Twenty sticks down, I feel that the soul has been lifted into the sky, floating and wandering, I don't know what year it is...

"General Feng, wake up!"

Feel like someone is pushing you.

"You don't have to go! Give me back the ticket!"

Feng Yong was very sensitive to this voice. Before he opened his eyes, he grabbed the opponent's hand and shouted loudly.

Take the money and do nothing? See how I kill you!

"General Feng, don't embarrass the people here. The prime minister has already explained it. If the general has a wrong mind again, he must be punished according to the situation."

I saw Xiang Lang leaning forward, and said softly, "The old man just saw that the general gave him a lot of tickets, so he asked them to hit him three more sticks. Look, general, the tickets were also given, and the tickets were also played. How can there be any reason to take it back?"

So I bought the three army sticks with tickets?

Feng Yong raised his head with tears and snot all over his face, "Are you lying to me?"

"Pit? What kind of pit?"

"You framed me?"

Xiang Lang smiled slightly, stroked his beard and said, "Hey, the general seeks benevolence, so why do you say that the old man harmed you? This is the prime minister's good intentions. The general should follow the right path in the future."

Feng Yong felt that he was really a dumb man eating coptis, and he couldn't say a word from his bitter mouth to his heart.

"Don't move, don't move!"

Seeing Feng Yong trembling with excitement, Xiang Lang quickly comforted him, "You can't get up now, I'll ask the sergeant to help you up and walk around, to activate your blood, otherwise the blood on your buttocks won't disperse, and you will be in trouble later. "

"Ah..." Feng Yong screamed again, "Xiang Changshi, you will spare me, it hurts!"

"General, this old man is doing it for your own good. After the cane punishment, don't lie down for a long time, try to get up and take two steps..."

Feng Yong was supported and walked around twice, sweating profusely, and then a medical worker came to give Feng Yong medicine.

"I want to curse."

Although the pain in his buttocks subsided a little, Feng Yong was lying on the couch, his body still trembling constantly.

"But according to the general's preference, I haven't seen this tortured person before. Some cried and begged for mercy, and some scolded other people's mothers, and so on."

"Call me casually?"

"Call whatever you want, even the prime minister has been scolded."

"Does the prime minister not care?"

"As long as a man is a man, he always has a bit of blood, and a few words of scolding can't be too much. As long as the scolding is in the execution room, the prime minister will pretend that he doesn't know."

Oh, it's quite humane. If you beat someone half to death, you have to vent a few words.

Feng Yong nodded.

"Why don't the old man wait for others to go out first and leave this place to the general, who can scold him to his heart's content?"

Xiang Lang asked very considerately.

"Don't!" Feng Yong grabbed Xiang Lang's hand, "You are gone, who shall I scold?"

Xiang Lang: ...

Feng Yong turned his head again, glanced at the sergeant who had collected his ticket first, and now stood there with a military stick, "What's the matter? If you don't leave, wait for me to scold you together?"

"General, let's rest for a while. When you have rested, call the villain again."

Upon hearing this, the sergeant said quickly, and then led the people out.

"Xiang Changshi, everyone in the world says that you are open-minded, with few pretense and informality. I never thought that you would also gossip behind my back to frame me."

Feng Yong stopped moaning, gritted his teeth and said.

Hearing this, Xiang Lang frowned tightly, and said displeasedly, "General Feng, you have violated the military law by receiving the military baton this time, so what have you got to do with me? How could it be because of my greedy words?"

"Hearing your words, it seems that you may not have the intention to change your past. This time, the old man seems to really want to speak to the prime minister. General Feng, you are young and talented, and you have made many contributions, so you have a heart of pride. The old man can understand."

"But Ma Youchang did not listen to others because of his success. The general is someone the prime minister values ​​most. I just hope that he will act more cautiously in the future and don't follow in his footsteps."

Feng Yong sneered, "Xiang Changshi doesn't need to say these things in front of Yong. The prime minister told me that some people said that I abused lynching because of my military merits and lack of military law..."

As he said that, he raised his head and glanced at Xiang Lang, with a deep meaning in his eyes, "How many people are there in the army who are qualified to say this in front of the prime minister? And make friends with Ma Su, yes Who is it that I can't see what I'm doing this time?"

