Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 623 Saying Goodbye

Being subjected to military sticks may be a common thing for people in the army at this time, but for Feng Yong, it is a major event that is too painful to live.

Fan Qi came over on time every day to change Feng Yong's dressing, "General, the wound has begun to scar, be careful not to touch the water."

"I see, you've said it many times."

Feng Yong lay on the couch and replied feebly.

After lying on the couch for so many days, I feel that my chest has been flattened, and I am not used to panting.

"Are those wounded soldiers in the camp still infected and dying?"

Feng Yong lifted his belt, turned sideways, and asked.

At the very beginning, I couldn't even lie on my side, but now I'm finally free.

When Fan Qi heard this, joy and admiration appeared on his face, "Go back to the general, the medical workers in the camp will treat the soldiers according to the new method of healing wounds, according to the previous statement, six out of ten injured soldiers will die. "

"Unexpectedly, in our camp, this kind of thing is reversed. Sixty percent of the soldiers survived. The soldiers are all very grateful for the general's survival..."

"Sixty percent?" Feng Yong looked at Fan Qi, his face turned ugly on the spot, "Have the statistics come out?"

"Although there are still some soldiers whose wounds have not shown signs of healing, according to the villain's estimation, even if less than 60% of the soldiers can survive, it will not be too far behind. The villain is still sure of this. .”

Fan Qiben already has a foundation of literacy and reading, and he has been with Feng Yong for a long time, so he has a certain concept of statistics.

What he said was originally to show his ability to master arithmetic, but Feng Yong's face became more and more ugly after hearing it.

But seeing Feng Tubie lying on his side on the couch, his eyes squinting upwards, you have a fucking clue! It's better not to be sure!

Sixty percent?

In other words, as long as one is injured, the chance of surviving is only 20% higher than the chance of dying?

Still grateful for that?

What is there to be grateful for?

Feng Yong turned over again, lay down on the couch, and said in a muffled voice, "After the injuries of the wounded soldiers in the battalion have stabilized, you must remember to gather all the medical staff in the battalion."

"Let them speak out whether it's good or bad, sum up experience and learn lessons. Only in this way can we treat soldiers better next time."

These days, medical workers are not taken seriously, and there are few exchanges among families, so it is difficult to develop medical skills.

Now that Feng Yong has laid the foundation of the health care system in Nanxiang, and from the current point of view, although the system has not reached the level he is satisfied with, at least it has made some progress.

All he has to do is to continue to promote the development of this system, so that they can constantly sum up experience and improve themselves.

"No!" Fan Qi quickly responded.

The medical workers in the camp are all from Nanxiang, and most of them are related to their elder father. As the medical officer in the camp, he will not have any obstacles in completing this task.

"Remember to organize it into a book, don't be perfunctory, I will have to read it myself when the time comes."

"The villain understands."

"Okay, let's go down first."

The matter of medical workers is easy to deal with, but what is difficult to deal with is the post-war summary of this battle.

Now the soldiers under him are divided into pieces and scattered, and they don't know when they will be able to reunite.

Feng Yong sighed and shouted outside, "Liu Hun!"

The little prince of the Huns walked in holding a long horse lance.

Feng Yong looked at him angrily, "No one will snatch this horse from you, so why can't you put it down for a while?"

This horse was only delivered by Dongfeng Express from Nanxiang a few days ago.

Liu Hun performed very well in Longguan and Jieting. According to him, when he was ordered to pursue Zhang He, he probably shot Zhang He with a poisonous arrow from Nanzhong.

This made Feng Yongda very happy, so he deliberately learned more about this little Hun prince.

Liu Hun's martial art is indeed as Zhang Xingyi said, it is indeed inherited.

I heard that his master Han Long was a knight-errant from Youzhou in Yandi.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were three masters, namely Wang Yue, Tong Yuan and Li Yan.

Wang Yue is the emperor's teacher, and Tong Yuan's disciples include Zhao Yun, Zhang Xiu and Zhang Ren.

