Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 626 Zhou Lu Descend

Hearing this, Han Zong sneered, "I must investigate, but with your mouth, you don't even have a token, so how can you prove that Zhou Dory came here sincerely?"

"General Han's words are wrong! General Zhou is in Wu territory. Although he intends to go north, how could he come here with a token for the first time? If he is intercepted halfway, wouldn't it be that he has fallen into the hands of others and trapped himself? To die?"

"Only by making an agreement with each other, sending envoys to each other, getting to know each other well, and deciding on major events, will you give tokens of sincerity to show your sincerity. The general is also a person who surrendered to the North, don't you even understand this?"

When Xi Zuo said this, his eyes showed suspicion, and he looked at Han Zong.

Han Zong withdrew his sword and smiled calmly, "Of course I know, I was just testing you just now."

As he spoke, he put the sword back into its sheath, then looked the person up and down, and asked, "Mr. Mou Guan has an extraordinary bearing, dare to ask your name?"

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, the villain goes up to Dong and down to Cen, and the general can call the villain to give way."

"It turned out to be Mr. Dong, but please wait a moment, so-and-so will come as soon as he goes."

Han Zong nodded to signal Dong Cen not to move, then walked to the school lieutenant not far away, and explained the matter in detail.

After the captain heard this, ecstasy appeared on his face, and he said decisively, "Whether this matter is true or not, take him back first, and the chief minister will decide."

After receiving the news that Zhou Dory was about to surrender to the North, Han Zong and his party did not dare to neglect, finished their meal in a hurry, and then went all the way north without stopping.

When Cao Xiu got the news, he was overjoyed at first, and then he asked the person with doubts, "Even if it is true that Zhou Bing's dissatisfaction with Sun Quan is true, how can I believe that he is sincere in surrendering?"

Dong Cen seemed to have expected this question, so he cupped his hands and said, "If Da Sima doesn't believe it, please send someone and the villain back, and the eunuch Zhou will send you his own form."

Cao Xiu smiled happily, "If so, it would be the best."

Then invite people to the banquet, and the guest of honor has a good time.

After the banquet, Han Zongmi saw Cao Xiu and persuaded him, "People in the south are full of tricks. Zhou Bing is originally a member of the Wujun clan, with his roots in Jiangdong. I'm afraid he might not come here easily. Da Sima should be careful."

Although Cao Xiu drank a lot of wine, his eyes were clear. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "I know General Han is loyal, but this matter is of great importance. Whether it is true or not, we must first test it out."

Han Zong went to the north for more than a year, and he personally led troops to plunder the south many times. Although Cao Xiu despised him, he also knew that Han Zong had no way out. If he used it well, he was really a good dog.

Now I am willing to explain one or two things, "Your Majesty has just ascended the throne, and it is time to show off your strength to deter the captives. Otherwise, why did Wu Kou the year before and the Shu captives invade the country this year?"

"Now that His Majesty is in Guanzhong in person to oversee the battle in Longyou, the Eastern Wu rats like to take advantage of others. It may be that they feel that this is a good opportunity to attack Wei."

"If we wait for them to take the initiative to attack, then we can only defend passively. Why don't we preemptively strike and deter Wu Kou so that they don't dare to act rashly."

Hearing this, Han Zong showed admiration on his face, "Da Sima knows Wu Lu so well that he knows it like the palm of his hand."

After flattering Cao Zhen, he asked worriedly, "It's just that Wei is now using troops in the west. If we start a war in the east and fight on both ends, will we have more energy than we want?"

Cao Xiu smiled confidently, "General Han is too worried!"

"In the past, when Emperor Wu and Emperor Xian were there, they conquered the south of the Yangtze River from Yangzhou many times. Therefore, there have always been heavy troops stationed in the Jianghuai area. In addition, there has been no war in the Central Plains for a long time, and the grain is cheap. The army has sufficient food and grass, and there is no shortage of military use."

"So this time Zhou Dory came to surrender, no matter whether it is true or not, I plan to go south to hunt. If he really surrendered, that would be the best. If he surrendered falsely, then I will do whatever I can."

There is one more thing that Cao Xiu didn't say, that is: His Majesty needs martial arts to stabilize his prestige, why doesn't he have this need when he has just been promoted to the position of Grand Sima?

Now I have just become the supreme commander of the Great Wei Army, if I don't have a dazzling achievement to prove myself, how can others be convinced?

For example, Jia Kui, the governor of Yuzhou next door, not only did not give himself face, he even dared to confront him face to face, so that he could not get down from the stage, which is really abominable.

Hearing these words, Han Zong realized that Da Sima had planned for a long time ago, so he was relieved, "It's the last general who didn't need to do anything."

"Since I supervised the Jianghuai incident, every time I have fought against Wu Kou, I have always won. In my eyes, Wu Kou is just a clown's ear. Why should I be afraid of him?"

Cao Xiu chuckled, his face full of arrogance.

In the first year of Huangchu, Cao Xiu replaced the former general Xiahou Dun who died of illness and was stationed in Zhaoling County, Runan County. Thousands.

In the third year of Huangchu, Cao Pi personally conquered Sun Quan and divided his troops into three groups. Cao Zhen was in the west, Cao Ren was in the middle, and Cao Xiu was in the east. In the last three armies, only Cao Xiu achieved great victory, Cao Zhen had no results, and Cao Ren suffered a disastrous defeat.

In the seventh year of Huangchu, that is, the year before last, Cao Rui had just ascended the throne, and Sun Quan invaded in two ways, and was defeated by Cao Xiu again.

Therefore, Cao Xiu's contempt for Soochow is justified - because he has never been defeated against Soochow.

