Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 609 Lynching

After leaving the wounded barracks, Feng Yong came to the Chinese army's commander's camp. Inside, only Zhang Bao was comparing the map and the sand table, thinking about something.

Seeing Feng Yong coming, he nodded to him, "Have you recovered?"

Feng Yong walked over, glanced at the sand table, sat down, and asked, "What's the current situation in Longyou? I've been on the mountain a few days ago, so the news is not very clear."

"The Prime Minister led people to act secretly, because he was afraid of leaking the news, so he covered up the movement of the army, and only said that Longyou was fine, and asked me to guard Longguan."

When Feng Yong said this, he still had a look of fear on his face, "At that time, I thought that the overall situation in Longyou was really settled, and I didn't expect such a mistake to happen. If it weren't for General Liu, the plan for the Northern Expedition would have been ruined. once."

Zhang Bao nodded, with a look of rejoicing on his face, "It's really lucky this time, and I'm lucky to have you."

Feng Yong frowned, "So, the thief Cao broke through Lueyang this time, did it ever affect the situation in Longyou?"

"Don't worry." Zhang Bao shook his head, "Cao's thief wanted to go to Chen Cang Road to cut off the back of the Northern Expeditionary Army. The Prime Minister had already expected it. This time they were almost wiped out in Wudu."

"If it wasn't for the traitor Cao who left more than 10,000 people behind, I'm afraid a horse would not be able to return to Guanzhong. When I set off from Jicheng, the prime minister had already returned to Longyou from Wudu and passed Xixian County. I think he was already in Jicheng at this time. gone."

"Then what about the Cao bandits from Shangyu, Longxi, and Liangzhou?"

"Shangyu has been broken. At this time, General Wu should have arrived at Linwei City. The Cao bandit in Liangzhou heard that Jicheng was prepared, and turned to Longxi. General Wei retreated to Nan'an's Bindao City, and confronted Cao bandit."

Feng Yong looked at the map, "This Liangzhou thief Cao is very knowledgeable."

"How to say?"

"When they go to Longxi, firstly, they can help guard Longxi County, and secondly, if there is any disagreement, they can also withdraw from Xiangwu City to Liangzhou via Didao."

Zhang Baowei glanced at Feng Yong with some surprise, "I didn't expect you to be able to see it at a glance."

I don't know how to command in front of the battle, don't I know how to talk about military affairs on paper?

Feng Yong didn't pick up the topic, and asked again, "Then what's the next step? Has the Prime Minister received a military order?"

"An Guo may arrive in two or three days. At that time, he should bring the prime minister's military order, and wait for a few days with peace of mind."

This time it was Feng Yong's turn to be surprised, "Brother is coming too?"

"Yeah, when you were sleeping, Anguo sent a fast horse to pass the news, saying that the prime minister had not yet arrived in Jicheng, and he had sent an order to lead the army."

Feng Yong was suddenly a little puzzled, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao were used to guard the mere street pavilion?

His gaze subconsciously fell on the sand table, and he saw small flags were planted at the upper street pavilion, Qingshui, and even Linwei, and he blurted out, "The Prime Minister is planning to enter Qingshui from the street pavilion?"

Zhang Bao gave a thumbs up and said appreciatively, "Your vision is really amazing!"

Wu Yi runs from west to east, and Guan Xing and Zhang Bao run from north to south, converging at Linwei.

After clearing away the nail in Guangwei County, all the passages from Guanzhong to Longyou will be in the hands of the big man. Without reinforcements in Longxi, they can only surrender without fighting.

If the Liangzhou people don't want to be left in Longyou, they can only go back and forth obediently, otherwise, the big man doesn't mind going down to Liangzhou with a drum.

"What about Lueyang? Who is guarding Lueyang?"

Feng Yong mentioned the place that was broken first.

"Jufu. Others are saying that you can know people. It seems that there is such a thing. The prime minister originally asked that Gufu to help Xiang Changshi guard the city of Ji. I got the order of the prime minister and rushed back to Jicheng day and night. I found that he really has a way of leading the army."

"Plus the news from Jieting that he has repeatedly called for battle. I think he is your man, so I brought him out. This time to recapture Lueyang, he is the first to attack the city."

"I think he is quite courageous, so I let him be stationed in Lueyang." Zhang Bao looked at Feng Yong, "What do you think?"

"If Ju Fu had been allowed to defend Lueyang from the very beginning, Zhang Yun would have no chance to cross Longshan Mountain."

Feng Yong said without hesitation.

It's just a pity that Ju Fu's qualifications are still too shallow.

"Since you say so, then I didn't use the wrong person."

Zhang Bao nodded.

"Now that Jieting has Zhang's elder brother, I will lead the army back to Longguan. Those wounded soldiers, I will send them back to Jicheng..."

After Feng Yong learned about the situation in Longyou, the old monster Zhuge returned to Jicheng to sit in the town himself. It seemed that the overall situation had really been settled. He was the general of Longguan, so he should go back first.

But before he finished speaking, Zhang Bao hurriedly stopped him, "You have so many generals under your command, just choose one of them to lead the army back to Longguan."

