As the news of the great victory in Longyou spread across Shu, a few days later, Li Yan from Jiangzhou made a memorial.

In addition to the words of praise, the superiors also explained to the emperor that some time ago, because of the lack of food and soldiers in Jiangzhou, they did not follow the prime minister to Hanzhong in time.

Now the soldiers and horses are ready and ready to go at any time.

At the same time, he also sent five thousand shi of grain to Jincheng first.

It was about the real power governor of the Han Dynasty, who was also the first person under the name of the prime minister. Shi Zhangyi, the head of the prime minister's residence, and Jiang Wan, who joined the army, did not dare to neglect.

After obtaining the consent of the emperor of Han Dynasty, Li Yan's memorial was sent to the prime minister ahead as quickly as possible.

Li Yan suddenly came out to disrupt the situation at this time, which not only made Zhang Yi and Jiang Wan feel a little troublesome, but even Liu Chan felt a little uneasy.

Because he was not only the minister of the late emperor, but also had elite soldiers in his hands. At this time, he volunteered to lead the army to Hanzhong, and no one knew what his plan was.

The most important thing is that from Jiangzhou to Hanzhong, it is bound to pass through Jincheng.

Li Yan first persuaded the prime minister to enter Jiuxi, then thought about cutting off the five counties to form a land of his own, and finally, before the Northern Expedition, he was unwilling to leave Jiangzhou and go north, which had already made the emperor of Han have deep doubts in his heart.

If he wanted to take advantage of the time when most of the big man's troops were concentrated in the front, and plot something wrong, it would be a catastrophe.

After discussing with Liu Chan, Shi Zhangyi, the governor of the residence, and Jiang Wan, who joined the army, proposed to Liu Chan that it is better to find a way to let Li Zhongdu protect the troops and let Zhang Yi go to Longyou to consult the prime minister in person.

Liu Chan promised it, and then immediately issued an order to Li Yan: The overall situation in Longyou has been decided, and now the Prime Minister has no intention of increasing troops, please ask the Central Capital to guard Jiangzhou, and just prepare food and grass.

After the decree was issued, Liu Chan felt a little regretful, fearing that he would anger Li Yan, and when he returned to the palace, he felt restless for a while.

Seeing the emperor like this, Zhang Xingcai learned the whole story, thought for a while, and smiled, "Before your Majesty ascended the throne, the prefect of Hanjia, Huang Yuan, rebelled and raised his troops to the east. Neither the emperor nor the prime minister was in Jincheng. How did your majesty destroy the emperor?" of?"

"Sometimes Yang Hong offers advice to me..." Liu Chan suddenly came to his senses when he said this, looked at Zhang Xingcai, and said happily, "Why did I forget him?"

It's just that he was a little puzzled and said, "Yang Hong is the prefect of Shu County. It is reasonable to ask about Jincheng. And the prime minister said before he left that if there is something urgent, you can also ask about it."

"It's just that after I heard about Li Yanzhi, I was in a hurry and couldn't remember it. Why didn't Li Yi and Jiang Wan remind me?"

Zhang Xingcai shook his head lightly when he heard the words, "Don't you know, Zhang Yi and Yang Hong have long since ceased to communicate with each other? Zhang Yi is talented and smart, and good at managing complicated affairs, but unfortunately his temperament is too extreme and he can't treat people fairly."

"Now that he is the governor of Liufu, it is considered restraint not to trouble Yang Hong. But if he is asked to take the initiative to mention Yang Hong to His Majesty, I am afraid it will be difficult."

Liu Chan asked in surprise, "How does the queen know so clearly? If Zhang Yi is really such a person, wouldn't it be a mistake for the prime minister to let him be the governor of Liufu?"

Zhang Xingcai explained, "The prime minister went north and left someone to assist His Majesty. How could this concubine not pay attention to these assistants? So I have inquired about Zhang Yi in many ways."

"Zhang Yi and Yang Hong had a good friendship when they were young. Wasn't he exiled to Soochow by people from Nanzhong a few years ago? His son Zhang Yu was an official in this county and was punished by Yang Hong for making a small mistake. .”