The most important thing is that if Zhou Bream is really willing to raise the county to surrender, then the benefits are too great, so great that Cao Xiu can't help but be willing to try.

As long as I go south to Lujiang, I will send another army from Jingzhou to Nanjun, Jiangxia to Xiakou, and go all three ways.

With Zhou Bream's support and the acquisition of Poyang County, the connection between Jingzhou and Wu can be cut off.

If the big thing can be achieved, then the three armies can finally be combined into one, and go eastward directly to destroy Soochow.

If things don't go as smoothly as expected, at least he can block Sun Quan's army in the east, and give the two armies in the west a chance to calm down Jingzhou.

Now that all the soldiers of the Shu captives are in Longyou, they are certainly powerless to prevent the Wei Dynasty from occupying Jingzhou. As long as there is the land of Jingzhou, Wei can even attack Shu from the north and the south at any time.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if things are not in harmony, Poyang cannot be occupied for a long time, but it is already considered the hinterland of Soochow, and even if it can only be occupied for a while, it is enough to deal a major blow to Wu Kou.

The more Cao Xiu thought about it, the more he felt that the matter was of great importance, so he couldn't wait to send people and Zhou Bing's envoy back to Poyang the next day.

When the people sent to the south came back, they brought Cao Xiu a letter and a small lock of hair, which Zhou Bing cut off himself in front of Cao Xiu's envoy.

At the same time, there were two other people who came back, one was Dong Cen and the other was Shaonan, both of whom were close friends of Zhou Dory.

Overjoyed, Cao Xiu quickly opened the letter and read it.

I saw it said:

The name of bream is not well known, and it is far away from the rivers and rivers. The light of the sun and the moon, illuminated by the light of the sun and the moon, illuminates the interests of the people far away.

Therefore, Wang Jing, the prefect of Guangling, was blamed for the change of the county people. Although he diligently explained himself, he was never understood. of fickleness.

Bream blamed Sun Quan for a small fault, and Lang Guan questioned him all the time. Moreover, the people of Poyang County, the barbarians from the mountains, waited for the gap, and wanted to return to chaos. On the day of chaos, the situation of bream was worse than that of Wang Jing, so they had to ask the prince of Ming Dynasty...

In the letter, not only did Zhou Bing write about his difficulties in wanting to return to the north, but he also revealed Soochow’s plans to commit crimes in the north, and even pointed out in detail the various soldiers and horses:

Now that Zhuge Liang's army is targeting Longyou, Sun Quan also wants to send troops to respond: Lu Fan, Sun Shao and others enter Huai, Quan Cong and Zhu Huan go to Hefei, Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, Zhu Ran go to Xiangyang, Lu Xun, Pan Zhang and others go to Yicheng Umeshiki.

Sun Quan personally led the Chinese army to cover up Shiyang, and don't send his younger brother Sun Huan to stabilize Lucheng, build a mansion, and transport grain on chariots, thinking of it as an army reserve.

It was pointed out later that as long as Sun Quan sent troops, the troops on the riverside would be empty, and at most only 3,000 troops would be left to defend Wuchang.

In the letter, Zhou Bream suggested that Cao Xiu directly march into Wancheng, and then Zhou Bream himself "led the officials and the people, thinking that the internal response. As long as the two armies converge, the Jiangbei Wancheng and Jiangnan Poyang are all owned by the Great Wei."

At the same time, it also wrote: Dong Cen and Shao Nan were dispatched from the family. They were trusted by relatives, like sons. No one knows.

Pointing out that these two people are the most trusted people of Zhou Bing, and only waiting for Cao Xiu to send his army south, he can keep one of them as a hostage, and ask one of them to come with a letter to inform himself of the uprising.

Let me remind Cao Xiu again that the central army led by Sun Quan will be the main force at that time, and will attack Shiyang on a large scale at that time. I am afraid that Shiyang City will not have enough small soldiers to defend it. dense".

It can even be used to hold back Sun Quan who was attacking Shiyang, and Cao Xiu, who arrived in Wancheng at the same time, can also cut off Sun Quan's retreat from the west and make an indelible contribution.

At the end of the letter, Zhou Dory made a request:

For today's major event, since it is not a title, there is no way to persuade it. I beg the general and Hou Yin to have 50 Niu each, Lang Jiang Yinbaiu, Xiaowei and Duwei Yin to be 200 Niu each. , and begged for dozens of buildings, as a model.

Cao Xiu looked at it from beginning to end, the more he looked at it, the happier he was.

This week, Dory Zhou not only sent hostages, but also sent a contact person, and even revealed to himself the news that Wu Kou was planning to commit a crime in the north—although he had already thought that Wu Kou would do this, but what Zhou Dory revealed The news also proves from the side that he is sincerely seeking refuge.

As for the official positions he wanted in the end, although they may be a little too much, as long as he can really cut off Sun Quan's retreat and capture the leader of the bandit, it doesn't matter if he is given more!

It can't be said that after this battle, Great Wei really wiped out Wu Kou as he thought!

Cao Xiu couldn't help but looked up to the sky and laughed out loud after thinking this: Since Zhou Dory said that Wu Kou would do something soon, as long as he did some detective work, he would know whether what Zhou Dory said was true or not.

If it is true as he said, then this person's heart of righteousness cannot be truer.

Remembering that Han Zong was also blamed by Sun Quan, so he threw himself to the north in fear, and Cao Zhenxin became more convinced.

The things mentioned in Zhou Bing's letter were shocking events, Cao Zhen didn't dare to make his own claims in private, so he wrote a memorial quickly, and then asked people to send the memorial and Zhou Bing's letter to Chang'an day and night.

At the same time, he sent people to Jiangdong to appease Zhou Dory and asked him to wait patiently for a while.

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