"As for the wounded soldiers, I've already made arrangements. You don't have to worry about sending someone to lead the wounded soldiers in your battalion away. All you have to do now is to stay here for a few more days."


Feng Yong asked strangely.

"If your people go back to Longguan, the available soldiers in Jieting are basically the two thousand cavalry and those Qiang Hus I brought over."

"Those Qiang Hus only recognize you now. If you are not here, how can they help guard the street pavilion with peace of mind? They roasted so much mutton for you the night before, and you can't even stay with them for a few more days?"

The person who said this had something to say, but the person who listened to it was thinking too much.

The corners of Feng Tubie's mouth twitched, but he was unable to complain, "Stay a few more days, stay a few more days, what do you mean by spending more time with them? It sounds weird..."

"I don't need you to do anything. If you have nothing to do, go talk to them a few more times. It's better than anything else."

Zhang Bao didn't feel that what he said was wrong.

"That's okay." Feng Yong had no choice but to nod, and then asked casually, "Since the elder brother of the Zhang family has gathered the rout soldiers, have you found Ma Di?"

"How could it not be found? I specially sent someone to look for it."

Zhang Bao had a look of anger on his face, "Even if Lueyang City is lost, as long as the Jieting can be defended, it will not be so embarrassing. Improper action, really a piece of trash!"

"So I sent someone to find him in the rout, and locked him up, and planned to send him to Jicheng with the wounded soldiers for the prime minister to deal with."

When Feng Yong heard Zhang Bao talking about this, he thought of the wounded soldier camp, and felt a little angry in his heart at the moment, nodded and said, "I want to go and see him."

"What's so interesting? After this incident, even if he doesn't die, he will probably be reduced to a commoner, exiled to the border areas, and will never be used again."

Zhang Bao said in disgust, "You have made great achievements, so you should avoid messing with those people, it's bad luck!"

"It's just that I want to ask him something."

"I'll send someone to take you there later."

"Thank you brother."

As Zhuge Liang's most important disciple, if Ma Su is really a waste as Zhang Bao said, that would be a lie.

After all, during the past few years when he was the prefect of Hanzhong, Hanzhong was able to recover so quickly, and he also had credit.

Improve water conservancy, encourage reclamation, and even personally come forward to reach an agreement with the ranch to lease cattle in the name of the government, and then lend them to farmers. This measure has benefited many Hanzhong people.

In addition, the food was stored early to prepare for the Northern Expedition, which is considered to have won the heart of Zhuge Old Demon.

Hearing that Zhang Yun was attacking Lueyang, he decided to send troops, which is actually not wrong - if Li Sheng can guard Lueyang closely, and Ma Su himself can command properly, there may not be no chance of defeating Zhang He.

His mistake is that he doesn't know people, and he doesn't know himself.

He looked up to Li Sheng, and he also looked up to himself.

The eyes are high and the hands are low, but this is the case.

One earthen wall, three wooden fences, and a hay cot paved with withered grass and leaves inside, and nothing else. This is Zhang Bao's specially designated cell for Ma Di.

As soon as Feng Yonggang entered, a musty and rotten smell hit his nostrils, making him cover his nose involuntarily.

Ma Su, who smelled sour all over, walked forward with his hair on his feet. When he heard someone coming in, he raised his head and looked at it, but turned his head hastily and raised his sleeves, not daring to face Feng Yong.

Although it was only an instant for Ma Su to raise his head, it was enough for Feng Yong to see his face clearly.

There is no longer the elegant elegance of the past, nor the self-confidence and pride of the past.

There is only the filth and shame on the face.

Looking at his appearance, Feng Yong couldn't help sighing.

"General Ma, if you were able to be your prefect in Hanzhong well, how did you end up in such a situation?"

Ma Su raised his sleeves higher, buried his head lower, and remained silent.

"I met General Ma for the first time, probably in the first year of Jianxing, right? Five years passed in the blink of an eye."

Feng Yong didn't force Ma Di either, he just sat across from him and said slowly, "General, do you remember that time, what was your evaluation of me?"

Ma Su, who was hiding behind his sleeve, moved his lips, but finally remained speechless.

"You called me Feng Dianzi at the time. Later, I made Quyuanli and Ba Niuli, and you apologized for it. At that time, I really thought you had a good heart."

"When I went to Nanxiang, you became the prefect of Hanzhong again, and you came to visit me several times. Nanxiang can be what it is today, in fact, it is inseparable from General Ma's special care and love. For this, Yong is very grateful .”

There was regret in Feng Yong's eyes, "General Ma has achieved quite a lot in governing Hanzhong, so in Yong's view, if the general can guard one side with peace of mind, he may not be able to step into the court and become an important minister in the future."

"However, the general has great ambitions for the army, and Yong is not qualified to say anything about it. But soldiers, important affairs of the country, must be investigated. There is something that Yong can't understand, and he wants to ask General Ma for advice."

"Since Liu Yin is the deputy general of the army, since the prime minister asked General Ma to divide his troops to guard Lueyang, Liu Yin should be the first choice. Why did the general abandon it?"

