Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 621 Discussion

The emperor Liu Chan of the Han Dynasty came down from the court meeting, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he returned to the palace with a happy face. He couldn't wait to share this joy with the queen Zhang Xingcai.

After being the emperor for the past few years, the little fat man tasted the beauty of being an emperor for the first time.

In the past, it was not the persuasion of the father-in-law, or the advice of the courtiers. Being an emperor was like a doormat.

Now all the ministers kowtow and praise in unison, it really makes people feel as if they are floating in the air.

Watching the emperor dancing and talking about the affairs of today's court meeting, Zhang Xingcai said with a calm smile, "Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Liu Chan was in a very good mood, and held Zhang Xingcai's hand, "You and I are a husband and wife, such a happy event, congratulating me is congratulating you."

Zhang Xingcai invited Liu Chan to sit down, poured a cup of tea with his own hands, and turned around again.

After talking for a long time, Liu Chan felt a little thirsty, took a sip from the earcup, and looked around with the earcup in the mood, "Life in the palace has been much better in the past two years, and this earcup is exquisite."

As he spoke, he said with emotion, "I think of the past, in order to express our sympathy with the people, we could only drink water from a bowl, and now we are finally at peace."

Seeing Liu Chan's appearance, Zhang Xingcai felt a little hesitant on his face.

She could only hear her whispering, "At this moment when Your Majesty is happy, I shouldn't be a disappointment, but as a queen, I have the duty to advise His Majesty. Therefore, I have something to say to Your Majesty, please also please Your Majesty." can listen."

Hearing this, Liu Chan said with a smile, "When I first ascended to the Great Treasure, it was when the big man was in danger. At that time, I couldn't sleep at night. Fortunately, the queen was there to comfort me."

"At this time, the revival of the great man is expected, how can the empress teach me? But please sit down and talk to me slowly."

Only then did Zhang Xingcai sit down beside Liu Chan, and said slowly, "In the past, Your Majesty was uneasy, so I need to encourage Your Majesty to strengthen His Majesty's aspirations. Now all the ministers congratulate His Majesty, and His Majesty is successful, so I need to remind Your Majesty so that His Majesty will not be lost." Mind."

When Liu Chan heard this, his expression changed, "What do you mean by that?"

"Your Majesty is only thinking about the great victory ahead, but have you ever thought about what will happen to the government and the people, the officials and the people after the great victory?"

Zhang Xingcai's eyes were burning, and he whispered, "Your Majesty, do you ever remember, in the fourth year of Jianxing, when Xiangfu returned from the Southern Expedition, what did Li Yan do?"

As soon as Liu Chan heard Li Yan's name, his face was a little displeased, "How can I not remember, he persuaded Xiangfu to enter Jiuxi..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, and the joy of the ministers congratulating him disappeared without a trace, and there was a look of panic in his eyes, "What the queen means is that Xiangfu...he..."

Liu Chan said "he" several times, but he didn't dare to say any more.

Zhang Xingcai stretched out his hand, put it on the back of Liu Chan's hand, and shook his head, "Your Majesty, don't worry too much, Xiangfu will definitely not be like this."

After receiving the Queen's words, Liu Chan calmed down a little, "Then why did the Queen mention Li Yan again?"

"Your Majesty, when I mention Li Yan, I am reminding Your Majesty that even if the prime minister has no intention of arrogating, the people below may not be flattering and lucky."

"At that time, Xiangfu came back from the southern expedition to the barbarians, and there were villains such as Li Yan who made a fortune. The victory of the Northern Expedition and the restoration of Longyou are almost a foregone conclusion. At that time, Xiangfu's prestige in the court will definitely be unmatched. Who can guarantee that there are no profit-seekers like Li Yan behind?"

Liu Chan has no extraordinary talents, but he is not considered an ignorant person either.

So of course he would not be so naive as to think that there is only one Li Yan in this world.

Otherwise, how did his father become emperor?

Hearing Zhang Xingcai's reminder at this time, he finally realized that with the growing prestige of his father, the ministers who praised him in the court today will surely praise the prime minister in the future.

The queen was right, even if the father-in-law didn't have the will to prestige, but if he couldn't stop others, he didn't necessarily have the intention of profiting.

Thinking of this, Liu Chan grabbed Zhang Xingcai's hand nervously, "The empress is right, if one day, the courtiers are raging and all persuade me to let Xiangfu go further, then what should I do?"

"Your Majesty, be careful! The first emperor entrusted His Majesty to Xiangfu, and let him make him prosper, so he must believe that Xiangfu will have no other intentions."

Zhang Xingcai looked around, and only then remembered that the palace servants had been dismissed long ago, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered, "What Your Majesty has to do is to make those who want to advance dare not think about him."

"Why did the queen teach me?"

Liu Chan held Zhang Xingcai's hand harder and harder.

"Your Majesty, when Li Yan persuaded the prime minister, firstly, he deceived His Majesty to be young and had insufficient prestige; secondly, he deceived His Majesty to have no achievements and could not convince the public; thirdly, he deceived His Majesty to have no power and his foundation was unstable."

