Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 625 Zhou Dory Breaks Her Hair

In April of the sixth year of Jianxing, Lu Xun, the governor of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, returned to Jianye by water, and at the same time inspected the counties and counties along the way.

Traveling to Chaisang, officials from all over the country came to pay homage. Only Zhou Bian, the prefect of Poyang County, sent someone to say that although Peng Qi, the bandit commander, was captured last year, there were still remnants who turned against him.

When Lu Xun learned of this, he rushed from Chaisang to Poyang County to see the military situation.

When they arrived in Pengze County, someone secretly reported to Lu Xun, saying that Zhou Bream did not go to encircle and suppress the rioters at all, but thought that the journey to Chaisang was too far away, and he did not want to flatter Lu Xun, so he resorted to the riots.

Lu Xun doubted but didn't believe it, but after entering Poyang County, he kept an extra mind and deliberately understood the people's conditions in various places in Poyang County.

Originally, Lu Xun didn't mind whether Zhou Bream came to Chaisang to see him, but after his deliberate understanding, he learned that Zhou Bream had secretly planted sugarcane with the new land reclaimed the year before, and he was furious on the spot.

The year before last, due to the protracted war, the people left their farms, and many fathers and sons were separated. Therefore, he wrote to Sun Quan, king of Wu, to order the generals to increase the number of acres.

At the same time, this is also the beginning of Wu State's formal farming.

The king not only agreed to his proposal, but even took over the land himself, and changed the eight oxen driving the cart to four oxen, in order to show that the labor is equal to everyone.

Unexpectedly, it has only been more than two years, and this week bream not only dared to occupy the farmland privately, but even used it for other purposes.

Seeing his hard work being ruined like this, why didn't Lu Xun become furious?

He immediately summoned Zhou Dory, and sternly reprimanded them in public, "A dog knows how to protect the family, it is as greedy as you, and it is not as good as a dog if you don't want to enrich yourself!"

Not only ordered Zhou Bing to return to the occupied farmland, but at the same time, his anger was still lingering, and he repeatedly said that he would read a copy of it in front of the King of Wu.

Zhou Dory was scolded a lot, and Lu Xun took advantage of him. He didn't dare to refute, sweated on the ground, and begged for mercy repeatedly.

In the end, Lu Xun let Zhou Dory go because he was from Wu County.

Losing all face in front of his colleagues in Poyang County, Zhou Dory was ashamed and ashamed.

When he got back to the mansion, a servant brought the food, he took a bite and felt that the taste was not right, so he slammed down the chopsticks and cursed, "How dare you bully me!"

He was already full of anger with Lu Xun, and felt that his colleagues would inevitably use this matter to ridicule him in the future.

Now when I came back to my mansion, I felt that the food was much worse than before, so I became furious immediately, ordered the cook to be tied up, and beat him with a leather whip until he was beaten to pieces before he would stop.

After the fight, Zhou Bing scolded Lu Xun at his own house again: "It's just because I am the son-in-law of the Sun family. If you are so arrogant, I will make you look good sooner or later!"

The cook got an innocent disaster and felt resentment in his heart. He escaped from the house at night, followed Lu Xun all the way east, and told him exactly what Zhou Dory had said.

When Lu Xun heard about it, he was so angry that he almost smoked. After returning to Jianye, he told Sun Quan, the Lord of Wu, what Zhou Dory had done in Poyang County.

Sun Quan sent his son officer to Poyang to interrogate all the affairs in Poyang County.

On this day, Zhou Dory was drinking in the mansion when he saw Bu Qu rushing in, shouting loudly, "General, it's not good, the king sent Shang Shulang over, saying that he wants to investigate the farmland."

Hearing this, Zhou Dory dropped the earcup in his hand, his face turned pale, "It came so fast!"

Then he suddenly remembered something, and said angrily, "Lu Xun Zhuzi, didn't you say that you won't pursue this matter? You turned your back on your promise, and you're not a son of man!"