The purpose of Feng Yong's visit today is to know exactly what Ma Di was thinking in the first place, so that he could make those stupid operations.

Ma Di was silent for a long time, then put down his sleeves, but still lowered his head, looked at the ground, and finally said the first sentence, his voice was extremely hoarse, "General Feng thinks it is okay to order multiple orders from the army?"

"Of course not."

"However, Liu Yin first refused to agree to station troops on the mountain, and insisted on leading the army to camp in the city. Then he reported it to the prime minister in private. Not only was the prime minister reprimanded me, but even 30% of the troops in my hand were taken away."

"General Feng, I know that he has an extraordinary relationship with you. He is here today because he was recommended by you. , will you feel at ease? Will you turn a blind eye to such things?"

Ma Di finally raised his head to look at Feng Yong, but saw his eyes dimmed, "I didn't take the opportunity to trouble him, but just snubbed him, isn't it too much?"

Feng Yong was stunned, at first he only cared about keeping the rear safe, but he never thought of intervening rashly in the affairs of the army led by others, it was a taboo.

Ma Di misunderstood Liu Yin and did not say anything, and at the same time laid a hidden danger for Lueyang's fall.

I just remembered that in history, Ma Di refused to listen to Wang Ping's dissuasion. If I asked Zhao Guang to tell him, I'm afraid he would not listen to it either-so this matter had to be resolved by suing the prime minister in the end.

What Feng Yong missed was that he didn't communicate with Ma Su in advance, and if he didn't listen to his opinion, he would report to the prime minister.

It's just that such things that are related to one's own life and death, and on the battlefield, how can one have the time and mood to go through these procedures?

Thinking of this, Feng Tubie coughed dryly, "There must be a reason for Liu Yin to persuade you to camp at the foot of the mountain, right? I also stayed in that Jieting. Although Jieting Nanshan has a favorable location, there is no water source on the mountain."

"If the Cao bandits besiege and don't attack, and your water source is cut off for two days, I'm afraid the army will collapse without a fight. Haven't you thought about it?"

People who don't drink water will die for three days, so no one is so stupid as to wait three days to die on the mountain. As long as they can't break through the enemy with no water at the bottom of the mountain within two days, the army will definitely be defeated by themselves, and there is no need to wait until the third day.

Ma Di opened his mouth, then bowed his head and remained silent.

"Don't be unconvinced." Feng Yong didn't intend to let him go like this. "Before the thief arrives, everyone thinks that they can retreat from the thief. But you are also the one who leads the army and confronts the thief."

"Ask yourself, are you really sure that you will come down from the top and defeat the bandit army led by Zhang Yun?"

As he spoke, he swept the ground with his hand, then searched around, found a small stone, and drew a box at random, "This is the street pavilion."

Then drew another triangle, "This is Nanshan."

Draw another thick line, "This is the river flowing at the foot of Nanshan Mountain."

What Ma Di relied on was only to imagine that the Cao bandits would rush to attack the mountain in order to get through the street pavilion as soon as possible, but he didn't think that the other party would besiege and not attack.

As long as you encircle and don't attack, and then cut off your water source, what's the use of being a top down? If you rush down from the mountain, as long as you give up a large piece of open space, your momentum will be gone long ago, and your physical energy will be wasted in vain.

At that time, the cavalry charged head-on again, not to mention breaking through the enemy's encirclement, I was afraid that they would have to be recoiled back to the mountain.

After Feng Yong finished his analysis, he asked, "Does General Ma think so?"

Ma Di only felt that his face was hot and hot, and he was ashamed and angry.

Feng Yong let out a breath and said, "Am I right? Actually, I told the prime minister about your camp on the mountain, and it has nothing to do with Liu Yin."

Ma Di looked up in surprise, feeling that something was wrong, but Feng Yong didn't give him a chance to speak, and continued, "But no matter what, what you did in the Lueyang Street Pavilion incident caused countless casualties and injuries to soldiers, this is indisputable." fact."

"I don't know how the prime minister will deal with you in the future. Although it is fate for soldiers to die in battle. But you let my soldiers sacrifice so much in vain, and my thoughts are always unclear."

If you can’t understand your thoughts, you have to find ways to understand them.

Feng Yong stood up, grabbed Ma Su by the collar with one hand, lifted him up, punched him in the stomach, and gritted his teeth, "Please let me understand once!"

Ma Di snorted and bowed his waist.

Feng Yong hit him hard again with his knee, knocking him directly into the wall, "I didn't think carefully about telling the prime minister that you camped on the mountain, so I will give you two less punches. But the rest, you have to ask for it." Compensate me."

"I'll let you read military books!"


"I will let you know the art of war!"


"Isn't it good to govern Hanzhong well?"

Fist to the flesh, feet with wind.

"You have to follow me to add to the chaos!"


To do a PY transaction, there is a book called "I Can Wear into Wenyu Documents", anyone who is interested can go and read it, daily fast wear, it should be ok, Sanjiang is being prepared.

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