Zhuge Liang raised his head, looked at Xiangwu City ahead, and sighed, "Xiangwu is in a remote place. I thought the city would not be repaired, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult to fight."

"Hao Zhaojiu, who was in town in Hexi, is well-known, and he is not a person who is contemptuous. That's why I have repeatedly asked the villagers to persuade him to surrender, but he is so stubborn."

Even someone as arrogant as Wei Yan, upon hearing this, had to admit that the Prime Minister's concerns were indeed more thoughtful than his own.

"There are no more than 50,000 big men, so it is indeed a little bit reluctant to attack a city guarded by more than 20,000 people." Zhuge Liang said slowly, and then looked up at the sky, narrowing his eyes slightly, "You have to plan it slowly."

There is another reason Zhuge Liang didn't say.

That is, although the eight formations make up for some of the shortcomings of the lack of cavalry in the big man, you can use the infantry to block the cavalry, but it is only blocking it.

Just like the battle with Cao Wei's cavalry a few days ago, although Hao Zhao suffered a bit, he immediately withdrew to Xiangwu when he saw that the momentum was wrong, but he could only watch helplessly, unable to pursue at all.

This is the disadvantage of not having cavalry.

Even if it is the cavalry that can defeat Cao Wei, it is not easy to annihilate it.

However, at this time, Xiangwu Xiangwu was built along the Wei River, and Cao Wei relied on the water to guard the retreat to the west, and most of the city was cavalry. If Hao Zhao was determined to return to Liangzhou, the big man would have no way to stop him.

Zhuge Liang had no choice but to first divide Wei Yan, Gao Xiang, and Chen Shi into three groups to encircle the north, south, east, and south.

Hao Zhao saw that the Han army's offensive stopped, and he thought that Zhuge Liang was scared. In addition, he believed that the cavalry was elite and he had a retreat in his hands, but he was not afraid of the other party's conspiracy.

For a while, the Han and Wei armies were at a stalemate.

In May of the sixth year of Jianxing, the weather became hotter and hotter.

According to the experience of previous years, the rain in Longyou should gradually increase at this time, and the Wei River will start to swell.

But this year is a bit unusual, with very little rainfall.

Guo Huai felt that God really cared for him: if the Wei River rose sharply at this time, there would be no way for them to escape along the Wei River and return to Chencang.

When the city of Linwei was destroyed, Wu Yi sent Zhang Bao to set up an ambush at the east gate, forcing Guo Huai to go west. If it were someone else, he might not be able to escape.

But Guo Huai was different. He participated in the Battle of Hanzhong, and later transferred to Zhenxi Changshi.

So he is very familiar with Guanzhong Longyou area.

After learning that there was an ambush on the east side of Linwei, he first got rid of Zhang Bao, instead of going east, he went west instead.

At that time, the Han army surrounded Sanque and attacked Linwei, and a large number of defeated soldiers fled to the east gate, which attracted the attention of the Han army. Who would have thought that Guo Huai would do the opposite, and finally let him escape Linwei .

Walking not far to the east, we reached the confluence of Qingshui and Weishui, where Guo Huai turned north along Qingshui, and finally found a Qianghu tribe near Qingshui City.

Tribe Qu Shuaiye was shocked when he learned of Guo Huai's arrival. He secretly lured him into the account and at the same time offered him food.

Just when Ye Ruhe was about to enter the tent to meet Guo Huai, some of his confidants quietly persuaded him, "Now that the Han Kingdom has occupied Longyou, this Guo Huai is an important fugitive they are hunting. As an advanced work?"

Hearing this, Ye'e Mo was taken aback, and reprimanded, "Mr. Guo is kind to me, how can I do such a beastly thing?"

"If your lord is not willing to capture Guo Huai to claim credit, then you can't do your best to help him. Otherwise, if the Han country finds out about it later, wouldn't it be self-inflicted disaster?"

The confidant persuaded again.

Hearing this, Ye'e Mo hesitated for a long time, and then said, "Let me go and have a look first, and see what Jun Guo intends to do here."

Then he entered the account, first saluted and greeted, and then asked tentatively, "Why did Mr. Guo come here?"

Guo Huai ruled Yongzhou for a long time, whenever Qianghu came to vote, he always asked people to find out the situation of their tribe in advance, such as the number of men and women, their age, etc., and then they were interviewed.

