Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 637 There is no secret plan in the world

Looking at Jiang Wei's horrified gaze, Feng Yong knew what he was thinking, "General Jiang, don't worry, I won't treasure this knowledge."

"That Wenshi has a book on mathematics that I wrote before. If you are interested, you can borrow it from him."

Hearing this, Jiang Wei was greatly shocked when he saw Feng Yong's calm face, as if this was just a very common thing.

He could only hear him blurt out, "Feng Langjun has a broad mind, which is really admirable, and Weiyuan can't match it."

If it were someone else, Jiang Wei would not believe these words so easily, but Feng Yong was different. It was not like he had never heard of the rumors about Nanxiang Xinhua Bookstore.

It is not surprising that the person who can build the Xinhua Bookstore said these words.

To be praised by Qilin'er from Liangzhou, Feng Yong smiled again without explaining.

The fundamental purpose of the broad-minded Feng Langjun to promote education in this way is to break through the knowledge monopoly of the aristocratic family.

Of course, in order to have a batch of barely usable basic talents in your hands, that is the most direct purpose.

That's right, it's barely usable, and it can only be a basic talent.

Excluding the students that Feng Yong really has a future and is willing to support, the remaining 99.99% of the students will spend their entire lives in poverty, and it is impossible for even the most remote county magistrate to become a county magistrate.

Unless there is an outbreak of character, a very small number of them will be able to stand up and enter the establishment officially recognized by the imperial court.

This is reality, brutal reality.

But at least it's much better than their parents, isn't it? Feng Tubie felt that he had a clear conscience.

According to his estimate, when the battle in Longyou is over, Zhuge Old Demon will most likely not allow himself to return to Yuexie, and there will definitely be other arrangements at that time.

It's just that a group of students from Nanxiang Academy have already taken root in Yuelu, and the Xinghan Society's school in Yuelu also needs them to lay the foundation.

If the old demon Zhuge Liang gave him a new position to govern the local area, then the students he could call would not be enough at all.

Students who are used to flexible thinking, can keep up with their own rhythm, and are willing to work hard, pragmatic and not unrealistic, who the hell are still willing to use those old-fashioned literati?

You don't even know how to do linear equations in two variables, so you want to make eggs? Writing articles to flatter you? Lao Tzu is a literary giant, need you to take pictures?

Not to mention sending those literati to be officials in Nanxiang, even if they were sent to Yuejuan, if there is no one to point them out, their eyes will be smeared, and they will not be able to figure out the way.

But this kind of talent education is really expensive and time-consuming!

The broad-minded Feng Langjun sighed secretly while looking for wild vegetables.

After spending most of the day, the flow of the Weishui River was finally calculated. After looking at the values ​​with large differences on the paper, Feng Yong directly averaged them, and then took the maximum and minimum values ​​as upper and lower values. .

Without scientific spirit, data falsification is extremely easy.

He is even in the mood to let someone touch a few fish and prepare for a change today.

Then he took the data and showed it to the prime minister.

Seeing the ghost rune-like data, Zhuge Liang's eyes twitched, pretending not to care, returned the data to Feng Yong, and coughed, "Now that we have figured it out, the next step is to go to the top to find the channel." Where is the drainage?"


Feng Yong nodded. Sure enough, the prime minister couldn't understand it. What he wanted was not data, but when he could start doing it.

"Okay. Then I will leave this matter to you, are you sure?"

Zhuge Liang couldn't read ghost runes, so he couldn't be sure how big the project was.

"Prime Minister, don't forget my engineering team. The construction of Shuangnan Avenue and the artificial stone road from Nanzheng Road to Ju County did not cut off the water flow."

It’s just that Feng Yong didn’t dare to promise Zhuge Liang before going upstream to see it, “It’s just that the land where the canal is opened should not only be low-lying, but also wide. Whether there is such a place up there, we have to go to see it.”

Xiangwu is located in the upper reaches of the Wei River, close to the source of the Wei River. The valley is not too big and not too deep. Coupled with the drought, the water level of the Wei River is already very low.

More importantly, the upper reaches of the Weishui River are far from the middle and lower reaches, where large tributaries such as Changlishui, Qingshui, Qianshui, Jingshui, and Luoshui inject supplementary water.

If a suitable place can be found, it may be possible to open a canal to drain the water to a low-lying area, and it may be shut down for ten or eight days.

For this job, it would definitely not work to replace those unorganized and professional auxiliary soldiers and civilian husbands, but the engineering team has experience in doing this, and it is still professional.

Zhuge Liang nodded in agreement with Feng Yong's statement, "It is indeed reasonable, whether there is such a place in the west of Xiangwu City, I have to go and see it before I am reconciled."

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang solemnly warned Feng Yong, "If you are really not sure, don't force it."

Feng Yong nodded, "I understand. If you are not sure, then at most you can just wait a few more days. I can clearly distinguish the seriousness of the matter."

