there were really only small pieces of lean meat under the golden sheepskin.

Feng Tubie swallowed, picked it up and stuffed it into his mouth.

fragrant! It smells so good!

It had been a long time since he had eaten such a delicious meal of meat, and Feng Yong's appetite was whetted.

After winning the battle, someone sent money to his door again. Feng Yong finally felt a little better. After eating, he fell asleep in the tent and died.

Already physically and mentally exhausted, and forced to eat and drink with those Qianghu princes for most of the night, even drinking tea couldn't stop the waves of tiredness.

He didn't bother to open his eyes when he felt someone lift the curtain to enter and leave his camp.

He didn't know how long he slept in a dizzy state. When he woke up, he walked out of the tent and saw the red sun on the top of the mountain sprinkling gold onto the earth.

A gust of refreshing cool wind blew, Feng Yong took a deep breath of the fresh air, his spirits lifted, he shook his head, and asked the guard standing at the entrance of the tent, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Back to the general, I slept for fourteen hours."

That is twenty-eight hours?

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, and eating a bowl of porridge to warm his stomach, Zhang Ni came in holding a large booklet when he got the news, "General, the results of the casualties of our troops in this battle have been released."

Feng Yong's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he reached out to take the booklet, "How many casualties in total?"

"One thousand four hundred and sixty-one people were killed, two thousand three hundred and eighty-seven were injured, and nine hundred and seventy of the wounded were unable to fight again."

Zhang Ni's expression was a little ugly.

Feng Yongqiang lowered his head calmly to open the booklet and asked, "Where are the Nanxiang soldiers?"

"Seven hundred and forty soldiers in Nanxiang were killed, five hundred and forty-one were injured, and three hundred and thirty of them were unable to return to battle."

When Feng Yong heard this, his hands trembled.

These 1,500 Nanxiang soldiers lived up to their expectations.

After Zhang Yun broke through the defense line again and again, they, as the backbone of the grassroots, took the lead in rushing up again and again, plugging the gap with their lives, so the casualties were the heaviest.

"Where's the Modao team?"

"Four hundred and seventy people were killed, three hundred and ten were injured, and ninety-eight of them were unable to fight again."

In other words, less than one-third of the Modao team could stand at the end?

If it is said that the Nanxiang soldiers are his most trusted soldiers, then the Modao team is the strategic force he relies on most.

At the same time, Nanxiang soldiers accounted for the largest proportion in the Modao team.

According to Feng Yong's plan, if he really confronted the enemy in the wild, he would be the superficial commander, Wang Ping would be the actual commander, and the Modao team led by Zhang Yi would be the main strategic force.

If it is to defend the city, then Wang Ping can lead an army alone, and Zhang Ni can assist him, and the two will form a corner to echo each other.

Even if Zhang Xi came, as long as he used the Modao team unexpectedly, there would be a high probability of defeating the opponent.

But the plan is not as fast as the change, because of the crisis in Jieting, the perfect combination Feng Yong imagined had to be separated abruptly.

When facing Zhang Xi, he would rather grit his teeth and fight on his own, rather than call Zhang Ni out of the Modao team to assist him in commanding the entire army, just to let the Modao team maintain the most complete combat effectiveness.

The Modao team was brought out by Zhang Yi. If it suddenly lost its most trusted commander before the battle, its combat effectiveness may be greatly reduced.

No one can guarantee whether the Modao team without Zhang Yi will be invincible in the face of Zhang Xi's elite soldiers.

So Feng Yong was forced to adopt Sun Bin's old wisdom of Tian Ji's horse racing.

As long as he, a low-ranking horse, doesn't deliberately give away his head, then the Modao team led by the former army Zhang Yi can form a huge local advantage.

If Zhang Ni is transferred to command the whole army, it is not only a question of whether the Modao team can put huge pressure on Cao Jun, but Zhang Ni has only quelled a few chaos in Yueyi now, far from reaching his historical height .