With this method, Guo Huai already knew what they wanted to do before the leaders of the Hu people expressed their intentions, and he seemed to care about them very much, so he was called a god-like figure by the Hu people.

When Ye'erhe led his clan to seek refuge, he was greatly favored by Guo Huai, so he respected Guo Huai very much.

"Ye'ermoth, now I'm extremely poor, I have nowhere to go, and I'm almost starving to death, so I risked my life to come here and beg for a full meal."

Guo Huai was hungry and tired, and his whole body was in a mess, he said while chomping on the food that Ye'er Moth had prepared for him.

"What is Guo Jun talking about? You are willing to come to my small tribe, and I am too happy. As long as there is everyone in the tribe, you can speak up."

Upon hearing this, Ye'er'e said hurriedly.

Guo Huai shook his head, "Now I am the one who is urgently captured by the Shu captives. I only want to have a full meal when I come to you. If you can remember that I have helped you before, you can lend me a few horses. Ma, then I can't thank you enough."

"If you want to capture me to claim credit, I can understand you. After all, Longyou is now dominated by Shu captives. I heard that many of your tribes have already attached themselves to Shu captives."

"If you tie me up and send me to Linwei, it must be a great contribution, and the Shu captives will give you a lot of rewards."

As Guo Huai said, he stood up and handed over the long sword at his waist, "I only hope you can let go of those who came with me, they are all loyal and brave men, even if you take them, Not much credit."

Hearing the words of the great benefactor, especially the words "loyal and brave man", Ye'e'e couldn't help feeling ashamed and ashamed when he thought of his little thoughts.

He only felt a rush of blood rushing to his head, and immediately fell to the ground and wept, "Where did Guo Jun say that? If it weren't for Guo Jun's great kindness back then, how could we have today's Ye Mo? Please don't worry, Guo Jun, villain Even if you die, you will be sent back to Guanzhong safely!"

Guo Huai quickly stepped forward to help him up, and sighed, "I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

"If Guo Jun really wants to kill me, why did he wait until today?"

After Ye Rumo got up, his face was full of determination.

"Thank you so much!"

Guo Huai saluted deeply.

Seeing Guo Huai's gift, Ye Ru'e became more determined to help Guo Huai, "Guo Jun sit down, I will send someone to Qingshui City to find out the news."

Longyou Qianghu, those who are willing to attach themselves to the great Han, Tianshui County is the most.

And those who are interested in Cao Wei are mostly in Guangwei County.

The reason is also very simple, because Guangwei controls all the traffic arteries between Longyou and the east, and even if you come over the mountains from the northernmost Anding County, you have to go through Guangwei to reach Tianshui.

Therefore, Cao Wei paid more attention to Guangwei than Tianshui County, the actual center of Longyou.

A few months ago, the army of the Northern Expedition appeared on Mount Qi, and the two counties of Tianshui and Nan'an rebelled, but Guangwei County mostly stood firm, and few places surrendered. This is enough to prove Wei's control over Guangwei County.

Guo Huai dared to come to Qingshui to ask Ye'er Mo for help, so he was sure.

But if he dared to go to Tianshui's Qianghu, he would basically end up bound and captured.

Because Qishan Road, the main channel connecting Hanzhong and Longyou, directly leads to Tianshui County, and because most of the Longyou clans gather in Tianshui, the mutual market in Hanzhong also has the greatest influence on Tianshui.

Guo Huai was not a simple character. He was regarded by the Qianghu in Guanzhong as having the power of a god, and he also had some influence in the Qianghu tribe in Longyou.

With Longyou changing hands, Ye'erhe was willing to take risks to help Guo Huai escape, which was the result of his good care of Qianghu in the past.

Clear water flows from Longshan Mountain, and there are actually many tributaries running down Longshan Mountain. It's just that there is not enough rain this year, so some river valleys have dried up.

Guo Huai and the others made up the supply, did not enter Qingshui City at all, and walked eastward, found a dry valley, walked southward along the valley, and after making a big circle, they unexpectedly reached the Weishui River on the east side of Linwei river valley.

The water level in the Weishui River Valley was much lower than in previous years. Guo Huai rode a horse and galloped towards Chencang day and night.

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