Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 618 Chapter 0620

No matter how Cao Rui beat Xia Houmao in the palace, the lack of food in Guanzhong has become an unchangeable fact.

What's more important is that now Guanzhong, even the folks, can't collect food, otherwise Xia Houmao wouldn't have to pay out of his own pocket to buy food in Guandong.

Two years is enough for Longyou to empty out the excess folk food in Guanzhong.

After all, since Huang Chu (the year of Cao Pi), grain has always been at a low price. Now that some people are willing to buy it at a high price, who is not happy to throw it away?

Xia Houmao, who is good at running a family business, took advantage of his special status to buy low and sell high, earning a lot of money.

He is not a complete idiot, he naturally knows the importance of food, so although he resells the food, he still keeps a batch of food.

At the same time, he also made an appointment with a large family in Kanto that after the summer harvest, he would buy a batch of grain to make up for the vacancy.

After all, so many years have passed, Guanzhong has been safe and sound, so in Xia Houmao's mind, he can only borrow the old food from the treasury for two months at most.

After two months, he can make up for it with new food.

Who would have thought that it was such a coincidence that at this critical moment, the captives of Shu suddenly appeared from Hanzhong, and the momentum was extremely large, and they actually invaded the border of Wei with all the power of the whole country.

Wei had to send a large army into Guanzhong, so the food left in Guanzhong could not be supplied at once.

Xia Houmao felt as if he had been hit seven inches above, his eyes turned black, and he almost couldn't catch his breath.

In fact, as long as Cao Zhen can cut off the Shu captives' food road in Wudu, or Zhang Yun can take back Longguan and defeat the Shu captives as soon as possible, he can think of a way to handle this matter.

But now that both of them are defeated and returning, seeing that there will be more troops coming from the Kanto and Hebei to confront the Shu captives, the matter of food can't be covered up at last.

When Cao Rui heard Xia Houmao explain the whole story clearly, he wished he could kill him on the spot.

Just thinking about his special status, he had no choice but to order Xia Houmao to be imprisoned first, but after returning to the palace, he was still very angry and smashed several things in a row.

"Why is Your Majesty so angry?"

Suddenly a slightly feminine voice sounded, and saw an extremely handsome man walk in without the waiter's report, and seeing Cao Rui's appearance, he couldn't help asking warmly.

As soon as Cao Rui saw this man, the anger on his face dissipated, and his face softened, "So it's Ah Si!"

The man who came in was Cao Zhao, the son of Da Sima Cao Xiu, whose name was Changsi.

Cao Zhao is now serving as a regular attendant on Sanqi, who is often accompanied by the emperor's entourage.

Cao Zhao was originally a royal family member. He had known Cao Rui since he was a child. When Cao Rui was deliberately neglected by Cao Pi and suffered from the warmth and coldness of the world, Cao Zhao was one of his few friends.

When Cao Rui became emperor, he also did not alienate his friend because of his status change.

On the contrary, he often even let Cao Zhao stay overnight in the palace and sleep with him. The relationship between the two is closer than before.

That's why Cao Zhao was able to come in at such a time without a report from the servant.

When Cao Zhao saw the debris on the ground, he asked his servants to come in and clean it up first, then he helped Cao Rui to sit in front of the desk, sat down beside him, and asked softly, "Your Majesty is upset about the Longyou matter?"

In front of Cao Zhao, Cao Rui didn't have any precautions, let go of all his pretense, and sighed, "Besides that, what else can I do?"

When Cao Zhao heard the words, he said with relief, "Emperor Wu is wise and powerful, and he traveled all over the world. He still lost Chibi and Hanzhong."

"Your Majesty has just ascended the Great Treasure. When the Central Plains was in turmoil, he was able to defeat such cunning captives as Sun Quan. It has been the legacy of Emperor Wu. Now the Great Wei has become the orthodox world, and the Shu captives are just a corner, just a momentary success."

"Compared to Emperor Wu's defeat at Chibi and Hanzhong, the current situation His Majesty is facing is nothing more than the disease of mange compared to the disease of his confidantes. How can His Majesty lose his position and lose his position?"

After hearing this, Cao Rui's troubled mood eased a little, and he looked at Cao Zhao gratefully, "If everyone can know my mind like Ah Si, why should I be so troubled?"

Cao Zhao smiled slightly, but it was a bit soft and charming, which made Cao Rui feel a little absent-minded.

