With a bang, the city gate was pushed open from inside.


When the Han army outside saw it, they rushed in with shouts.

"General, the city gate is broken, please get on your horse and go!"

Bu Qu hugged Guo Huai and retreated towards the east gate.

"Retire? Where are we going?" Guo Huai had expected this day when he retreated to Linwei, and saw his expression was bleak, "Even if I retreat to Chencang, can the national law tolerate me?"

"The general did not flee without fighting. In the battle of Longyou, the only one who defended the city for several months with few soldiers was the general. If His Majesty will punish him for this, what about all the officials in Longyou?"

The leading part spoke quickly, while signaling his subordinates to carry Guo Huai away, "General, let's go back to Guanzhong first, and then make plans. It is only reasonable to leave a useful body."

With the continuous influx of Han troops outside the city, the chaos in Linwei City became more and more serious.

Ma Zun, the prefect of Tianshui, was caught among the defeated soldiers, retreated from the east gate, saw dozens of cavalry ahead, and immediately waved his hands and shouted, "Is General Guo ahead?"

Before the words were finished, a flag was suddenly raised by the Weishui River, drums were beating loudly, and a group of people came out.

"Cao thief, don't go, Han general Zhang Bao has been waiting here for a long time!"

I saw Zhang Bao took the lead, stopped the way, and rushed over directly.

When Guo Huai and the others saw it, they had no choice but to move their horses and turn to the west.

As soon as Ma Zun saw that he was in a hurry, he followed closely after rolling and crawling.

Unexpectedly, when the defeated soldier saw the Han army in front, he fled in a panic and blocked Ma Zun's direction. Seeing that Guo Huai was about to run away, Ma Zun shouted anxiously, "Why did General Guo leave me?"

"Which General Guo?"

With a loud shout, a spear pierced Ma Zun's nose with a "shua" and made him smell the pig iron smell clearly. Ma Zun was so frightened that he almost wet his lower body.

"Say, which General Guo?"

The general of the Han army who was riding on his horse pushed his spear forward a few points, and it had already pierced his clothes.

"It's...it's General Guo, the governor of Yongzhou..."

Ma Zun's face was pale, and he stammered.

"But Guo Huai?"

The general of the Han army asked in a hurry.


"Very good!"

Zhang Bao turned around and ordered, "Come here, tie up this person. Looking at his clothes, he must be a high-ranking official. Follow me for the rest!"

Guo Huai originally wanted to leave by the Weishui River, but now that the way back was cut off, he had no choice but to run to the mountains to the west.

Zhang Bao led his men to follow behind, shouting loudly, "Guo Huaixiu, get off your horse and accept your surrender!"

After hearing Guo Huai's trilogy, the people knew that their whereabouts had been lost, and they were even more impatient at the moment.

"It's difficult to travel on the mountain, general, but please dismount." The leader of Buqu reined in his horse's head, "I have received the general's kindness, and now the situation is urgent, and it is time to sacrifice my life to repay the general."

As he spoke, he asked half of the people to support Guo Huai and move on, and half of them stayed where they were, preparing to stop the pursuers.


Seeing the leading general of the Han army climbing up the mountain with a spear, the leader of the trilogy gave orders loudly.

Zhang Bao had already seen someone ahead, and then heard the sound of strong strings. He was alert and dodged sideways. The soldiers behind him couldn't react for a while, and only heard two "bounces" and "bounces", and they were actually shot in the body. .

Fortunately, most of the people who followed Zhang Bao were his own soldiers, with excellent armor, the arrow feathers penetrated through the armor, and did not penetrate deeply into the flesh, so they did not suffer too much damage.

With a sound of "Dang", an arrow feather hit the rock beside Zhang Bao, splashing a stream of sparks.

The leader of the trilogy looked around and found that there were all elite soldiers in armor underneath. Unless there was a heavy crossbow, ordinary bows and arrows could only hurt them if they hit the front door.

Throwing away the bow and arrow, he drew his sword and said, "Go!"

Standing high and rushing down, took the lead.

Zhang Bao was not afraid, instead of retreating, he went forward, and the snake spear pierced him as fast as lightning.

