Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 639: Sixteen-Thread Operation Ability

You Chujiu served as the prefect of Longxi. He knew the situation in Longxi well and could see it more clearly than Hao Zhao.

"You really can't keep it?"

Hao Zhao asked hesitantly.

There are only more than 50,000 people on the opposite side, and he has 20,000 Xiliang Jingqi in his hand, and he has a city to rely on. He is extremely unwilling to retreat so easily.

Seeing that Hao Zhao still wanted to stick to Xiangwu, You Chu was in a hurry, "General, it has been four months since the Shu captives went to Long, and the soldiers in Guanzhong have not been seen yet, and Zhuge Liang led the army here again. I am afraid that the soldiers in the Central Plains It has been blocked in the east of Longshan Mountain, so it is impossible to come here."

"Now that there are no reinforcements outside, if the back road is cut off again, Xiangwu will become an isolated city, and the isolated city cannot be defended! Besides, Xiangwu is small and Longxi has not rained for a long time. It will cut itself off."

"There are so few people in Jieshi City, just drinking water is a problem. The Shu captives only need to besiege and not attack. The city is in chaos. How should the general defend it?"

When Hao Zhao heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Looking at the gray river mud again, he suddenly came to his senses, "You Taishou's kind words are like the sound of gold and jade."

Then he asked tentatively, "But now there are thieves on three sides of Xiangwu, if they abandon the city and leave, who will stop them?"

"A certain is the prefect of Longxi, who is responsible for defending the city. The general will go first, and this is the general who will cut off the rear. Although a certain is not talented, but he thinks that he can guard for a few days, so there is no problem."

You Chu said with emotion.

Although he knew that saying these words at such a time would arouse Hao Zhao's suspicion, but You Chu believed that he had a clear conscience, so he could do his last bit of effort for Wei.

Sure enough, Hao Zhao looked over suspiciously, but he didn't have a better way when the way back was about to be cut off.

Hao Zhao took a deep look at You Chu, "Prefect You's loyalty is really something I admire."

As he spoke, he gritted his teeth and saluted You Chu again, "The lives of the 20,000 soldiers in Liangzhou were all given to the Prefect You. If they can return to their hometown, they will all be saved by Prefect You. Well, thank you on behalf of them."

You Chu hurriedly helped Hao Zhao up, his voice was like a bell, "We are both serving the Great Wei, so how can we thank you or not? Time doesn't wait for us, General Hao should go back early and make preparations."

The retreat of more than 10,000 people, especially when there are still enemies ahead, is not just a matter of leaving.

When Hao Zhao returned to the city, he first ordered the soldiers to pack up their luggage, and set off only after having a full meal the next morning.

At the same time, You Chu also began to inspect various places in Xiangwu to prepare for the upcoming offensive and defensive battle.

Unexpectedly, at dawn the next day, Gongsun Zheng, who joined the army in Longyou, ran over to look for You Chu, "Zhongyun, I heard from the soldiers guarding the west gate that Liangzhou's horse army left the city before dawn and headed west. The agreed time was an hour earlier."

You Chu was startled, then nodded calmly, "Got it."

However, Gongsun Zheng said unhappily, "This Hao Zhaoming just doesn't believe us..."

"Well, Boyan, if he doesn't believe us, that's his business. When we leave is also his business. What we have to do now is how to defend the city. Now that the Liangzhou soldiers have left, the rest is just We can rely on ourselves."

After hearing this, Gongsun Zheng looked around and said in a low voice, "Zhong Yun really wants to defend Xiangwu to the death?"

"Since I promised to defend the city, how can I be someone who doesn't believe what I say?"

You Chu's voice was not loud, but he was extremely determined, "Furthermore, as the prefect of Longxi, it would be dereliction of duty for me not to guard the territory and keep the people safe. Is it possible that I will surrender without a fight?"

Speaking of this, he looked at Gongsun Zheng, "Bo Yan, I know what you are thinking. In fact, I also know that Xiangwu cannot be guarded for a long time, but there are always some things in the world, even if you know that you can't do it, you have to do it."

"In order to prevent the Shu captives from angering the people in the city after they broke the city, Boyan, I want to entrust you..."

Before You Chu could say anything, Gongsun Zheng interrupted him, "Don't even think about it! Zhong Yun, defending the city for three days is enough to do Hao Zhao a favor."

"If we hold the Shu prisoner outside the city for three days and he still can't escape, then it's not my fault. I was in Nanxiang, and I heard that Zhuge Liang ruled Shu, valued laws and regulations, and did many things to appease the people. "

"Zhong Yun, you insist on sticking to Xiangwu, but you are sticking to your duty. What's wrong with that? Zhuge Liang will definitely not take his anger on you because of this."

"Besides, the Han Dynasty claims to be orthodox in the world, and if they want to win the hearts of the people in Longyou, how can they massacre the city? Isn't this killing their own people?"

