Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 635 Time of day

Resting in Jicheng for a few days, the scab on Feng Yong's buttocks began to peel off, and he could finally try to sit down.

Zhang Bao's illness is somewhat troublesome.

Although it has not continued to deteriorate, signs of improvement have been extremely slow.

This made Feng Yong very worried, and Guan Xing was even more anxious.

Guan Xing felt that Jicheng's conditions were not very good, and wanted to send Zhang Bao back to Jincheng, but Feng Yong flatly refused.

Tetanus is inherently unbearable to stimuli, no matter it is sound, light or other things, it will cause the attack of the disease. The bumpy journey back, I am afraid that before returning to Jincheng, Zhang Bao will die because the body cannot bear the attack of the disease.

Under such circumstances, Feng Yong had no choice but to ask Duanmuzhe to go to Nanxiang himself with his letter, and ask Nanxiang to send enough cinnabar and toad cake as soon as possible, and take some honey from Si Niang by the way, and at the same time let Fan A came to Longyou as soon as possible.

After he finished arranging these things, the prime minister of Han Dynasty who was far away in Xiangwu sent another military order, asking Feng Yong and Guan Xing to lead the army westward.

Although the two were worried about Zhang Bao, they could only tell Fan Qi to take good care of Zhang Bao, and then took them to Xiangwu.

As far as Feng Yong knew, You Chu, the prefect of Longxi, behaved the same as in history at the beginning, threatening that as long as the big man could sever the connection between Guanzhong and Longxi for one month, he would surrender the county.

It's already May now, and the old monster Zhuge led the main force to go there, but he couldn't take it——You Chu, why is your month different from other people's month?

As the president of Dongfeng Express, Feng Yong has reason to ask this question.

Because Longxi is the most remote place in Longyou.

Being in a remote location means that the cost of transporting grain has increased.

The grain road from Hanzhong to Longyou basically overlaps with the West Han River.

Because this can transport grain by water, greatly reducing costs.

The upper reaches of the Western Han River is called Yangshui, and Yangshui is close to Qishan Mountain, so Qishan Fort is the largest grain storage base in the Northern Expedition.

The largest transportation organization for transporting grain from Qishanbao to various places in Longyou is Dongfeng Express.

Now that the Northern Expedition has been dragged on for four months, the pressure of transporting grain has gradually emerged, and the consumption of grain and grass is not usually large.

If it hadn’t been for the old monster Zhuge who had harvested a lot of leeks with the quota of workshops before the Northern Expedition, and if the Yunnan horses of Dongfeng Express hadn’t been really useful, the army of the Northern Expedition would have started to run out of food and grass at this time, just like in the original history.

But Old Demon Zhuge didn't seem worried at all, and was even in the mood to take Feng Yong and Jiang Wei around.

Seeing the big Han prime minister who was walking in front bent down beside the Wei River, observing the river carefully, Feng Yong was really puzzled as he didn't know what he was doing.

It doesn't make sense! Zhuge old demon's actions are not in line with his style at all.

The longer this Xiangwu city is delayed, the greater the logistical pressure. With Zhuge Laoyao's historical style, he should try to minimize the impact of the war on the people of the Han Dynasty. There is no reason to delay so much!

"Prime Minister wants to eat fish?" Feng Yong made an excuse to follow along. The water level was very low at this time, and the river bed could already be seen in some places, and some fish could even be seen swimming around in it.

"How about I go down and touch two of them? Although this fish is not big, it can still be eaten..."

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty glanced at Feng Tubie, "You brought the cook here?"

Feng Yong rolled his eyes twice, and said with a dry smile, "How can there be no cook in the army?"

"You know what cook I'm talking about." Zhuge Liang felt a little helpless when he saw his appearance, "You never forget to satisfy your appetite when you march or fight, no wonder you have so much knowledge in your teacher's school, you just choose one Let’s learn the art of easy teeth.”

Feng Yong shrank his neck and stopped talking.

Zhuge Liang didn't want to let him go like this, pointing to Xiangwu City to the west, and asked, "Let me ask you, if it were you, how would you capture this city?"

"That's not easy, take a stone to kill it!"

Feng Yong said without hesitation, "Prime Minister, this is something I don't understand. I have already brought the catapult battalion here. Why didn't the Prime Minister directly attack the city?"

"For this small town, I asked my engineer, and he said that as long as it hits for five consecutive days, the city can definitely be broken."

The remote location also has the advantage of being remote, that is, the general city is not too tall, and it is built with rammed earth. If you take back the cannon and smash it for four or five days, this city wall will definitely not be able to stop it.

"Engineer?" Zhuge Liang thought for a while, and then realized who he was talking about, "You mean Wen Shi, who is good at arithmetic in the catapult camp?"


"Then what? The city is broken, and most of Cao's thieves are horse troops. How can we wipe them out?"

Zhuge Liang asked.