"After Zhang Yi came back from Soochow, when he heard about this incident, he resented Yang Hong for not protecting his son and punishing him too severely, so the two broke off their friendship."

"Jiang Wan joined the army alone, and his qualifications and status are not as good as Zhang Yi's. In addition, he has a gentle temperament and doesn't like to fight with others. How could he offend Zhang Yi?"

"So I thought, this Jiang Wan should come to remind His Majesty after Zhang Yi left Jincheng."

Liu Chan was a little dissatisfied when he heard this, "How can such a major national event be abandoned because of Zhang Yi's personal likes and dislikes? Almost mistaken me!"

"The prime minister asked Zhang Yi to stay in Jincheng. I think there is a reason for it? After all, Zhang Yi is originally from Shu County and has a long reputation. Let him be the governor of the Liufu. In terms of reconciling the relationship between officials and people in Shu, he will be better than others People are more convenient."

Zhang Xingcai half guessed and half persuaded, "At this time, Your Majesty, it's better to ask Yang Hong first."

"Why don't you let him enter the palace?"

Liu Chan was puzzled.

Zhang Xingcai explained patiently, "Your Majesty, Yang Hong is old. He gave advice to the late emperor a lot, and later helped His Majesty to put down the chaos of Huangyuan.

"Your Majesty should go to inquire about such important national affairs. Your Majesty can treat a prime minister like a father, and now he treats Yang Hong like a teacher. It not only shows that His Majesty respects the heroes and elders, but also shows that His Majesty is respectful and respectful to the corporals."

Liu Chan nodded when he heard this, "What the queen said is true."

So the emperor of the big man ordered to go down and get ready to drive immediately.

Unexpectedly, before he left the palace, the servant who had left the palace to deliver news to the prefect's mansion came back and said that Yang Hong was sick, and now he was lying on the couch, so he might not be able to see the emperor, so as not to spread sickness to the emperor.

"I should send a doctor there quickly. Now Fan A has gone to Hanzhong, but Li Dangzhi is still in Jincheng. Your Majesty can let him go to the Yang Mansion to see a doctor."

Zhang Xingcai said decisively.

Although Li Dangzhi is a member of Feng's residence, since he came to Jincheng, he has been recuperating Zhang Xingcai's body.

According to Feng Yong's estimate, before Zhang Xingcai gave birth to a child, he would not be allowed to leave.

After Li Dangzhi got the order, he didn't dare to be negligent. After he went to see Yang Hong, he came back and reported that Yang Taishou was old, so his body was weak, and he was overworked, which attracted evil spirits to invade his body.

Knowing that Yang Hong's illness will not spread any ill breath, Liu Chan plans to visit him in person.

Although Liu Chan is called the Son of Heaven of the Han Dynasty, but now the Han Dynasty has only one state, and many rules have to be changed according to the actual situation.

So if you travel today, you don't need to prepare too much.

The Yulin army escorted the emperor's chariot and drove out of the palace, onto the Chidao, and drove in the direction of the prefect's mansion of Shu County in Jincheng.

After the car turned a corner and passed in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion, although he knew that the Prime Minister was not there, Liu Chan subconsciously raised the curtain of the car and looked at the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Unexpectedly, seeing this made him startled.

I saw the canopy gathering in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion not far away, full of traffic, full of people, and very lively.

"This is how the same thing?"

Liu Chan asked with some doubts.

Huang Hu, who was always by his side, winked to the side, and the little Huangmen next to him understood, and hurried down to inquire.

After a while, Liu Chan heard Huang Hu say outside the car, "Your Majesty, we found out about the Prime Minister's Mansion."

"Let's talk about it."


Huang Hu got into the car, and then said softly, "Your Majesty, those people in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion are all here to visit Zhang Yi."

"Zhang Yi?" Liu Chan looked at Huang Hu, frowning slightly, "When the prime minister was here, the prime minister's mansion was never so lively, how come so many people came to visit Zhang Yi when he was in charge of the affairs of the prime minister's mansion? "

"Your Majesty, I heard that Zhang Yi is going north to meet the prime minister tomorrow, so these people are here to say goodbye."

