Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 610: Ending

Feng Langjun was furious, and the news of beating Ma Di in the cell soon reached Zhang Bao's ears.

Zhang Bao was taken aback, and hurried to the cell with his men, only to see a few soldiers guarding the cell blocking the door, quietly looking inside.

Zhang Bao was twitching wildly when he stepped forward, and at the same time cursed loudly, "What are you looking at? Why don't you just stay where you are and run around, slapping?"

The soldiers at the gate scattered in fright.

Zhang Bao didn't stop on his feet, and rushed straight into the cell.

I saw Feng Yongzheng beating Ma Su violently as if going crazy, swearing continuously.

"Does Zhao Kuo know? At least he dares to personally lead elite soldiers to break through the siege and die in battle. You are not even as good as Zhao Kuo, and you dare to talk about military strategy!"

"Feng Mingwen, what are you doing? Stop!"

Seeing the situation, Zhang Bao quickly stopped him.

Feng Yong seemed to have never heard of it, he kept his hands and feet, and was still yelling and cursing:

"Zhang He is a famous general, do you understand? Fortified strongholds, fighting dull battles, and using strength to overcome cleverness, that's called fighting!"

"How can there be so many ingenious schemes? How can so many feather fans and scarves be wiped out in a chat and laugh?"


"While talking and laughing, the feather fan and the scarf were wiped out?"

Zhang Bao was about to step forward to grab Feng Yong, but when he heard this, he paused, thinking to himself that this kid is also strange, he can still speak good sentences when beating someone.

He was still thinking about what the next sentence would be, but Feng Yong cursed again, "You can't beat the little prisoner, you can't beat the big prisoner, you can't beat the strong prisoner, you will be wiped out..."

Hearing these words, Zhang Bao frowned and grinned for a while, what is this all about?

That is to say, after hesitating for a while, Ma Di received two more punches and three kicks.

"Okay, okay, stop now!"

Now only Zhang Bao dared to step forward and hold Feng Yong in Jieting.

Feng Yong reckoned that he was also tired from the beating, and after being pulled by Zhang Bao, he panted and sat down on the ground.

Zhang Bao saw Ma Di curled up into a ball and fell silent in the corner, and his heart skipped a beat, "Isn't this because he was beaten to death?"

He hurriedly stepped forward to turn Ma Su over and saw that his eyes were so swollen that he couldn't open his eyes, the corners of his eyes and mouth were cracked, his nose was still bleeding, and his face was completely swollen, like a Big pig head.

Fortunately, the chest was still heaving, and the air was coming in normally, so Zhang Bao breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered, "Quickly send the medical staff over here to have a look!"

He turned his head to look at Feng Yong who was sitting on the ground, walked over immediately, picked up Feng Yong and left.

"Brother Zhang... Take it easy, take it easy, I'm out of breath!"

Feng Yong was not exhausted, he was almost pinched to death, "I'm not an enemy general, don't use this kind of capture method..."

It's just that Zhang Bao's martial arts can't be compared with Feng Tubie's flamboyant fists and embroidered legs?

Feng Yong is also considered tall, but Zhang Bao's arm is like cast iron, which is holding him firmly, making him unable to struggle.

Zhang Bao rushed all the way, returned to the camp, threw Feng Yong to the ground, pointed at him angrily and cursed, "If you are really an enemy general, then I don't have to worry! There is such an emotional enemy general like you , I don’t know how much trouble has been saved!”

"I told you that Ma Di is a good-for-nothing. He got bad luck, why did you beat him? You are the most successful in the Northern Expedition. You just wait for the court's reward and it's over?"

"Prime Minister is the most important law. Now that you have come here like this, maybe a great achievement will become a small achievement. Let's see who you will cry to when the time comes?"

Feng Yong coughed a few times, slapped his nose with his hand, and muttered, "You haven't bathed for a few days? Why is the body odor so heavy?"

"What did you say?"

Zhang Bao didn't hear clearly.

"I said it's fine if I'm happy, the big deal is to fight Liangzhou, and make another meritorious service when you fight Guanzhong. What are you afraid of?"

Feng Yong raised his voice and said.

After slapping the horse, he let out a bad breath, refreshed, and finally felt a little happier.

Credit? Is the credit I have made in recent years too small?

Zhang Bao was so choked that he rolled his eyes on the spot.

"Whatever you look at, go out!"

Zhang Bao couldn't say no to Feng Yong, so he took his anger out on the soldiers under his command and drove them all out.