"Now that His Majesty is getting older, even Xiangfu is going to war. Even though the government affairs in the court are still handled by the long history of the Xiangfu and joining the army, His Majesty also has the right to participate. It shows that Xiangfu has already begun to try to let His Majesty learn how to handle government affairs."

"Although the Southern Expedition and the Northern Expedition were all led by Xiangfu, His Majesty also supported it. Your Majesty, don't forget that when Xiangfu returned from the Southern Expedition, everyone said that they wanted to 'report your wishes on the Golden Platform and support the Jade Dragon. To die for the king'."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xingcai's voice lowered, "Didn't Xiangfu specially ask His Majesty to raise his sword and shout? This is to promote His Majesty's majesty, and it may not be that he did not express his heart to Li Yan."

"So now Your Majesty can imitate the old example of the Southern Expedition, and only wait for the situation in Longyou to stabilize, then send envoys to comfort the whole army and reward the soldiers. If Xiangfu is dedicated to being a great man, he will definitely lead all the soldiers to thank His Majesty for his kindness and honor His Majesty. Germany."

When Liu Chan heard this, he nodded unconsciously, "That makes sense."

Then he looked at Zhang Xingcai excitedly, "Then how can we solve the third problem of powerlessness and unstable foundation?"

Zhang Xingcai smiled slightly, his face full of confidence, and said to Liu Chan meaningfully, "There is a person in front of me, which is the best example. Why don't your majesty learn from it?"


"Feng Yong."

When Liu Chan heard this name, he was startled on the spot, a little confused.

"Your Majesty, five years ago, Feng Yong was just a farmer with 600 acres of land. But now? He is the leader of countless lords."

"Back then Liao Li dared to ridicule him, Wei Yan dared to humiliate him, now? Who dares to be presumptuous in front of him? Even Ma Di, the prime minister's favorite student, was beaten by him in the army, and the prime minister just beat him with a military stick."

"How could he be so domineering in just a few years? Has Your Majesty ever thought about it?"

The more Zhang Xingcai talked, the more excited he became, and the brilliance on his face couldn't be concealed.

"Because... he is talented?"

Liu Chan said hesitantly.

"Your Majesty, there are too many talented people in the world. You Heng has no talent? Kong Rong has no talent? Yang Xiu has no talent? But none of them will end well. Why? I don't understand the current situation and don't know how to handle things."

"Guanna Feng Yong, when he made a slip of the tongue to the Guan family, he sent Zhu Jiweng's technique as compensation. The world thought he was cowardly, but he used this to save himself and not to mention it, and he also got the protection of the Guan and Zhang families, and even In the end, even the tiger daughter of the Guan family was willing to be female."

"Only he knows about wool weaving and cattle and sheep in the pasture, but he would rather share it with others, and even use excuses to attract the royal family. It seems to be a disadvantage, but in the end? Even the prime minister dare not touch Nanxiang place, let alone move him."

"There is also the matter of Nanzhong, so I don't need to talk about it? Now even Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu wants to grow some sugar cane in Jingnan and Jiaozhou, and he has to write to ask his majesty if he can accept it next year."

When Zhang Xingcai said this, his voice was trembling with excitement, "This is how to understand the situation, know how to deal with things, know the tricks, and use others to gain power, Your Majesty. Take advantage of the situation, become the situation, and in the end, you will become the situation yourself. You only need to wait for the situation to come into being, and you won't be able to." Some people dare to underestimate it."

"It took only a few years for Feng Yong to become what he is today. Your Majesty is the lord of the people. As long as the momentum is achieved, everyone in the world will follow."

"At that time, don't say that someone dares to be such a lucky person, even if it is," Zhang Xingcai leaned into Liu Chan's ear and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Even if Xiangfu really has someone in the future. If he wants, how many people will obey?"

Liu Chan's breathing became heavy, what is a good wife? This is the real virtuous wife! The first emperor was indeed a man of foresight, and hired such a strange woman as his wife.

"Then how do we take advantage of the situation?"

Liu Chan also asked tremblingly.

"Possibility arises from people. Then Feng Yong, isn't it because he is surrounded by people that he can gain power? Your Majesty wants to gather people with lofty ideals. One is to learn from the former emperor and be inspired by virtue; the other is to learn from Feng Yong and attract people with benefits." .”

When Liu Chan heard the words, a look of frustration appeared on his face, and he sighed, "I am not as good as the late emperor when it comes to the way of virtue, and I am not as good as Feng Yong when it comes to the way of benefit. It's difficult!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xingcai said sternly, "However, the former Emperor had such a talented minister as Xiangfu to leave His Majesty, and now the heavens sent Feng Yong to His Majesty, how can His Majesty belittle himself?"

Then she held Liu Chan's hand and encouraged her, "Now that the prime minister is in charge of the Han Dynasty, your majesty cannot take it lightly. Feng Yong is different. Although he has a close relationship with the prime minister, Nanxiang is his foundation. .”