Zhang Ni, who was in the growth stage, might not be able to get the benefits of Zhang He, who was in the peak stage of the famous general.

At that time, the situation will only become unfavorable, and the whole army will collapse.

But now, although Zhang He was barely defeated, his commander's command was too mediocre, which also caused great casualties of soldiers.

Looking at the cold numbers on the brochure, Feng Yong's heart was pierced.

Compared with the huge casualties and losses, the war horses captured after the war no longer aroused his interest.

With Longyou and Qianghu's support, are you afraid that there will be no war horses?

Today's Longyou is not the vegetation desert of later generations.

Many rivers such as Changlichuan and Qingshui flow into Weishui, which not only makes Longyou forests like a sea, but also has lush aquatic plants, making it a natural fine pasture.

It was here that the ancestors of the Qin people who swallowed up the six kingdoms and united them as one, grazed and prospered war horses for the emperor of Zhou, and then gradually crossed the Longshan Mountains, annexed Guanzhong step by step, and looked down on all the heroes.

So Longyou is a rich and treasured land for war horses.

Feng Yong sighed, closed the booklet, got up and said, "Follow me to the wounded barracks."

In ancient wars, the reason why injuries and deaths were compared together was because a soldier who was injured had already stepped into the gate of hell with one foot.

Under normal circumstances, there are far more people who died of injuries than those who died in battle.

There is no other reason, the medical conditions are backward, the wound infection rate is extremely high, and they often die in the end.

The medical condition of Feng Yongjun is a little bit better.

At least Feng Yong knows the concept of disinfection.

But in Feng Yong's mind, it is probably only a little bit better.

Because he can't figure out the fetish of penicillin now.

"If I go to study biology, is there any use in studying real estate?"

Seeing the soldiers in the wounded battalion lying there moaning in pain, Feng Yong kept muttering.

All the medical workers and medical officers were busy in white robes.

In the corner of the camp, surrounded by cloth curtains, it became a simple operating room.

The boiled water mixed with a small amount of lime began to wash the wound-this can stop the bleeding as soon as possible.

The wounded biting the towel was sweating profusely on his forehead, his eyes were wide open, and his whole body was trembling.

"Hold it, you must hold it back, if you want to survive, hold it back!"

The medical worker ordered, and kept his hands on, and poured the dried disinfectant soup onto the wound.

The sterilized medicinal soup got its formula from Wu Ming, a knife in Nanxiang.

At this time, the castration industry in Nanxiang was very mature, and the death rate of poultry and livestock after castration had dropped to a tolerable level.

In Feng Yong's view, since this medicinal soup can sterilize the wounds of pigs and chickens, it might also be effective when used on humans.

This wounded man should have cleaned his wound and changed his dressing for the second time, and there were still a lot of blood-stained linen beside him.

The medical worker carefully looked at the wound and found that there was no abnormal redness, swelling or infection. Then he took out a piece of brown substance, dissolved it in water, mixed it well, and then carefully applied the ointment to the wound.

After this smearing, it took a while for the wounded to relax his whole body.

"Don't look!"

The medical worker ordered to the wounded.

Then I washed my hands in the antiseptic soup, took out the suture needle and thread, and started to sew.

Suturing can promote wound healing the fastest, but this first involves the ideological acceptance of soldiers.

More important is the availability of narcotics.

That small piece of brown stuff is actually toad venom, which has a strong local anesthetic effect.

But for now, its supply is not too much - because the formation time of its source industry chain is too short.

It is not a simple matter to transplant the suture technique extracted from Wu Yidao's castration technique to human wound suture.

It needs to be improved, and it also needs to be improved when it comes to the method of disinfection when suturing, the needle and thread of suturing, etc.

The most important thing is anesthesia.

The cooking of Mafeisan is too troublesome, even if there is enough time, it can only be supplied to a few people.

What is needed on the battlefield is an anesthetic that can take effect quickly, is easy to store, and can be taken out at any time.

After listening to Feng Yong's request, Fan A proposed the medicinal material of Toad Su.