When there was no one in the camp, he turned around, looked around Feng Yong twice, and then sat down opposite.

I saw that his originally tense face finally relaxed, changed his expression, and said with a sigh, "You are so reckless, are you really not afraid that the prime minister will punish you?"

"The prime minister will punish me in the future. Now I feel aggrieved, uncomfortable, uncomfortable, can't eat, sleep well, if I don't beat him, this anger will not go well."

Feng Yongman said nonchalantly, "Besides, what can the prime minister punish me for? No matter how serious the crime is, it can't be as serious as Ma Su, right? Beating up colleagues in private, at worst, can be fined with military sticks. I just went back to the rear to recuperate."

Hearing Feng Yong's words, Zhang Bao's eyes became a little suspicious: This kid is not a reckless person, and now he suddenly comes out like this, it always makes people feel a little weird.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Bao couldn't think of the reason.

Although Zhang Bao is the commander of the first army, Feng Yong is also the commander of the first army. Before the arrival of Zhuge Liang's military order, there was no mutual restraint relationship between the two.

So he could only say to Feng Yong, "Where is Yu Gong, you used lynching in the army, and you beat a general again..."

"He's a fucking general!"

Feng Yong grunted.

"Before the prime minister revoked his general number, he was still a general!"

Zhang Bao glared at Feng Yong, "So not only do I want to stop you from doing this again, but I also have to ask the military commander to report the matter to the prime minister, otherwise, what is the military law and discipline?"

He sighed again, "It's just selfish, An Guo asked me to watch you more before I set off, and Sanniang also wrote to me earlier, giving me a chance to take care of you, even Siniang... ..."

Feng Yong was about to grin when he heard Zhang Bao's turning point, but when he heard the word "Si Niang", he felt a little inexplicably guilty.

He was not afraid of beating Ma Su, but when Zhang Bao mentioned Siniang, his eyes began to wander.

Zhang Bao himself almost slipped his mouth, and he was only trying to cover up his slip of the tongue, but he didn't notice Feng Yong's face, and said to himself, "Well, no matter what, you always want to call me brother, I also Let me tell you what's on my mind."

"Leading the army all the way here, I don't know how many times I have thought about killing Ma Di, but I just dare to think about it. I just saw Ma Di's appearance, but I don't know how happy I am."

Speaking of this, Zhang Bao actually gave a thumbs up, "Not only I am happy, I am afraid that those soldiers under your command, as well as the soldiers stationed at the street pavilion, will be even happier when they hear such things."

"After this incident, your military achievements may be reduced, but you can win the hearts of soldiers. I don't know if you have gained or lost."

It must be a loss to switch to someone else.

First of all, since the prime minister respects the law, he naturally doesn't like people who are lawless, and secondly, not everyone has the capital not to take this credit seriously.

But put it on this kid...

Thinking of this, Zhang Bao got up and patted Feng Yong's shoulder, and said helplessly, "Forget it, you can do it yourself."

In order to prevent similar things from happening again, Zhang Bao sent people to escort the wounded and defeated soldiers back to Jicheng overnight, while Ma Di and other defeated generals accompanied him.

A few days later, Guan Xing led the army to arrive.

Immediately scolded Feng Yong, and at the same time conveyed to Feng Yong the military order of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty: Wang Ping was the guard of Longguan, and Feng Yong was ordered to return to Jicheng immediately.

"The prime minister is fair. If there is any punishment for you, even if you are a little wronged, you have to grit your teeth and bear it. After all, you violated military discipline first."

"After the punishment, the credit that should be given to you will naturally be given to you. You won't erase such a big credit just because of such a small matter. It's just that you should think twice before doing things in the future, understand?"

Before Guan Xing sent Feng Yong away, he said half helplessly and half admonishingly.


Feng Yong nodded.

Zhang Bao looked at Liu Hun who was standing beside Feng Yong holding a long gun, smacked his lips, his face was full of regret, "What a good seedling, why would you rather be a long follower than come to me as a schoolboy?" What about Wei?"

At the same time, when he thought of Liu Yin who was sticking to the street pavilion, his heart became more and more depressed.

When Si Niang asked her to recommend Liu Yin, she thought she was young and didn't know she was being deceived, so she refused on the spot and told her not to meddle in other people's business.

Now it looks like it was a big mistake.

Feng Yong was ordered to return to Jicheng, while Guan Xing and Zhang Baobing joined together and began to march towards Qingshui in the south. a foothold.

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