"Your Majesty, don't forget that Nanxiang's industry is inseparable from the royal family! If the relationship between the royal family and Feng Yong can go further, then Nanxiang can become your majesty's advantage."

"Think about Nanxiang, which has become the most important place for the Han Dynasty, comparable to Jincheng. If Your Majesty can take advantage of Nanxiang's momentum, why worry about the unstable foundation?"

When the little fat man heard this, his first reaction was to give away his daughter, ah, no, it was a marriage.

Then he remembered the fact that Feng Yong was already married, and he beat his chest and sighed, "The daughter of the Guan family has already made it to the top!"

Finally, he remembered that there seemed to be no married women of the right age in the royal family.

However, Zhang Xingcai had a playful look in his eyes, and at the same time, his expression was a little ambiguous, "Your Majesty, when Feng Yong led the army to Hanzhong from Yuexuan, he went back to Nanxiang to live for a while, and lived in the same courtyard with Si Niang..."

"No!" Liu Chan flatly refused when he heard this, "Let's not say that Feng Yong and the daughter of the Guan family are married, just say that Siniang is your own sister, how can you belittle yourself like this? Tell me not to make people laugh ?”

"Compared with national affairs, let alone a sister who is a concubine, even if she is a daughter of the royal clan, what is there to cherish?" Zhang Xingcai raised her eyebrows, and said in a firm tone, "The daughter of the clan who was sent out to be married in the former Han Dynasty and the later Han Dynasty is still worth it." not enough?"

"Then the Li family in Shuzhong is considered a famous family, right? Isn't it possible to gain a foothold in Hanzhong by sending a woman over? And the Xu family, if there is no woman in the family in Nanxiang, how can Xu Xun be so nourished?"

"Nowadays, only others are begging on them, how many people are going to criticize them?"

Zhang Xingcai is not a woman who has never seen the world, so how could she not know the tricks of the aristocratic family in person and behind the scenes? In truth, how many houses in the world are clean?

That is to say, the girls sent by the Xu family were thrown into the fields by Feng Yong to work in the fields. Otherwise, if Feng Yong sees the practice of sending girls to him, would the family be willing to do what he likes?

"Besides, the concubine hasn't said what to do yet. See if His Majesty is in a hurry?"

Zhang Xingcai looked at Liu Chan with some kind of inquiry in his eyes.

Liu Chan's chubby face turned red with anxiety, "Cai Niang, what I mean is, I treat Si Niang as my own sister, how can I watch her suffer like this?"

Zhang Xingcai waved his hand, "I know His Majesty's concern for Si Niang. It's just that Si Niang once wrote to me that Feng Yong felt guilty towards her. Therefore, she wanted to start some property in Nanxiang, but Feng Yong was actually Promise immediately."

"Therefore, only she knows whether it is bitter or not. How can others understand it? Besides, I feel that if the royal family can truly participate in the management of various industries in Nanxiang through the help of Siniang, wouldn't it be better?" good?"

Seeing that the Empress really wanted to sacrifice Zhang Xingyi, Liu Chan stammered, "If the old lady finds out about this, I'm afraid it won't be very good."

The so-called old lady is naturally Zhang Xiahou.

"I'll let my concubine tell my mother about this." Zhang Xingcai sighed after saying this, "If it wasn't for my mother's hesitation back then..."

Having said that, he was silent.

Therefore, it is better to do everything sooner rather than later. If you make a wrong step or take a slow step, you may lose the opportunity and make people regret it.

"What will the queen ask Si Niang to do in the end? The Guan family is not easy to get along with."

Liu Chan was moved, but worried.

"We can only take one step at a time." Zhang Xingcai shook her head. It seemed that she had no good idea. "No matter what, Feng Yong still feels guilty towards Si Niang. For us, that's a good thing."

"Besides, Si Niang stayed in Nanxiang for two years, and the rumors with Feng Yong faded away. Never thought about the Northern Expedition together, Feng Yong went to Nanxiang, and the two began to have rumors again. "

When Zhang Xingcai said this, her face was a little helpless, "Siniang is now in Nanxiang, and she has a lot of property in her hands. Even if it is the family, I am afraid that there are not many restrictions on her."

"That's why I feel that instead of being in a hurry, we should use this to do something. As for Si Niang..." Zhang Xingcai showed hesitation on his face, and said after a while, "We can only procrastinate like this first gone."

Those who are suitable to marry Si Niang are all of the same age as Feng Yong.

But a man of the same age as Feng Yong, who would be so full to touch the ghost king?

Although it may not be a problem if you touch it, what if something happens?

Even if he doesn't mind, I'm afraid that a bunch of evil spirits below will rush to bite him in order to please him.

I didn't see Liu Liang still feeding mosquitoes in Nanzhong!

It was a blessing in disguise for Mi Zhao to get some shares of the Yuejuannv ranch. This was because of paying a high price, and at the same time for the sake of the royal family.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xingcai couldn't help but gritted his teeth, you have dragged Si Niang down like this, I, as a sister, ask you to get some compensation, isn't it too much?

Instead of making it cheaper for outsiders, why not make it cheaper for your own family? dont you agree?

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