"Your Majesty, the reinforcements from the Kanto and Hebei provinces are constantly entering Guanzhong, and the land of Longyou will be recovered sooner or later. Why worry? Besides, no matter how upset Your Majesty is, it will not help now. It is better to relax, so as not to be too distracted. Work hard."

"That's true."

Cao Rui gently pressed Cao Zhao's hand and nodded.

Cao Zhao stretched out his hand to smooth Cao Rui's brows, and then said, "Your Majesty is worried about state affairs and frowns tightly, and I can't bear to see it. Why don't we come and play with acorns, so that Your Majesty can relax."

"Oh, that's a good idea. It's just that there must be a bet in this play to be fun. I don't know what A Si will bet on?"

Sure enough, Cao Rui was distracted. He looked at Cao Zhao, who was empty-handed, and asked jokingly.

Cao Zhao looked at Cao Rui's clothes, clapped his hands and smiled, "How about making a bet with our two clothes?"

"Very good!"

Cao Rui's eyes lit up.

The next morning, Cao Zhao came out from the palace, took an opportunity, and quietly found Qin Lang's residence.

Qin Lang saw Cao Zhao, his face was happy, he saw that there was no one outside the door, he quickly closed the door, then looked him up and down, and then asked, "Changsi's clothes..."

Cao Zhao smiled triumphantly, "Does it look familiar?"

Qin Lang nodded.

"This is His Majesty's clothes. I gambled with His Majesty on clothes yesterday, and I never thought of losing all the time. When I came out of His Majesty's bedroom just now, I wore this clothes while His Majesty was not paying attention."

Cao Zhao said loudly.

When Qin Lang heard this, he was even more surprised, but he also knew that Cao Zhao was the one who was close to His Majesty.

I'm afraid His Majesty may not know that Cao Zhao took his clothes, maybe he did it on purpose.

Thinking of Cao Zhao's words just now, Qin Lang was overjoyed, "Did Your Majesty spend the night in the palace with long thoughts last night?"

"Otherwise, why would I come out now?"

"That's great!"

Qin Lang took Cao Zhao's arm, led him into the house, and sat down separately.

Then he said in a low voice, "Yesterday, His Majesty's order to let me go to Qian County was really beyond my expectation. I don't know that His Majesty has other intentions. I couldn't sleep well last night, just waiting for long-term thinking. What about the news?"

Cao Zhao said comfortingly, "Yuan Ming doesn't need to worry. I asked His Majesty yesterday, and His Majesty was very reluctant to let you go, but he couldn't stand the persuasion of Liu Fang and Sun Zi, so he had to let you go to Qian County lead."

When Qin Lang heard this, he gritted his teeth immediately, "I expected that these two people would be the hindrance!"

Cao Zhao's face also showed the same hatred and hatred, "These two have gone through three dynasties, they have held secrets for a long time, and they rely on their elders, so they can't get used to us new ministers."

"Nowadays, whenever there is an opportunity, I will secretly play tricks. Letting you go to guard the county, on the surface, it seems that you have talent, but in fact it is transferring you away from His Majesty's side. It is really abhorrent!"

When Qin Lang heard this, a little anxiety appeared on his face, "What should I do then? Although Your Majesty trusts me, but my qualifications are still young, I am afraid that I may not be able to convince the public when I go to Qian County."

"It doesn't matter that I have suffered some grievances, but if it spoils His Majesty's important affairs, then death will not atone for it."

"Don't worry." Cao Zhao wasn't worried about this, but he smiled confidently, "Yuan Ming is just in the middle of the game, and if he cares about it, it's all chaos. The current guard of the county, Wang Shuang, was originally my grandfather uncle (Cao Ren) The general has a deep relationship with my Cao family."

"You have lived in Cao's mansion since you were a child, and you are half of the Cao family. How could he make things difficult for you? I will write another letter to him then, and you are His Majesty's confidant. Obedience?"

Qin Lang nodded and sighed, "I'm afraid that Liu Fang and Sun Zi also thought of this, so they persuaded His Majesty so unscrupulously to let me go to Qian County."

"What are you afraid of? It's just a trick." Cao Zhao's face was originally feminine, but now his face is gloomy, and it is even more sinister. Show off your strengths."

"If you can make a contribution, that would be the best. At that time, you will be in charge of the army outside, and I will serve His Majesty inside. Are you still afraid of those two old thieves?"

When he said this, he was also thinking in his heart, his lord has now become the chief minister and is the most important minister of Wei, Liu Fang and Sun Zi will definitely not dare to do anything to him, even if he is invincible place.

As long as it takes time, I will be able to replace the two and become His Majesty's most trusted eyes and ears.

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