"Total annihilation?"

Feng Yong was taken aback.

"Of course we have to wipe it all out," Zhuge Liang said slowly, looking to the west. "The 20,000 cavalry army is the elite of Liangzhou. If we can wipe out this army here, we will be able to calm down Liangzhou later."

"More importantly, Hao Zhao has guarded Hexi for many years and has a long reputation. People in Hexi trust him. If he is allowed to return to Liangzhou, it will be a big trouble."

When Feng Yong heard it, his heart was shocked, sure enough!

The old demon Zhuge was so abnormal, it turned out that he really had some other purpose, he actually wanted to wipe out all the people in Xiangwu City.

"But Prime Minister, the Cao thief is guarding the river, and there is still a retreat to the west..."

When Feng Yong said this, he suddenly stopped, and his eyes involuntarily looked towards Weishui, as if a bright light flashed in front of his eyes, damn it, I am a pig!


Zhuge Liang looked at him meaningfully and asked.

Feng Yong nodded dumbly.

Zhuge Liang looked at Jiang Wei who had been standing behind silently, "Does Boyue understand?"

"Is the prime minister waiting for the Wei River to not become a danger for Cao's thieves to defend, and then take the opportunity to cross the river and cut off the retreat of the thieves in Xiangwu City?"

Jiang Wei also looked suddenly enlightened.

Zhuge Liang smiled and pointed at the two of them, "It's not too stupid after all."

Then he shook his head again, "Of course, this is only the last step. The Wei River is gradually drying up, and the bandits Cao will surely know that if they cross the river early, they may alarm the bandits in the city and make them escape from the city."

"So, our first step should be to find a way to drive the Cao thieves from outside the city into the city, and then surround them to death."

In the past, it was naturally impossible for the Han army with pure infantry to realize this idea, but Guan Xing brought cavalry and the Qiang-Hu coalition army to cooperate with the original three-sided encirclement, so naturally there would be no problem.

Feng Yong scratched his head, this is still wrong!

Even if the statement of ten circles is a bit exaggerated, it is at least reasonable.

More than 50,000 people went to surround a city guarded by more than 20,000 people, and the opponent had a large number of horses, so it didn't look reliable.

"But Prime Minister, it's not easy to surround, is it?"

Feng Yong asked again.

Zhuge Liang smiled meaningfully again, "Normally, it's not easy to encircle. But now, taking advantage of their ignorance of the Wei River, I ordered people to dig deep trenches and build barriers on the three sides of Xiangwu."

"Then Hao Zhao believed that there was a retreat to the west, and the horse army in his hand was elite, so it was a big mistake not to stop it."

"As long as the trench barrier is completed, how easy is it for him to break through? Then we wait patiently for the Wei River to bottom out, then we can directly cross the river and block the west side with heavy troops."

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang smiled confidently again, "As long as the city is built by the water, the wells in the city must be closely connected with the water flow outside the city. If there is no water outside the city, the wells in the city will have little water or even dry up. "

"More than 20,000 people live in this small city, and there are still horses to use, plus the needs of the people, the water in this city is definitely not enough. It seems that this year's Longyou, I am afraid that it will be difficult, and there may be a severe drought. .”

"It turns out that the Prime Minister already knew that Longyou would suffer a severe drought this year?"

Jiang Wei suddenly woke up.

Zhuge Liang chuckled, and looked at the sky, "The so-called harmony between people at the right time and place, isn't it something that a handsome man must know? Long You used to have a rainy season at this time."

"Transporting grain from Hanzhong to Longyou depends on the water of the Western Han Dynasty. This is the lifeline of the Northern Expedition. How could I not pay attention to it? According to previous years, the water level of the Western Han Dynasty will skyrocket as early as April, and as late as May, making it difficult to ship. grain."

"But this year is very abnormal. From April to now, there hasn't even been a single rain. The drought in Longyou is a foregone conclusion. Xiangwu is also located in the upper reaches of the Wei River, so it will be the first to stop."

Feng Yongyue broke out in a cold sweat when he heard it, and suddenly thought of something: A few days ago, old man Wei failed to attack the city and suffered heavy losses. Could it be part of Zhuge Old Demon's plan?

Let that Hao Zhao be proud for a while, thinking that the tens of thousands of big men will not be able to capture Xiangwu.

Then the encirclement on three sides, making the appearance of a long-term siege, is actually the paralysis of the old demon Zhuge. Behind the seemingly helpless move, he has quietly completed the action of blocking the three sides.

Guan Xing brought the cavalry over at this time, which happened to make up for the lack of mobility of the Han army.

Finally, with the help of this year's abnormal weather, Hao Zhao's thoughtful retreat became safe and secure.

Feng Yong wiped the sweat from his forehead: I said that the prime minister was not in a hurry at all, and even asked professional teams like the engineering team to dig ditches and build barriers every day, so he was already dead.

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