No matter how Zhou Bing scolded Lu Xun, the Lang Guan sent by Sun Quan, the Lord of Wu, rushed straight to the Poyang prefect's mansion without stopping.

Before Zhou Brem had time to prepare, Jianye had sent Jianye to order the king of Wu's warrant to move all the books of the fields in the prefect's mansion out and count them in public.

At the same time, people were sent to conduct on-the-spot surveys of the fields in each county.

Before the investigation of Tianmu's affairs was completed, a second group of Lang officials came from Jianye to inquire about the people's conditions in various counties.

After waiting for two days, the third Langguan arrived again...

For a time, the chickens and dogs in Poyang County were flying like dogs and dogs, and everyone was in danger.

Zhou Dory knew that these officials were obviously after him, so he stayed at his house these days and didn't dare to go anywhere.

Although no one restricts his freedom, he feels that he is already a prisoner who has been captured and imprisoned.

Because at any time, Lang Guan would come to his house and question all kinds of things.

Although these officials would not do anything to him before the king of Wu convicted him, their superior demeanor and sneering eyes had already made everyone in the Zhou mansion panic.

At this time, Han Zong, who took his mother to the north with his trilogy the year before last, rescued him.

Han Dang's son, Han Zong, sent his servants and concubines, relatives and sisters to the generals the year before last, and then led thousands of plays to the north, and was named Guangyang Hou by Cao Wei.

For more than a year, Han Zong showed his loyalty, relying on his familiarity with the distribution of Wu's population and military force, he violated Wu's territory several times, and killed the soldiers, officials and people of Eastern Wu, which made Sun Quan often gnash his teeth.

Just when Jianye kept sending Lang officials to investigate Poyang, Han Zong once again led his army to invade Lujiang County.

When Zhou Bream heard the news, his spirits lifted.

After thinking about it, he finally stepped out of the mansion for the first time.

Although no one stopped him from leaving the mansion, he knew very well that at this moment, there were many eyes staring at him.

Those eyes were not just staring at his face or his back, but directly at his heart, which made him feel extremely heavy.

Under the scorching gaze, he finally came to the gate of Poyang County Mansion.

First, he glanced to the left, then to the right, and then tentatively entered the gate. He only took two or three steps, and then stopped again, as if he had no strength left to lift his legs.

Although he was still the prefect in name, the master of the prefect's mansion, but at this moment he was actually looking inside a little timidly, as if he didn't know what to do.

"Hey, isn't this Zhou Taishou? What? Finally free to come to duty today?"

A sharp-eyed Lang Guan saw Zhou Dory standing at the gate, and greeted him with a smirk, "I'm sorry, Prefect Zhou, I guess you will stay at your house for a few days, and the affairs in the prefect's mansion are still waiting for you." It's not over yet."

Hearing this, Zhou Bream finally made up his mind. He gritted his teeth and pulled out a dagger.

Lang Guan was so frightened that he quickly backed away and exclaimed, "Zhou Dory, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Dory didn't answer, raised his dagger, and cut off his own head, cutting off a lot of hair.

I saw Zhou Bream holding a dagger in one hand and clutching his hair in the other, with a sad face, "Mentors, since a certain self-proclaimed filial piety, he has successively served as county magistrate, general commander Shi, and western captain, beheaded Peng Shi, and captured Peng Qi. With credit, there is also hard work.”

"However, once you offend a villain, and you are bullied like this, I can't bear the humiliation! But please report back to the king of Wu, the matter of Tianmu is indeed a moment of confusion, but the king of Wu has a punishment, and the bream is willing to admit the crime."

"Just for the sake of being officials in the same dynasty, please don't humiliate Yu like this again. If a villain can humiliate me today, how can you know that you can't humiliate me in the future?"

"Four years ago, Jiyan devoted herself to personal love and hatred, and did not act according to reason. Many officials were dismissed. If someone hadn't risen to resist, how many of you would still be standing here?"