When Xiang Lang heard this, his face changed drastically, and he flicked his sleeves, "Although this old man dare not claim to be a gentleman, he is not ashamed of such a behavior that ruins people behind his back! General Feng said these words, there is evidence ?”

Feng Yong looked at him suspiciously, "It really wasn't Xiang Changshi's doing?"

"Although few people are qualified to say this in front of the prime minister, does that mean there are people?" Xiang Lang glared at Feng Yong, "The general made a mistake, and the prime minister will punish him, so why bother me?"

"Xiang Changshi meant that someone else said this?"

"Of course someone else..."

Speaking of this, Xiang Lang stopped his mouth suddenly, then looked at Feng Yong, stared at him for a long time, and then revealed a sudden realization in his eyes, "So the general is waiting for the old man here!"

"I do not understand what you're saying!"

Feng Yong said dissatisfiedly, and then stood up, groaning, "I've rested, is there a place for me to live in the city? Or do you want me to live in a tent outside the city?"

"People say that ghost kings are far-sighted, and this old man has seen it today."

Xiang Lang didn't care about Feng Yong's pretentiousness at all, but instead laughed angrily, "So General Feng gave those sergeants tickets because he guessed that the old man was watching from outside?"

"No, nonsense! I don't even know what you're talking about!"

Feng Yong denied it.

If the people around Old Demon Zhuge dared to accept bribes so blatantly, then the big man would basically be doomed.

If the person who secretly slandered him behind his back was Xiang Lang, and he had given him such a big handle, then his reaction would definitely not be as simple as just taking the opportunity to hit him with the three-armed stick.

Coupled with what Xiang Lang said just now, Feng Yong finally settled down in his heart: this Yang Yi dared to slander me behind his back, he really is a villain!

Xiang Lang sighed leisurely, and had to be convinced, "At this age, can I be the father of a general? I didn't expect to be tricked by the general before entering this door. It really is a waste of time .”

"Don't worry, Xiang Changshi, I won't tell Yang Yi, you told me this." Feng Yong leaned forward familiarly, "Come on, please give Xiang Changshi a hand to help me. Can you tell me about Ma Su?" What is the situation? When he was in Jieting, he was obviously fine."

Xiang Lang's old face twitched, he didn't want to mess with this person, but when he thought of Ma Di lying on the sick bed, he had to catch him.

"Youchang's injury is a trivial matter, but the medical staff couldn't explain his illness. They only said that it was a knot in the heart and stagnation in the chest."

"In this way, when Xiang Changshi greeted me at the city gate, his face was filled with displeasure. Did he think that I insulted him too much and made him have a heart disease, which made him sick and linger on the couch?"

Feng Yong asked very directly.

Xiang Lang snorted, "General Feng thinks it's okay?"

"If I don't insult him, then he still has a chance to lie on the couch today?" Feng Yong sneered, "If someone else wants me to make a move, it depends on whether he has the qualifications?"

It was uncomfortable to hear this, but Xiang Lang had to admit that it was the truth.

"However, a soldier can be killed but not humiliated. How is the general's action different from killing him?"

Xiang Lang was silent for a long time before he said a word.

"If Ma Di wants to be a soldier, then he should do his best. Why should he get involved with the army?"

However, Feng Yong didn't give Xiang Lang any face, "Just like Xiang Changshi, whether it's helping the prime minister with government affairs or making suggestions, there is a time to show his talents."

"It's just that he insists on leading the army and wants to be a scholar. Isn't that just becoming a general? Since Ma Di has such lofty ambitions, he must have corresponding abilities."

Hearing this, Xiang Lang hesitated, "Youchang's ability is still there."

"Having the ability to be a general, does not necessarily have the ability to be a general. Even if he has the ability to be a general, if he fails to act when he is in battle, what is the difference from being incompetent?"

On weekdays, every test is among the best, but when it comes to the college entrance examination, you are sweating all over, are there still few students who are mentally nervous and cause abnormal performance?

"Well, the prime minister asked me to find a way to heal Ma Di. I also have something to say to him. Please lead the way to Chang Shi and let me meet him."

Hearing this, Xiang Lang looked at Feng Yong who grinned once when he took a step forward, and asked hesitantly, "Just now?"

"Right now." Feng Yong nodded, "Since Xiang Changshi thinks that I beat him because of his illness, it will make him feel better to see me like this."

Sorry, I really didn't expect to be an hour late. My girlfriend is in the hospital. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

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