Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 638 Dilemma

"Prime Minister, I want to set up a new battalion in the army, called the engineering battalion, combine the riprap battalion and the engineering team, will it work?"

Feng Yong asked very carefully.

"Huh?" Zhuge Liang was a little surprised when he heard this, "I thought what you were going to talk about was how to break Xiangwu, but I didn't expect it to be for this?"

"The destruction of Xiangwu City is a foregone conclusion. What can we say?"

Feng Yong said indifferently.

If Zhuge Liang didn't want to keep Hao Zhao's Liangzhou Jingqi, the city would have been destroyed long ago.

According to Wen Shi, the number one engineer of the riprap camp, as long as the counterweight riprap was smashed continuously for several days, how could this small city of Xiangwu survive?

The key is to see how many Liangzhou cavalry can be wiped out.

"You are confident." Zhuge Liang did not deny Feng Yong's statement, "Tell me about your plan, why do you want to set up a new battalion?"

"Do you need to ask? Prime Minister, it's not like you haven't seen these days. The role of the riprap battalion and the engineering team is really great. Especially the riprap battalion, what's the credit for it? It's not too small, is it?"

"It's just that this second battalion can only be regarded as a temporary special establishment in the army, and it is not considered an official battalion in the army. Most of them are not in the army. If something happens to Longyou, it is reasonable to let them return rural."

"This catapult is a powerful weapon in the army, and it should be kept secret. If we really want to let them return to their hometown, I'm afraid there will be a leak of secrets."

Having said that, Feng Yong glanced at Zhuge Liang.

Sure enough, the big man's prime minister glanced over, faintly sharp, "Return home? Who said I want them to return home?"

"Prime Minister, even if they are not allowed to return to their hometowns, if they are not given a status and they have made meritorious service in the army, then the distribution of this credit will be unfair. After a long time, even if they don't say it, there will be doubts in their hearts." Thoughts, once people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team."

Even with a name like the riprap battalion that sounds closely related to the army, Wen Shi, the leading engineer in the battalion, did not hold a post in the army—he was an engineer of the engineering team, and he was considered a civilian.

And once the battle in Longyou is over, this Nanxiang faction, no, it should be called the Xinghanhui system now, must face the reality of how to integrate into the mainstream society of the Han Dynasty.

The Battle of Longguan and the Battle of Jieting were all based on the army of the Xinghan Society system as the main force, and their combat strength was astonishing when they first entered the battlefield.

There are also the outstanding performance of organizations such as the riprap camp, the engineering camp, and Dongfeng Express, and even the unique medical system and so on.

The various organizations with the Xinghanhui system as the core have shown enough energy, and it is impossible for the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty to allow this system to drift out of control.

Feng Yong is very sure of this - if it were him, he would try his best to put this system within a controllable range.

Give it a certain status, let it integrate into the mainstream of the Han Dynasty, and make the best use of it, this is the best way.

Feng Yong has no way to stop this trend.

Because the ultimate goal of everyone's efforts in this system is to improve their status.

Many of the rich and powerful children who called him elder brother were the second sons in their families, and some were even bastards. What did they call their elder brothers for? Isn't it to find a way out in the future?

Even if he is a legitimate son who joins the Xinghan Society, it is to make his family go further.

So Feng Yong knew that if he wanted to stop this trend, maybe apart from Guan Ji and A Mei, plus a fourth lady, there would be no one to support him.

Even if he is the leading brother, they may overthrow the position of the big brother if they are pushed too fast.

What's more, Feng Yong didn't think about stopping this trend.

Because only by integrating into the mainstream of the Han Dynasty can this system develop better and have a broader world.

The process of fighting for rights of the new group may be suppressed by some people, but Feng never cares about this.

After all, the future is bright, but the road is tortuous!

What Feng Yong cares about is that if the Xinghanhui system can be integrated into Dahan and accepted by the mainstream society, then the possibility of the new production relations hidden under the new system will be much reduced.

Pretending to be one of our own, quietly entering the village, not shooting.

Feng Yong's real goal is to wait for this new type of production relationship to gradually grow to the point where it can rival the production relationship represented by the aristocratic family.

Of course, if it can be so big that it can disintegrate the foundation of the family, it will be a complete victory.

What Feng Yong has to do during this period is to try his best to make the system run in the direction he wants without overturning.

For example, on the basis of the two base areas of Nanxiang and Yuejuan that have been established, open up a new channel for advancement in the army: establish an engineering battalion based on the Xinghanhui system, and incorporate it into the Dahan army formally. In preparation.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty naturally didn't know the sinister intentions of a certain soil turtle. In his opinion, Feng Yong was probably seeking benefits for his subordinates.

At the same time, he still felt a little reconciled: This kid is really stingy, and he is unwilling to give up the riprap camp and the engineering team!

It is not impossible to rob by force, but it will chill people's hearts.

