Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 620 Inside Information

The portraits of all living beings at the Nanxiang Exchange have no influence on Mrs. Mu of Nanxiang.

According to the usual practice, she inspected the entire workshop in the morning, and at the same time asked all the stewards to understand the situation of the workshop.

At the same time, it is also necessary to visit the residence of the weavers in the workshop to understand the living conditions of the weavers in the workshop.

At this critical moment, she must also keep abreast of the thoughts of the weavers.

In the afternoon, I started to deal with various affairs.

With the continuous expansion of Nanxiang's various businesses, Li Mu has to deal with more and more things.

For example, in the exchange, because there are woolen cloth transactions in it, she also pays attention to it on weekdays.

To her, those who try to raise food prices with different purposes and end up hanging themselves or jumping into the river with nothing to lose are just monkey tricks to her.

Without real strength and self-knowledge, if you want to participate in the game of such a big event as the fate of the Han Dynasty, you will have a dead end.

The real behind-the-scenes mastermind will not come to a dead end because of this.

Li Mu, who controls the fate of more than ten thousand people, is no longer the woman who only focused on the family.

Over the years, she has sold much more money, food and cloth than a prefect of a county.

Seen all kinds of strange things, maybe most of the legitimate sons in the clan are not as knowledgeable as her.

While Li Mu was immersed in dealing with affairs, Mrs. Li walked into her office yard with a gentleman.

"Did Mr. Li come to find his wife?"

The little lady who greeted the guests asked Li Taigong with a smile.

"Exactly, please go in and tell me, little lady."

Taigong Li said kindly.

The little lady's eyes fell on the gentleman behind him, and she asked, "Who is this gentleman?"

The young man's face darkened.

After the little lady saw it, the smile on her face became wider, but she was not afraid of the threat from this gentleman's face at all.

There are many people who want to disobey Nanxiang's rules, but she has never seen anyone who can end well, not one of them.

Li Taigong is an old man, and he said quickly, "This is the twelfth man of the Li family's big house. He has already made an appointment with my granddaughter. Come and meet today."

"Okay, Grandfather, please wait a moment."

The little lady led them to the living room, poured tea for them, and then went to inform Li Mu.

After there was no one in the hall, Twelve Lang said dissatisfiedly, "Sixth Uncle, you are Mu Niang's grandpa, and I am her elder brother. She dares to be so negligent, it is simply disrespectful!"

Mrs. Li glanced at Twelve Lang, but was not angry, "Twelve Lang, this is not Jincheng, let alone Li's family. If there is no such relationship, do you think you can see Mu Niang at this time? Believe it or not, you have no chance to come here?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the outside, "Every little lady in this yard is not only able to read and punctuate sentences, but they are also rare masters in arithmetic."

"Also, the wing rooms in the courtyard may contain confidential things that outsiders cannot easily see. This is the only place for receiving guests."

"If you are not afraid of being arrested for spying on the secrets of the workshop, you can go to the back and find Mu Niang to try?"

After speaking, he picked up the earcup and took a sip of tea, it seemed that he planned to wait peacefully.

Li Twelve Lang was so choked by Li Taigong that he couldn't breathe. Although he was the eldest son of the big house, Li Laotai Gong was his elder in terms of seniority.

At the moment, he had no choice but to say bitterly, "I just can't understand how she has no rules..."

"What? Twelve Lang still wants to apply the rules of the clan to me?"

Mrs. Li hadn't spoken yet, only to hear a clear voice, full of sarcasm in his tone.

Li Mu appeared at the door, but seeing her pink face implied majesty, her phoenix eyes swept away, looking forward to flying without losing her sharpness.

Li Twelve Lang was startled at first, but stood up involuntarily, only then did he realize that something was wrong, and a look of shame and annoyance appeared on his face.

However, Li Mu didn't look at him, walked up to Li Taigong and bowed, "Granddaughter is late, don't blame grandfather."

Grandpa Li chuckled, very kindly, "Where is this talking? Who doesn't know that you are busy all day and night. If it weren't for the importance of this matter, I wouldn't come here to look for you. Sit down, sit down!"

Only then did Li Mu go to his seat and sit down, and asked, "But I don't know what the father is doing?"

Grandpa Li glanced at Li Twelve Lang, "Twelve Lang has to talk about this matter."

Li Mu then looked at Li Twelve Lang.

"Mu Niang, everyone has been spreading rumors for the past two days, saying that the prime minister has recovered Longyou, and the grain price on this exchange has suddenly plummeted a lot, which caught many people off guard and forced them to a dead end."

Although Li Twelve Lang was dissatisfied, but under Li Mu's strong aura and because he wanted something from her, he could only swallow his anger and forced a smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, when Li Mu heard this sentence, he frowned and interrupted him, "The decline of the Han Dynasty is the time to work together to tide over the difficulties. The dignified man, instead of saying that he will die as if going home, he wants to hoard food , Drive up the price of food, this is not what the Son of Man did."

