Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 613 Why are you still fighting?

But before he could figure it out, Zhuge Liang asked again, "They sent someone from far away to give you a gift, which is a recognition of your kindness to their tribe's life. Did you return the gift at that time?"

"What gift in return?"

Feng Yong became more and more at a loss.

"Reciprocity is a matter of courtesy!" The prime minister of the Han Dynasty had a look of grief on his face, "Only by reciprocating and reciprocating can we deepen our friendship. People send gifts from thousands of miles away, so don't you show it at all?"

Feng Yong murmured in his heart, why did the prime minister care so much about this wandering Hu tribe?

No matter how slow he reacted, he still figured out some flavors. Could it be that the prime minister already has an idea about Liangzhou?


As soon as Feng Yong uttered a word, he saw the stern gaze of the big Han prime minister.

So he quickly added, "Didn't Erlang be stationed in Ju County at that time? Although I didn't personally return the gift, Erlang asked the envoy to bring back a down jacket."

Zhuge Liang nodded in satisfaction after hearing the words, "Erlang is a man of courtesy after all."


He simply fell in love with those furs, and cut off his beard halfway, because he was guilty of being a thief, so he returned a down jacket to him.

It's fine if you don't mention it, but if you mention it, Feng Yong will curse in his heart.

Thinking of the rare red fox fur coat worn by Huang Wudie, he gritted his teeth in his heart - it should have been worn on his own Xijun.

"Apart from this time, do you have any other news exchanges?"


Feng Yong shook his head.

Bald Tianli is a rare and trustworthy person who can still send someone to send a letter after his tribe has settled down, which is beyond Feng Yong's expectations.

Moreover, from the news sent by the messenger, Feng Yong also knew that their tribe currently had to rely on Cao thief to live in peace.

From the land of Xiqiang to Ju County, the journey is already far away, and in addition to being controlled by the Cao bandits, it is naturally impossible for Tianli with bald hair to keep in touch with himself.

"Why is the prime minister so interested in these old events?"

Seeing the disappointment on Zhuge Liang's face, Feng Yong finally couldn't help asking.

Zhuge Liang sighed slightly, "The Cao bandit reinforcements who came from Xiliang this time, I heard that there are elite cavalry from Xianbei with bald hair, and their troops are brave, so I thought, if you can persuade them to respond to the big man, it will be considered a failure." An arm of Cao thief."

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult."

When Feng Yong heard this, he realized that there was actually a bald-haired army in Liangzhou's reinforcements from the bandits Cao? This is a bit of a coincidence.

But he thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Even the Qianghu in Longyou, they will gather to support the big man only when the big man has gained the upper hand."

"The bald-haired Xianbei, in the land of the Western Qiang, was controlled by the Cao bandits. If the big man can enter Liangzhou now, then I still have some confidence in persuading the bald-haired Tianli to respond to the righteousness. But in the current situation Down, but it is a little difficult."

"After all, their tribe is still in Xiqiang. If they rebelled against the Cao bandits before the battle, the tribesmen who stayed in Xiqiang would be in danger of war. Therefore, in Yongxiang, no matter how grateful I am even if they are bald, He doesn't dare to rebel against Cao Cao now."

Although he has only dealt with Bald Tianli once, from his words and deeds, Feng Yong can see that this person is quite resourceful and has extraordinary ambitions.

Think about his master Tuoba Pigu again, because Tuoba Liwei became the master of the Tuoba tribe because he was not angry, and he did not hesitate to lead his tribe for thousands of miles, so he must be a strong-willed person.

How could it be possible to easily put the tribe in danger because of a few words of his own?

Zhuge nodded, "This statement makes sense."

After pondering for a while, the situation was beyond his control after all, so he had to give up temporarily, and then waved his hand, "Then we will discuss this matter later, and you go down first to get the twenty army sticks."

When Feng Tubie heard this, he was taken aback on the spot, "Prime Minister, why are you still fighting?"

I thought I said so much, you have forgotten it!

"If I don't beat you, how can I understand the law?"

Zhuge Liang had a straight face, but there was no room for accommodation.

"Remember first, won't you be able to commit crimes and make meritorious service in the future?"


Zhuge Liang refused immediately.

Then he sighed again, "Ma Di is seriously ill, and I don't know if he can survive this test. If..."

Having said that, he paused again, but he didn't want to say any more, so he waved his hand again, "Go and find Changshi's leader stick!"

Playing army sticks is also particular.

Some people don't have many army sticks, but if they really want to be beaten with all their strength, even if they only have ten sticks, they can at least break your bones.

But even if some people are hit with twenty or thirty sticks, it can only be a flesh wound.

Feng Yong belongs to the latter category.

"General Feng, please lie down!"

The enforcing sergeant said to Feng Yong very kindly.

Feng Yong laid down on the couch tremblingly, and seeing that Xiang Lang hadn't arrived, he quietly flirted with the executioner, "This brother looks familiar, but where have we met before?"

"General Feng has a good memory. Five years ago, when the prime minister went to Guizhuang, the villain even pretended to be a farmer."

"Hey, let me just say it!" Feng Yongyi patted the couch, "It turned out to be the tiger guard next to the prime minister, no wonder he has such a majestic appearance. From this point of view, everyone is not an outsider. Affection?"

The sergeant just smiled generously, "Don't worry Feng Langjun, the villain is most familiar with this job, and knows the seriousness of himself."

After hearing this, Feng Yong relaxed a little from his uneasy mood. He stretched out his hand to touch his bosom, secretly took out a few tickets, stuffed them into the other party's hand, and whispered, "Everyone has worked hard, these few tickets, When the time comes, please help me share a point..."

The sergeant accepted it with a smile, and Feng Tubie saw it and was overjoyed.

After a while, Feng Yong, who was lying on his stomach, only saw a pair of official boots walking in front of him, and someone sat down on the chair in front of him, and said, "Let's get started."



"Ah! Kill me!"

I thought that I took my own ticket and just put on a show, but I didn't expect that Feng Yong would jump upright on the spot with a stick, screaming like a pig being killed.

His buttocks were burning like fire, and like being struck by lightning suddenly, the burning pain made him almost faint.

"Don't move, don't move, this is the first blow, general hold on!"

On both sides, there were arms and legs that soldiers came to hold down.


"I CNM~"

This Nima can't bear it at all!

The huge pain was transmitted to the brain through the nerves, and Feng Yong's instinctive reaction made Feng Yong unable to control his tears and snot at all, and he cursed loudly.



When Xiang Lang saw the first few sticks, Feng Yong's reaction was particularly strong, but Feng Yong fell silent after only half of the beating.

Surprised, he hurriedly asked the sergeant to stop first, stepped forward and asked carefully, "General Feng?"

Feng Yong opened his eyes and asked feebly, "Finished?"

"Not yet. Seeing that something is wrong with the general, I was afraid of accidents, so I paused for a while..."

"You're such a mother-in-law when you hit a military stick, so you can't finish it all at once? I managed to divert my attention, hurts me to death!"

Feng Yong screamed again.

There is a kind of training in the army that can temporarily divert attention and reduce the impact of injury on the brain.

Feng Tubie worked hard to weaken his nerve response to pain, but he was pulled back to reality by Xiang Lang, and the old man in front of him felt his heart.

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