"It's the same today. If you allow the villain to deceive the king, you will not stop it, but will help the tyrant to abuse you. In the future, you will know that the matter of Zhou Dory will not fall on your head? Who will speak for you then?"

Zhou Brem's sad and indignant words shocked the officials who wanted to see a joke.

They were either the descendants of veteran heroes of the Sun family, or they were from the aristocratic Jiangdong family. In their view, occupying some land was really not a big deal.

Whose family is not fertile land?

Who doesn't have slaves in a family?

How did Liangtian come here?

How did the slave come here?

If it was really because of this matter that he was so severely bullied, it would be a bit too much.

"Now that the Cao bandits are invading the Lujiang River, Poyang, across the river, can't help, but instead falls into chaos. It's really wrong. It's all Zhou Bing's fault."

"I also ask you to put the country's major affairs first, and don't let the officials and people of Poyang County panic because of Zhou Dory's fault."

Seeing the silence of the Lang officials, Zhou Brem was overjoyed, and added fuel to his anger, and then gave them a deep salute.

Seeing Zhou Bing's resolute apology, and hearing his words, and these days, it is true that Zhou Bing's other crimes have not been found out, and the officials felt a little sympathetic in their hearts.

In the following days, they relaxed a little bit towards Zhou Dory, and at the same time, some people returned to Jianye by boat and reported to King Wu.

At the same time, in a certain village in Lujiang County, bandits from the north had just left.

The smoke hovering over the village is not the smoke from the chimneys of the women cooking dinner, but the thick smoke from the fire, which also has the smell of burnt human flesh, which is pungent and unpleasant.

The peaceful village in the past has become dilapidated and desolate, only the ruined walls that have been burned black, implying that there were people living here before.

I don’t know whose wall it was that collapsed, and whose house was burnt black. Which family’s roof beams could the scorched wood be?

Obviously the sky was clear and clear, when a gust of wind blew up, blowing up bursts of dust, it seemed that it suddenly became cloudy and dark, bleak and gloomy.

Han Zong led the series and was retreating to the north.

Many of them were riding horses, with women straddling them in front of and behind them.

Someone even reached into the woman's skirt with an indescribable smile on his face.

Every woman on horseback has disheveled clothes, wet tears on her face, and numb eyes, like a lifeless walking corpse.

Everyone in Cao Jun was carrying burdens, which were full of fine gold and silver, which were the harvest of the plundering going south these days.

In the past, in Soochow, at most, they robbed business travelers secretly and secretly, and they still had to worry about being found out about their true identity. How can they rob openly like they are now?

After confirming that Wu Jun hadn't caught up, Han Zong ordered to bury the pot and make a meal, and was ready to go on his way when he was full.

"Your Majesty, I caught a spy!"

The scouts scattered around on guard brought a person over to report.

"Oh?" Han Zong glanced over with vicious eyes, and said calmly, "Just kill him directly, what are you bringing here?"

"Report to Junhou, he said that he has something very important, and he wants to talk to Junhou face to face."

Only then did Han Zong look straight at the plain-faced spy, waved his hand, and told the scouts to go down, and then pressed his sword and asked, "Who are you?"

Xi Zuo, who had been silent all this time, glanced at the people around Han Zong, then lowered his head again.

Han Zong's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at a school lieutenant beside him.

The lieutenant nodded slightly, and Han Zong dispersed his people further away to prevent them from hearing the conversation.

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

Sesaku looked at the captain beside him again.

Han Zong was not so good-tempered this time, he drew out his sword with a "clang", pointed at Xi Zuo, and shouted sharply, "How dare you play tricks! Do you think I really can't kill you?"

As he said, he stepped forward and was about to stab him with a sword.

Seeing that Han Zong's sword did not seem to be fake, Xi Zuo immediately said, "General Han, the villain has something important to do, so I can only talk to the general."

Han Zong's sword drew a thin red line on Xizuo's neck, only to hear him sneer, "I have nothing to say to others, say it quickly!"