"The women's army in my workshop knows how to patrol everywhere to maintain stability. Those who are driven to a dead end are not even as good as women. If they die, they will die. What's the pity?"

Hearing this, Li Twelve Lang trembled in his heart. It is really rare for a woman to be so cruel. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she is a poisonous woman.

Then he glanced at Li Taigong again, complaining crazily in his heart: Look at what your sixth room has taught you?

Men run to raise chickens, ducks and geese for others, and women talk about state affairs and the world. What is this called? This is called yin and yang reversal, and the rooster wakes up in the morning!

Is this what a farming and studying family should look like? Even Murano Qianshou's house didn't have this kind of situation, did it?

Li Taigong drank tea with his earcup as if he hadn't heard anything.

Since Mu Niang was sent to Nanxiang, who knows how Feng Langjun trained her? Now that he has become like this, Taigong Li actually has the urge to explain to others, "This is not my daughter from the Li family".

It's just that the sixth house is more and more prosperous now, even if the people of the clan house come to Hanzhong and want to do something, don't they still have to ask themselves for help? In fact, these are all under Mu Niang's favor.

If things go on like this, Liufang can learn from the Li family in Nanzhong and form a branch of his own in Hanzhong. At that time, Taigong Li will be the one who established the clan.

So no matter how Li Mu changed, Taigong Li not only couldn't say anything, but also had to tell outsiders with a shy face that she was the most outstanding woman in the sixth house of the Li family.

So whether it is Li Taigong or Li Twelve Lang, apart from the superficial layer of identity that can be concealed a little, when facing Li Mu, they really have nothing to do.

"Mu Niang is right." Li Twelve Master Lang's face was a little stiff, "It's just that the news spread in Nanxiang, and the government didn't see any movement, so we wanted to come and ask, is it true or not?"

Li Mu smiled strangely when he heard the words, "Nanxiang is not the prefecture of Hanzhong. The government wants to spread the news ahead, so it should start from Nanzheng first, right? How could Nanxiang precede Nanzheng?"

When Li Twelve Lang heard this, he cursed inwardly.

Who doesn't know that Liufang gave Feng Dianzi a warm couch?

Otherwise, Liufang can have what it is today?

Who doesn't know that you are Feng Dianzi's confidante?

Otherwise you can have today?

You say you don't know about Feng Dianzi, are you lying to ghosts?

Li Twelve Lang almost gritted his teeth, but he had to smile again, "Yes, I was wrong. I mean, these days, Feng Langjun may have sent news to Mu Niang, but What did you say about Longyou's current situation?"

"Oh, now that you said that, I remembered, Feng Lang... Jun, he did send me some news from Longyou in the past two days, but it's not quite the same as what is passed on by the folks in Nanxiang today."

Hearing Li Mu's words, even Li Taigong showed a concerned look on his face.

"I don't know what message Feng Langjun passed to Mu Niang?"

Li Twelve Lang was even worse, even trembling a little.

He didn't know what kind of psychology he was at this time.

It stands to reason that there is a quota for the wool spinning workshop in the clan, so he should hope that the battle ahead will be good.

But for a long time, the aristocratic pride of the eldest son of the aristocratic family made him unwilling to see Li Mu and Feng Dianzi behind her living too well.

After all, the better off the adulterer and adulterer are, the more likely they are to ride on the head of a family like themselves.

"The news that Feng Langjun defeated Zhang He, the famous Cao bandit general, is true, and it is also true that the tens of thousands of Cao bandit soldiers in Jieting have disappeared. However, Guangwei County has not yet been taken down, and its county seat, Linwei, is still in the hands of Cao bandit. "

The county seat is the most important place in a county.

As long as the county government is still there, the county is still there.

"There is also Longxi County, and there are also Cao thieves from Liangzhou standing firm. On the other side of Anding County, the big man has no extra troops to attack. Therefore, the four counties of Longyou, now only Tianshui and Nan'an are really restored. That's all the county."

Li Mu said lightly.

"Is this true?"

Li Twelve Lang asked involuntarily.

"What's the use of lying to you?"

Li Mu looked at him with a half-smile.

Seeing Li Mu's expression, Li Twelve Lang's heart suddenly tightened, no, there must be something tricky here.

On the contrary, Li Taigong is more sophisticated and knowledgeable, and he is more sober than Li Twelve Lang: "In the current situation, can the big man recover Longyou?"

"Cao Bandit has suffered disastrous defeats one after another. Now all the roads to Longyou have been blocked by the big man. Sooner or later Longyou will be in the hands of the big man. Cao Bandit is just lingering in Longyou."

Li Mu looked at Li Twelve Lang with clear eyes, "It doesn't matter if you say the previous words, but this last sentence must never be told to others, understand?"


Li Twelve Lang asked blurted out.

"If those people know the real situation in Longyou, how dare they raise the price of food?"