Huang Hu lowered his head, as if he didn't hear the emperor's question, he just told what he knew, how dare he comment on the prime minister and Zhang Yi?

"Say goodbye to Zhang Yi?"

Liu Chan lifted the curtain of the car again. Although the prime minister's mansion had been left behind, he still looked at the direction of the prime minister's mansion behind him thoughtfully.

Compared with the hustle and bustle in front of the prime minister's mansion, Yang Hong's mansion is not only deserted, but the gate of the mansion is a bit old.

When Liu Chan entered the mansion, he saw that there were not many servants and servants, and he felt different emotions at the moment.

The father of the prime minister set an example, so the officials of the great Han Dynasty are fairly clean. It's just that after he came back, he didn't know what to think when he learned of the scene at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Thinking like this, he stepped into Yang Hong's ward.

"I'm sick, so I can't get up to greet His Majesty, I hope His Majesty is not to blame."

Yang Hong was seriously ill and his body was very weak. When he saw Liu Chan coming in, he quickly got up half-supported and said something with difficulty.

Liu Chan stepped forward quickly, pressed Yang Hong to lie down, and said softly, "Mr. Yang is exhausted after working hard for the country. If you blame it, it's also because I don't care about my ministers. How can you blame the king?"

"Your Majesty is benevolent, and I thank you." Hearing Liu Chan's words, Yang Hong showed a moved expression, "It is really a blessing for the ministers and the common people to have such a benevolent king as Your Majesty."

"The attendant doctor told me that Mr. Yang is overworked and needs to rest."

Liu Chan said, with an apologetic expression on his face, "I shouldn't have come to bother you, but now there is something that I can't decide for a long time, so I have to come here to ask Ai Qing's opinion."

Yang Hong showed a smile on his withered face, looked at Liu Chan and said, "It is the duty of the minister to share the worries of His Majesty. It is too late for me to be happy, so why bother me? What is your majesty's problem, but please come."

Liu Chan knew that Yang Hong was out of energy and he couldn't stay for too long, so he made a long story short and told about Li Yan.

After hearing this, Yang Hong closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened them again with a relaxed expression.

"Your Majesty is worried. It's just that Li Yan learned of the great victory in Longyou and wanted to test His Majesty and the Prime Minister. This person will definitely not do anything wrong at this time."

Liu Chan was overjoyed when he heard the words, "How can Mr. Yang be so sure?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the old minister has worked with Li Yan for a long time, and even had a quarrel with him, which can be regarded as a deep understanding of his character."

"Li Yan is indeed talented, but he has a lot of selfishness and is good at clinging. More importantly, he is a man who seeks to benefit himself and will not easily take risks."

"Your Majesty, forgive me for saying something bold. If someone really dares to make a change at this time, it is absolutely impossible for Li Yan to initiate it. Moreover, Li Yan will not respond to rebellion easily, unless the big man is really gone."

Seeing Yang Hong uttering these words with such certainty, Liu Chan finally let go of most of the stones in his heart, but he was still a little puzzled, "Since Yang Aiqing said he was a temptation, isn't he afraid that I will really let him lead the army to Hanzhong? "

"Without the prime minister, His Majesty will definitely not easily take actions to change the situation of the big man. How could Li Yan not understand this? To put it bluntly, he is still bullying His Majesty when he is young, and he is not enough to control the overall situation."

As soon as Liu Chan heard this, his expression changed, and he became angry: this Li Yan is really hateful! How long do you want to bully me?

Yang Hong had a feud with Li Yan, coupled with his contempt for him, even though he saw the change in Liu Chan's expression, he would not speak well of Li Yan.

He could only hear him continue to say, "Besides, even if there is such an eventuality, he will not suffer."

Liu Chan still didn't understand, "Why is this?"

Yang Hong smiled, "Your Majesty, Hanzhong is not the same as it used to be. As a minister of Tuogu, he has a distinguished status. When he arrives there, there will be people to cater to him. How can he get less benefits?"