Coupled with this kid's heart... This is a donkey at all, he can eat soft but not hard.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty gave a "tsk", feeling that it was meaningless.

"Engineering camp?"

"Yes, engineering battalion."

The engineering soldiers of the later generations are technical arms. The people I have on hand are technicians, right?

"Forget it." Zhuge nodded, "Then it's called the engineering battalion. This engineering battalion is the only one in your army now, but it's too small. You can think of a way later, and set up another battalion as soon as possible. Chinese Army."

Feng Yong rolled his eyes and agreed, "Okay! But it's not easy to set up this engineering battalion. It needs to be planned carefully, and I have to think carefully first."

Zhuge Liang naturally knew it was not easy.

I heard that there are standards for the method of riprap, even the size.

How to throw stones more accurately is also tricky.

Experienced soldiers may also be able to do this, but how many people can have experience with this new type of catapult?

Not to mention that the foreman in this engineering team is actually good at arithmetic.

Even how to build and how to manage, in the engineering team, they are all particular, which is much better than the government organizing civilians. These days, there is nowhere else for mud legs who are good at arithmetic except Nanxiang.

No one else can learn this even if they want to.

So the prime minister of the Han Dynasty can only order: "The sooner the better!"


Feng Yong got the result he wanted, walked out of the Chinese army camp contentedly, looked at the night that had already fallen, and almost couldn't help but want to laugh up to the sky.

Five years ago, he could only cautiously test the sensitive point of education rights, and held Nanxiang School, declaring to the outside world that it was the enlightenment of Qianshou and Hu Yi.

It wasn't until a year ago that the Xinghan Society finally opened a second school in Yuexiu. Although the purpose was not pure, it was the first step.

Once the battle in Longyou is over, there will definitely be a big change in the Han Dynasty, so he must take advantage of the opportunity to make arrangements for the direction of the Xinghanhui system before attacking Xiangwu.

With the support of the great Han prime minister, who am I afraid of?

A few days later, Zhuge Liang's central army moved to the northwest of Xiangwu City.

This abnormal behavior caught the attention of Hao Zhao and You Chu.

"Is this Shu captive going to cross the river?"

You Chu looked at the Han army on the other side of the Wei River, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, and said something.

On the contrary, Hao Zhao frowned at the noise of the Han soldiers and horses, and then relaxed, laughed, and said seemingly indifferently, "If he dares to cross the river, then it is exactly what I want!"

Seeing Hao Zhao's appearance, You Chu felt even more uneasy, and only heard him say loudly, "General Hao, this..."

Before he could say anything, Gongsun Zheng, who was standing next to You Chu, was taken aback. He gave him a desperate wink and kicked him violently at the same time, effectively killing You Chu's words.

"What? Prefect You have something to say?"

Hao Zhao looked over with contempt.

You Chu gritted his teeth, "This Shu captive is behaving abnormally, and I feel that the general should be more careful."

"No matter how abnormal he is, is it possible that he can cross the Wei River overnight?"

Hao Zhao was actually a little confused about the actions of the Han army, but he didn't want to give You Chu a good face, "Even if they can cross the Wei River and reach the city, it's just for them to see a certain method of defending the city."

You Chu ate a nail, his face darkened, and he stopped talking.

Everyone looked at the top of the city for a long time, only to see that the Shu army seemed to be only planning to camp there, and had no preparations for crossing the river at all, so they ordered the people below to pay attention to observation at all times, and they went down to the top of the city.

Back in the city, Gongsun Zheng persuaded You Chudao, "Zhong Yun is really too impulsive today."

You Chu's face was full of anxiety and a little bit of anger, "What I said to the Shu captives at the top of the city to surrender the city in a month's time was just an act of paralyzing the Shu captives due to the situation. It is also to appease the hearts of the people in the city."

"Now because of this, Hao Zhao suspects that I have the heart to pass through Shu, alas!" At the end, You Chu sighed, "At this time in previous years, it was the time of summer planting, and there was a lot of rain."

"But in Longxi this year, there has been no rain for almost two months. If this continues, the Wei River will stop flowing sooner or later. At that time, we can't defend according to danger, we can only defend the isolated city."

Speaking of this, the worry on You Chu's face became more and more serious, "Bo Yan, I think the Shu captives have changed a lot today, I'm afraid they have already discovered this, so they came here early, ready to cross the river at any time."

Gongsun Zheng was also helpless, "Zhong Yun can't win Hao Zhao's trust now, if you tell him that Xiangwu is difficult to defend at this time, I'm afraid it will make him even more suspicious of your surrender."

"Besides, the Wei River has not bottomed out at this time, and it is still enough to hold on. Zhong Yun had better be patient for a while, and it will not be too late to talk to him about it when the time comes."

Although You Chu was not reconciled, he could only say in the end, "Forget it, then I will wait a little longer."