Li Mu had a smile on his face, but his tone was extremely cold.

Li Twelve Lang shivered tremblingly, and suddenly a word popped up in his heart: bait and fish.

She thinks that not enough people who drive up food prices die!

If it is said that the one who died this time was the pawn who was pushed to the front by the aristocratic family, then this up and down, and then up and down, after some operations, the big families in central Sichuan who drove up the price of food will basically be wiped out. Eighty-eight.

A family with a slightly weaker foundation may not be able to breathe for several years.

Li Twelve Lang came out of the yard in a daze, and looked in the direction of the exchange in a daze, only to suddenly realize that it was the aristocratic families in Sichuan that decided the price of grain in Central Sichuan.

But without knowing it, it suddenly shifted here.

With just five wool spinning workshops, the most important families in Sichuan not only did not resist, but even obediently cooperated...

Thinking of this, Li Twelve Lang looked up at the sky. Although the sun was shining brightly, he always felt that there was a huge black shadow floating in the air, looking at Nanxiang coldly.

He suddenly turned around and went back to look for Li Mu.

"Mu Niang, this time our family is discussing that we want to go to Longyou to work in the army. I want to go in person. Do you think it's okay?"

Li Mu looked at him a little strangely, "Whoever the clan house wants to send is the business of the clan grandpa, so what has it to do with me? You should go to the clan grandpa for this matter."

Twelve Lang nodded and said sincerely, "Thank you."

Compared with various private analysts, true and false news are flying all over the sky, and the news from the imperial court is too much true.

When it was confirmed that the general situation in Longyou was settled, at the court meeting, the courtiers praised the emperor lavishly, and the smile on the fat little Liu Chan's face never disappeared.

Although some flattering words made him want to vomit, but he couldn't hold back the beauty and comfort in his heart!

So he spits and listens.

Didn't you see the long history left by the prime minister and the soldiers who joined the army stood aside with a smile on their faces, didn't they stop?

If it is said that Nanzheng can only be regarded as a small fight, it will calm people's hearts.

Then this Northern Expedition and the several great victories in Longyou gave everyone the hope of revitalizing the Han Dynasty.

The worst thing is to see the hope of filling the gap.

What's more, Longyou has a vast land and few people, so it is suitable for grazing...

How many counties are there in the four counties of Longyou? How many vacancies are there in a county?

Even if you can't be the chief officer, it would be great to go there to be a master or something.

The prime minister is wise, before the Northern Expedition, the quota of five wool spinning workshops was released, so in the next few years, wool will definitely be in short supply.

As long as you can go there, if you pass any cattle, sheep, horses, wool or fur, even if you don't take it yourself, the oil and water will automatically get on your hands.

Didn't you see that woolen cloth has been in such tight demand that it can be used as money in recent years?

Calculated in this way, whether it is Jingzhou people, Dongzhou faction, or even Yizhou local people, they are all rejoicing.

All the depression of the past few years has been swept away.

In particular, Liu Yan, the royal family, took the lead to propose that since the Northern Expedition had won a great victory, His Majesty needed to send an envoy to condolences, and volunteered to serve as this envoy.

Unexpectedly, someone jumped out and said, "Liu Junhou is already old, how can he work so hard? I can't bear it, and I am willing to go on behalf of the king."

As soon as Liu Yan saw that someone dared to cut off the barbarian, he immediately became very angry. If it wasn't for the censor who maintained order with quick eyesight and quick hands, he stepped forward to hug him, and he was afraid that he would rush up to fight with others with a wat board.

He could only hear him shouting loudly, "The old minister followed the late emperor to the north and the south, from Yuzhou to Jingzhou, and then from Jingzhou to Yizhou, did he ever back down? To put it bluntly, the old minister is also considered a royal relative of the Han family, and he is the same as the late emperor. Blood siblings."

"Now that the late emperor's last wish is expected to come true, if His Majesty sends someone to Longyou to work in the army, who else is more suitable than the old minister?"

Liu Yan put forward his own identity and immediately overwhelmed the officials. No one dared to say that he was more suitable.

Now, whether it is His Majesty's prince or the princes of the big man, they are still too young. When it comes to their status, no one can compare to Liu Yan.

However, there is actually a reason for Liu Yan's appearance of wanting to get the envoy of Lao Jun so desperately - his son Liu Liang is still feeding mosquitoes in Nanzhong.

There were letters from there that Liu Liang fell ill several times, and in the most serious one, he almost died.

How could Liu Yan not be in a hurry?

This time there are so many vacancies in Longyou, just take a position, it doesn't need a big official position, even a small official can do it, then he can let his son come out from that ghost place in Nanzhong.

Although there are many barbarians in Longyou, as long as someone is there, they will be obedient!

At least it will not be like Nanzhong, where the son was not killed by the barbarians, and sooner or later he will be killed by the miasma.

As long as he can go to work in the army and have a chance to talk to the prime minister, he believes that his old face is still worthy of face.

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