"So we just need to guard the city for three days. If the city is destroyed within three days, we will fight to the death and not surrender, and we will not waste the salary of the Wei State. If the city is still there after three days, then we can open the door and descend to Shu."

"It's enough to live up to the emperor's kindness, to be worthy of Hao Zhao in the middle, and to protect the people in the city!"

When You Chu heard the words, he remained silent.

Seeing You Chu's appearance, Gongsun Zheng knew that he still couldn't pass this hurdle in his heart, so he shouted loudly, "You Zhongyun, if you really want to be a loyal minister of Wei, I won't stop you."

"But before that, can you think about it for the people of Xiangwu? They trust you, entrust their wealth and life to you, and are willing to defend the city with you."

"If because of your mistake, you know that the isolated city cannot be defended and you forcefully defend it, thus angering the Shu captives, you will die easily, but have you ever thought how many people in Xiangwu will be affected?"

Gongsun Zheng's words made You Chufan wake up. Seeing that he was ashamed, he suddenly said, "Bo Yan is right, I am too selfish."

You Chu inside the city was defending the city in full force, while Hao Zhao outside the city was rushing west all the way.

As soon as he led his troops away from Xiangwu for 20 miles, he ran into an envoy sent by the prefect of Jincheng to respond.

It turned out that he had already sent people out of the city yesterday, and informed the prefect of Jincheng in advance to make preparations.

However, the messenger who responded also brought him a message: just after dawn, the Shu captives on the opposite side had already begun to attack.

Hao Zhao knew that this was because the Shu captives were anxious to trap themselves in Xiangwu.

He didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily urged his troops to join the prefect of Jincheng as soon as possible.

Ten miles ahead, the Chinese character flag was erected high, and the sound of humming ox horns resounded far and near.

The Wei army on the south bank has already lined up and is ready to fight.

Although the battle yesterday was a test, it still made Wei Jun feel the strength of the Han Army.

Now the Han army is still holding their shields in front, and their spears and halberds behind, pushing forward step by step across the south bank.

The bald Xianbei's fine cavalry has spread to the two wings, showing their superb riding and shooting skills.

"Raise the shield!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw arrow feathers flying over in the dark sky.


Crack! Crack! Crack!

Xianbei's ability to become the overlord of the grassland is naturally not for nothing. There are always tricky arrow feathers passing through the protection and hitting the Han army.

For a while, someone fell down screaming.

Zhuge Liang stood on the high platform with a calm face, and behind him stood Feng Yong and Jiang Wei.

As soon as the Han army set foot on the land on the south bank, the cavalry of the Wei army began to charge forward.

"The so-called Eight Formation Diagram is just an improvement on the basis of the Eight Formation."

Zhuge Liangliang opened his mouth, pointed to the front, and said, "It divides, rests, lives, hurts, Du, scene, dies, and frightens the eight gates. The most basic eight formations are equal forces on all sides. Wherever you go, you'll see the same lineup."

Feng Yong rubbed his chin, "So these eight gates are actually eight directions?"

Zhuge Liang glanced at him, and then continued, "On these eight gates, together with the heaven, earth, man, god and other phenomena, for example, the horse army, which moves like the wind, can be regarded as a god."

"It's also like this shield soldier, which is the image of the guard, and can be regarded as the ground..."

"In other words, these eight formations are actually different combinations of arms?"

Feng Yong suddenly said.

Jiang Wei glanced at Feng Yong invisibly.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty took a deep breath and tried not to look at Feng Yong, "The most basic eight formation diagram is the eight gates with all the elephants. Only by memorizing the basic formation first can we further change the formation according to the enemy's situation."

"Just like the thieves we face today are mainly horse troops, we need to equip more spears and halberds..."

Before the words fell, Wei Jun seemed to have rushed to the front of the formation.

The coach did not give an order, and the front-line soldiers began to stand and fight according to their usual training.

The smoke and dust rose, and the shouts sounded. Feng Yong couldn't see it very clearly, so he took out the binoculars silently, and the battle situation at the forefront was clearly reflected in his eyes.

I saw that the formation suddenly fluctuated like waves, and Wei Jun's menacing charge was like punching cotton.

Divide, surround, devour...

The Wei army who rushed into the formation immediately felt that there were enemy troops everywhere, and countless spears and halberds continued to stab from front, back, left, and right, and people turned their backs one after another.

"Ah!" Feng Yong exclaimed, "It's so powerful!"

If I could learn this trick, plus the Modao team and Zhongnu, how could I have fought so hard in Jieting?

Zhuge Liang couldn't help it anymore: This kid has never stopped talking since the beginning!

He turned his head and was about to reprimand him when he saw Feng Yong holding up a cylinder and didn't know what he was doing. He became even more angry at the moment, "The battle of life and death before the battle, what are you doing?"