As for Li Yan, I heard it, but I just heard it, and I don't know if it's true. I heard that Lu Bu studied under Li Yan.

No matter what, Han Long must be capable of getting advice from Li Yan, who is as famous as Tong Yuan.

Liu Hun's favorite weapon and the best weapon is the horse lance.

It's just that a good horse is not so easy to get.

Its materials, manufacturing process, etc. have strict requirements, and those who can use the horse well must be masters.

There is a horse spear in the knight's line in Nanxiang.

It was originally a gift from Longyou Liang's family to Feng Yong. Feng Yong kept it on display in the Knight's House, and left a message saying that it was only given to those who are destined to attract talents.

So when Feng Yong knew that Liu Hun was good at using the horse lance, he asked someone to transport it from Nanxiang, and it was regarded as a private reward for him.

When Liu Hun got the horse spear, he grinned so much that the wound on his ear almost opened again.

Not only does he stay with him during the day, but he sleeps with his arms around him at night.

"One ear" Liu Hun heard Feng Yong's words, he chuckled and didn't answer, just asked, "The general is called a villain, but do you have something to order?"

"Go, fetch me a basin of water."

Feng Yong gave an order.

The water came quickly, and it was still holding a horse in one hand and a basin in the other.

"Guard the door, and no one is allowed in."

Feng Yong waved his hand to let Liu Hun go out, then got up from the couch, untied his belt, squatted on top of the water basin, lowered his head, and looked at the reflection in the water.

I saw two pieces of colorful pork belly shaking and shaking, and it was so disgusting.

Feng Yong muttered, "So it looks like this after hitting the board?"

At this time, Liu Hun's voice was suddenly heard outside the door, "General, Mr. Ma is visiting."

"Mr. Ma?"

Feng Yong was taken aback for a moment, and it took him a while to realize, isn't it Ma Su?


Feng Yong got up slowly, not daring to use too much force, or his butt would hurt again, so he fastened his belt, and then opened the door.

Seeing Ma Di standing at the door, and seeing Feng Yong coming out, he gave a salute, "I have seen General Feng, and I don't think it's surprising that someone took the liberty to visit."

This is the first meeting between Feng Yongzui and Ma Su.

Ma Di was dressed as a scribe at this time, although his cheeks were still sunken, he looked in good spirits.

Although I don't have the self-confidence that I used to have, but I have more calmness.

Feng Yong scratched his butt lightly, as if it felt a little itchy, and looked at Ma Di with some vigilance, "What's the matter?"

He made such a great contribution, but suffered twenty-three boards, all because of the big mouth in front of him. How can a broad-minded person like Feng Langjun give him good looks?

Seeing Feng Yong's expression, Ma Di didn't mind, and even smiled sincerely at Feng Yong, "This time, I came here specially to thank General Feng, and to say goodbye to General Feng."

"Thank you? Goodbye?"

Thank you is easy to understand, regardless of personal emotional factors, Ma Di can be respected by Zhuge old demon, and his IQ must be higher than the level of ordinary people.

Beating him and scolding him is all to save him, he naturally understands this.

"Farewell? Why did General Ma say goodbye to me?"

Feng Yong couldn't figure it out.

"I'm wearing a crime now, how dare I be called a general? Tell General Feng not to mention it again, otherwise I can only hide my face and run away."

When Ma Su heard Feng Yong call him a general, a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, I forgot."

It was only then that Feng Yong remembered that Ma Di had been dismissed by Zhuge Yaoyao, and was abolished as a commoner. He was going to be exiled to the frontier, and then he realized, "Where is the exile? It's settled?"

"Nanzhong Yunnan County."

Feng Yong was taken aback when he heard that, the punishment of Ma Su by this old monster Zhuge was a bit harsh.

In fact, Ma Di's crime is much lighter than that in the original history.

The crime he committed was mainly to let Li Sheng, not Liu Yin, guard Lueyang. The crime was ignorance of people and improper employment. According to the words of later generations, he was responsible for leadership.