Hearing this, Sesaku moved his lips, then closed his eyes and remained silent.

As soon as Han Zong exerted more force on his hand, bright red blood began to flow onto the sword, but the delicate hand remained motionless.

Han Zong looked at the captain next to him with a questioning look.

The captain nodded again, turned and left.

"Okay, you can talk."

Xi Zuo opened his eyes, making sure that no one around could hear their conversation, and then asked, "General Han, do you remember General Zhou Bing?"

"Zhou Dory?" Han Zong frowned slightly, "Of course I remember, maybe you were sent by Zhou Dory?"

He took refuge in Cao Wei, and in order to show his loyalty, he even took the initiative to lead troops south to plunder Soochow. Naturally, he didn't want to have any contact with people in Jiangdong.

"If Zhou Bream sent you to persuade me, it's a wrong idea. No way, I want to borrow your head."

Han Zong said with a sinister smile, but the hand holding the sword was getting harder and harder.

When Xizuo heard this, a sneer appeared on his face, "The villain hasn't explained his purpose yet, and General Han made wild guesses, isn't he afraid that he will be a villain in vain?"

When Han Zong heard this, his anger rushed straight from the bottom of his feet to the top door, his eyes glowed red, and he couldn't hold back his anger, so he wanted to kill the guy in front of him who dared to mock him!

It's just that he knows that there are still people watching from afar. If he kills this person like this, some things may not be explained clearly at that time.

At that moment, he had no choice but to forcefully resist the urge to twist Xiao Zuo's neck, and gritted his teeth, "Then let you explain why you came here first, and if you can't say one, two, three, then see how I cut off your tongue!"

Only then did Xizuo cup his hands, "Then please listen to the villain's words, General: General Zhou wants to learn from General and return to the north, please be an introducer."

Xi Zuo's voice was not loud, but it was like thunder, and it rumbled Han Zong's ears.

"What did you say?"

Han Zong couldn't believe his ears, and asked again.

The voice was so loud that the captain in the distance couldn't help but look sideways.

Han Zong's second reaction was disbelief: "As a prefect of a county, Zhou Bing has long made military exploits. Moreover, his ancestral home is in Wu County. How could he come here as a traitor? Could it be that you are lying to me? ?”

Xi Zuo sneered, "General Han attacked the title of Old General Han, the future is limitless, why did he suddenly vote for the North?"

This sentence simply lifted Han Zong's scars, and then poured salt on it.

I saw that his face flushed immediately, and his teeth were gritting, wishing to poke a transparent hole in this sharp-toothed creature in front of him!

"Sun Quan can't tolerate people, how can I wait to die?"

This was originally his excuse, but Xi Zuo nodded in agreement, "This is the truth! Sun Quan is narrow-minded, and if he offends him at all, he can't wait to be executed."

"General Zhou made some small mistakes a few days ago, and Sun Quanlian sent officials to question him, forcing General Zhou to apologize in public, so he escaped by luck."

"Now General Zhou has lost face in Jiangdong and has become the laughing stock of everyone. Although there are thousands of worries and hatreds, it is not enough to explain the resentment in General Zhou's heart. Therefore, General Zhou wants to raise the county and surrender. I hope General Han will see it in the eyes of his former colleagues. On the face of affection, I will introduce you."

When Han Zong heard that the other party scolded Sun Quan, he couldn't help feeling a little confidant in his heart.

Then when he heard about Zhou Dory again, although he didn't believe it immediately, he felt a joy in his heart: Sun Quan's rebellion, that's the best thing, it shows that his choice is right.

"How do I know you weren't sent by Zhou Dory to feign surrender?"

After listening carefully, he grinned and grinned at Han Zong on the spot, pointing at Han Zong and sternly saying, "Your body and skin are the result of your parents. General Zhou was forced by Sun Quan to cut his hair in public. Is it fake?"

"I'm afraid everyone in Jiangdong is going to know about this matter. If you don't believe me, go ask yourself and you will know the truth!"

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