While You Chu was discussing with Gongsun Zheng, on the other side of the city, Hao Zhao also said to the prefect of Jincheng who came with him, "In Xiangwu City, the officials are not trustworthy. When the Shu captives first arrived, the officials in the city were panicked. , There are quite a few people who want to take down the city."

"You Chu first promised the people in the city that if the Shu captives were in a hurry to attack the city and the city could not be defended, he was willing to sacrifice his head to help the people of Wu, and then he told the Shu captives at the top of the city to surrender in a month. It calmed down the hearts of the people in the city.”

"Now it seems that the Shu captives are determined to besiege the city. If they are besieged for a month, I am afraid that the city officials will feel uneasy, so we must pay more attention."

"General Hao thinks Xiangwu City is undefendable? Then why don't you evacuate early?"

"You also saw it a few days ago. The Shu captives have no way to attack the city. There are only 50,000 people. How difficult is it to capture this city? If they can use the defense to kill 10,000 to 20,000 people, the Shu captives will be greatly injured. .”

"If you can spend a little more energy from the Shu captives, you will be more confident in defending Liangzhou. Even if Xiangwu cannot be defended in the end, the Shu captives will not be able to catch up with us. What are you afraid of?"

Hao Zhao talked about his plan, and asked the prefect of Jincheng to guard the west gate himself, just in case.

Although the move of the Han army to the northwest of Xiangwu attracted the attention of You Chu and Hao Zhao, even You Chu thought he had guessed Zhuge Liang's follow-up move, but he did not expect that the situation would suddenly deteriorate overnight.

Before the sun rose the next day, the cook of Wei Jun who was guarding the south of the Wei River took advantage of the morning light and walked down to the river bank to fetch water from the river.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the place where I used to draw water, I suddenly found that the Wei River had stopped flowing.

There were only some small puddles left, and there was a "snap" in the mud from time to time, and some fish were churning, as if they were making their last struggle.

The cook stared blankly at everything in front of him, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief: Where is the water? There was so much water yesterday, and it disappeared overnight? What the hell is this morning?

"Stop the flow? How could the Wei River suddenly stop flowing?"

Hao Zhao, who heard the news, did not neglect at all, and led his people directly to the edge of the Weishui, only to see that there was only mud left in the Weishui.

You Chu came a step earlier than Hao Zhao, and he walked up to Hao Zhao with a solemn face, "General Hao, the Shu captive must have cut off the water upstream, so the Wei River stopped overnight."

How could Hao Zhao not have thought of this, and even thought of more, his face was extremely ugly, "No wonder the Shu captives drove the rangers vigorously a few days ago, so it was to cover their act of intercepting the river."

Hao Zhao, who was deceived by others, suddenly became a little annoyed. He looked at the Han army opposite and sneered, "Even if the Wei River stops flowing, can they come here?"

The Wei River valley here is wide and deep. Even if there is no water, it will take a lot of effort for the Han army to come over.

Thinking of this, Hao Zhao mobilized his soldiers to guard the south bank tightly, and as soon as the Shu captives made a move, they would shoot all arrows.

After waiting for a day, the Shu army on the opposite side did not move at all. Instead, they erected arrow towers on the bank, as if to guard the northwest.

This abnormal behavior made everyone in Xiangwu city even more puzzled: Isn't the reason why the Shu captives cut off the water just to reach the city?

According to common sense, this temporary water blockage will last for a day or two at most. If they don't hurry up and come over, what are they waiting for?

Just when everyone in Xiangwu was in doubt, the scouts from the west sent news that a large number of Han troops had gathered on the opposite bank at a gentle place 30 miles away from Xiangwu, and they seemed to be preparing to cross the river while the Wei River stopped flowing.

Hao Zhao didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly sent the prefect of Jincheng with 5,000 people, and the bald-haired Xianbei Jingqi to stop it.

In his mind, at most one more day, maybe even half a day, the Weishui River will have water again, and because of the blockage, if the Shu captives dare not retreat to the north in time, they will either be washed away by the water, or they will die forever. Stay on the South Shore.

He thought well, but on the third day, he came to the edge of the Wei River early, and saw that the soil inside had turned pale, cracked into huge tortoise shells, and seemed to have opened countless holes. small ditch.

Seeing all this in front of him, Hao Zhao lost all luck and his face finally turned pale: How did the Shu captives do it?

At this time, Xiangwu was facing a dilemma. If he went to support the prefect of Jincheng in front, the Shu captives who besieged the city on three sides would definitely take the opportunity to attack.

If you don't go to support, the prefect of Jincheng may not be able to stop the Shu captives-there are the elite Shu captives led by Zhuge Liang in front. Even Hao Zhao suffered a lot from the weird formation of the Han army.

Is it to return to Liangzhou directly while the Shu captives have not yet closed the siege, or to recall all the troops and stick to Xiangwu?

Hao Zhao was caught in a dilemma.

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