As for him leading the troops to Lueyang, he was defeated by Zhang Xi on the way, which is understandable.

The infantry encountered the elite cavalry during the march, and under the condition of being completely unprepared, even if the old monster Zhuge was present at that time, it is estimated that they could only fight and retreat.

If it were Feng Yong himself, if his subordinates weren't the soldiers he brought out, he would probably be able to lose better?

Of course, Ma Di underestimated the enemy, sent too few scouts, and failed to find the enemy in time. A misconduct in command would not escape.

As long as the Northern Expedition did not fail, and Li Sheng's head frightened the entire army, Ma Di's exile to the frontier was indeed an acceptable punishment.

But being exiled to Yunnan County is a bit harsh.

Liao Li killed people in front of Liu Bei's mourning hall, and when Liu Bei's body was still cold and the big man was most precarious, he uttered nonsense, shaking the hearts of the big Han army and the people, and he was just exiled to Wenshan County.

At this time, Yunnan County is not a place where future generations can have beautiful encounters, but a place full of miasma and epidemics, ferocious beasts, and mosquitoes, which are ready to kill people at any time.

Coupled with those primitive barbarians who always emerge from the deep mountains and old forests from time to time, as well as the extremely hot and humid climate, etc., if ordinary sinners are exiled there, if no one takes care of them, they will basically die.

"Come in and talk first." Feng Yong let Ma Su in, asked him to sit down, and then climbed up on the couch and lay down, "I have an injury on my body, so I can't sit down, it's not because I'm being rude on purpose, please don't blame me. "

A look of embarrassment appeared on Ma Su's face.

Feng Yong didn't care about him, and continued, "You were exiled in Yunnan, why don't you look worried at all?"

"Why don't you worry? If you don't worry, why would someone come here specifically to find General Feng?"

Hearing this, Ma Di's face became calm again, but he didn't look embarrassed at all.

"What do you mean?"

Feng Yongqi said.

"If you want to go to Nanzhong, you must first find the ghost king, so that you can survive!"

Ma Su said half-jokingly.

When Feng Yong heard this, he let out a "tsk", "Nanzhongyi people are ignorant, so it's fine to spread rumors, but you can be regarded as a person who has read poetry and books anyway, why are you following such nonsense?"

It is said that the ghost king needs a thousand women to sleep with him at night, and I haven't even seen my own wife for a long time.

Thinking of the peerless Guan Ji, Feng Yong swallowed, and suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable under his body.

Hearing Feng Yong's words, Ma Di said seriously, "It's not nonsense. Although Nanzhong used to be a wild place, after General Feng's layout in the past two years, it is now considered a little popular."

"A certain talent, although he was exiled in Nanzhong, but he also wants to show what he has learned in Nanzhong. Please General Feng teach me."

When Feng Yong heard this, he felt a heck in his heart, it seemed that he was really woken up by the scolding.

Thinking that such people could settle down to develop Nanzhong, Feng Yong immediately became interested.

"Although you are wearing a sinful body, it is rare to have a body of knowledge, and Yunnan is a wild land. If you are really interested, I can recommend it for you."

"Lu Kai, the prefect of Yunnan County, has a lot of connections with me. When the time comes, you can go to him with my letter and ask him to hire you as an aide in the prefect's mansion. It should be fine."

Lu Kai was kidnapped by Eshun back then and was almost killed, but it was Feng Yong who thought of a way to rescue him.

Although Guan Ji and Huang Ji were the ones who actually made the move, everyone credited him for the credit, and Feng had no choice but to be disrespectful.

In fact, the north of Yunnan County is Yuejuan County. The two counties are close to each other. Unfortunately, they are separated by poor mountains and rivers, so it is inconvenient to contact them.

To go to Yunnan County from Yuexie, it is best to cross the Hushui River in the south and enter Jianning County, and then go west from Jianning County to enter Yunnan County by way.

Yunnan County and Yongchang County are the most remote and backward places in the Han Dynasty, basically isolated from Shu.