"Besides, although Longyou is almost a foregone conclusion now, the Northern Expedition is still far from over. He just saw the great victory in Longyou, which is profitable, so he sent food and grass first, and if he leads the army to go there, he will really be credited in the future. It’s also indispensable for him, right?”

After listening to Yang Hong's analysis, Liu Chan suddenly realized, and at the same time, he was a little discouraged. Compared with these old courtiers, he still couldn't figure it out—he always felt that everyone was better than him?

Seeing that Yang Hong was getting more and more tired, Liu Chan had no choice but to comfort him to have a good rest.

But before leaving, Liu Chan finally couldn't help but asked one more question, "Mr. Yang, before the prime minister was stationed in Hanzhong, he asked Zhang Yi to be the governor of Liufu. I heard that you knew him well before. What do you think of him?"

Yang Hong looked at Liu Chan with some surprise, as if surprised that he asked such a question.

I saw that he was pondering for a long time this time, and then he said, "In terms of talent, Zhang Yi is indeed qualified for the post of Liufu Chief Shi."

Liu Chan waited for a long time, but did not hear the following, "That's it?"

Yang Hong glanced at Liu Chan again, and then asked slowly, "What rumors did your Majesty hear?"

Liu Chan shook his head, "No."

Yang Hong sighed, "Your Majesty, since the Prime Minister has appointed Zhang Yi as the Chief of the Liufu, there must be considerations. Zhang Yi is not only qualified for the position of the Chief of the Liufu, but also loyal to the big man."

"Because of the Nanzhong Rebellion, he was captured by Yong Kai and sent to Soochow. He lived in exile in Soochow for several years, but he still did not change his mind and returned to the Han Dynasty. Even if Sun Quan sent people to chase him, he would not turn back. It is really rare .”

"Such loyal and talented people should be used. Your Majesty should not doubt him because of rumors."

Hearing Yang Hong's words, Liu Chan hesitated.

Seeing Liu Chan's appearance, Yang Hong finally became a little worried. Now is the critical time of the Northern Expedition, Zhang Yi is the prime minister who stayed in Jincheng to handle affairs, and his status is extraordinary.

If something happened in the rear, it would definitely affect the Prime Minister's plans for the Northern Expedition. At this moment, he finally asked without hesitation, "Does Your Majesty really have prejudice against Zhang Yi?"

"Mr. Yang, I know you have a feud with him, and you don't want to tell people behind your back, so as not to bear the notoriety. But tomorrow he will go north to meet the prime minister. When I passed by the prime minister's mansion just now, I saw that the front of the mansion was very lively."

"I heard that hundreds of people came to say goodbye to him. When the prime minister was here, the prime minister's mansion was not as lively. He has only been in charge for a year, and he has become like this."

Liu Chan sighed at this point, "It's just that since he is appointed by the prime minister, and Yang Gong said that he is indeed competent, then let's forget about it."

After hearing this, Yang Hong smiled, "Your Majesty, this is a good thing."

"How to say?"

Liu Chan wondered.

"Zhang Yi is now meeting the prime minister in the north, and most of the people who come to visit him must be for the benefit of Longyou. This shows that the big man and the whole man have the same desire."

"The desires of the top and bottom are the same, and great things can be expected, and the hope for the revival of the Han Dynasty will be greater. What is this not a good thing? Besides, the reason why those people visited Zhang Yi was because he served as the governor of Liufu, not other."

"The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit. The king of thousands of vehicles, the lord of thousands of families, and the king of hundreds of families are still poor, how about ordinary people?"

"Your Majesty can't force everyone to be as indifferent and simple as the Prime Minister. Most people in the world will still pursue profit, so it is natural for them to visit Zhang Yi."

After hearing this, Liu Chan suddenly realized, and said politely, "Thank you, Mr. Yang, for your guidance."

Yang Hongqiang smiled to himself, but the next moment he couldn't hold it any longer, and fainted as soon as he closed his eyes. Liu Chan was so frightened that he shouted, "Doctor!"

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