Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 619 Exchange

Next to the Nanxiang Reserve Bureau, there is an exchange that has only been listed for two years.

In the beginning, this exchange was the place where major grain producers in Nanxiang and Shu delivered their grain.

Later, with the influx of felt cloth into the market and the further expansion of the business of exchanging grain for felt cloth, Nanxiang gathered all the transaction bills here for verification, and then the two parties took the stamped bills to deliver separately.

Later, when the great Han marched south, Nanxiang traded more beans and other things.

In addition to the low price of grain in the past few years, Nanxiang's grain purchase share is not only distributed to the designated companies, but also part of it is publicly purchased through listing, which can be regarded as a warning to the designated grain suppliers. .

Later, with the development of secret transactions with the Longyou family, people from Guanzhong and even Liangzhou came, and more and more things were traded.

So the exchange has become a platform for material transactions.

No matter where you are, as long as you have goods on hand, you can list them on the Nanxiang Exchange, stating the type, quantity, price, etc. of the goods.

If someone is fancy, go to negotiate, and the one with the highest price will get it.

The same goes for people who want to buy goods here.

After the matching transaction is successful, the two parties take the certificate given by the Nanxiang Exchange and then conduct the transaction in private.

So the transaction appears to be in Nanxiang on the surface, but when it is actually delivered, part of it is in Nanxiang, but a considerable part is in Jincheng, even Longyou, and Guanzhong.

The exchange has brought convenience to many people, so it is very popular.

Whether it is buying or selling, if you want to be listed on the Nanxiang Exchange, you must first give a certain amount of deposit.

If something goes wrong and the rules are broken, not only will the security deposit be confiscated, but it will also be included in the blacklist of the exchange and will not be allowed to trade in Nanxiang from now on.

Relying on the advantages of workshops, tickets, and Nanxiang Reserve Bureau, as well as Feng Yong, the government, and the Han royal family, Nanxiang Exchange has become the most authoritative trading place for Dahan.

In addition to authority, in this era of occluded news, this is the most convenient place to inquire about goods information from various places.

With these two huge advantages that others do not have, the trading volume of the exchange is increasing day by day.

At the beginning, as long as a successful order was matched, everyone would complete the transaction as quickly as possible.

Later, some people began to rent warehouses in Nanxiang to store goods, buy low and sell high.

Up to now, it has developed to an agreed extension of delivery.

For example, if someone wants to collect a batch of grain in October, they can make an appointment in advance in August and September.

As for the price, of course, it is estimated by referring to the food price in previous years, as well as this year's weather, rain, and the current food price.

As for whether the actual grain price in the market will be high or low in one or two months, whether the buying and selling will lose or make money, and whether the price difference will be large or small, it depends on the eyes of both buyers and sellers—in fact, it is a bet against each other.

Feng Yong set up this exchange to get information on bulk goods from various places, and at the same time, he wanted to use the leverage of the market to adjust the price of Dahan. More importantly, he wanted to provide big data to the Dahan Reserve Bureau so as to control the circulation of tickets. .

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before someone came up with a way to play futures, which left him dumbfounded on the spot - the wisdom of the ancients really shouldn't be underestimated, and he knew how to play it.

Especially during this period of the Northern Expedition, as various news continued to spread, the prices of grain and felt cloth were the most volatile goods.

"Fifty shi of millet, 250 yuan per shi, delivery on May 16!"

In the exchange, the latest sign was put up.

"Don't you say that the prime minister defeated the Cao thief in Wudu? Why is the price of food so high?"

Some people are puzzled.

"What do you know? Although the bandits Cao in Wudu have retreated, the big men in Longyou haven't been completely defeated yet! Who knows how long this will last? It's normal that the price of food is higher."

The person next to him explained.

If the grain is more than 200 qian, it means that the people are not getting enough to eat. If it is more than 300 qian, it means famine.

This person bid 250 qian per stone because he thought that the big man would be in a stalemate with Cao thief in Longyou, which is also the thinking of quite a few people in Sichuan today.

The money here is five baht coins, the most valuable copper coin, not a hundred coins or the like.

Even if it is finally traded with woolen notes, it will be uniformly converted into five baht for calculation.

Fortunately, before the Northern Expedition, many aristocratic families in Sichuan were jointly designed by the prime minister of the Han Dynasty and a certain soil turtle, and they took the initiative to line up on the chariot—the kind whose doors and windows were welded to death.

If Longyou cannot be conquered, the source of wool will be in short supply, and even the money they invested in the early stage may be in vain.

So even when Cao's bandit army entered Wudu and threatened Hanzhong, although some people took the opportunity to raise the price of grain, some people joined hands to sell grain desperately to hold down the price. When the price was the highest, they did not break through 500 yuan.

It's just that although the price of food is still stable now, it is difficult to keep it below 200 yuan.

In the VIP room of the exchange, someone watched this scene condescendingly, and immediately smiled, "It seems that there is finally time."

Then he gave instructions to his subordinates, "Go, list two hundred shi of wheat, one hundred dollars per shi."

No one ate wheat in the past, but now it is different. It is ground into flour, which is high-quality grain. Therefore, although the price is not as high as that of millet, the price has also risen.

One hundred yuan per stone, compared to the current situation, that can be regarded as a low price.

As soon as this sign was put up, it was immediately picked up by people.

Then another hang out, another second.

For some reason, it seems that a large food household came over to throw money today. As long as there is a sign in seconds, a new sign will be put up immediately.

After five or six times in a row, someone finally noticed something was wrong.

More than a thousand stones of grain, no matter what, is considered a large amount of grain, and if this person is not a fool, then he must have inside information.

The grandfather of the sixth room of the Li family has a good granddaughter, who is the well-known lady Mu in Nanxiang, so Li Taigong can be regarded as a prominent figure in the exchange.

Seeing the weird scene in front of him, he immediately found an opportunity and went to strike up a conversation, "Look at the face, dare to ask your name? Where is Xianxiang?"

There is a saying that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a snake. When the man saw this grandpa, everyone avoided him. He knew that the old man in front of him was not to be underestimated.

Immediately he stood up quickly, "I'd like to ask Mr. Lao, a certain person came from Longyou, so your surname is Jiang."

"Ginger? Longyou ginger?"

Grandpa Li was surprised, Jiang was a common surname in Longyou.


The word Longyou alone is enough to make everyone listen carefully, let alone the surname Jiang?

Taigong Li's expression changed, he leaned close to him, and said in a low voice, "Can you talk further?"

Seeing that the door of the VIP room was closed, many people became agitated: Longyou... What happened again?

After a while, a new sign was put up on the exchange, and the price of grain suddenly fell to two hundred yuan, and it was still five hundred shi at a time.

Immediately, someone started yelling, "Ge Laozi is a thief! Do you want to let people live?"

What's more, his face turned pale, his hands and feet became weak, and he fainted when his eyes went dark—the highest grain price last month was 480 yuan, but now it's 200 yuan, which is more than half, isn't it? Digging people's roots?

The news quickly spread in Nanxiang: Feng Langjun defeated the famous Cao bandit general Zhang He in Jieting, and nearly ten thousand Cao bandits were killed.

The more important news is that Longyou Guangwei County has fallen into the hands of the big Han, and it is no longer possible for the Cao thief to reinforce Longyou from Guanzhong.

Upon hearing these two pieces of news, some people cheered endlessly, others wept loudly, and what's more, they hanged themselves in the guest house in Nanxiang, or quietly found a place to jump into the river...

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