The old man kindly taught you the military formation, what is your attitude?

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty suddenly lost his temper, which made Feng Yong tremble, "I am... watching the military situation..."

"How dare you quibble!"

"No, Prime Minister, this thing can observe the enemy's situation more clearly, if you don't believe me, try it!"

Seeing the prime minister's angry face, Feng Yong hastily passed the binoculars over.

Zhuge Liang saw that Feng Yong's expression did not seem to be fake, so he took it half-believingly, followed his example and put the binoculars in front of his eyes, only to see the scene in the distance was pulled in front of him at once.

His hands trembled in fright, and he quickly put down the binoculars, almost smashing the binoculars onto the high platform.

After calming down, the prime minister raised his binoculars again. This time he was mentally prepared and never lost his composure.

Not only did he not lose his composure, but he even lost his mind for a while: not only the fight in front of the battle could be clearly seen, but even the trees on the mountain farther away were extremely clear.

This discovery made Zhuge Liang feel as if he had discovered a new continent. Holding the telescope tightly in his hand, the first thought that flashed in his mind was: Where did this artifact come from?

The second thought is: This kind of artifact is simply born for the Eight Arrays!

With it, the Eight Array Diagram can be used more easily. Once the thief makes a move, he can detect it in time and make an effective response!

He suddenly issued a few military orders, and then the drums of the central army sounded, the flags of various orders waved, and the formation changed again.

This time, Wei Jun's second wave of assault failed to even set off a splash, and the group was wiped out directly.

The Han army has begun to slowly ascend the south bank.

At the same time, the handsome platform also moved.

When Hao Zhao arrived, what he saw was that the Han army had already established a firm foothold on the south bank, and the follow-up troops were continuously following.

Regardless of whether it's frontal or flanking, whether it's a sudden charge or a ranger's side throw, that weird formation is like a ball that is constantly spinning and rolling. Although it is slow, it is pressing towards the south unstoppably. .

Hao Zhao arrived in time, allowing Wei Jun on the south bank to finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But they soon discovered that the arrival of Hao Zhao did not make the situation better.

Hao Zhao took over the battlefield, but only slightly stopped the advance of the Han army.

No matter what kind of actions he makes, the other party can find out early and wait in a suitable place early.

This made Hao Zhao feel like his hands and feet were tied up, as if his feet were stuck in mud, and he couldn't run or walk fast, but there was always a force pulling him.

On this side, the big Han prime minister was already reluctant to put down the binoculars, and he gave orders much faster.

After the continuous military orders were conveyed, the Eight Formation Diagram seemed to have life, and it came alive all of a sudden.

The prime minister was no longer in the mood to explain the military formation to Feng Yong and Jiang Wei. Feng Yong had no choice but to prick up his ears and listen to the prime minister of the Han Dynasty issuing military orders in a flowing manner, while squinting his eyes to watch the eight formations constantly changing like a flowing cloud.

Although the eight formations generally only have eight positions, the configuration of troops in each position must be adjusted according to the actual situation.

Moreover, each position is a small formation at the same time, and the cooperation between the various positions also requires a timely response from the coach.

Coupled with the various changes in the formation, according to Feng Yong's estimation, if you want to play with this, at least you need to start with the operating ability of sixteen threads.

For a handicapped party like Feng Tubie, it is simply full of malice!

Brain: Oh, I know the principle.

Eyes: Oh, I can see the change.

Hand: MMP you come!

Basically it is such a state.

When Feng Tubie saw the thoughtful expression on Jiang Wei's face, he was even more envious and jealous in his heart.


After losing more than 3,000 people, Hao Zhao knew that the fight could not continue.

This was not because too many losses forced him to stop. After all, cavalry still had an advantage over infantry. Although the opponent's formation was very powerful, they could always find opportunities to kill Shu captives because they had to keep advancing.

So up to now, the losses of the two sides are actually not much different.

What he was worried about was that Xiangwu might lose at any time. If the Shu captives behind him caught up, the losses of his soldiers would only be greater, and the entire army might even be wiped out.

"General, the thousands of horse troops of the Shu captives have not moved. If we retreat like this, I am afraid that we will lose a lot."

The prefect of Jincheng said anxiously.

"No matter how big the loss is, it's not as big as annihilating the entire army!"

Hao Zhao gritted his teeth.

The first time I played against Zhuge Liang, I led 15,000 people against the opponent's 50,000 people. There is nothing to say about losing.

This time, I thought that the strength of the two sides was almost the same, and I was mostly cavalry, and the opponent was mostly infantry, so I should have the advantage.

If he could defeat the opponent, that would be the best, if not, at least he could force the opponent back to the North Shore.

Unexpectedly, the development of things exceeded my expectations.

Not only was the formation on the other side weird, but he could even see through his own thoughts, as if a pair of eyes were staring at him all the time, which made him shudder.

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