Maggots are a good thing. They can be used to raise chickens and ducks, and they can also be used to raise toads.

But the industry of raising toads only started to be supported after the emergence of sewing technology. It only took a little more than a year, and there was no enough toads produced.

So this time, anesthesia can only be supplied to soldiers above ten-year-old.

Because these soldiers are basically from Nanxiang. After experiencing the baptism of various demons and ghosts in Nanxiang, they have a strong psychological acceptance of medical workers who are also from Nanxiang. .

At the same time, these soldiers are also Feng Yong's heart and soul. Every Nanxiang soldier who can survive this battle and go to the battlefield again is the most precious officer seed.

Toad Su's anesthesia took a long time, the wound was sutured, and the wounded did not have any overreaction.

Feng Yong quietly put down the curtain and walked towards the wounded soldiers who did not have better medical conditions.

There are no flies and mosquitoes, and there is no random littering of medical waste, so the camp looks clean.

Every time Feng Yong passed a wounded soldier, he had to bend down to see where their wounds were.

At the same time, either whisper a word of comfort, or pat a certain position on their body to show comfort.

Everywhere he went, the moaning sound would involuntarily decrease.

"Call out if it hurts, don't be shy, don't hold back, it will make you feel better."

Feng Yong said to them, "When I went to Nanzhong the year before last, my arm was also injured. At that time, it hurt me so much that I screamed all night and all night, even tears flowed out, so here I am, is it painful? Shame."

When the wounded soldiers around heard this, they couldn't help but relax, and laughter erupted in the camp.

This is a winning team, so despite the groans, there is at least a sense of optimism throughout the camp.

The more Feng Yong walked back, the stronger the love and affection in the wounded soldier's eyes, and the more guilty he felt.

"It seems that I am not suitable to be the commander-in-chief of an army, and my heart is not hard enough."

Feng Yong came out of the wounded barracks, sniffed at the sky, and said something to Zhang Ni.

"If there is an enemy coming at this time, the wounded soldiers inside will take up their weapons and charge without the general's order. This is all because of the general's inspiration."

"This is because the general can make the soldiers agree with the superior, so he can die with him and live with him. He is not afraid of danger. This is the way of a general. Why do you say that he is not suitable to be a commander of an army?"

Seeing Feng Yong's appearance, Zhang Ni frowned and retorted loudly.

"If I could have commanded better at that time, the soldiers would not have suffered so many casualties."

Feng Yong smiled wryly.

"Those who lead the army to charge before the formation have their own generals and others. Those who are lacking in generals just need to practice less military formations. As long as they read more military books and practice more military formations in the future, they will succeed."

"Is there anyone in the world who doesn't learn and masters his own army? If the general is so depressed, if he loses his vigor and courage, and leads the army to fight against the enemy in the future, and binds his own hands and feet, it will harm the soldiers!"

Zhang Ni became more and more angry, "The general first entered the battle, and took such dangerous places as Longguan lightly. Could it be that the general didn't hear the cheers of the soldiers at the top of Longguan?"

"At that time, they all thought that they had to use their lives to push open the gate of Longguan before they could capture Longguan. They didn't expect that no one was hurt in the end. This is the general's virtue of preservation."

"The general then led them to defeat such famous generals as Zhang Yun and made great achievements. Isn't that enough?"

"On the other hand, Ma Di, who claimed to be well-versed in military literature, lost first to Lueyang and then to Zhang He, which almost caused Jieting to fall, and almost destroyed the Northern Expedition. Tens of thousands of soldiers were driven back and forth like pigs, which was unbearable. "

"Compared with the soldiers led by Ma Di, you can ask the soldiers behind you, do they consider themselves lucky to be able to follow the general?"

Feng Yong turned around, only to see that at some time, many soldiers from the Wounded Battalion who could walk came out, looking at him silently, although he didn't speak, but he was determined.

Feng Yong's throat was blocked, and his eyes were hot.

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