The leader of the trilogy was finally a person who had lived and died for a long time. He immediately raised his knife to block it, only to hear a sour sound, and the curved spear tip slashed across the blade.

Although it seemed to block Zhang Bao's blow, the leader's palm was so painful and numb that he almost couldn't hold the knife.

He had no choice but to stagger back two steps, taking off the opponent's thrust.

Zhang Bao won the power and refused to let others go. He stepped forward and fought with the oncoming Guo Huai trilogy.

I saw that the Snake Spear really lived up to its name, in Zhang Bao's hands it was like a poisonous snake spitting out letters, whether it was picked or stabbed, and when it came face to face, there was a hole in the throat of Buqu who was directly opposite him.

The hot blood spurted out all of a sudden, and sprinkled on the nearby mountain grass, a bright red.

Zhang Bao didn't stop, the snake spear swept across!

With Zhang Bao fighting in front, all the soldiers went forward with shouts.

After a fight, more than a dozen trilogy who tried to block the way were all killed. Zhang Bao didn't stop for a moment, and continued to lead the people to chase forward.

It's just that although the blocking time of the trilogy was not long, it was enough for Guo Huai to run far.

Zhang Bao climbed to the top of the mountain and saw that Guo Huai had already descended the foot of the mountain and was running towards the bank of the Wei River. He was in a hurry and wanted to chase him down.

Unexpectedly, he forgot that he was going down the mountain, not up the mountain. He didn't pay attention for a while, his feet stepped on the air, and he rolled down with a somersault.


The soldier shouted and ran down hastily.

Zhang Bao only felt that the world was spinning, but he was wearing armor, and it was inconvenient to get up for a while, when suddenly a big black shadow appeared in front of him, with a "boom", his head hit the rock, and he passed out on the spot.

The soldiers ran down and saw Zhang Bao lying there motionless with blood streaming down his face, they were all terrified, and hurriedly helped him up, calling out endlessly.

Zhang Bao tilted his head and closed his eyes tightly, but there was no sign of waking up.

"Hurry up, take the general back to the camp to find the medical officer!"

Seeing Zhang Bao like this, all the soldiers panicked even more.

In April of the sixth year of Jianxing, the city of Linwei was destroyed, and Guangwei County fell into the hands of the Han.

At the same time, because Zhang Bao was chasing Guo Huai, he accidentally fell down on the mountain, injured his forehead, and fell into a coma.

After a few days of medical treatment in the army, although he was awake, his whole body was weak. Not only could he lie on the couch, but he also had headaches, dizziness, and difficulty in eating.

"General Guan, General Zhang has the symptoms of Jinchuang disease. There are not enough medicinal materials in the army, and it is difficult to cure. Those who have this disease need to stay out of the sun and rest. It is better to let General Zhang quickly return to the rear to recuperate."

The medical worker was sweating profusely, and said to Guan Xing who was guarding outside the ward.

"Jin Chuangyu?" Guan Xing turned pale when he heard this, and quickly grabbed the medical worker's hand, "Are you sure?"

Guan Xingli was strong, and the medical worker felt that his arms were about to be snapped off. He nodded in pain, "After being injured in the army, those who develop this symptom are undoubtedly suffering from Jin Chuang."


When Guan Xing heard this, his eyes turned red.

"General Guan should find a way to send General Zhang to a quiet place to recuperate as soon as possible."

The medical worker painstakingly persuaded.

Guan Xing didn't answer, and rushed into Zhang Bao's ward. Although Zhang Bao closed his eyes tightly, he could still see his teeth clenched tightly and his body trembling slightly.

The dangers experienced on the battlefield did not change Guan Xing's face much, but now seeing Zhang Bao's appearance, his face became paler, his heart sank into the abyss, and he even became a little confused.

Of course he, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, knows the horror of Jin Chuangyu.

At least half of the wounded soldiers in the army died of this disease.

This is the most common disease in the army, and it is also the disease most likely to cause death.

At this time, Zhang Bao had the symptoms at the beginning of the disease. As the disease became more serious, the patient would only suffer more and more. Some people even broke their own bones because of excessive curling up.

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