Only then did Zhuge Liang nod his head in satisfaction, "Now there are bandit troops wandering in the west, if you want to go west, you have to lead the troops there."

When Feng Yong heard it, he said "Yeah" in his heart, secretly thinking that I forgot about this, although my brother-in-law has already begun to try to reduce the scope of activities of the Cao thief outside the city, but it is still dangerous after all.

Thinking of my almost zero ability to command in front of battle, plus Wang Ping and Zhang Ni are not around, in case of enemy situation...

Thinking of this, Feng Yong glanced at Jiang Wei who was standing beside him, "Prime Minister, I'm going to scout the place and guard against thieves. If I can't take care of it, it will be troublesome. Why don't you use it for me?"

Zhuge Liang laughed and said, "You took Longguan lightly first, and then you defeated Zhang Yun. I'm afraid your reputation will resound throughout the Central Plains in a short time."

"After all, there are not many people in the world like you who are famous in literary and literary works, famous in martial arts, or too young. Cao thief now hears your reputation, I am afraid that everyone will be worried, you What are you afraid of?"

When Feng Tubie heard it, his mouth grinned.

It's just that he was still a little bit ashamed, and his old face flushed slightly, "The prime minister is too praised."

Looking at Feng Yong's hypocritical appearance, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty is used to it, and has no time to entangle him with this, "Nowadays, all the generals in the army have to guard everywhere, who else can accompany you? ?”

"Bo Yue! Bo Yue and I share the same friendship, and we hit it off very much. Why don't the prime minister let him go with me?"

Feng Yong pointed to Jiang Wei and said.

Jiang Wei looked over in astonishment: Congenial? hit it off? And me?

What Feng Langjun said was the truth?

Qilin'er from Liangzhou really wanted to ask.

Feng Yong naturally didn't know what Jiang Wei was muttering in his heart. He knew that with his current reputation, he wanted to lead an army, and almost no one would refuse to accept it.

But it's one thing to be convinced, but his family knows his own affairs.

With no soldiers in his hands, no generals to rely on, he really felt guilty.

"Oh, is Boyue willing to be Feng Mingwen's lieutenant general?"

Zhuge Liang asked Jiang Wei.

"The prime minister has an order, how dare a certain one refuse to obey."

Jiang Wei responded quickly, then turned to Feng Yong, clasped his fists and said, "We are overjoyed to have General Feng look at you differently. I have admired General Feng's knowledge for a long time, and I will ask General Feng Yong to give me advice in the future."

"It's easy to talk about. These days, I have seen the general's careful thinking and military sensitivity. I have long wanted to learn from General Jiang."

Seeing that Jiang Wei agreed, Feng Yong couldn't hide his smile, like a morning glory.

After a busy day and making plans for tomorrow, Feng Yong left Zhuge Liang and returned to his camp.

The fish caught during the day had already been disembowelled and cleaned by the cook, and they were waiting for Feng Yong to come back and inform them to cook.

First spread the lard evenly, then spread the sauce and salt, and then sprinkle some wild onions pulled from the wild today. Without ginger and wine, the fish may be a little fishy, ​​but it doesn't matter. At this time, there is no need to pay attention.

Mix soy sauce, vinegar, and pepper oil in a bowl.

Boil the water, put the utensils containing the fish in it, put the bowl in it and steam it together, pinch the time and then turn off the heat, let it simmer for a while, and finally pour the hot sauce all over the fish.

Then choose a part of today's wild vegetables, stir-fry them and take them out of the pan.

One meat and one vegetarian, not bad, not bad, plus the steamed buns that the cook had already steamed, and a cooked millet porridge.

Feng Yong swallowed, and brought it to the prime minister himself.

In the past few days, the prime minister brought himself and Jiang Wei by his side. Although he didn't say it explicitly, Feng Yong knew that he was teaching by example.

Although silent, but the mind is clear.

Follow the teacher's teaching, Feng Yong still understands.

After bringing the food into the camp of the Chinese army, it turned out that Zhuge Liang was dealing with military affairs.

Seeing Feng Yong coming in with food, Zhuge Liang's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Prime Minister, eat your dinner first."

It was rare for Feng Yong to show the appearance that a junior should have.

Zhuge Liang got up, walked to the table, looked at the food on the table, his throat moved slightly, and looked at Feng Yong suspiciously: "This kid is very abnormal!"

It's just that the food is really delicious, and the prime minister of the Han Dynasty who doesn't eat much on weekdays also eats a lot more than usual, and he eats clean fish and wild vegetables.

After Feng Yong cleaned up all the dishes and chopsticks, he smiled and said to the prime minister, "Prime Minister, I want to ask you something."

"I knew your meal wasn't that delicious." Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong. Although he said so, he seemed to be in a good mood, "Let's listen."

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