Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 629 Excuse me

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, Guan Xing turned his head to look, and saw Wu Yi walking in anxiously.

As soon as he went up to greet him and said "General Wu", he was interrupted by Wu Yi, "How is General Zhang?"

"The medical staff said it was Jin Chuangyu..."

Guan Xing replied with difficulty.

Wu Yi leaned forward and saw that Zhang Bao was suffering from an illness. His expression changed from anxious to gloomy. "This is still a mild symptom. After some time, I'm afraid it will become more serious."

Guan Xing still had a fluke in his heart, but Wu Yi was old and decisive, so he didn't have so many taboos, so he made a conclusion on the spot.

Wu Yi said decisively, "This disease should be kept away from the light. This city of Linwei has just gone through a war, and the evil spirit is too strong. We can't let him stay here."

As he spoke, he looked at Guan Xing again, and ordered, "You immediately take the horse army and protect the wounded soldiers back to Jicheng to rest, and at the same time wait for the next military order from the prime minister. If this is the case, General Zhang will also be sent back to Jicheng Rest."

Upon hearing this, Guan Xing said gratefully, "The last general thanked General Wu."

Wu Yi waved his hand, "The prime minister is far away in Longxi, entrusted me with the affairs of Guangwei, and I will be responsible to the soldiers."

He pondered for a while, and then continued, "If General Zhang's condition is still not under control after he arrives in Jicheng, you should immediately send someone to send him back to Jincheng. Then go ask the prime minister."

When Guan Xing heard this, his face became even more grateful, "The last general thanked the general for Xingwu."

"What's there to thank? When encountering such a thing, even if the prime minister finds out, he will only say that I did the right thing, and won't blame me for making my own claims."

As the elder brother of the empress dowager, Wu Yi is also in a high position, so he still has some responsibility.

It's just that when Guan Xing heard Wu Yi mentioning the word Jicheng, he suddenly thought of someone, and immediately said, "The last general has something to ask the general."

"What is it?"

"Is it possible to let Jiang Wei replace the last general in leading the horse army to send the wounded soldiers to Jicheng? The wounded soldiers marched too slowly, and the last general wanted to go to Jicheng first to find someone and ask him if he could heal Xingwu. .”

After Wu Yi heard this, although his expression was a little curious, it was more of surprise and joy, "Is there a famous doctor in Jicheng?"

Guan Xing shook his head, "That's not true, but this person has two famous doctors under him."


"It's the brother-in-law of the last general, Feng Yong."

Wu Yi shattered the last illusion in Guan Xing's heart, and then mentioned Jicheng, which made Guan Xing suddenly remember Feng Yong who was living in Jicheng.

When he was plagued by malaria in Nanzhong, it was Feng Yong who pulled him back to the world after he had stepped into the gate of hell. In addition, he personally escorted the emperor and empress to Feng's mansion for medical treatment, and he also heard from Guan Ji. some information.

So Guan Xing naturally knows that Feng Yong always has some mysterious methods that are not known to the public, and at the same time, the medical staff in his hand is also the best medical staff in the big man.

Although I don't know if Feng Yong can rescue Zhang Bao, or if his medical workers can rescue Zhang Bao, but if even he can't do anything, then in the territory of Dahan, I'm afraid there will be no one who can do it better. .

"It's him?" Wu Yi finally came to his senses after hearing this, and nodded thoughtfully, "How did I forget him?"

Wu Yi's younger sister is the current empress dowager, and he also knows some inside stories that others don't.

Immediately he arranged, "Time doesn't wait for me, you leave for Jicheng immediately, and I will arrange the rest."

Guan Xing cupped his fists, "No!"

With Zhang Bao's illness, Guan Xing did not dare to procrastinate. He returned to the camp to tidy up a little, then took a few parts, rode out of the city directly, and headed west along the Weishui River.

The four prefectures of Linwei, Jicheng, Bindao, Xiangwu, and Longyou are all built on the banks of the Wei River in order from east to west.

Guan Xing galloped all the way from Linwei along the Wei River, traveling more than a hundred miles a day, and arrived in Jicheng in just over two days.

After inquiring about Feng Yong's residence, he broke into his yard.

Feng Yong's followers all knew Guan Xing and knew that he was the lord's brother-in-law, so no one stopped him.

Only Liu Hun who was standing in front of Feng Yong's bedroom asked subconsciously, "Why did General Guan come here?"

"Where's Feng Yong?"

Guan Xing knew that Liu Hun was Feng Yong's follower, so he asked.


Before Liu Hun finished speaking, Guan Xing strode forward and pushed open the door.

Feng Tubie was squatting on the big basin at this time, looking down at his two slices of pork belly.

In the past two days, his butt has been itching badly, and Fan Qi said it was a prelude to getting ready for the injury.

Feng Yong himself touched it quietly at night, and the scab on it did show signs of being ready to fall off. He was secretly happy when he heard the door suddenly opened with a "bang".

Then I only felt that it was dark before my eyes, and there was an extra person in the room.

Guan Xing looked down and saw Feng Tubie squatting on the water basin in a strange posture.

He subconsciously covered his nose and frowned.

Feng Yong's posture is a bit like squatting in a pit, and his center of gravity is already unstable. In addition, he is straddling a water basin, so his legs are prone to numbness.

At this moment, being so frightened by Guan Xing, he raised his head subconsciously, and at the same time he wanted to stand up and put on his belt in a panic, and at the same time he said, "Why is brother here?"

Before he finished speaking, Feng Yong didn't adjust his center of gravity, the blood in his legs was not flowing smoothly, his feet were slightly numb, and then with a "plop", he actually sat in the basin, causing a big splash of water.

Guan Xing's reaction was extremely fast, he jumped back one after another, his face twitched, his hands covered his mouth and nose even tighter, feeling a little nauseous.

While the eyelids were twitching, the eyes involuntarily glanced at the water basin: What kind of quirks does this kid have? How can you go to the toilet here? I don't know how much filth is in this basin?

Feng Yong only felt that his tailbone was knocked by the edge of the water basin, and he grinned in pain, and when he looked at Guan Xing again, he was a little annoyed, and his face became unhappy.

"Brother, although you are my elder brother, isn't it rude to come in without knocking?"

While talking, he wanted to stand up, but he didn't realize that he couldn't stand upright before halfway through. It turned out that the water basin was covered on his buttocks, like a shell on his back, and he was stuck.

In desperation, I had to squat down again, took off the water basin and threw it on the ground.

Fortunately, the wound has already scabbed, so it doesn't matter if it gets a little water, as long as it is dried in time, otherwise it will be troublesome.

Guan Xing knew that he was at fault, so he said "huh" a few times, pointed at him, then turned around and walked out, walked to the door, took a long breath, and then said to the inside, " I have something urgent for you, and I will wait for you in the front hall."

When Feng Yong inside heard this, his heart skipped a beat: With the current situation in Longyou, what else could be urgent? Could it be that Old Demon Zhuge left quietly this time and made trouble again?

The last battle at Jieting made Feng Yong feel that he had become a frightened bird.

He hurriedly changed his dry clothes three times and walked quickly to the front hall.

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