If Ma Di had Feng Yong's recommendation, Lu Kai would naturally not have to worry about his status in exile. To get the help of such a talent, he might wake up laughing from his dreams.

"I will always remember the great kindness of General Feng!"

Ma Su stood up and made another big gift.

"Forget it, it's just a letter anyway." Feng Yong waved his hand, "You can help me send a few more letters to Yuexie."

"Su would like to obey the general's wishes. Is there anything the general can teach me when I go to Yunnan this time?"

Ma Di asked again.

"Yes!" Feng Yong's eyes lit up as soon as he mentioned this, "Tung tree and tea!"

"Please general and someone explain it." Ma Di said respectfully.

"There are many mountains in Nanzhong and little flat land. Although sugarcane is being vigorously cultivated and planted nowadays, they are all on flat land or on those small hills. It is a pity that so many mountains are left in vain."

"The climate there is hot and humid, so it is most suitable for planting tung trees and tea trees on the mountain. In this way, not only can the control over the barbarians be further strengthened, but also the government's taxes can be increased."

When Feng Yong said this, he stood up enthusiastically, "The climate in Longyou is no better than Hanzhong, and even less like Shu. In winter, it's extremely cold here, let alone Liangzhou and other places in the future."

"In the extreme northwestern part of Liangzhou, in winter, the weapons can almost be frozen. If there is no preparation, the soldiers will have no way to garrison."

"Using the oil extracted from the tung tree seeds, I can refine glycerin and apply it on the face, hands and feet to prevent soldiers from frostbite in winter."

"Also, don't forget," Feng Yong said mysteriously, "Longguan, I burned it with tung oil for a day, and only then did I take it down."

"So this tung oil must be used more and more in the future. The tung oil produced by the wild tung oil in Nanzhong is definitely not enough. It must be diversified for later use."

Hearing this, Ma Su's face showed joy, and he nodded repeatedly, "I understand."

Then he asked again, "What about the tea tree?"

Feng Yong giggled, "Do you know why those barbarians in Longyou are so polite to me?"

"Isn't it because of General Feng's reputation?"

"This is just one aspect. Another important reason is that they want to buy tea from me."

Feng Yong lay on the couch and raised a finger, "There are too few tea leaves nowadays, so I made an appointment with them, this year, a catty of tea leaves can be exchanged for a sheep!"

When Ma Di heard this, his eyes suddenly burst into light, "There is such a good thing!"

In ancient times, drinking tea was only popular among the upper classes. The common people had no oil in their stomachs, so there was no need to drink tea frequently. Even if they drank it, tea mixed with oil was definitely more popular than the clear tea promoted by Feng Yong.

This phenomenon will last for hundreds of years, maybe more, until the people have enough oil and water in their stomachs.

Therefore, making tea and drinking tea as an art has always been a luxury that only the upper class can have in ancient times.

But the Hu people are different. They eat beef, mutton, and dairy products, and their bodies are deficient in vitamins. At the same time, because they can't eat green vegetables for a long time, their bodies are too dry and hot.

When there is no tea, they can only find wild vegetables on the grassland to barely maintain their health.

But wild vegetables are not available all year round, and in terms of quantity, they are not enough to support the consumption of nomads.

Therefore, as soon as tea appeared, it became a necessity for nomads.

Pluck the leaves from the tree, and then stir fry them, and you can exchange them for cattle, sheep and horses. This is not called huge profits, but what is huge profits?

"If you want to control the barbarians in Longyou and Liangzhou, the first is to collect wool, the second is to open pastures, and the third is tea, because tea is something they can't live without all their lives."

Feng Yong shook his head triumphantly, "You just plant, and I will reap as much as you plant."

Just relying on my own family and the tea grown by several families related to me, I don't know if it can supply the Qianghu in Wudu and Yinping?

Longyou, Liangzhou, and in the future there will be the Western Regions, the northern grasslands...

How much tea does this consume?

Ma Di understood it as soon as he heard it, and immediately clasped his fists and said, "I know how to do it!"

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